Queensland Racing Integrity Commission

Race Meeting Stewards’ Report


Ipswich Greyhounds

Saturday 12 March 2022


Track: Good

Weather: Fine


Stewards Panel: D.Broxham(Chair),S.Barr, C.Sutton


Officials: Dr A.Williams (Vet),T.Fuller (Judge), N.Briggenshaw (Starter), R.Fedricks(Samples), N.Powell (Lure)








1 Castaway Girl – Checked in the 1st turn. Checked entering the front straight.


2 Wild Mister – Forced wide in the 1st turn. Raced wide leaving the 1st turn.


3 Freddie Blue – Tightened for racing room in the 1st turn. Checked rounding the turn into the front straight.


4 What A Nose – Slow away. Clipped heels, shifted out and checked another runner rounding the turn into front straight.


5 My Genie – Forced wide in the 1st turn. Raced wide leaving the 1st turn.


6 Fleur De Belle – Clipped heels entering the front straight.



Race 2 - SKY RACING MAIDEN (2) 288m


1 Uncle Charlie – Best away.


3 Cement City – Tightened for racing room approaching the 1st turn. Clipped heels, shifted out and checked another runner approaching the turn into the front straight. Raced wide in the front straight.


5 Spitfire Sammy – Checked approaching the 1st turn. Checked in the 1st turn.


6 Adventure Queen – Forced wide in the 1st turn.





1 Dandy Battler – Bumped shortly after the start. Checked in the 1st turn.


2 Sent From Heaven – Bumped shortly after the start. Checked in the 1st turn. Hit the running rail approaching the 1st turn. Underwent a post-race veterinary examination and was found to have a nearside hip strain and stood down for 10 days.




4 Beyond Help – Checked in the 1st turn.


5 Rosdue Kodiak – Checked approaching the finishing line.


6 Got Issues – Checked leaving the 1st turn.


7 Not Right – Bumped shortly after the start. Turned head outwards to another runner but did not make muzzle contact approaching the finishing line. Underwent a post-race veterinary examination and was found to have no apparent injury. R69A Failing to Pursue 1st offence, 1 stewards trial and 28 days at Ipswich.


8 Rosdue Tyson – Bumped shortly after the start. Checked in the 1st turn.




Race 4 - DOVER & SONS MAIDEN 520m


3 Perfect Pins – Marginally slow away.


4 Dynamic Jean – Checked shortly after the start.


5 Absolute Desire – Clipped heels shortly after the start.


6 Velocity Cleo – Checked shortly after the start. Checked leaving the 1st turn. Tightened for racing room in the top turn.


7 Mohawk Mindy – Checked leaving the 1st turn. Checked in the top turn.



Race 5 - GREYHOUND GEAR R4/5 630m


2 Grovely Flyer – Underwent a post-race veterinary examination and was found to have an injury to the nearside pin muscle and stood down for 10 days.


4 Big Boy Benji – Best away- Bumped in the home straight.


7 Malachi – Bumped in the 1st turn.


8 Dundee Ember – Bumped in the 1st turn. Bumped in the home straight.





2 She's Got Moves – Checked shortly after the start. Checked approaching the 1st turn. Checked in the 1st turn.


3 Louder – Checked shortly after the start. Checked approaching the 1st turn.


5 Farmor Alfa's – Checked approaching the 1st turn. Checked in the 1st turn.


6 Double Steel – Raced wide rounding the turn into the back straight. Underwent a post-race veterinary examination and was found to have an injury to the nearside pin muscle and stood down for 10 days.


7 Godges – Checked and fell approaching the 1st turn. Underwent a post-race veterinary examination and was found to have no apparent injury.





2 He's Nosey – Bumped in the 1st turn.


3 She's In Clover – Bumped in the 1st turn.


6 State Of Rage – Bumped in the 1st turn.


7 Romantic Verses – Slow away. Bumped in the top turn.


8 Prince Of Belair – Slow away. Bumped in t





1 Where's The Ford – Checked approaching top turn. Checked and became unbalanced leaving the top turn. Dragged down from behind and fell approaching the turn into the front straight. Underwent a post-race veterinary examination and was found to have an injury to nearside metacarpus and stood down for 7 days.


2 Building Success – Got on the hind quarters of another approaching the top turn. Severely checked another runner and became unbalance approaching the turn into the front straight. Underwent a post-race veterinary examination and was found to have an injury to the offside elbow and stood down for 14 days.


3 This Is Sirius – Checked shortly after the start.


4 Red Buzz – Checked shortly after the start.


5 Galway Governor – Tightened for racing room shortly after the start. Checked approaching the turn into the front straight. Raced wide in the back straight.


6 Fogman – Tightened for racing room shortly after the start.


7 San Polo – Checked and shifted in shortly after the start. Raced wide in the back straight.


8 Sushi Mango – Clipped heels approaching the turn into the front straight.





1 Senorita Maywyn – Checked and hit the running rail in the 1st turn. Checked approaching the finishing line. Underwent a post-race veterinary examination and was found to have no apparent injury.


2 Majestic Man – Checked in the 1st turn.


3 Wild Eyes – Checked in the 1st turn.


4 Black Zircon – Checked in the 1st turn.


5 Commands Respect – Checked in the 1st turn. Got on the hind quarters of another runner rounding the turn into the front straight.


6 Maywyn A Cracker – Dragged down by another runner rounding the turn into the front straight. Checked approaching the finishing line. Underwent a post-race veterinary examination and was found to have no apparent injury.


7 Lily Monelli – Best away.



Race 10 - SKY RACING GRADE 5 (2) 431m


2 Wing Chun Girl – Bumped shortly after the start.


3 Spring Lilli – Bumped in the 1st turn.


4 I'm Shy Boy – Bumped shortly after the start.


5 Hooked On Xena – Checked in the 1st turn. Checked rounding the turn into the back straight. Checked rounding the turn into the front straight.


6 Herman Maze Key – Marginally slow away. Checked rounding the turn into the back straight.


7 Rosdue Rockette – Checked in the 1st turn. Checked rounding the turn into the back straight. Checked rounding the turn into the front straight.


8 Cake Is Bad – Checked in the 1st turn. Checked rounding the turn into the back straight.



Race 11 – TAB GRADE 5 (3) 431m


1 Queen Of Cakes – Checked leaving the 1st turn. Checked rounding the turn into the back straight.


2 Gossamer Wings – Checked leaving the 1st turn. Checked rounding the turn into the back straight.


3 Rosdue Caesar – Checked leaving the 1st turn.


5 White Shark – Bumped shortly after the start. Checked in the top turn.


6 Taranto – Bumped shortly after the start. Raced wide in the front straight.


7 Cheeky Willow – Became unbalanced in the top turn. Underwent a post-race veterinary examination and found to have an injury to the offside hind foot 3 days.


8 Victim Of Crime – Checked in the top turn.





3 Flying Jet - Bumped shortly after the start. Underwent a post-race veterinary examination and was found have no apparent injury.


4 Hammer Drill – Came up with the lids and began awkwardly. Raced wide in the back straight. Underwent a post-race veterinary examination and was found to have an injury to the offside fore foot and stood down for 5 days.


6 Zabdon Adesanya – Raced wide rounding the turn into the back straight.


7 Zipping Flick – Bumped entering the front straight. Turned head outwards but did not make muzzle contact approaching the finishing line. Underwent a post-race veterinary examination and was found to have an injury to the offside calf muscle. Charged under R69B Failing to Pursue with injury, 1 stewards’ trial and 5 days at Ipswich.


8 Aston Turbine – Bumped entering the front straight.






Sample (Pre-race)



Samples (Post-race)

All winners.



R4 Boxing On – Nearside wrist

R5 Davey Fawner – Nearside flexor tendon

R10 Morning Mocha – Ineligible raced Friday


Late Scratchings



Weight Variations




R3 Sent from heaven – Nearside hip strain 10 days

R5 Grovely Flyer – Nearside pin muscle 10 days

R6 Double Steel – Nearside pin muscle 10 days

R8 Where’s The Ford – Nearside metacarpus 7 days

R8 Building Success – Offside elbow 14 days

R11 Cheeky Willow – offside hind leg 3 days

R12 Zipping Flick – offside calf muscle 5 days

R12 Hammer Drill – offside fore foot 5 days


Greyhounds returning from spell (>90 days)

R9 Lily Monelli – 121 Days, Seasonal

R11 White Shark – 95 Days, Injury and spelling





Animal Actions

R3 Not Right – R69A Failing to pursue 1st offence 28 days at Ipswich and 1 steward’s trial

R12 Zipping Flick – R69B Failing to pursue with injury, 5 days at Ipswich and 1 stewards’ trial


Person Actions




Daniel’s Loss – Passed 25.93 cleared up to 431m all tracks except Albion Park

Buccan Bail – Passed 26.13 431m

Daphne Moo Moo – Passed 25.15 431m

Tiger Shian – Passed all tracks except Albion Park 26.05 431m




The matters contained within this Stewards report may be subject to an internal or external review.  The outcome of any internal review is published on the Commission’s website immediately after the release of the internal review decision to the Applicant.  External reviews are managed by QCAT and are not published on the Commission’s website.



This report and the Stewards Comments for this meeting may be amended at any time, at the sole discretion of the Queensland Racing Integrity Commission (QRIC) Stewards as races are reviewed.