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Cairns Jockey Club

Ladbrokes Cannon Park Provincial

Sun 14 Nov Good 4


True Entire Course


Good 4 Pen 5.3

Nil last 24hrs, 1mm last 7 days

10mm last 24hrs, 26mm last 7 days


Track conditions update: 12:09AM Monday 15 November
Last Track Rating Update: Finalised 14/11 - 7:30am
TRACK INFO: Peno updated 9.40am - 11/11


Tue 09/11/21 11:00am


Wed 10/11/21 03:00pm


Thu 11/11/21 10:00am


Thu 11/11/21 12:00pm


Sun 14/11/21 07:30am

Late Nominations

Races: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8







Chairman of Stewards – P. Gillard
Stewards – C. Warren, F. Hartford, P. Warren, S. Coulthard
Clerk of Scales – A. Holzhauser
Judge – B. Gray
Veterinarian – Dr E. Maloney
Swab Attendants – M. Braunberger
Starter – P. Kennedy

Due to current COVD restriction, Stewards permitted the following weight variations:
Race 5. ONE LAST TIME – S. Sheargold 54kg + 1kg
Race 7. MORE THE MERRIER – N. Day 54kg + 1kg
Race 8. CONQUERING JUDAS – C. Whiteley + .05kg

Race 1: THE HAMBLEDON HOTEL Maiden Handicap 1250 Metres

OUR FLAMING MOES – Slow into stride. Raced three wide without cover for the majority of the race. A post-race veterinary examination revealed the gelding to have gone down on its near hind bumper and showing lameness. Trainer P. Rowe was advised he must provide a veterinary clearance prior to the gelding trialling or racing again.

EXCLUSIVE MO – Shifted inwards shortly after the start bumping BRAVE MISSILE.

BRAVE MISSILE – Bumped shortly after the start.

LAPSEKI – Over-raced in the early stages. Brushed leaving the 200 metres, then commenced to lay out a short distance later bumping with MIND GAME which laid in.

MIND GAME – Laid in leaving the 200 metres brushing LAPESKI, a short distance later continued to lay in bumping with LAPESKI which laid out.

Race 2: NQPS SECURITY BENCHMARK 65 Handicap 1500 Metres

ROTH'N'BELL – Began awkwardly. Raced keenly in the early stages.

VULPES – Rider M. Abe pleaded guilty to a charge under the provisions of AR132(7)(a)(ii) in that he used his whip on seven occasions prior to the 100 metres which is two more times than is permitted. Jockey Abe was fined the sum of $300. Jockey Abe was further cautioned regarding the use of the whip on a horse out of contention.

Race 3: JANET TISLER Class 3 Plate 1250 Metres

MALAWI GOLD – Began awkwardly. Raced keenly in the early stages.

SET TO SIZZLE – Over-raced in the early stages.

JOURNEY OF SONG – Threw its head in air when being restrained near the 1000 metres.

STATEMENT PIECE (NZ) – Over-raced in the early stages.


FAB'S COWBOY – Trainer B. Johnson was fined the sum of $100 under the provisions of LR67(1) in that he failed to declare a rider for the gelding by the prescribed time.

LOUD NOISE – Declared a late scratching at 2.56pm on veterinary advice after becoming fractious in the tie-up stalls. Trainer T. Rowe was advised he must provide a veterinary clearance of soundness prior to its next race or trial start. All monies invested on LOUD NOISE were ordered to be refunded. Deductions applicable to bets placed on winner and placegetters prior to correct weight:
15 x cents in the dollar for the win INCHING CLOSER
12 x cents in the dollar for the place of winner INCHING CLOSER
17x cents in the dollar for 2nd place SILENT EXPLORER

DREAM I CAN – Slow to begin.

OUR CHIQUILLA – Began awkwardly. Made the 1000 metre turn awkwardly.

VOLTAIC – Began awkwardly. Over-raced in the early stages.

Race 5: JACK WILSON MEMORIAL QTIS Three-Year-Old Maiden Handicap 950 Metres

LORD RIVERS – Delayed the start when it shifted its off- front plate during the preliminary. When unable to be re-plated permission was granted for the gelding to race bare in front.

DUTTON BRANDED – Tightened for room on jumping.

THE DELINQUENT – Raced greenly over the concluding stages having a tendency to shift out when placed under pressure. When questioned rider G. Kliese explained that due to its racing manners he was unable to ride the gelding in his usual manner with concerns it would shift out across heels. Trainer W. Kenning was advised a warning would be placed on THE DELINQUENT’S racing manners. Mr Kenning further advised it will now be the intention to experiment with the addition of blinkers to gelding’s gear prior to its next start.

SHE'S EXPLOSIVE – Slow to begin and then was unable to muster any early speed.

GOLD TRICKLE – Hung out rounding the home turn and in the home straight proving difficult to ride. Trainer C. Parry was advised a warning would be placed on the geldings racing manners.

FLAMING ASTEROID – Tightened for room on jumping.

MILKY ROCKET – Slow into stride.

ONE LAST TIME – Jumped inwards at the start tightening runners to its inside.

NORTHERN GIRL – Raced wide without cover for the majority of the race.

Race 6: BILLY COOK MEMORIAL Class 6 Plate 950 Metres

SHUNTER – After being initially slow to begin was then inconvenienced by SYLVESTER which was forced inwards by DELUXE ROCKER which shifted inwards on jumping. Unable to obtain clear running over the concluding stages.

DUNATUN – Slow to begin.

HARD YAGA – Bumped on jumping.

AKILEOS – Shifted out on jumping, bumping HARD YAGA.

SYLVESTER – Forced inwards on jumping tightening runner to its inside.

DELUXE ROCKER – Shifted inwards on jumping tightening runners to its inside.

Race 7: CAIRNS CURRENCY SERVICES Class 2 Handicap 950 Metres

Prior to correct weight it was established that BOUGATSA and MORE THE MERRIER which were positioned in adjacent barriers started from their incorrect barrier. As stewards deemed this had no material effect on the finishing positions, correct weight was declared on the judges semaphored numbers. This was brought to the attention of the starter and riders C. Whiteley (BOUGATSU) and N. DAY (MORE THE MERRIER) were severely reprimanded and advised that riders of their seniority and experience should be aware of their allotted barriers.

MISHANI REBEL – Blundered on jumping and lost ground.

BOUGATSA – Put its head down as the start was effected and lost ground.

GRAZIE – Commenced to over-race in the middle stages approaching and rounding the home turn shifted out forcing FAST ENOUGH wider.

FAST ENUFF – Forced wider rounding the home turn.

MISSION ROAD – Trainer P. Rowe advised stewards following the race that mare was in season.

Race 8: CAIRNS DELIVERIES RATINGS BAND 0 - 55 Handicap 1400 Metres

HIGH ADVICE – After being slow to begin and urged forward commenced to race fiercely when crossed by BUWAN near the 1200 metres and improved onto that runners heels when the pace slackened slightly having to be checked, and shifted in tightening HOT TOP which had to be checked. Again checked when tightened for room near the 200 metres by DESERT SUNDOWN which shifted in and away from BUWAN. A post-race veterinary examination revealed the gelding to have been galloped on with a deep laceration to its off-hind fetlock. Trainer G. Porter was advised he must provide a veterinary clearance of soundness prior to its next race or trial start.

BUWAN – Stewards issued a charge of careless riding against rider L. Morrison in that near the 1200 metres she allowed her mount to shift in when not fully clear of HIGH ADVICE which shifted in tightening the running of HOT TOP which in turn shifted in making contact with the running rail and having to be checked. After hearing further evidence and further viewing of the steward’s patrol footage, stewards were of the opinion this charge could not be sustained due to the racing manners of HIGH ADVICE and the pace of the race at this stage of the event and as such did not proceed.

DESERT SUNDOWN – Shifted in approaching the 1200 metres inconveniencing CANDY GIRL. Rider K. Swaffer was advised show greater care in similar circumstances. Shifted in and away when crowded by BUWAN which shifted in slightly near the 200 metres inconveniencing HIGH ADVICE. Whilst stewards noted all particulars, and that Ms Swaffer did stop riding, she was nonetheless in the presence of her master Mr Rowe, severely reprimanded and advised that stewards would expect a greater effort to straighten her mount in similar circumstances.

AVATEA – Shifted in near the 1200 metres momentarily hampering BUWAN. Rider J. Stanley was advised to show greater care.

CANDY GIRL – Inconvenienced approaching the 1200 metres. Stewards will inquire into the performance and riding of mare at a date and time to fixed.

HOT TOP – Tightened for room having to be checked near the 1200 metres and lost ground.


Summary of action concerning licensees

Race 7, C. Whiteley (Jockey) AR198(1) Severe reprimand – Allowed mount (Bougatsa) to start from incorrect barrier.
Race 7, N. Day (Jockey) AR198(1) Severe reprimand – Allowed mount (More The Merrier) to start from incorrect barrier.
Race 8, App K. Swaffer AR131(a) Severe Reprimand, to make greater effort to straighten her mount when shifting ground.

Race 4 – B. Johnson (Trainer) $100 – LR67(1) Failed to declare a rider the prescribed time.

Summary of action concerning thoroughbred horses

Horses swabbed pre-race
Lapeski, Vulpes, Salsa Dreaming, Malawi Gold, Inching Closer, High Advice

Horses swabbed post-race
All winners

Race 1 Our Flaming Moes – Lame near side hind – Vet clearance required. AR20(e)

Race 4 Loud Noise – Fractious in tie ups – Vet clearance required. AR20(e)

Race 5 The Delinquent – Raced greenly concluding stages – Warning
Gold Trickle – Hung out rounding home turn – Warning

Race 8 High Advice – Galloped on off hind fetlock – Vet clearance required. AR20(e)

Summary of rider changes/Late notifications
Race 4 Fab’s Cowboy – App T. Fenlon

Late scratchings
Race 4 Loud Noise – 2.56 – Vets advice

Adjourned Inquiry
Race 7 Candy Girl – Performance and riding of the mare

The matters contained within this Stewards report may be subject to an internal or external review. The outcome of any internal review is published on the Commission’s website immediately after the release of the internal review decision to the Applicant. External reviews are managed by QCAT and are not published on the Commission’s website.

This report and the Stewards Comments for this meeting may be amended at any time, at the sole discretion of the Queensland Racing Integrity Commission (QRIC) Stewards as races are reviewed.