Queensland Racing Integrity Commission

Race Meeting Stewards’ Report


Bundaberg Greyhounds

Monday 31 July 2023


Track: Good

Weather: Fine


Stewards Panel:

·       R Doss (Chair),

·       S Larkins,

·       J Randall


Officials: Dr A Thomas (Vet), T Pirie (Judge), M Stocker & C.Budgen training (Starter), A Challen (Samples), D Meier (Lure)



·       Trainee starter Chloe Budgen started races 4 to 10





1 Electric Cambla – Checked shortly after the start. Checked on the first turn. Checked in the back straight.


5 Gracie Matilda – Checked exiting the back straight. Checked on the second turn. A post-race veterinary examination revealed no significant findings.


7 Crazy Calm - Late scratching at 11:40am due to a weight variation pursuant to GAR 101(1) the greyhound has been stood down for 10 days. Robert Jacobsen was fined $100.00 pursuant to GAR 101(3)(b).



Race 2 - TAB NOVICE 460m


1 Canoe Paddler – Checked entering the first turn.


5 Clever Cambla – Deviated its attention from the lure towards another runner on the outside for several strides before returning its attention to the lure and continuing to race. A post-race veterinary examination revealed a neck muscle strain and under the provisions of GAR 41(1) the greyhound has been stood down for 10 days. Steward’s spoke to trainer Louise Cameron regarding the greyhound’s racing manners in the front straight. After considering all available evidence, Stewards invoked GAR 124 Fail to pursue with a 3 month stand down at all tracks and must complete 2 x satisfactory steward’s trials prior to racing next.


7 Sunset Woman – Checked entering the first turn.





1 Ticket To Venus – Underwent a post-race vet examination after collapsing in the catching pen. Acting under the provisions of GAR 42 Stewards invoked a 28 day stand down and the greyhound must complete a satisfactory trial prior to racing next.



Race 4 - SKY RACING GRADE 5 (1) 460m


3 Cambla Sensei – Checked around the first turn.


4 Lock It In – Checked entering the first turn.


6 Lads On Fire – Checked around the first turn.


8 Daniher Hayze – Checked, losing ground around the first turn. A post-race veterinary examination revealed no significant findings.



Race 5 - CRAFT RENTALS GRADE 5 (2) 460m


6 Orson Charli - Late scratching at 11:40am due to a weight variation pursuant to GAR 101(1) the greyhound has been stood down for 10 days. Trainer Narelle Mulcahy was fined $100.00 pursuant to GAR 101(3)(b).


7 Yo Yo Lad – Checked shortly after the start. Checked entering the first turn and gave ground. A post-race veterinary examination revealed a neck muscle strain under the provisions of GAR 41(1) the greyhound has been stood down for 10 days.





6 Bailey –Shifted wider in the front straight and faulted in its action and took no further competitive part in the event. A post-race veterinary examination revealed a hip muscle strain under the provisions of GAR 41(1) the greyhound has been stood down for 14 days.



Race 7 - CARVE INDUSTRIES GRADE 5 (2) 531m


3 Counter Proposal – Checked shortly after the start. Checked in the front straight on the first occasion. Gave ground around the first turn. A post-race veterinary examination revealed an offside wrist sprain and a back muscle strain under the provisions of GAR 41(1) the greyhound has been stood down for 21 days.



Race 8 - TOTAL GREENS TURF GRADE 5 (3) 531m


3 Koolboo Supreme – Checked around the second turn.


4 Jackson's Miss – Checked entering the first turn. Checked around the second turn. In the front straight deviated its attention from the lure towards a runner on the inside for several strides but did not make any muzzle contact. A post-race veterinary examination revealed a hip muscle strain under the provisions of GAR 41(1) the greyhound has been stood down for 10 days. Steward’s spoke to trainer Robert Jacobsen regarding the greyhound’s racing manners in the front straight. After considering all available evidence, Stewards invoked GAR 124 Fail to purse – 28 days stand down at all tracks and must complete a satisfactory steward’s trials prior to racing next.



Race 9 - MUNN'S PLUMBING GRADE 5 (3) 460m


·       No matters of concern to Stewards.



Race 10 - EAST END HOTEL MA5 315m


1 Summer Cash – Checked around the first turn. Severely checked, becoming unbalanced exiting the turn onto the front straight. A post-race veterinary examination revealed a back muscle strain under the provisions of GAR 41(1) the greyhound has been stood down for 10 days


4 Sunset Matilda – Checked around the first turn. collided with another runner exiting the turn onto the front straight. A post-race veterinary examination revealed nearside & offside wrist sprains and a back muscle strain under the provisions of GAR 41(1) the greyhound has been stood down for 10 days


5 Ghost Prince – Checked and dragged down from behind around the first turn. following the event, the greyhound vomited in the kennels. A post-race veterinary examination revealed no significant findings.


8 Louisiana Flyer – Checked around the first turn.






Sample (Pre-race)

R4 Daniher Hayze

R8 Jackson’s Miss

Samples (Post-race)

All winners.


R1 Full Kareem – Illness, scours

R2 Crypto Queen - Illness, scours

R3 Wild Oates – Injury, near side pin muscle

R6 Live Stream – Injury, torn pin

R6 Narkunda – Illness, water diabetes

R8 Hot Tyson – Ineligible, injured 27/7

R9 Wildash Venus – Injury, nearside back leg

Late Scratchings

R1 Crazy Calm – weight variation – 23.5 – 24.6 over 1.1kg - TAB notified @11:40am

R5 Orson Charli – weight variation – 28.9 – 27.7 under 1.2kg – TAB notified @ 11:40am


R2 Clever Cambla – neck muscle strain – 10 days

R3 Ticket To Venus – collapsed – 28 days – satisfactory trial.

R5 Y0 Yo Lad – neck muscle strain – 10 days

R6 Bailey – hip muscle strain – 14 days

R7 Counter Proposal - offside wrist & back muscle strain – 21 days

R8 Jacksons Miss – hip muscle strain – 10 days

R10 Summer Cash – back muscle strain – 10 days

R10 Sunset Matilda – nearside & offside wrist sprain & back muscle strain – 10 days.

Greyhounds returning from spell (>90 days)

R4 Daniher Hayze – 166 days – change of kennels.


Animal Actions

R2 – Clever Cambla – GAR 124 – fail to pursue – 3 months all tracks – 2 x stewards trial.

R3 – Ticket To Venus – GAR 42 – collapsed in catching pen – 1 x satisfactory trial.

R8 – Jackson’s Miss – GAR 124 – fail to pursue – 28 days all tracks – 1 x stewards trial.

Person Actions

R1 Robert Jacobsen – race 1 – Crazy Calm – GAR 101(3)(b) - $100.00 – weight variation 1.1kg over

R5 Narelle Mulcahy – race 5 – Orson Charli – GAR 101(3)(b) - $100.00 – weight variation – 1.2kg under



Unencumbered – passed – 18:92 – 29.7kg – 315m


The matters contained within this Stewards report may be subject to external review.  The Racing Appeals Panel manages external reviews, and the Racing Appeals Panel publishes its decisions on its website.
This report and the Stewards Comments for this meeting may be amended at any time, at the sole discretion of the Queensland Racing Integrity Commission (QRIC) Stewards as races are reviewed.