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Beaudesert Race Club

Aquis Beaudesert Provincial

Sat 24 Jun Good 4


True Entire Course


Good 4 Pen Not available




Track conditions update: 1:05AM Sunday 25 June
Last Track Rating Update: Finalised 24/6 - 7:45am


Mon 19/06/17 11:00am


Tue 20/06/17 03:00pm


Thu 22/06/17 09:30am


Thu 22/06/17 12:00pm


Sat 24/06/17 07:30am

Late Nominations

Races: 4

WEATHER – FINE                      TRACK RATING – SOFT 5/GOOD 4 (After R3)
Chairman of Stewards – C. Albrecht
Stewards – G. Lane, N. Finnigan, P. Reardon
Clerk of Scales – J. Robinson
Judge – L. Smyth, B. Wilson
Veterinarian – D. Lovell
Swab Attendants – A. Fleming, J. Markey
Starter – S. Tou, C. Wallace
Jockeys Advocate – D. Tanti
Stewards Secretary – W. Ostrofski
BRIGADIER SAM – Raced three wide with cover.
RECKLESS DAY – Finished a distant last. A post-race veterinary examination failed to reveal any abnormalities.
TREASURER JOH – Tightened for room at the start and lost ground. Apprentice B. Ainsworth reported at scale that her mount hung out throughout, placing her at a disadvantage.
TRUSTED MAGIC – Raced wide without cover.
BALLINA BAY – Trainer B. Hudson reported post race to stewards that the filly had blood in the mouth after dislodging a tooth.
THE LAST ROAD – Trainer I. Livingstone advised that although rider W. D’Avila would carry the whip, he had  been instructed not to use it. A public announcement was made to this effect. On return to scale jockey D’Avila reported that in his opinion the filly responded well to the whip.
WHERE POPPIES GROW – Raced three wide without cover throughout.
BIG VEGA – Began awkwardly and lost ground. Overraced when racing wide without cover.
ENSIGN – Stewards questioned apprentice C. Dougherty in the presence of Jockeys Advocate Mr D. Tanti as to the tactics she adopted near the 800m where she elected to shift out from a one-off position. Apprentice Dougherty explained that she had been instructed by the trainer to allow her mount clear running where possible and when RED SAGA improved to her outside she did not want to be held up on the heels of WIG WAM BAM and therefore elected to shift out and attempt to improve at this point. She added that in hindsight, despite the instructions that she had been given, it would have been a better option to remain in that one-off position and attempt to improve to the inside of runners approaching the 600m.
LANDALE – Raced three wide without cover in the early stages before assuming a position outside the leader near the 600m.
TE RANGI – Had to be eased near the 150m and was obliged to alter course to obtain clear running.
JAZZY RULER – Steadied shortly after the start and shifted in to assume a position with cover on the fence at the rear of the field.
CARRS CREEK KID – Raced wide in the early and middle stages before being steadied near the 1000m to gain cover.
RED SAGA – Bumped at the start. Forced wider on the track near the 800m.
COUP DE VALOR – Began awkwardly and shifted in, making contact with RED SAGA.
TREASURE GALLERY – Began awkwardly and lost ground. When questioned regarding the performance, jockey L. Londregan stated that after beginning awkwardly and losing ground, the gelding failed to respond to his riding and proved disappointing.
ATOMIC MISSILE – Began awkwardly and lost ground.
AURUM LAD – Held up from the 400m until entering the home straight. Had to be steadied approaching the winning post to the inside of JAKUTA, which shifted in marginally.
MAGIC INK – Raced three wide without cover for the entire event.
SWEET SAVANNAH – Inconvenienced shortly after the start. Raced wide throughout.
ARGYLL BAY – Stewards accepted C. Schmidt’s explanation that due to transport difficulties she was unable to arrive on course in time to fulfil her engagement. C. Whiteley was substituted as rider. When questioned regarding the tactics adopted in the early stages, in particular whether there was an opportunity to maintain a forward position rather than restraining and settling further back, jockey C. Whiteley stated that after beginning well, when he attempted to maintain a forward position, STRIDE OF PRIDE, which was racing to his inside, shifted out, forcing him wider. He therefore was of the view that he was going to be caught racing three wide and therefore elected to restrain and obtain a position with cover in a midfield position. Stewards noted his explanation.
Following the running of this race the track was upgraded to GOOD 4.

CONCRETUS – Began awkwardly. Severely tightened for room near the 1400m and buffeted between runners.
GESSNER – Shifted in at the start despite the efforts of its rider. Crowded for room and taken in near the 1400m.
SEND US A SIGN – Had to be severely checked near the 1400m and then shifted out abruptly across heels and as a result was forced extremely wide on the track and lost significant ground.
CRIMSON GOD – Trainer L. Gough was fined $100 for the late declaration of J. Woodhouse as rider.
NAVAJO PRINCE – Began awkwardly. Hampered and forced wider near the 1400m. Raced three wide without cover for the majority of the event. Laid in under pressure in the home straight.
SUPPLEMENTS – Severely tightened near the 1400m when placed in restricted room.
DAZZLING SHIRAZ – Shifted out at the start and lost ground. Caught racing wide in the early stages and was allowed to improve forward to assume the lead near the 1100m.
KNIGHT ERRANT – Trainer D. Bell was fined $100 for the late declaration of N. Thomas as rider. Bumped at the start.
GREAT PATIENCE – L. Cheshire pleaded guilty to a charge of careless riding under AR. 137(a) in that near the 1400m she failed to make sufficient effort to prevent her mount from shifting in when insufficiently clear of GESSNER, which was taken in, resulting in SEND US A SIGN being severely tightened for room and having to be severely checked. As a result of the interference, CONCRETUS and SUPPLEMENTS were placed in restricted room and tightened for room. Jockey Cheshire’s licence to ride in races was suspended for 12 days, to commence at midnight on Friday, 30 June, and expire at midnight on Wednesday 12 July 2017.
STORMY DESTINY – When questioned regarding the performance and also why she elected to shift off the fence rounding the home turn, which allowed the eventual winner to improve to her inside, apprentice B. Ainsworth explained that she was instructed to take up a forward position, which she was able to do, however the gelding commenced to weaken from the 500m and also noted that the gelding was first up today and would take benefit from today’s performance. She further added that the reason why she elected to shift off the fence rounding the home turn was that she had been instructed by the trainer to do so as he was of the view that the inside may be inferior ground at this stage of the day. Trainer M. Palmer confirmed these instructions, agreed with apprentice Ainsworth’s comments and therefore stewards noted both explanations and took the matter no further.
DODGE THE PRESS – Had to be steadied near the 300m after improving on to the heels of DEEP DOWN. Jockey C. Whiteley reported at scale that after beginning very awkwardly, his mount lost ground and as a result settled further back than anticipated.
RAINBOW SPIRIT – After arriving on course, trainer J. Murdoch reported to stewards that the gelding has had some previous hoof issues. A pre-race veterinary examination passed the gelding fit to race. Raced three wide without cover until a point near the 600m where it obtained a position one off with cover.
SHEZA HOTTI – Slow to begin. Became awkward approaching the 200m when placed in restricted room to the inside of STORMY DESTINY, which shifted in.
DEEP DOWN – Shifted out abruptly at the start and made contact with DODGE THE PRESS.
THAT SCHMIDT GIRL – Raced wide throughout.
MALT ‘N’ FURY – Bumped heavily at the start.

NEURUM ROAD – Held up approaching the 100m and as a result went to the line without being fully tested. Stewards questioned apprentice C. Dougherty in the presence of Jockeys Advocate D. Tanti in regards to her riding of the gelding. Of concern to stewards was her apparent lack of vigour from the 600m. Apprentice Dougherty stated that it was her intention to take up a forward position, however the gelding was slow away and therefore settled further back than she would have liked. She added that the gelding can overrace in its races and she was therefore reluctant to apply pressure to her mount when racing at the tail of the field to prevent her from improving on to heels. She further added that once entering the home straight she was not afforded clear running and as a result did not overly pressure her mount as she would have liked in the home straight. Whilst noting her explanation, stewards advised apprentice Dougherty that she should not leave her riding open to question in future and would be expected to show more vigour in similar circumstances, however given her relative inexperience as an apprentice they took the matter no further.
SHE TELLS LIES – Slow to begin.
BELFLYER – As R. McMahon was stood down by the ambulance officers, F. Jervis was substituted as rider. Held up for clear running passing the 300m and then had some difficulty obtaining clear running in the early stages of the home straight.
KING LUDWIG – Raced four wide without cover in the early stages before assuming a position three wide with cover near the 700m.
BERNIE OF BABYLON – Near the 1300m had to be steadied away from the heels of MY LITTLE FLICKA, which shifted in when not fully clear. Jockey B. Cornell, the rider of MY LITTLE FLICKA, was advised to exercise more care and reminded to give greater clearance in future. Crowded for room between runners near the 900m when racing three wide without cover.
IDLE SITUATION – Trainer G. Baker advised that it would be the intention to have the gelding ridden more forward. The horse was ridden accordingly. Laid in under pressure for the majority of the home straight.
STARWOOD – Raced wide without cover throughout. Bumped near the 500m.
TIN’S POCKET – Began awkwardly, making contact with the outside barrier partition. In this incident apprentice H. Phillips sustained an injury to her left foot. Apprentice Phillips was subsequently examined by paramedics and was cleared to leave the course provided that she seek medical attention and provide a medical clearance prior to riding again.
CURLEY MAC – Bumped at the start. When questioned in regards to the seemingly improved performance, trainer V. McLennan stated that the gelding has failed to handle the heavier track conditions at its last two starts and said that the gelding is better suited when racing on a good surface and was confident of a forward showing today.
SUNSET HILLS – Became awkward near the 600m when bumped by DASHING WIN, which shifted in.
DRAGON STREET – Late scratching at 1:15 pm due to transport difficulties.
TRAINER’S POCKET – Bumped at the start.
STAR PAINTER – Disappointed for a run near the 500m when attempting to shift out to obtain clear running and in doing so made contact with STARWOOD.
Summary of action concerning licensees
Race 4. Tnr. L. Gough - $100 – late rider declaration – LR. 67
Race 4. Tnr. D. Bell - $100 – late rider declaration – LR. 67

Race 4. L. Cheshire – careless riding – 12 days (m/n 30.6.17 – m/n 12.7.17) – AR. 137(a)
Race day injuries/illness
R. McMahon – ill – medical clearance req’d
Race 7. App. H. Phillips – injury to left foot – medical clearance req’d
Summary of action concerning thoroughbred horses
Horses swabbed pre-race
Send us a Sign, Monster of Energy, Mr Scary
Horses swabbed post-race
All winners, The Last Road, Rainbow Spirit
Summary of rider changes/Late notifications
Race 3.         ARGYLL BAY – C. Whiteley
Race 4.         CRIMSON GOD – J. Woodhouse
                     KNIGHT ERRANT – N. Thomas
Race 6.         BELFLYER – F. Jervis
Late scratchings
Race 7.         DRAGON STREET – 1:15 pm – transport difficulties
Published subject to correction upon revision