Weise, partner Ceara Rice and family members who own the dog couldn’t have asked for a more honest chaser to follow, with plenty of thrills along the way.
“He’s a dream dog to own, he’s been durable and every time you put him out there, he just loves to run and chase,” he said.
“Early on in his career we had him over the 400 and I didn’t think he’d make it past 450, and here we are today in a Group 2 600-metre race and I consider him a good each way shot from where he is.
“He’s got his Wentworth Park wins in August and November which really stand out, it was his third 500 in about a week when he drew box one last month, but we really thought it was his chance to win and to hold off a really good dog like Medio Paso and win at Wenty for a second time is what you race for.”
The dog has been with a number of different trainers, but Weise is confident that he’s figured him out, and there’s plenty to like about him.
“He’s an interesting dog to train, he’s usually pretty content after he gets his free gallop during the week, but if he hasn’t had it, he lets you know about it,” Weise said.
“With his racing pattern it’s pretty essential, he’s a mad chaser; his first 600 at Dapto he had no experience, hadn’t even trialled and to run a strong second there convinced us to come to Brisbane.
“We thought he might be a bit flat after the run, but next day he was back bouncing around looking forward to next week - he’s a ripper.”
Weise still considers himself a hobby trainer, and like so many others it all started with a good first impression.
“I started off training in Brisbane and got my first dog off Scott Buckland in Greystone Boy, he was the perfect first dog,” he said.
“He was no superstar but won his fair share of races and really got me interested in the industry going forward having a positive experience first up.
“After he retired I kept going but was mostly picking up giveaways and never really purchased a dog, but the more you hang around the industry the more you come involved and when the opportunity came to go and live in Sydney with my girlfriend, I jumped at it.
“We wanted to get involved in a syndicate and found some good partners to team up with while maintaining majority ownership and that’s how we ended up with Crazy Old Goat after I got in touch with Dave Burnett who had him.”