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Toy hoarding greyhound cures a young girl's anxiety

27 September 2022

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By Darren Cartwright

She’s the adorable greyhound who has helped three children overcome a fear of dogs and has a fascination for hoarding teddy bears, toys, and Ugg boots.

Lola, who raced as Heat Light and beat just one runner home in two starts, has also become a comfort companion for her daughter Violet, says proud mother of three Melanie Micale.

The Micales brought Lola home from the Greyhound Adoption Program (GAP) at Churchable last September after a friend raised the idea of rehoming a former racer.

Lola has helped Violet, 10, Blair, 12, and Eddie, 6, (L-R) overcome their fear of dogs.

“Many years ago, I saw a greyhound at the Eumundi markets, and I noticed how friendly they were, but it had never crossed my mind about getting one until a friend suggested it,” Ms Micale said.

“The children had an awful fear of dogs, to be honest, but they warmed to Lola straight away.

“She doesn’t bark, chew things. She was toilet trained and was obedient. It was like the dog was made to order.”

Oddly, Lola has become a silent thief.

Often, the Micale’s children, Eddie, 6, Violet, 10, and Blair, 12, will find their toys or clothing in her bedding, or one of the beds, where the four-year-old pooch tends to relax, Ms Micale said.

Lola doesn't chew or bark but she has a quirky habit of hoarding toys and Ugg boots among other items she pilfers when the Micales have their backs turned.

The quirky trait started within the first two months of arriving at their Kallangur home when, during a thunderstorm, Lola started stockpiling items. 

“I said from day one, the dog was not to sleep on the bed, and it has been on one of the beds ever since,” she said laughing.

“She doesn’t chew anything, she doesn’t rip anything up, she doesn’t’ bark but she loves visitors and teddy bears.

“The first time there were thunderstorms, she was a bit scared and she stole a teddy from two of the kid’s rooms and from Blair’s room, she took his Ugg boots.

“We often find she has stolen things.”

The thieving trait is just one of Lola’s endearing qualities.

Lola has become a calming influence in the household and especially for Violet.

Another is her ability to calm the children, especially Violet who at times can suffer from anxiety, Ms Micale said.

“She has absolutely cured the children’s fear of dogs and I would go as far as saying she has eased Violet’s anxiety. Lola will help her fall asleep.

“It’s the same with Eddie.

“Whoever is a bit restless that night, we just call Lola in, and she just cuddles up to them and they fall asleep. It has helped a lot with Violet’s anxiety.”

Eddie chillin' with Lola!

As for Melanie’s husband, Phillip, he did need a bit of convincing that rehoming a greyhound would be a good acquisition for the household.

“He said, ‘I just don't think we're greyhound people’ and I said, ‘they say you turn into your dog, so we're all hoping that we get really skinny’,” she said.

“We couldn’t be happier.”