Stewards Summary (Race Incident Comments)

21/06/2017 Gold Coast

Horse Comment Venue Date
Race 1
Dragons Esprit Began awkwardly and shifted in bumping another runner. Gold Coast 03/06/2017
Glycine Max Missed the start. Coffs Harbour 03/06/2017
Sweet Red Wine After being caught wide early stages was allowed to stride forward to obtain a position outside the leader passing the 1400m and then commenced to overrace for a considerable distance after assuming this position. Ipswich 19/04/2017
Whoosh Bumped over the concluding stages. A swab sample was taken. Gold Coast 27/05/2017
Faberge Lass Held up from approaching the 500m until leaving the 400m. Sunshine Coast 02/06/2017
On a High Laid in under pressure from passing the 400m, causing its rider to stop riding and straighten on a number of occasions, also resulting in the rider losing the use of his nearside rein after passing the 100m. Sunshine Coast 02/06/2017
Race 2
Cool Mover Jumped away awkwardly and then shifted in bumping another runner. Near 500m steadied away from heels. Raced wide without cover throughout. Doomben 03/06/2017
Go Daisy Began awkwardly and shifted out abruptly. Near the 800m shifted in and away from VALDEANIE. Gold Coast 10/06/2017
Golden Sheaf Began awkwardly and made contact with another runner. Stewards questioned J. Lloyd regarding his riding from the 400m until approaching the 150m where it appeared he may have had opportunity to shift to the outside of BOGEY MAN to improve into the race. Refer Stewards Report. Explanation accepted. Sunshine Coast 04/06/2017
Deep Lead Shifted in shortly after the start and bumped PLAY THING. Gold Coast 10/06/2017
Weekend Saga Slow to begin and failed to muster speed despite the efforts of rider. Rider questioned re performance - stated filly somewhat fractious in barriers and as a result was slow to begin. Further stated pre-race intentions were to obtain a forward position however, despite his urgings filly failed to muster any speed and raced at rear of the field. Added in his opinion filly may have resented racing in this position and further added filly found line fairly and would take benefit from today's event. Gold Coast 10/06/2017
She Salutes Overraced and raced greenly in the early stages. Bumped with another runner on a number of occasions near the 700m, resulting in that runner having to be steadied. J. Orman was reprimanded. Raced wide from the 700m. Sunshine Coast 26/02/2017
Fusspot Slow to begin. Gold Coast 10/06/2017
Race 3
Hacksaw Ridge Inconvenienced near the 300m behind the weakening KEGSY. Gold Coast 10/06/2017
Never in Doubt Hampered on jumping away. Overraced in the early stages. Doomben 18/01/2017
Oneness Jockey questioned regarding his riding of the gelding. See stewards Race Day Summary. Gold Coast 03/06/2017
Supernormal Raced three wide without cover. Placed in restricted room when racing greenly after passing the 600m and had to be steadied. Sunshine Coast 28/05/2017
Travers Jumped away awkwardly. Stewards questioned G. Colless regarding the horse’s performance. He indicated that after beginning awkwardly the horse settled in the second half of the field, travelled well and when asked to shift wider on the track to improve, raced greenly and became awkward in its action, commenced to hang out, which had been a trait of the horse when trained in New South Wales. He said that the horse ran on fairly in the home straight. Sunshine Coast 04/06/2017
Porcini Raced 3 wide without cover. Sunshine Coast 30/04/2017
Race 4
Care to Think Overraced in the middle stages. Grafton 29/05/2017
Techno Savvy Raced three wide without cover. Sunshine Coast 28/05/2017
True Stepper Unable to improve rounding home turn & at entrance to straight when held up on heels. When qtd re the apparent improved perf trnr std the gelding is well into its prep & race fit. Added gelding enjoyed run of the race behind a genuine tempo which enable it to finish off the race strongly. Casino 26/05/2017
Meghapushpa Slow to begin. Sunshine Coast 14/06/2017
Fabvier Slow to begin. Ipswich 31/05/2017
Race 5
Hydrazine During the middle stages was inclined to pull. Murwillumbah 04/06/2017
Powerful Saga A post race veterinary examination revealed the gelding to have sustained a laceration to its off hind leg consistent with being galloped on Gold Coast 07/06/2017
Tycoon Ace Steadied from heels near the 900m. Dalby 13/12/2016
Race 6
Cosgrove Rider afforded opportunity to comment re performance - explained the colt began only fairly and therefore elected to race towards the rear of the field to obtain cover. Added when pace of the race steadied from 1000m to 600m the colt commenced to overrace and in his opinion was not comfortable in today’s track conditions. Further added that the colt failed to sprint when placed under pressure and found the line fairly and also added it may be better suited over further distances. Gold Coast 10/06/2017
Bigmordrive Slow to begin. Tightened for room onto the hind quarters of TESSASTOCK approaching the 500m and had to be checked. Sunshine Coast 28/05/2017
Congelator Checked near the 1400m. Raced wide throughout. Doomben 10/06/2017
Major Consul When asked to comment on the performance, L. Tarrant stated that after racing comfortably just behind the lead it travelled well to the home turn, however when asked to respond at the top of the straight was reluctant to stretch out and was disappointing. He felt the horse may not have been comfortable in the rain effected conditions. Sunshine Coast 14/06/2017
Fashion Saga Vetted - bled from the off side nostril during the event - 1000m gallop. Gold Coast 17/05/2017
Gypsy Wild Laid in under pressure for the majority of the home straight. Gold Coast 10/06/2017
Race 7
Academy Hill Unsuccessfully protested against winner. Between the 300m and 100m shifted out under strong riding with declared winner, during which approximately half a horse of room remained between them. At the 100m made minor contact. Shifted out under pressure over the final 100m. Casino 26/05/2017
Sky Heart Slow to begin. Ipswich 20/04/2016
Majella Magic Bumped near the 1000m Gold Coast 07/06/2017
Says Me Had some difficulty obtaining clear running in the home straight. Ipswich 31/05/2017
Sweet Adaline Crowded on jumping. Bumped with another on two occasions passing the 400m. Canterbury Park 10/05/2017
Tycoon Tyke Tightened for room and lost ground at the start. Sunshine Coast 04/06/2017
Fabvier Slow to begin. Ipswich 31/05/2017
Perran Beach Steadied from heels near 1200m. Ballina 08/09/2016
Turkana Overraced in the early and middle stages. Held up for the majority of the home straight whilst inclined to hang in. Sunshine Coast 11/06/2017
Race 8
Liberty Island Tightened for room between runners a short distance after start and had to be steadied. Near 1200m raced keenly with head in the air for a short distance. Ipswich 31/05/2017
Precipitate J. Lloyd reported that in his opinion the horse resented racing in the tongue tie today and had advised connections that in his opinion they should consider removing this piece of gear for the next start. Sunshine Coast 28/05/2017
Lyricist Laid out under pressure in the home straight Gold Coast 07/06/2017
Who's Your Daddy Stood flatfooted as the start was effected Gold Coast 07/06/2017
Benfica Princess Slow to begin Gold Coast 07/06/2017