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Cairns Jockey Club

Ladbrokes Cannon Park Provincial

Sat 05 Aug Good 4


True Entire Course


Good 4 Pen 5.1

0.2mm last 24hrs, 0.2mm last 7 days

2.4mm last 24hrs, 20.8mm last 7 days


Track conditions update: 1:06AM Sunday 06 August
Last Track Rating Update: Finalised 5/8 - 7:45am. Late Scratching R3 N4. Rider Replacement R2 N11


Mon 31/07/17 11:00am


Tue 01/08/17 03:00pm


Thu 03/08/17 09:30am


Thu 03/08/17 12:00pm


Sat 05/08/17 07:30am

Late Nominations

Races: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7

WEATHER FINEE                                       TRACK RATING GOOD 4
RAIL TRUE ENTIRE COURSE                         PENETROMETER - 5.1
Chairman of Stewards
Mr P. Gillard
Stewards Mr P. Zimmerman, Mr M. Braunberger
Clerk of Scales Mr C. Gordon
Judge Mr I. Schultz
Veterinarian- Dr E. Moloney
Bookmakers Supervisor Mr L. Myles
Swab attendant - Mr C. Massingham
Starter- Mr P. Warren
Stewards Secretary
Mr B. Palmer
Stewards heard a complaint from registered owner, Mr J. Oliver against Apprentice Jockey A. Thomson alleging insultingg behaviour towards him in the vincinty of the saddling enclosure. After hearing evidence from Mr. Oliver, apprentice A. Thomson and her master Mr F. Wieland, Stewards could not be satisfied with the requisit evidence and took no direct action other than to remind all parties of their obligations under the Rules of Racing and to conduct themselves in a professional manner.. 
RACE 1: Hoppens Carpets Maiden Plate -  1250M
CENTRE RED - Slow to begin. Raced ungenerously in the early and middle stages. Improved onto heels and shifted out near the 900m, forcing other runners wider. Improved onto heels near the 600m and steadied.
RATHDOWNEY AVENUE - Slow to begin. Forced wider near the 900m and then raced ungenerously near the 600m, shifted out and hampered another runner.
CHEERS FOR AUSBRED Over-raced in the early stages of the race.
CELESTIAL SON - Began awkwardly and shifted out, bumping another runner. Race wide for the majority of the race.
ARNO BAY - Bumped by another runner on jumping. Forced wider near the 900 m and again near the 60Om.
KENSINGTON STAR - Raced wide for the majority of the race.
LOVE RED - Raced wide for the majority of the race.
SNOWY MOET - Shifted out under pressure over the concluding stages.
RACE 2: Nautilus Aviation BenchMark 65 Handicap 950M
LUSHAN - Blundered on jumping.
IN HIS ELEMENT - Began awkwardly and lost ground. Held up for clear running rounding the home turn.
BON TEMPS - Began awkwardly and shifted inwards, tightening runners to its inside. Raced in restricted room near the 300m and raced wide for the majority of the race.
LILLY KAREENA - Began awkwardly and shifted outwards, crowding other runners.
ROSE OF CLARE - Tightened for room at the start. Raced wide for the majority of the race.
TUSCAN FALLS - Tightened for room at the start. Raced wide for the majority of the race.
CRAIGLEA GHETTO - Began awkwardly and lost ground. Raced wide for the majority of the race.
EFFIGY BELLE - Shifted out to obtain clear running near the 300m and inconvenienced another runner. Rider R. Johnston-Bell was advised to show greater care in similar circumstances.
NEE DE PAPA - Hung in leaving the 700m. Raced wide for the majority of the race and proved difficult to ride.
OURBOYBYRON - Was found to have bled during the race. Trainer F. Wieland was advised that, as this was the first time on which the horse had bled, it will be banned from racing for 3 months under A.R. 53A, and then only after it has successfully galloped before the Stewards over 1000m.
RACE 3: Carlton & United Breweries QTIS 3-Y-O Maiden Handicap 950M
WE'LL BEAT IT - Declared a late scratching at 8.47 a.m. by order of the Stewards on veterinary advice. Trainer B. Williams was advised that he must provide a veterinary clearance prior to the horse being permitted to race again.
The start of this race was delayed significantly due to a barrier attendant falling ill and requiring ambulance attention. As a result all subsequent races were rescheduled with times amended to: Race 3, 3.15 p.m. Race 4, 3.40 p.m. Race 5, 4.15 p.m. Race 6, 4.45 p.m. Race 7, 5.15 P.M.
All runners were returned to the saddling enclosure and prior to the rescedulled starting time were examinined by the veterinary surgeon and cleared to start.
CITY SECRETS - Slow to begin, got its tongue over the bit during running and hung out rounding the home turn, forcing another runner wider. Trainer L. Ashford was advised that a warning will be placed on the racing manners of the gelding.
LIDDELL - Fractious in the saddling enclosure appearing to resent its tongue tie and slipped over dislodging its rider. The gelding was examined by the veterinary surgeon and was cleared to start. Stewards acceded to a request from trainer T. Rowe to allow the the horse to race without that gear which was broadcast via course broadcast. Rider R. Johnston-Bell decared himself free of injury and able to fulfil his engagements. Forced very wide rounding the home turn by another runner, which hung out.
CRAIGLEA WEAPON - Shifted out abruptly leaving the 100m causing its rider to stop riding and straighten his mount. Raced wide for the majority of the race with no cover.
RACE 4: Burkin Svendsens Fineral Directors BenchMark 65 Handicap 1900M
BETTER FUTURE - Slow to begin. Tightened for room shortly after the start.
GREAT PRETENDER - Shifted out shortly after the start, crowding another runner.
TURN UP THE VOLUME - Began awkwardly and shifted out, tightening runners to its outside.
ROBABANK - Marginally slow to begin and hampered by another runner at the start. Rider Q. Krogh dropped his whip leaving the 100m.
RAMSDEN STREET - Began awkwardly and shifted out, hampering runners to its outside.
CUT 'N' POLISH - Marginally slow to begin and hampered by another runner at the start.
RACE 5: ALSCO Class 5 Handicap 1250M
GLOBAL GURU - Slow to begin, raced wide for the majority of the race.
BIG TOMEE - Rider R. Thonston-Bell advised stewards that the gelding had a tendency to lay in throughout and that the saddle shifted to the near side rounding the home turn, placing him at a disadvantage. Raced wide for the majority of the race.
SECRETS OWN - Raced wide for the majority of the race.
AESOP - Raced wide for the majority of the event.
MAN OF BUSINESS - Apprentice E. Cass pleaded guilty to a charge of careless riding under A.R. 137(a) in that she failed to make sufficient effort to prevent her mount from shifting in near the 800m when insufficently clear of ONE FOR THE MONEY (Jockey S. Wilson), which had to be checked and lose its rightful running. Apprentice Cass was suspended from riding in races for a period of 12 days, to commence at midnight on 12th August 2017 and to expire at midnight on 24th August 2017.
ONE FOR THE MONEY - Checked and lost ground near the 800m.
RACE 6: Traffic Services BenchMark 60 Handicap 1250M
FLYING ONE MORE - Slow to begin.
SUPERSTITION - Slow to begin and raced wide for the majority of the race.
SHOWMORE Raced wide for the majority of the race.
RACE 7: Century Cranes Cairns Newmarket Open Quality Handicap 1400M
ROCK SPUR > The start was delayed when rider S. Wilson requested the gelding be examined by the veterinary surgeon and was found to be lame in near foreleg. As such the gelding was declared a late scratching at 5.17 p.m. by order of the stewards acting in veterinary advice. Subsequently stewards ordered that all bets made on ROCK SPUR be refunded and that the following deductions to apply:
>           377 in the dollar for the win, for the winner CRAIGLEA DEKEN
>           200 in the dollar for the place for the winner, CRAIGLEA DEKEN
>           311 in the dollar for the place for 2nd, STABLE SURPRIZE
>           222 in the dollar for the place for 3rd (deadheat), CRAIGLEA                                   WANDOO
>           300 in the dollar for the place for 3rd (dead heat) BLOUKRANS
CRAILEA WANDOO - Began awkwardly, shifted out and made heavy contact with another runner. Near the 200m was hampered by another runner, which shifted in.
CLEANSING ALE - Bumped heavily by another runner on jumping and became unbalanced.
NEVETUS - Began awkwardly, shifted in near the 200m and hampered another runnerg. Rider M. Kai was advised to exercise more care. Raced wide for the majority of the race.
STABLE SURPRIZE - Hung in near the 800m despite the efforts of its rider, and crowded other runners. Rider J. Lambie was fined $300 under A.R. 137A in that he used his whip on more than 5 occasions prior to the 100m. In considering penalty Stewards took into account J. Lambies recent good record under this rule.
BLOUKRANS - Was momentarily crowded for room near the 800m.
COUTAINVILLE Was momentarily crowded for room near the 800m.
LOCEANO - Momentarily crowded for room near the 800m and was restrained. A post race veterinary examination reavealed the gelding to be suffering heart arrythmia. Trainer T. Rowe will be advised he must trial the gelding to Stewards satisfaction and furnish the results of an ECG prior to the horse being permitted to race again..
ELEMENT OF CHANCE - Raced wide for the majority of the race.
Summary of action concerning Licensees
RACE 7: Jockey J. Lambie $300 AR137A (5) (ii) use whip more than 5 times - 17 times.
App. E. Cass : Careless riding A.R.137(a) From midnight 12/8/17 to midnight 24/8/17
Jockey Absenteeism
Jockey P. Cullen. Indisposed. Medical required.
Summary of action concerning thoroughbred horses
RACE 2: OURBOYBYRON - 1st time. 3 month ban under A.R. 53A (1)(a)(b) and to gallop 1000m to Stewards satisfaction.
Horses swabbed
Pre Race:
Better Future, Changing Notes, Perfect Knowledge, Element Of Chance
Post Race:
All winners
OURBOYBYRON - 1st time. Banned 3 months under A.R.53A and to trial over at least 1000m.
ROCK SPUR - Vet advice. Lame N/F leg, Clearance required.
LOCEANO Heart Arrythmia Trial to Stewards satisfaction, ECG results
Late Scratchings
RACE 3: WE'LL BEAT IT 8.47am, Vet advice. Clearance required.
RACE 7: ROCK SPUR 5.17pm, Vet advice. Lame N/F, Clearance required
Summary of Rider changes/Late notifications
RACE 2: ROSE OF CLARE - Jockey W. D'Avila.
RACE 4: GLAMORGAN BABE - Jockey S. Wilson.
RACE 5: BIG TOMEE R. Johnston-Bell
RACE 7: CRAIGLEA WANDOO - Jockey G. Kliese
>                                                End of Report
Issued subject to correction upon revision.