Queensland Racing Integrity Commission

Race Meeting Stewards’ Report


Townsville Greyhound Racing Club



Date: Tuesday 30 January 2024

Track Condition: Good

Weather: Fine




Chairman of Stewards: T. Flymen

Stewards: K. Dean

Veterinarian: Dr D. Viero

Swab Official: M. Braunberger

Starter: C. Longhurst

Judge: A. Boyd

Lure Driver: J. Bouffler


General: After the completion of kennelling, Stewards were advised that some of the lighting towers on the greyhound track were not functioning. With an electrician on site, Stewards elected to go back one race slot to allow time for the issue to be resolved. Shortly after, the electrician advised Stewards that the issue wouldn’t be able to be resolved this evening, and therefore Stewards abandoned the meeting at 6:48 pm due to poor visibility and for the safety of all greyhounds and participants.



                                                         STEWARDS SUMMARY


R6 – Willies Fury – Injury, offside wrist.

R8 – Instant Gold – Injury, nearside hock.



The matters contained within this Stewards report may be subject to external review.  The Racing Appeals Panel manages external reviews and the Racing Appeals Panel publishes its decisions on its website.
This report and the Stewards Comments for this meeting may be amended at any time, at the sole discretion of the Queensland Racing Integrity Commission (QRIC) Stewards as races are reviewed.