Stewards Summary (Race Incident Comments)

08/10/2016 Doomben

Horse Comment Venue Date
Race 1
Excelebrazione Bucked shortly after start and took no competitive part in the race. Trial prior to next start. Doomben 01/10/2016
Who Am I Tightened for room near the 200m and lost ground. Toowoomba 24/09/2016
Race 2
Brazen Moss Slow to begin. Raced wide without cover from after leaving 1000m. Taken wider shortly after entering the straight. Near 250m checked when tightened for room between LAST SIGHTand CASH SPINNER. Eagle Farm 24/09/2016
Deconstructed Slow to begin (3L). Eagle Farm 24/09/2016
I'll Take the Jag Questioned re tactics - Jockey stated instructions were to obtain cover mid-field but in event there was no speed in early stages to settle closer to the speed. Able to take up a handy position in the early stages and when COURT’S STAR improved to his outside passing the 800m he was reluctant to shift out to improve at that point bearing in mind today’s impost of 60kgs. COURT’S STAR then failed to imrove any further into the race which resulted in him being badly held up rounding the home turn. Explanation noted. Gold Coast 01/10/2016
Fire Within Held up in the early stages of the straight. Eagle Farm 24/09/2016
Good Job Bro Began awkwardly. Ipswich 28/09/2016
Walk to the Bar Taken wider shortly after entering the straight. Eagle Farm 24/09/2016
Cash Spinner Taken wider shortly after entering the straight. Eagle Farm 24/09/2016
Silento Slow to begin. A post race veterinary examination failed to reveal any significant abnormalities. Eagle Farm 17/09/2016
Race 3
Nicconi Leggera Raced wide without cover throughout. Eagle Farm 24/09/2016
Manias Jumped awkwardly almost dislodging its rider. Eagle Farm 24/09/2016
Rumba Queen Jumped awkwardly. Eagle Farm 24/09/2016
Race 4
Transporter Jumped away awkwardly. Eagle Farm 17/09/2016
Bodega Negra Raced 3 wide without cover. Eagle Farm 17/09/2016
Abu Ben Adam Jockey J. Hoopert, rider of GLENTHORN AVENUE, pleaded guilty to a charge of careless riding in that he allowed his mount to shift in approaching the 800m to a point where there was insufficient room to the inside, resulting in jockey Bogenhuber having to take hold of that horse approaching the 800m. Jockey J. Hoopert was issued with a severe reprimand due to his exemplary race riding record with regard to careless riding. Sunshine Coast 02/10/2016
Race 5
Taillevent Raced 3 wide without cover. Eagle Farm 17/09/2016
Storm Fighter Slow into stride. Hampered slightly after the 200m. Doomben 13/07/2016
Nakanai Began awkwardly. Shortly after the start ran out and bumped another runner. Eased when tightened for room approaching the 1000m and approaching the 900m. Inclined to overrace in the middle stages. Lismore 22/09/2016
Sheiswhatsheis Vetted - no significant abnormalities. Doomben 20/02/2016
Abracadash Raced wide throughout. Jockey reported at scale the mare raced flat today and did not finish the race off as expected. Vetted - no abnormalities. Eagle Farm 20/08/2016
Daisy Duke When questioned, trainer D. Roberts explained that the mare failed to handle the track conditions at Eagle Farm at its previous start. Doomben 07/09/2016
Friendly Dragon Near the 150m had to be steadied away from heels. Eagle Farm 24/09/2016
Assertory Jockey R. Fradd was of the view that his mount was not entirely comfortable on today’s rain affected track. Doomben 14/09/2016
Mega D'oro When questioned regarding the improved performance, trainer S. Ryan advised that the gelding, which was having its first start following a spell, was suited by dropping back in class and distance in today’s event. Esk 10/09/2016
Race 6
Heza Bobby Dazzler When weakening approaching 300m was briefly tightened for room between runners. Raced wide without cover throughout. Vetted - no abnormalities. Eagle Farm 24/09/2016
Most Important Raced 3 wide without cover throughout. Eagle Farm 17/09/2016
In His Stride Connections advised that the improved performance today was mainly attributable to the significant drop in class of today's event. Ipswich 18/06/2016
Flying Charger Began awkwardly. Raced wide throughout. Gold Coast 07/05/2016
Stella Ombra Reared at the start and lost ground. Eagle Farm 17/09/2016
Soldi Domani Buffeted between runners passing the 200m. Unable to improve rounding the home turn when held up on heels Ballina 08/09/2016
Magic Love Raced 3 wide without cover throughout. Ipswich 28/09/2016
Race 7
Black Jag A post race veterinary examination revealed slight soreness to the near fore fetlock. Doomben 10/09/2016
Collaboration When questioned regarding the geldings apparent improved performance trainer Ms J. Hardy stated that the gelding was up 500m in distance today to a staying journey to which it is much better suited. Ms Hardy added that the gelding is a genuine stayer, with no sprint, and the fact its rider improved around the field at the 1400m, when the pace of the event was moderate, to lead the event was to its benefit as it allowed the gelding to make the race a staying test as opposed to it having to race behind sit and sprint tactics. Lismore 22/09/2016
Last Sight Slow to begin. Shifted in after being bumped near 250m. Eagle Farm 24/09/2016
Annaman Held up passing the 600m and again approaching the 400m. Doomben 01/10/2016
Race 8
Consorting Overraced in the early and middle stages. Eagle Farm 17/09/2016
Dram of Red Connections advised that the gelding would be ridden in a forward position with cover if circumstances permit. The horse settled in a three wide position midfield. A post-race veterinary examination revealed the gelding had bled from both nostrils. Trainer M. Dunn was advised that the gelding would be ineligible to start for 3 months, and prior to resuming racing must perform satisfactorily in a 1000m gallop in the presence of a steward. Doomben 14/05/2016
Gracida Fractious in the barriers. Raced wide throughout. Rider & trainer questioned as to the dissapointing performance. A post race veterinary examination revealed no significant abnormalities. Gold Coast 27/04/2016
Tactician J. Orman reported at scale that his mount raced flat today and did not finish the race off as expected. Doomben 07/09/2016
Powerful Saga Bumped approaching the first turn. Eagle Farm 24/09/2016
Nilette Knuckled on jumping away. Doomben 21/09/2016
Cool Sequence Raced wide without cover. Sunshine Coast 25/09/2016
Mr Wind Jumped awkwardly, bounded losing ground and then raced wide. When being steadied off heels near900m got head up and raced ungenerously for a short distance. Eagle Farm 24/09/2016
Zou der Zee Shifted out rounding the home turn to obtain clear running and bumped VIDA BLUE. Ipswich 19/08/2016
Matildare Began awkwardly, making heavy contact with another runner. Toowoomba 16/07/2016
Tin's Pocket Shifted out under pressure over the concluding stages. Gold Coast 24/09/2016
Race 9
Boris Badenov Jumped awkwardly. Eagle Farm 24/09/2016
Friendly Dragon Near the 150m had to be steadied away from heels. Eagle Farm 24/09/2016
Anecdote Began awkwardly and lost ground. Rounding the home turn held up and forced to steady to avoid heels. Ipswich 28/09/2016
Pythagorean Bumped at the start. Raced wide throughout without cover. Sunshine Coast 18/09/2016
Brotherly Secret Overraced in the middle stages when racing 3 wide without cover. Eagle Farm 17/09/2016
Emphasis Jumped away awkwardly and lost ground. Doomben 14/09/2016
Most Important Raced 3 wide without cover throughout. Eagle Farm 17/09/2016
Fleur D'orage Jumped away awkwardly. Doomben 21/09/2016