Stewards Summary (Race Incident Comments)

11/11/2016 Ipswich

Horse Comment Venue Date
Race 1
Issy Command Bumped on jumping and near the 900m. At the entrance to the straight shifted out and bumped another runner before shifting back in onto heels and steadied. Ballina 31/10/2016
Got News for You Had to be checked and lost ground near the 550m. Toowoomba 29/10/2016
Royal Hootenanny Began awkwardly. It was reported that the mare was suffering from the thumps post-race. Gold Coast 22/10/2016
Jeptoo Slow to begin. Over-raced during the early stages. Raced wide throughout. Gold Coast 29/10/2016
Jeraly Stewards questioned App J Worley over tactics adopted in the race. App Worley stated after being bumped at the start JERALY was caught wide and when attempting to restrain the gelding to a position back in the field over-raced for some distance. She added that as a result of being caught wide from the 700 metres she allowed JERALY to stride forward 4 wide, and the gelding weakened over the concluding stages as a result. Stewards noted the explanation Beaudesert 29/10/2016
Race 2
Hidonal Laid out under pressure in the home straight. Toowoomba 11/06/2016
Twilight Maneuver Shifted out abruptly approaching the 100m, causing interference. Connections were advised that a warning would be placed on the horse regarding its racing manners as in addition to this incident the horse raced greenly throughout the event. Sunshine Coast 30/10/2016
Still Waiting Near the 600m shifted in and bumped BUSH BELLA. Raced wide throughout Gold Coast 15/10/2016
Current Figures As jockey G. Geran was to be overweight, N. Thomas was substituted as the rider of the horse. Jockey Geran was fined $100. Toowoomba 22/10/2016
Princess Sidereus jumped out at the start and made heavy contact with another runner. Shifted in near 1000 metres and momentarily tightened another runner Kilcoy 18/06/2016
Kaizari Over-raced during the early and middle stages. Gold Coast 29/10/2016
Good Gracious Mae Fractious in the barriers. Hung out approaching and rounding the home turn. Gold Coast 29/10/2016
Race 3
Bo Rossa Bounded on jumping and bumped another runner shortly after. Ballina 31/10/2016
Brumby Jack Slow into stride. Doomben 26/10/2016
Deep Chartreuse Bumped and carried out at the entrance to the straight. Grafton 25/10/2016
Race 4
Great Eagle Hampered at the start. Doomben 26/10/2016
Occhilupo Raced wide throughout. When questioned as to the horse's below market expectation performance, jockey B. Stewart advised that he was forced to race wide throughout the event, however despite this he expected, when he placed the colt under pressure, it would respond to his riding better than it did today. Trainer B. Currie agreed with jockey Stewart's assessment and undertook to advise stewards if anything becomes apparent in the days following the event which may have had an effect on the performance. Ipswich 14/10/2016
Fethard Was slightly hampered when racing in restricted room rounding the home turn. Ipswich 21/10/2016
Guadalupe Slow to begin. Hung in near the 300m, having to be steadied away from the heels of another runner. Ipswich 07/10/2016
Kingfisher Bay in the presence of jockey advocate Mr G Smith, App M Savva was reminded of her obligations to ride her mounts out fully to the line. Stewards noted this was App Savva’s first race ride in 5 months after returning from injury Beaudesert 29/10/2016
Baccara Became unbalanced near the 1300m, shifted out and as a result lost ground. Raced wide without cover. Sunshine Coast 23/10/2016
Race 5
Madiba Began awkwardly and was tightened for room shortly after the start, and as a result raced in a rearward position. Ipswich 21/10/2016
Blue Star Raced wide throughout. On returning to scale apprentice L. Tilley could offer no tangible explanation for his mount’s poor performance. Stewards will follow up with trainer N. Hilton regarding the horse’s post-race recovery. Toowoomba 21/05/2016
Ralph the Dragon bumped at the start by another runner Beaudesert 29/10/2016
Race 6
Backslapper Rider reported in his opinion the gelding would be better suited racing with cover, which would enable it to finish the race off better than it had today. Eagle Farm 01/11/2016
Zou der Zee Slow to begin. Ipswich 27/10/2016
Akacheta Lee Raced wide for the majority of the event. Had to be steadied approaching the winning post when tightened for room between runners. Ipswich 15/04/2016
Valknut Hung out and raced greenly for the majority of the race. Ipswich 21/10/2016