Racing Queensland

Stewards Summary (16/Jul/2016 Bundaberg)

  Race No.     Horse Name     Comment     Venue     Date  
  Race  1          
Claim the Throne  When questioned - rider stated mount travelled well throughout although he was obliged to race in a line of three for some distance in the lead in the middle stages, which flattened his mount. He added he rode Claim the Throne along and it improved approaching the home turn however it failed to respond to his riding in the early stages of the straight and it found the line only fairly; a post-race veterinary examination did not reveal any significant
Wellington  12/03/2016 
Franky Cold Medina  Stood flat-footed at the start and was slow to begin.  Rockhampton  11/06/2016 
Halle Cat  Raced 3 wide throughout.  Thangool  16/04/2016 
I Got Trix  Jumped in the air at the start and was then tightened for room. Raced wide throughout.  Gatton  12/06/2016 
Watasham  had to steady away from heels near the 300 metres when SECOND HAND LION shifted out  Wondai  9/07/2016 
Worth the Time  Raced wide without cover throughout.  Rockhampton  23/06/2016 
  Race  2          
Abbey Dazzler  Improved onto heels when the pace slackened near the 800m and shifted wider on the track for a short distance.

Sunshine Coast  1/03/2015 
Cordiale  Change of tactics advised - to be ridden vigorously in early stages in attempt to lead.  Grafton  11/06/2016 
Gambit  Raced wide without cover for the majority of the event.  Warracknabeal  26/03/2016 
Mambo Miss  Tightened at the start between runners and lost ground.
Gympie  25/06/2016 
The Past  Hampered near the 1000 metres.

Gympie  25/06/2016 
  Race  3          
Glenthorn Avenue  raced wide throughout the event  Wondai  9/07/2016 
Jeb's Boy  Raced wide with cover.  Rockhampton  23/06/2016 
Midnight Curfew  At the 900 metres raced in restricted room to the inside of ISN'T HE A BEAUTY whilst over-racing, and continued to do so until near the 600 metres. Held up leaving the 400 metres and had to be shifted out to obtain clear running.  Rockhampton  23/06/2016 
Outback Lightning  Raced wide without cover throughout.  Rockhampton  23/06/2016 
  Race  4          
Bomber Miss  Kicked out after being placed in the barriers. The mare was examined by the Club's veterinary surgeon and cleared to take its place in the field. Buffeted between runners at the start.  Mackay  7/07/2016 
Chain the Gate  Slow to begin.  Rockhampton  23/06/2016 
Come By Often  At the start, hampered by another runner.  Thangool  16/04/2016 
Scratchy  slow to begin  Wondai  9/07/2016 
Simply Showtime  Difficult to load. Warning on barrier manners.  Rockhampton  10/06/2016 
  Race  5          
Billy Goat  Jumped in the air at the start.
Warra  2/07/2016 
Brady 'n' Me  Slow to begin.  Charleville  9/07/2016 
Gas Burner  Raced wide during early and middle stages of the event.

Gympie  25/06/2016 
Unique Fuse  Raced wide in the early stages of the event.

Gympie  25/06/2016 

-- End of Report --