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Brisbane Racing Club@Doomben

Doomben Metropolitan

Fri 13 Jan Good 3


+7.5 metres Entire Course


Good 3 Pen 5.2

Nil last 24hrs, 27.5mm last 7 days

2mm last 24hrs, 11mm last 7 days


Track conditions update: 12:03AM Saturday 14 January
Last Track Rating Update: Finalised 13/1 - 7:45am


Mon 09/01/17 11:00am


Tue 10/01/17 03:00pm


Wed 11/01/17 09:00am


Wed 11/01/17 12:00pm


Fri 13/01/17 07:30am

Late Nominations

Races: 1

Chairman of Stewards – D. Aurisch
Stewards – J. Williamson, C. Albrecht, N. Boyle
Betting Steward – A. Kitching
Clerk of Scales – E. Barron
Judge – R. Thomas, A. Redding, J. Coleman
Veterinarian – S. McGinness
Swab Attendants – K. Warwick, J. Crompton
Bookmakers Supervisor – W. Flynn
Starter – P. Cousins, I. Smith
Stewards Secretary – P. Carey
Stewards today inquired into the conduct of Brisbane Racing Club employee Mr Peter Spargo  in the scales area at Eagle Farm prior to Race 3 on Wednesday, 11 January 2017.  After taking evidence from Mr Spargo and his manager, Mr Shaun Bridges, and also the official Clerk of the Scales at the meeting, Mr Spargo pleaded guilty to a charge under AR175(q) in that he misconducted himself by making comments towards apprentice Michael Murphy regarding him changing gear after he weighed out for the abovementioned race.  Mr Spargo’s comments may have led to apprentice Murphy breaching the Rules.  Stewards issued a $500 fine however this amount was wholly suspended under AR196(4) for a period of 12 months on the condition that he does not reoffend for a similar breach in the next 12 months.
Race 1: Join Our Stable QTIS 3yo Fillies Maiden H’cap – 1350m
DAWN FIGHTER – Slow to begin.
IS BREA BUA – Jumped away awkwardly. Raced 3 wide without cover.
RED APPEAL – Overraced in the early stages.
LITTLE LILLY – Raced 3 wide throughout.
Race 2: Girls Day Our Race Day CG&E Maiden H’cap – 1200m
TORRE SARACHIN – Change of tactics. To be ridden back in the field from the awkward alley. The horse was ridden accordingly.  Had to be eased to avoid the heels of THE PONSTER passing the 800m.
PIPEMAJOR – Slow to begin.
RAYS ARE LUCKY – Blundered at the start and then was tightened for room soon afterwards. Raced wide.  
THE PONTSTER – Had to be steadied off heels approaching the 900m.  Had to be restrained from heels near the 800m and taken wider.
TAKES TIME – Overraced in the early stages and approaching the 800m had to be checked when tightened for room between MURTASTEEL and THE EXHIBITIONIST, which shifted out. Then continued to overrace in the middle stages.
THE EXHIBITIONIST – Had to be restrained from the heels of DEUS and then shifted out approaching the 800m.  Steadied when tightened for room near the 400m.
DEUS – Had to be restrained from the heels of SIRTIME when overracing approaching and passing the 600m.  Unable to secure clear running approaching and rounding the home turn. Obliged to shift out abruptly in the early part of the home straight in order to obtain clear running.
LUCKY GO LUCKY – Had to be steadied when tightened for room near the 350m.
MURTASTEEL – Raced 3 wide without cover.
SAWAIKI – Raced 4 wide without cover throughout. When asked to explain the performance of the horse, jockey J. Bowditch explained that his mount was carrying blinkers for the first time today and he attempted to ride the horse in a more forward position, however when MURTASTEEL  shifted out slightly near the 800m, that resulted in his mount being obliged to race 4 wide from that point.  He further added, in his view, SAWAIKI performed very well considering it was obliged to race so wide.
Race 3:  Gallopers Sports Club Maiden H’cap – 1650m
RED SAGA – Tightened for room soon after the start and clipped the heels of LUJAC and blundered.
CAPTAIN BOOKWORM – Inconvenienced soon after the start when tightened for room between BIDZIL and DUMFRIES. When asked to explain the disappointing performance, apprentice M. Murphy stated that the horse was disappointing when placed under pressure from the 600m and, in his view, had come to the end of its current preparation.  Apprentice M. Murphy was admonished for failing to ride his mount out over the final 200m. A post race veterinary examination revealed the horse to be suffering from mild heat stress. Trainer L. Gough  advised that he now intends to send the horse for a spell. 
LETTER OF CHARM – Raced wide in the early stages and was allowed to stride forward to obtain the position outside the leader near the 1000m.  A post race veterinary examination of the horse, which weakened badly in the home straight, revealed the horse to be suffering from mild heat stress.
YESIDO – Stewards questioned jockey S. Bogenhuber regarding her decision passing the 600m to shift to the outside of LETTER OF CHARM when that runner weakened rather than improve between LETTER OF CHARM and DUMFRIES.  Jockey Bogenhuber explained that she was of the opinion that LETTER OF CHARM was shifting in slightly and rather than be tightened for room she elected to shift around that runner in order to improve.  Stewards advised jockey Bogenhuber that she had erred in not improving between LETTER OF CHARM and DUMFRIES and follow LUJAC into the race at that stage, however they did not feel that her ride was so unreasonable as to be culpable under the rules.
DUMFRIES – A post race veterinary examination revealed a mild abrasion to the front of the nearside shoulder.
Race 4: James Boag’s Premium Class 1 H’cap – 1200m
On return to scale, apprentice B. Ainsworth, rider of the 4th placegetter, CHIN CHUN, lodged a protest against OLD TRIESTE (B. Pengelly) being declared the  2nd placegetter, alleging interference over the final 100m.  After taking evidence from the parties concerned and viewing the stewards patrol video, it was established that OLD TRIESTE did shift out over the concluding stages and brush CHIN CHUN on 2 occasions.  Stewards however could not be satisfied that this occurrence had a material effect on the placings in the race and therefore the  protest was dismissed and correct weight semaphored on the Judge’s placings.  Stewards reminded jockey Pengelly to make every effort to keep his mounts on a straight course when under pressure in the home straight.
JACKSON BAY – Hung out rounding the home turn and when under pressure in the home straight.
TAILGATING – Bumped heavily on the hind quarters and became unbalanced near the 200m.
CHIC SALE – When asked to comment on the performance, jockey J. Lloyd stated that he had been instructed to ride the horse on speed, however his mount began awkwardly and this positioned him towards the back of the field.  He indicated CHIC SALE did not travel comfortably and when VIDARR shifted out near the 600m his mount commenced to lay out away from the horse and continued to do so for the remainder  of the event.  He added that he had recommended to connections to start the horse over more ground where it  may be able to obtain a forward position more easily.
Race 5: Relaxed Racing Ratings Band 0-65 H’cap – 2220m  
EL TOBY – Jockey R. Wiggins was fined $200 for being overweight on the horse.  N. Callow was substituted as the rider of the horse.  Raced 3 wide throughout.  A post race veterinary examination  revealed the gelding to have blood from the off side nostril.  Connections were advised that the horse would be required to gallop over 1000m before a steward prior to being permitted to race again.
THREE PONTS – Slow to begin.  Jockey J. Lloyd reported that his mount was making an abnormal respiratory noise and as a consequence  did not pressure his mount in the home straight.  A post race veterinary examination revealed the horse to be suffering from respiratory distress.  Trainer G. Duncan was advised that he must provide a veterinary clearance for the horse, including the results of an endoscopic examination.  
CHARLES THE THIRD – Slow to begin.
LIGHTNING BELL – Held up approaching and rounding the home turn.
MISHANI SCOUT – Raced 3 wide in the early stages.
MYSTERIUM – For some distance after passing the 600m was awkwardly placed at the heels of the tiring  PERISHA.  
PERISHA – Jockey T. Harrison reported that it was not her intention to lead today, however when racing wide in the early stages she allowed the mare  to stride forward and take the lead near the 1600m.  She added that this did not suit the horse and had a detrimental effect on the horse’s overall performance.
Race 6: BRC Membership Class 1 H’cap – 1650m
The start of this race was delayed when FAST VISION  had to be attended to by the club’s farrier.
THORNETT –  Held up rounding the home turn. Disappointed for a run between  OUR JAMAICA and POUND THE PAVEMENT  near the 200m.
Race 7: Weddings At BRC Class 3 Plate – 1350m
CAPETOWN HUSSEY – Slow to begin.
COLLATERAL – Hampered at the start. Held up and unable to improve  in the early part of the home straight. 
ALASSAK – Jumped away awkwardly. Brushed near the 200m.
THE EQUALIZER – Raced 3 wide without cover.
DOUBT DEFYING – Had to be checked from heels when the pace steadied passing the 800m.  Following this, the horse had to  continually be restrained from the heels of that runner for some distance until approaching the 600m.
HONOUR’N’STRENGTH – Shifted in and brushed ALASSAK near the 200m.
Summary of action concerning licensees
Peter Spargo – BRC employee – Misconduct Eagle Farm 3.1.17 – $500 wholly suspended for 12 months conditional on not reoffending against this or similar rule  - AR175(q)
Race 5.           Ryan Wiggins – Jockey - $200 – Overweight – AR120(b)
Summary of action concerning thoroughbred horses
Horses swabbed pre-race
Horses swabbed post-race
All winners, Lujac, Sirtime, Gleden Sunset, Honour‘n’strength
Race 5.           El Toby – Bled one nostril – 1000m gallop before stewards – AR53A
Three Points – Respiratory distress – Vet. Clearance, results of endoscopic examination.
Race 4.           4th (Chin Chun) v. 2nd (Old Trieste) – Interference over the final 100m – Dismissed.
Summary of rider changes/Late notifications
Race 5.           El Toby – N. Calow
Late scratchings
Published subject to correction upon revision