Surat Diggers Race Club Treasurer Karen Thom said Christine has been the backbone of the small country club.
“Christine has been a financial member, committee member, organizer, major sponsor and is now our volunteering sponsorship co-ordinator,” Karen said.
“Chris works in a thorough and professional manner completing grant applications to help our little club have a successful once-a-year race meeting.
“She helps at all working bees, attends all meetings and assists with the committee members.
“She was successful in achieving three grants for our 2024 race meet, a huge effort for our small community and committee.
“She will often sneak around trying to assist, and her dedication to our club does not go unnoticed.”
Christine laughs when she hears that description of her efforts.
But in her typical humble fashion, she does not want a fuss made out of her contribution to the club.
“It probably just means going and getting stuff done that needs to get done without making a deal of it,” Christine said.
“Particularly when you’ve got new committee members coming in and they’re still learning what needs to happen and how things go.
“People have full-time jobs and sometimes it’s just easier to go and oil the breezeway between the jockey’s rooms.”