Racing Queensland

Stewards Summary (08/Jun/2016 Doomben)

  Race No.     Horse Name     Comment     Venue     Date  
  Race  1          
Flinch (NZ)  Slow into stride. On return to scale apprentice L. Attard reported his saddle shifted to the outside at the 600m, placing him at a significant disadvantage for the remainder of the event.

Toowoomba  28/05/2016 
Kapstar  Hung out badly rounding the home turn and laid out under pressure in the early stages of the home straight.   Sunshine Coast  22/05/2016 
Mewstone Rock (NZ)  Significantly slow to begin. Shifted wider near the 600m to improve, inconveniencing another runner and racing wide from that point onwards.   Sunshine Coast  27/05/2016 
Mysterium  Inconvenienced near the 800m and forced wider on the track, and raced 3 wide from that point.   Doomben  1/06/2016 
Plan Red (NZ)  When questioned regarding her riding tactics, T. Harrison advised that two starts ago the horse raced in a forward position and last start again it was the intention to ride in that position, however the horse met with interference at the start and then again shortly after the start, which resulted in it settling further back than anticipated. Jockey Harrison further advised that today the intention was to ride in a position forward of midfield, however after being caught wide in the early stages she elected to ride forward and eventually obtained the lead near the 1000m.  Ipswich  25/05/2016 
The Perpetrator  Rider questioned regarding her vigour from near the 500m until approaching the 300m. She said she slapped the horse down the shoulder approaching that point and it became awkward and shifted out. She then balanced it again and was concerned that as it was having its first start, it may make the turn awkwardly and she was reluctant to apply full pressure at that point. Stewards advised Ms Lacy that in similar circumstances she would be expected to apply full vigour as the horse had become more tractable at that point, however given her limited experience, took no further action.  Sunshine Coast  15/05/2016 
  Race  2          
Barberance  Had to be steadied when tightened for room shortly after the start.  Gold Coast  21/05/2016 
Drummer's Choice  Brushed the running rail near the 1150m. Near 250m steadied when tightened for room by LEAP OF LEGEND which shifted in marginally.  Gold Coast  28/05/2016 
Fassler  Raced wide in the early and middle stages  Casino  27/05/2016 
High Wind  near the 200m was steadied to avoid the heels of El Novio (B Avdulla), which shifted out under riding  Royal Randwick  18/05/2016 
What's That  Slow to begin.  Gold Coast  28/05/2016 
Youwonit  Blundered on jumping.  Murwillumbah  3/05/2016 
  Race  3          
Brazen Moss  Raced three wide without cover throughout.  Ipswich  25/05/2016 
Electric Dee Jay (NZ)  Trainer B. Smith was fined $100 for presenting the horse without glue-on shoes, which was part of its approved gear. Apprentice S. Fawke was fined $100 for using his whip more than 5 times prior to the 100m.   Ipswich  18/05/2016 
Glendara  Bumped on straightening.  Doomben  14/05/2016 
Teronado  Rider reported that after being slow to begin his mount was reluctant to race and never travelled comfortably throughout.

Doomben  21/05/2016 
Va Va Veni  Lost its near fore and hind plates in running.

Ipswich  18/05/2016 
  Race  4          
Divine Service  Fractious in the barriers.  Gold Coast  28/05/2016 
I Am Boss  Hung out rounding the home turn. Lost the off fore plate in running.  Doomben  14/05/2016 
Red Bowers  Dipped on jumping away.  Ipswich  18/05/2016 
Rumeron  When Eleivue was fractious in the stalls, broke through the front gates, but was quickly restrained. Rumeron was examined by the Club's Veterinary Officer and passed fit to start. A post-race veterinary examination did not reveal any abnormalities.   Royal Randwick  18/05/2016 
Sammi Jain  Apprentice C. Dell lost the use of his offside rein inside the final 200m.  Doomben  14/05/2016 
Sony Legend  Raced wide without cover.  Doomben  28/05/2016 
Spirit of the Dawn  Over-raced during the middle stages. Held up passing the 200m. Over the concluding stages had to be eased from the heels of STATE OF WEALTH.  Gold Coast  28/05/2016 
Stormy Grey  Connections advised that from the wide barrier the gelding would be ridden in a forward position if circumstances permit. Began somewhat awkwardly and failed to muster early speed. Forced wider on the track by another runner shortly after obtaining a position one off the fence and as a result raced three wide without cover for the remainder of the event.  Toowoomba  7/05/2016 
  Race  5          
Fell From Heaven  Over-raced during the middle stages.  Gold Coast  28/05/2016 
Hashtag Noidea  Jockey T Treichel reported that he was obliged to stop riding his mount over the concluding stages when it was inclined to lay in and away from BRIGADOON LEGEND. Nonetheless Jockey Treichel was reminded of his obligations to ride his mounts right out to the finish.  Gold Coast  28/05/2016 
Lady de Retz  Laid out from the 600m. Raced 3 wide without cover.   Ipswich  18/05/2016 
Rich Reward  Slow to begin.  Gold Coast  13/02/2016 
Saint Hugo  Raced wide throughout.  Beaudesert  24/01/2016 
Sorority Sister  Slow to begin.  Gold Coast  28/05/2016 
  Race  6          
Baker Boy  Raced four wide without cover throughout.  Ipswich  25/05/2016 
Belflyer  Slow into stride.  Ipswich  13/05/2016 
Cruise Power  began awkwardly. Badly held up making the home turn, could not obtain clear running
until the concluding stages and as a result was not fully tested in the run to the finish. A post race
veterinary examination did not reveal any abnormalities 
Wyong  17/05/2016 
Huncha Duncha  Bumped at the start. Raced wide without cover.   Toowoomba  28/05/2016 
Igneous  Shifted in under pressure over the final stages of the race.  Doomben  6/01/2016 
Irish Constabulary  Apprentice S. Eilbeck reported that her mount overraced in the early and middle stages when leading.   Sunshine Coast  27/05/2016 
Johnhro  Began awkwardly. Apprentice L. Tarrant reported at scale he felt something was amiss with the gelding. A post race veterinary examination slightly sore in the off foreleg.

Doomben  23/12/2015 
Meet George Jetson  Raced wide without cover.  Sunshine Coast  27/05/2016 
One Inch Punch  When giving ground passing the 100m had to be steadied when tightened for room. Weakend in the straight after leading - rider stated he had to work hard in early stages of the race which was detrimental to the geldings performance. Post race vet failed to reveal any abnormalities.  Caulfield  6/02/2016 
Rile  Crowded at the start. Had some difficulty obtaining clear running and consequently was unable to be tested over the concluding stages, and approaching the 100m was steadied to avoid the heels of MOSS HARRY (D. Dell), which shifted in. Apprentice C. Dell was reprimanded.   Ipswich  18/05/2016 
Rustic Play  Began awkwardly and then was tightened for room at the start and lost ground.  Ipswich  25/05/2016 
  Race  7          
Aegean Sea  Laid in under pressure in the straight. J. Byrne was questioned regarding his riding of the filly in the early stages. He stated that, in consultation with Mr Conners, the trainer, he was instructed to settle off the lead in an attempt to run out a strong 1200m. He added that the filly was inclined to overrace, even with the tongue tie, and when he applied pressure approaching the home turn, failed to respond to his riding.  Doomben  28/05/2016 
Beau Rada  Shifted in under pressure over the concluding stages.  Flemington  7/05/2016 
Espiritu  A post race veterinary examination revealed the mare to be lame in the off foreleg.  Doomben  13/02/2016 
Furnaces  When questioned J McDonald could offer no explanation for the failure of his mount to
finish its race off. A post race veterinary examination did not reveal any abnormalities.
Scone  14/05/2016 
Glenbawn Dame  Raced wide without cover. Lost the off fore plate in running.  Doomben  30/04/2016 
Gojo Mimo  Rider could offer no explanation for the disappointing performance of the horse.

Doomben  13/02/2016 
Hardline (NZ)  Rider stated gelding never travelled well after suffering interference coming to first turn and was under pressure. Rider added gelding did not respond to his riding in the straight and as a result he did not persist in riding it out to the line. Trainer informed stewards the gelding had worked well leading up to today's event and could not offer any excuse for the disappointing performance. Trainer undertook to report back to stewards should anything be amiss with the gelding. A post race veterinary examination of the gelding failed to reveal any significant abnormality.   Doomben  17/10/2015 
Shamalia  Rider questioned regarding the performance, said that the mare did not appreciate racing in restricted room for some distance in the middle stages. He further stated that he was held up on the heels of Straight Gold for some distance passing the 200m and then thereafter when changing course to the inside of that runner had to steady when Private Secretary shifted out. Added that in the circumstances given that the mare had a chequered passage he considered the run to be better than it appeared on face value. A post race veterinary examination did not reveal any abnormalities.   Scone  16/05/2015 
Simply Ming  Forced wider near the 700m and raced wide without cover from that point. Apprentice S. Eilbeck reported that it had not been her intention to take up a forward position, however the horse being fresh today began well and settled comfortably without being pressured.  Sunshine Coast  15/05/2016 
Time to Plunder  Slow to begin. Lost the off hind plate in running.  Sunshine Coast  15/05/2016 
  Race  8          
Catenaccio  Slow to begin  Sunshine Coast  22/05/2016 
Everybody Happy  Hung out on the home turn. Raced 3 wide without cover.

Ipswich  18/05/2016 
Forbidden Kisses  Slow to begin. Passing the 500m improved onto heels, steadied.  Gold Coast  28/05/2016 
Little Miss Rocker  Leaving 900m steadied when placed in restricted room to the inside of GUNSMOKE, which shifted in after being bumped by MOTION GRANTED.  Gold Coast  21/05/2016 
Roxy Rhythm  Overraced in the early stages.  Gold Coast  21/05/2016 
War Baby  Began awkwardly and lost ground.  Ipswich  3/06/2016 
  Race  9          
Cocoa Bar  Blundered shortly after the start. Shifted in abruptly to avoid the heels of another runner approaching the winning post.  Ipswich  25/05/2016 
Collateral  Checked from heels passing the winning post on the first occasion. Held up in the early stages of the straight. Had to be checked away from heels near the 150m.   Doomben  2/04/2016 
Dominio (NZ)  Brushed the running rail shortly after the start and became unbalanced for a number of strides. Steadied from heels over the concluding stages.  Ipswich  25/05/2016 
I Am the Sculptor  to muster speed. Had to be steadied to avoid heels when shifting out to obtain clear running shortly after entering the home straight.  Ipswich  25/05/2016 
Kingtantes  Steadied from heels near the 800m.  Sunshine Coast  15/05/2016 
Kwanza  Bumped heavily by another runner approaching the winning post.  Ipswich  25/05/2016 
Legal Counsel  Held up for clear running rounding the home turn  Sunshine Coast  22/05/2016 
Martial Art  Tightened for room at the start.Stewards questioned jockey M. Cahill in relation to his riding from the 700m when it appeared he had opportunity to improve between horses.M Cahill agreed the horse was travelling well enough to improve at this point, however as TUMBLING AL had been inclined to hang out and he had similar concerns that DREAM SPEED may shift in, he was reluctant to improve into what he felt was only a tight run. He agreed that had he been able to obtain this position it would have resulted in him racing closer.  Sunshine Coast  14/02/2016 
Monster of Energy  Forced to steady to avoid heels on two occasions approaching the 100m.  Ipswich  25/05/2016 
Motion Granted  Bumped shortly after the start.  Gold Coast  21/05/2016 
Patronizing  Held up in the early stages of the home straight.  Ipswich  25/05/2016 
So You Drink  After becoming fractious in the tie-up stalls was examined by the veterinary surgeon prior to entering the enclosure and was passed fit to start.   Toowoomba  28/05/2016 
Triple Jeopardy  Momentarily held up at the 500m and shifted out to obtain clear running.  Toowoomba  21/05/2016 
Umgeni  Over-raced during the early and middle stages.  Gold Coast  28/05/2016 

-- End of Report --