Stewards Summary (Race Incident Comments)

18/11/2018 Sunshine Coast

Horse Comment Venue Date
Race 1
Bimini Road – Reared as the start was effected and lost ground. Lost its near hind plate in running. Sunshine Coast 26/10/2018
Jayaqua Got head up and overraced in the early and middle stages. Doomben 06/11/2018
She's a Mitzy Laid in under pressure in the home straight. Sunshine Coast 06/11/2018
Beyondtheuniverse Near 150m bumped by IN HER ZONE. Gold Coast 07/07/2018
Race 2
Rationale Began awkwardly. Hung in under pressure over the final 200m. Doomben 06/11/2018
Buxton Laid in under pressure in the home straight. Sunshine Coast 06/11/2018
Holbrook Slow into stride. Doomben 06/11/2018
Speaking Better Raced wide in the early stages. Sunshine Coast 26/10/2018
Race 3
Angels Of Fenway Commenced to overrace after passing the 800m, and then hung out and made the home turn extremely wide. A post-race veterinary examination of the colt revealed no apparent abnormalities. Trainer K. Geran was advised that the colt will be required to trial to the satisfaction of Stewards prior to its next race start. Ipswich 24/10/2018
Clairvue Spirit Steadied to avoid heels near the 900m and then overraced until approaching the 600m. Doomben 27/06/2018
Hard Yaga Hampered on jumping away. Was disappointed for a run near the 300m and jockey L. Tarrant was obliged to stop riding and shift out in an attempt to secure clear running. Then laid in whilst improving onto heels approaching the 200m and blundered badly. Sunshine Coast 04/11/2018
Hinano Raced three wide without cover. Sunshine Coast 14/07/2018
Speedgun Bumped VIRAL leaving the 500m. Leaving the 400m was buffeted between runners when placed in restricted room between VIRAL and PARKO, which shifted out to improve. Jockey R. Stewart (PARKO) was reprimanded for shifting out when insufficiently clear. Near the 250m was bumped by MISHANI RULER, which shifted in. Gold Coast 23/05/2018
Race 4
Bub's Gold Had to steady away from heels near the 1000m and then shortly after shifted in abruptly. Ipswich 11/04/2018
Churning Hung out rounding H/T. When qst re perf, rdr std filly raced well throughout the early & middle stages & was confident of his mount's chance in running. Added passing 500m, when he asked mount to imp, the filly commenced to race greenly, shifted ground & was disapp in its failure to finish its race off. Post race vet exam no abs. Trainer std had pleased the stable leading into race, however as this was the filly’s third run in its first prep, it was the stable's intention for the filly to be spelled. Canterbury Park 08/08/2018
Loves Woger Wing Jumped away awkwardly and made contact with another runner. Sunshine Coast 04/11/2018
Mahussey Checked near the 300m when crowded for room between ADDOCARR (J. Byrne) and PURE PULSE (N. Tomizawa) when PURE PULSE shifted away from the rail in an endeavour to improve. Toowoomba 13/06/2018
Merringly Vetted prior to start after becoming fractious in enclosure and cleared to start. Slow to begin. Vetted post race - no abnormalities. Gold Coast 22/09/2018
Race 5
Pride of Destiny Improved onto heels after passing the 700m and shifted wider on the track, inconveniencing another runner. Sunshine Coast 04/11/2018
Trevello Began awkwardly. Raced greenly in the middle stages. Sunshine Coast 28/10/2018
The Administrator Began awkwardly and lost ground. Commenced to overrace passing the 1100m and had to be restrained from heels. Ipswich 27/07/2018
Viral Leaving the 500m was bumped by SPEEDGUN, which shifted out to improve. Upon straightening was again bumped by SPEEDGUN and became unbalanced for a short distance. Gold Coast 23/05/2018
Valario Bumped by another runner on jumping away. Placed in restricted room approaching the 400m and when restrained shifted out, having to be checked from heels. Sunshine Coast 05/08/2018
Uppembak Bumped by another runner on jumping. Sunshine Coast 06/11/2018
Flip de Gloire When being restrained to obtain cover, overraced in the early stages and became awkward at heels near the 1100m. Sunshine Coast 06/11/2018
Race 6
Iron Dome Slow to begin. Qtnd performance, S Galloway reported instructed to ride colt at rear of field from todays wide barrier. Jockey Galloway added passing 600m reluctant to shift extremely wide on track to improve and elected to trail DAZZLING GREY into race. When failed to quicken as expected, held up rounding home turn and then obliged to shift out upon straightening. Jockey Galloway further added the colt which was having its first start today was inclined to race greenly in home straight but nonetheless finished race off well and in his opinion would appreciate a step-up in distance. Gold Coast 16/09/2017
Too Hard to Rattle Raced 3 wide without cover throughout. Ipswich 02/11/2018
Our Red Jet Hampered on jumping. Ipswich 08/11/2018
Heavenly Archer Connections advised that, from the awkward alley today, it is the intention for the gelding to be ridden in the second half of the field if circumstances permit. The horse was ridden accordingly. Ipswich 02/11/2018
Gypsy's Tip Lost its near fore plate in running. Sunshine Coast 04/11/2018
Hekansplit Shifted in passing the 200m brushing ADOCARR (B. Stewart), and then shifted out making heavy contact with the hindquarters of BOOMTOWN LASS (R. Wiggins) and, as a result, had to be severely checked. At a subsequent inquiry, Stewards were of the opinion that HEKANSPLIT (T. Harrison) contributed to the interference, and as a result no direct action was taken. Ipswich 02/11/2018
Iampaidfor Bumped on jumping. Lismore 18/06/2018
Pumpkin Diamond Lost its near hind plate in running, and rider apprentice N. Fazackerley reported his mount was field shy throughout the event. Sunshine Coast 04/11/2018
Too Hard To Call Slow to begin. Was heavily bumped by another runner near the 300m and forced wider on the track, losing ground. Sunshine Coast 26/10/2018
Showscay Jumped away awkwardly and made contact with another runner. Sunshine Coast 28/10/2018
Race 7
Happy Go Plucky Near the 800m struck the running rail and became unbalanced. Doomben 03/11/2018
Charles the Third Slow to begin. Toowoomba 31/10/2018
She Goes Pop Laid out rounding the home turn. Gold Coast 06/11/2018
Travistee Slow to begin. Steadied from heels near the 1200m. Commenced to hang out from approaching the 600m and then shifted wider under pressure in the home straight, inconveniencing another runner near the 300m. Stewards interviewed jockey R. Mangan regarding her riding of this horse, in particular concerns over her actions when the horse commenced to hang out in the home straight. Jockey Mangan indicated she had not been aware that the horse shifted wider as it was under pressure until viewing the stewards footage. For this reason she had continued to pull the whip in the right hand. After consid Sunshine Coast 28/10/2018
First Stimulus Slow to begin. When attempting to improve around ARAZONA rounding the home turn, initiated heavy contact with MISS SEVERINA and was then disappointed for a run and had to be checked from the heels of ARAZONA. Jockey M. Hellyer, rider of FIRST STIMULUS, was reprimanded for attempting to improve into a position where there was insufficient room. Sunshine Coast 04/11/2018
Shockfactor Rider reported that the horse, which tailed off, did not travel comfortably at any stage of the event due to the rain affected conditions. A post race veterinary examination failed to reveal any abnormality. Sunshine Coast 21/10/2018
Walk to the Bar Overraced in the early stages. Sunshine Coast 28/10/2018
Roman Doll Slow into stride. Held up in early stages of the home straight. Near the 200m was checked when disappointed for a run. Doomben 03/11/2018
Skytastic Slow to begin. Ipswich 08/11/2018
Lucky Captain Near the 1000m when pace of the race steadied noticeably rider elected to shift three wide to improve his position to race outside the leading pair. Doomben 03/11/2018
Race 8
Star Silk Jumped away awkwardly and lost ground. Overraced from approaching the 900m when the pace was only steady. Had difficulty securing clear running in the early stages of the home straight and made contact with another runner. Sunshine Coast 04/11/2018
The Perpetrator Held up for clear running shortly after entering the home straight and improved onto the heels of a weakening runner near the 300m and as a result clipped heels and had to be checked. Sunshine Coast 28/10/2018
Treasure Gallery Slow to begin Sunshine Coast 04/11/2018
Flamin' Mogul When being restrained in the early stages became awkward and raced with its head in the air. Then continued to overrace after passing the 1200m and was then permitted to stride forward to assume the lead passing the 800m. Sunshine Coast 26/10/2018
Hidden Gold Slow to begin. Doomben 20/10/2018
Rothabye It was established that as the start was effected ROTHABYE lunged forward and forced its barrier to open marginally prior to the other barriers and as a result the horse shifted backwards quickly and lost significant ground. Stewards were not satisfied that the horse had gained an advantage, nor could they be satisfied that the horse was not afforded a fair start other than for its own actions and therefore declared the horse a runner Sunshine Coast 28/10/2018
Was It Worth It Held up approaching the home turn and again momentarily near the 400m. Gold Coast 03/10/2018
Savvy Rock Slow to begin and tightened between runners on jumping away, having to be steadied. Trainer S. O’Dea’s stable representative indicated that in hindsight the horse may not have appreciated racing in a cross-over nose band last start and again in today’s event. He said that at its last start the horse did not show its customary early speed and was slowly away again in today’s event. He indicated that in light of today’s performance, the horse would likely be sent for a spell. Stewards advised him that the horse will be required to trial prior to its next start. A post-race veterinary examination Sunshine Coast 17/06/2018
Iron Craft Began awkwardly. Gold Coast 06/11/2018
Spanks Approaching the 200m was disappointed for a narrow run to the inside of SEND US A SIGN and had to then shift out around its heels to improve. A post-race veterinary examination revealed lacerations to the outside of its off hind hock which was treated by the veterinary surgeon. Gold Coast 10/11/2018