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Cairns Jockey Club

Ladbrokes Cannon Park Provincial

Sat 16 Mar Good 4


+2m 500m-325m; True Remainder


Good 4 Pen 4.8

Nil last 24hrs, 19mm last 7 days



Track conditions update: 12:04AM Sunday 17 March
Last Track Rating Update: Finalised 16/3 - 7:45am


Mon 11/03/19 11:00am


Tue 12/03/19 03:00pm


Thu 14/03/19 09:30am


Thu 14/03/19 12:00pm


Sat 16/03/19 07:30am

Late Nominations

Races: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6

Race Day Stewards’ Report
Cairns Jockey Club Thoroughbreds
Date: Saturday, 16 March 2019
Track: Good 4
Weather: Overcast
Rail: 2m 500m to 325m, true remainder
Stewards Panel: P. Gillard (Chairman), C. Warren (1000), M. Braunberger (400), B. Connell (Cage)
Officials:  Dr E. Moloney (Veterinarian), R. Ballard, B. Grey (Judge), I. Smith (starter), C. Gordon (Clerk of Scales), P. Charters (Swab Official)
Riding Changes / Jockey Information
Race        Horse                                    Rider                         Replaced By                           Reason
3              SECRET BANG BANG       S. Sheargold        P. Cullen                               Overweight
4             RIKKI DYNAMO                   S. Sheargold        F. Edwards                            Overweight                           
4           BITTY                           S. Kaya                                                 Late rider
Race 1 – Marano’s Fuel QTIS 2yo H’cap – 950m
LOVE IS BLIND – Slow to begin.  Laid out rounding the home turn.
MT PETER MISS – Slow to begin.
EL OF A SAGA – Became unbalanced near the 500m and shifted out, forcing another runner wider.
GREY SERENE – Forced wider near the 500m by another runner, which shifted out.
ORIENTAL GIRL – Raced greenly in the early and middle stages.
MISSION ROAD – Raced greenly for the majority of the race.
Race 2 – PMC Plaster Metal Cladding Benchmark 69 H’cap – 950m
LILLY KAREENA – A post race veterinary examination revealed the horse to have choked down during the race, causing it to finish tailed off. As a result the horse had minor injuries to its mouth. Trainer R. Inglis was advised that a veterinary clearance must be supplied prior to the horse starting again. 
Race 3 – Optimus 1 Insurance Brokers Maiden H’cap  – 1250m
ACCORDIAN – Shifted its hind plates in the tie up stalls and was unable to re-plated. Permission was granted for the horse to race without its hind plates.
SECRET BANG BANG – As S. Sheargold was unable to make the allotted weight on this runner he was replaced by P. Cullen. S. Sheargold was fined the sum of $100. Shifted its hind plates in the tie up stalls and was unable to re-plated. Permission was granted for the horse to race without its hind plates.
SPEED EIGHT – Delayed the start when it reared behind the barriers, dislodging rider A. Thompson. Stewards declared the runner a late scratching at 2.34 pm when A. Thomson was unable to fulfil her riding engagement. On the announcement of correct weigh all monies invested on this runner were ordered to be refunded with the following deductions applicable.
2 cents in the dollar on the face value of win bets
2 cents in the dollar on the face value of win bets for the place
3 cents in the dollar on the face value of 2nd place bets
12 cents in the dollar on the face value of 3rd place n bets
Trainer K.Mearns, was advised that a warning would be placed on the horse’s barrier manners.
DIAMOZU – Difficult to load. Trainer R. Miller, was advised that a warning would be placed on the horses barrier manners. Slow to begin.
LITTLE BOOMER – Began awkwardly.
SHUDAKEPTIM – Raced ungenerously near the 400m and shifted out, inconveniencing another runner.
WILLIWIN SOME – Inconvenienced by another runner near the 400m. Raced wide for the majority of the race.
Race 4 – Clarke Trenching Class 1 H’cap -  950m
BITTY – Stewards noted the explanation tendered for the late declaration of rider for the mare. Began awkwardly and blundered.
RIKKI DYNAMO – As S. Sheargold was unable to make the weight on this runner he was replaced by F. Edwards, who was permitted to ride the horse  1 kilogram over the allotted weight as no other rider was available.  S. Sheargold was fined the sum of $100. Raced wide for the majority of the race.
SPECIAL STYLE – Slow to begin.
LORD ARCHER – Forced inwards approaching the 500m, becoming awkward on heels. Raced wide for the majority of the race.
MICK’S DREAM – Shifted in approaching the 500m, forcing another runner inwards. Rider M. Abe was reprimanded and advised to show greater care.  Raced wide for the majority of the race.
HE’S BLESSED – Shifted out to take a narrow run near the 100m and when bumped by another runner shifted back in, bumping another runner on the hind quarters. Jockey S. Wilson, rider of HE’S BLESSED, was advised to show greater care in similar circumstances.
RUBY RED SOCKS – Shifted in slightly near the 100m after being forced wider by another runner at that stage, causing HE’S BLESSED to shift back in. Rider C. Whiteley, rider of RUBY RED SOCKS, was advised to show greater care in similar circumstances.
MY FRIEND BOB – Was bumped on the hind quarters approaching the 100m by another runner, becoming unbalanced.
ELITE JET – Raced wide for the majority of the race.
Race 5 – FNQCE – Far North Qld Catering Equipment Open H’cap - 1400m
TRY ME DOL – Slow to begin.
BEST HOFFA – Slow to begin.
HOT SAGA – Began awkwardly. Raced wide for the majority of the race.
CRAIGLEA ALDI – Raced 3 wide without cover for the majority of the race.
Race 6 – 1800Approved Cairns Class 3 Plate -  1250m
CENTRE RED – Began awkwardly and was tightened for room shortly after the start and lost ground.
THE FOX EFFECT – Slow to begin.
POWER OF DIVAS – Slow to begin.
TOFF ROCKS – Buffeted between runners on jumping away. Raced wide for the majority of the race.
THE HARROVIAN – Fractious in the barriers prior to the start. Slow into stride and then was buffeted between runner for a short distance. Shifted in under pressure near the 200m, bumping with another runner, which shifted out.
SPARKLY STAR – Shifted out under pressure near the 50m, bumping with another runner, which shifted in.
MAKARIOS – Raced wide for the majority of the race.
BETTER BE CAUTIOUS – Raced wide for the majority of the race.
Swabs samples taken for analysis
R1        Oriental Girl, Mt Peter Miss
R2        Desert Cowboy
R3        Reagon
R4        Ruby Red Socks
R5        Craiglea Aldi
R6        The Harrovia
R3        Speed Eight
R5         Centro Superior
             R5        Lattimer
             R6        Hot Shot Harry
Race day Summary
Late Scratchings
R3        Speed Eight – 2.34pm  

Licensee Actions
R3        S. Sheargold – Overweight - $100 fine – AR190(3)
R4        S. Sheargold – Overweight - $100 fine – AR190(3)
R4        M. Abe – Jockey – Careless riding – Reprimand – AR131(a)
Animal Actions
R2        Lilly Kareena – Choked down in running. Minor injuries to mouth – Vet. Clearance – AR8(t)
R3        Speed Eight – Reared in barriers – Warning
R3        Diamozu – Difficult to load – Warning  
Thisreport and the Stewards Comments for this meeting may be amended at any time, at the sole discretion of the Queensland Racing Integrity Commission (QRIC) Stewards as races are reviewed.