The annual Easter Boulia TC Cup non-Tab race meeting on Saturday 20 April 2019 has been rescheduled to be conducted by the Mount Isa RC.
Following the recent north west Queensland flooding, the Boulia TC is not in a position to conduct the meeting which features a heat of the 2019 Outback Racing Showcase Series.
Due to the rescheduling to Mount Isa, there are minor changes to distances/prizemoney for the rescheduled Mount Isa race meeting. The new program is:
MOUNT ISA RC (non-Tab) – Saturday 20 April 2019
Outback Racing Showcase Heat Open Plate (sw) 1450m $12,000
QTIS Benchmark 55 Hcp 1000m $7,450 plus QTIS
Class 3 Plate (sw) 1200m $7,450
Class B Hcp 1200m $7,450
Maiden Plate (2yo & up sw) 1000m $7,450
Nominations for the rescheduled Mount Isa meeting close at 11.00am on Monday 15 April 2019. (NB Early closing deadlines)