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Clifton Jockey Club

Clifton Country

Sat 23 Oct Good 4




Good 4 Pen Not available

Nil last 24hrs, 28mm last 7 days



Track conditions update: 12:11AM Sunday 24 October
Last Track Rating Update: Finalised 23/10 - 8:00am


Tue 19/10/21 11:00am


Wed 20/10/21 03:00pm


Thu 21/10/21 10:00am


Thu 21/10/21 01:00pm


Sat 23/10/21 07:45am

Late Nominations

None set

WEATHER – Fine   TRACK RATING – Soft 5, Good 4 @ 11:30am     RAIL – True
Chairman – K Daly
Stewards – R Hanson
Clerk of Scales – D Rossiter
Photo Finish – M Moody
Veterinarian – Dr I Truman
Starter – I Henderson
On arrival the track was upgraded to a Good 4.
Following a Stewards track inspection on arrival, remedial work was carried out on a section of track near the 1400 metre crossing prior to race 1. Stewards and a delegation of riders inspected the section of track prior to Race 1 and was deemed suitable to race.
COUNTY LOVE and DOUBLE DARE YOU were declared late scratchings at 12pm due to no riders being available.
Race 1 – Maiden Plate 1000 METRES
After arrival on course, it was established that MANDALONG NERO was presented to race in work shoes, which were subsequently removed and replaced with race plates in front. After consultation with farrier Mr W Nugent, and rider Z Sprie, Stewards permitted MANDALONG NERO to race bare behind. Mr W Munro, trainer of MANDALONG NERO, pleaded guilty and was fined $300 under AR107(2) for presenting the gelding to race incorrectly plated. In assessing penalty Stewards took into account Mr Munro has been a licensed trainer for only 2 months and today was his first runner in a race.
BEEF’N’BLACK BEAN – Laid out rounding the home turn. Raced three-wide without cover throughout the event.
KINGSFORD TIGER – Began awkwardly and lost ground.
THE ANGEL KISS – Fractious in barriers after being loaded. Bumped on jumping. A post-race veterinary examination revealed blood in the mouth, consistent with having struck itself on the front barrier partition prior to the start being effected.
TREMENDOUS – Raced wide for the majority of the event.

DARLHISMA – Slow to begin.  Obliged to steady from the heels of BEEF’N’BLACK BEAN which shifted out rounding the home turn.  E MacPherson, rider of  BEEF’N’BLACK BEAN, was advised to exercise more care.
MANDALONG NERO – Raced wide throughout and was inclined to hang out for the majority of the event.  Rider Z Sprie reported the saddle on the gelding shifted forward shortly after the start placing him at some disadvantage throughout the race.
Race 2 – Class B Hdcp 1000 METRES
COALBANK CAVALRY – Laid out rounding the home turn.
THE WAITING MAN – Jumped out at the start abruptly resulting in CALINDA being bumped and losing ground.  Laid out rounding the 900 metre turn.  Raced greenly throughout.  App C Miles reported THE WAITING MAN was inclined to change legs throughout the event, and that the horse would derive significant fitness benefit from today’s first-up run.
PETA COLADA – Raced three-wide with cover for the majority of the event.
ZORRO’S GHOST – Began awkwardly and lost ground.
CALINDA – Bumped at the start and lost ground.
AMOUR VOLE – Raced three-wide without cover for the majority of the event.
Race 3 – Benchmark 65 Hdcp 1100 METRES
Prior to the declaration of correct weight Stewards viewed the patrol footage to determine if MISSLLEERS, which stood flat-footed and lost significant ground, and is listed to have a barrier blanket as part of its approved gear, was afforded a fair start.  After viewing the patrol footage and taking evidence from starter Mr I Henderson, it was established that after the barrier blanket was fitted to MISSLLEERS, it was not correctly attached to the barrier partitions and became dislodged, fell to the ground, and was not re-fitted to the horse prior to the start being effected.  In the circumstances, Stewards ruled that MISSLLEERS be declared a non-runner and on declaration of correct weight, ordered all bets on MISSLLEERS to be refunded with deductions of 23 cents the win and 23 cents the place face value on all winning tickets to apply.
RITCHFORD – Rider I Rabjones reported the gelding was not entirely comfortable on today’s prevailing track conditions and was reluctant to stretch out when placed under pressure.  A post-race veterinary examination revealed no abnormality.
KOHIKO – Leaving the 200 metres, bumped when MISSLLEERS laid out under pressure.
Race 4 - Benchmark 60 Handicap 1580 METRES
After being loaded into the barriers, CONQUER MEE ducked under the front partition and galloped some distance before being re-captured, and simultaneously SHAME JOB broke through the barriers before being quickly restrained by its rider. 
SHAME JOB was examined by the club veterinarian prior to being re-loaded into the barriers and was cleared to start. 
CONQUER MEE, which had struck the barrier partition with its head, was declared a late scratching by Stewards acting on veterinary advice at 3:40pm.  On declaration of correct weight, Stewards ordered all bets on CONQUER MEE to be refunded with deductions of 12 cents the win and 14 cents the place face value on all winning tickets to apply.
SALAZAR – Slow to begin.  Passing the 100 metres, was tightened for room and obliged to steady from the heels of VERMUTIN which shifted in under pressure.  H Richardson, rider of VERMUTIN, was reprimanded under AR131(a) for careless riding.
BY THE LAW – Severely checked at the start when SHAME JOB jumped out abruptly.  Raced three-wide from the 1300 metres. 
SHAME JOB – Jumped out abruptly despite the efforts of its rider checking both BY THE LAW and RUBY RUSH.  Leaving the 500 metres was checked when racing to the inside of PARLOUR.  To allow rider N Fazackerley to fulfil engagements at the Toowoomba meeting this evening, Stewards adjourned an inquiry into the incident to a time and date to be fixed.
RUBY RUSH – Severely checked at the start when SHAME JOB jumped out abruptly. 
DIAMOND MOMENTS – Rider C Eaton could offer no explanation for the disappointing performance other than the mare may not appreciate racing amongst other runners.  A post-race veterinary examination revealed no significant abnormality.
Race 5 – Maiden Plate 1580 METRES
BORDEAUX HOPPER – When asked to comment on the performance, rider N Evans stated when placed under pressure leaving the 500 metres the gelding failed to respond to his riding and was disappointing.  A post-race veterinary examination revealed minor tenderness  in the near-hind leg.  Trainer B Strong indicated BORDEAUX HOPPER would now be sent for a spell.  Stewards advised Mr Strong the gelding must trial prior to resuming racing.
KINGSFORD’S OWN – Slow to begin.
RED VEGAS – Slow to begin.  Race wide throughout.  Laid in under pressure in the home straight.  When asked to comment on tactics adopted, App C Miles stated instructions were not to pressure RED VEGAS in the early stages of the event and to settle where comfortable towards the rear of the field.  App Miles added she elected to race wide throughout to avoid any kickback and that when placed under pressure, from the 500 metres finished the race off strongly.  Trainer V Coombs confirmed the instructions, adding that RED VEGAS would be better suited racing on bigger tracks than that of today.  Stewards noted the explanations of both parties.

Summary of action concerning licensees
Race 4:  Jky H Richardson – AR131(a) – careless riding  
Race 1:  Trainer W Munro - $300 – AR107(2) – present horse to race incorrectly plated
Adjourned Inquiry
Race 4:  Jky N Fazackerley (SHAME JOB) and App E MacPherson (PARLOUR) – incident leaving the 500 metres
Late riders
Race 2:  MR NODDY – N Evans
Summary of action concerning thoroughbred horses
Race 5:  BORDEAUX HOPPER – poor performance – trial
Late Scratchings
Race 3:  MISSLLEERS – non-runner – barrier blanket incorrectly fitted
Race 4:  CONQUER MEE – 3:40pm - Vet’s advice – broke through under barriers
Race 5:  COUNTY LOVE – 12:00pm – no rider available
Race 5:  DOUBLE DARE YOU – 12:00pm – no rider available
Horses swabbed post-race
All winners
The matters contained within this Stewards Report may be subject to an internal or external review.  The outcome of any internal review is published on the Commission’s website immediately after the release of the internal review decision to the applicant.  External reviews are managed by QCAT and are not published on the Commission’s website.
This report and the Steward’s comments for this meeting may be amended at any time, at the sole discretion of the Queensland Racing Integrity Commission (QRIC) Stewards as races are reviewed.