By Racing Queensland Education Dept.
The Education Team would like to extend a warm welcome to our new and existing students, as well as their employers to the 2019 school year.
Mandatory apprentice school will be held once a month, along with an additional day dedicated to Race Reviews and Mechanical Horse work, which we strongly encourage and recommend students attend.
Outside of these dates, our Educators are more than willing to assist students with their studies and remind them to reach out should they need the extra support.

NARS 2019
The NARS (National Apprentice Race Series) is almost upon us again, dates for these races are:
- Tasmania - Saturday 9th March
- Western Australia – Wednesday 13th March
- Queensland – Wednesday 20th March
- South Australia – Wednesday 27th March
- Victoria – Wednesday 3rd April
Each State has endeavored to improve the NARS this year for those apprentices privileged enough to represent their State.
Queensland’s criteria for selection at these races consists of:
- Race riding record
- Academic progress & apprentice school attendance
- Professional & personal presentation
- Disciplinary record
Masters of selected apprentices will receive a letter in the mail shortly for acceptance.
As always, apprentices are reminded of the high level of professional conduct that they are expected to display whilst representing our State.