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Brisbane Racing Club@Doomben

Doomben Metropolitan

Sat 22 Apr Soft 5


+1.5m Entire Course


Soft 5 Pen 4.9

2mm last 24hrs, 2mm last 7 days

Nil last 24hrs, 14mm last 7 days


Track conditions update: 1:04AM Sunday 23 April
Last Track Rating Update: Finalised 22/4 - 7:45am


Mon 17/04/17 11:00am


Tue 18/04/17 03:00pm


Wed 19/04/17 09:00am


Wed 19/04/17 12:00pm


Sat 22/04/17 07:30am

Late Nominations

Races: 1, 5, 7

RAIL – 1.5M                                      PENETROMETER – 4.86
Chairman of Stewards – A. Reardon
Stewards – J. Williamson, L. Collins, T. Frazer, B. Connell
Betting Steward – M. Heffernan
Clerk of Scales – P. Reardon
Judge – R. Thomas, I. Schultz, G. Tozer
Veterinarian – M. Lenz
Swab Attendants – J. Crompton, S. Heidke, K. Warwick, R. Gonchee
Bookmakers Supervisor – W. Flynn
Starter – P. Cousins, R. Smith
Stewards Secretary – W. Ostrofski
Race 1: MANDATE OPEN H'CAP – 2200M
COMACINA – R. Stewart was questioned regarding the horse’s disappointing performance. He stated that he could offer no tangible explanation other than that he believed the gelding would be better suited in races run in a quick tempo.
CAILLEBOTTE – Raced wide in the early stages before being allowed to stride forward and settle outside the leader at the 1200m. The veterinary surgeon reported that the horse was lame in the near foreleg following the event as a result of shifting the near fore plate in running.
ME LEBROCK – Slow to begin. Inclined to lay in under pressure in the straight. When questioned regarding the horse’s improved performance as compared with its unplaced effort at Doomben on 15 April 2017, trainer T. Edmonds stated that he was not unhappy with its performance last Saturday, that it had finished the race off well and the step up in distance today was more suitable.
I FEEL GOOD – Held up rounding the home turn and in the early stages of the straight.
Race 2: MANDATE 2YO PLATE – 1050M
TREVELLO – Bumped heavily at the start. Shifted in shortly after entering the home straight and made contact with another runner.
COOROI CHASE – Jumped awkwardly and lost ground.
SPLITTER – Jumped away awkwardly, shifted in and made heavy contact with TREVELLO. Raced wide without cover.
CABIN FEVER – Slow to begin.
HELFUCHI – Had to be checked near the 800m when CALLIGRAPHER shifted in. R. Plumb, the rider of CALLIGRAPHER, was found guilty of a charge of careless riding under AR. 137(a) in that at that point he permitted his mount to shift in when not fully clear of HELFUCHI. Jockey Plumb’s licence to ride in races was suspended for 8 days, to commence at midnight on Saturday 29 April and expire at midnight on Sunday 7 May 2017. In determining penalty stewards took into account jockey Plumb’s very good record in relation to this rule. Bumped shortly after entering the home straight.
RIVER FLYER – Raced wide without cover.
OUR BEEBEE – M. Cahill reported at scale that his mount raced fiercely in the early stages and was more forward than he had anticipated in the early and middle stages.
BENFICA PRINCESS – J. Lloyd reported at scale that it was not his intention to be forward and lead, however after endeavouring to restrain his mount he was unable to do so and as a result he allowed the filly to stride forward and take up a position in the lead. J. Lloyd was questioned regarding the tactics he adopted after leaving the 800m whereby he allowed his mount to shift away from the running rail. He stated that he had been under instructions from the stable to ride the filly in a midfield position and away from the rail as they were of the belief that was the better section of the track given that the first two winners had come wider on the track when making their runs. Stable representative Mr G. Doughty confirmed that it had not been the intention to ride the horse in a forward position and that he expected it to be midfield and shifting wider to secure clear running entering the home straight, which he indicated to Mr Lloyd would be to their advantage because he had felt that the better going was further to the outside.
LYRA – Raced wide without cover throughout.
Race 4: MANDATE CLASS 6 H'CAP – 1200M
ALLKNIGHT SAINT – Tightened for room approaching the 1000m by a runner to the outside. Raced wide without cover.
SHADOW LORD – Tightened for room approaching the 1000m by a runner to the outside.
LAND OFFICE – Shifted in approaching the 1000m, tightening runners to the inside, before jockey L. Cassidy directed his mount wider on the track to relieve the pressure. Shifted the near fore plate in running.
WITH A PROMISE – Shifted out on jumping and made contact with another runner. Tightened for room approaching the 1000m by a runner to the outside.
GRACEVILLE – Jumped awkwardly and lost ground.
EL CAMPEADOR – Bumped on jumping.
SAY YOU LOVE ME – Raced wide without cover. Commenced to hang out after leaving the 800m.
OH BOY – Tightened for room approaching the 1000m by a runner to the outside.
INTO THE RED – Had to be checked near the 1100m when CASUAL CHOICE shifted in when not fully clear.
IN HIS STRIDE – Shifted out and away from heels approaching the 800m and then raced wide.
DIVINE CENTURI – Slow to begin.
HI I’M BACK – Shifted out and away from heels near the 900m.
TISANI TOMSO – Late scratching at 1:35 pm on veterinary advice that the horse was lame in the near foreleg. Trainer K. Kemp was advised that the horse will require a veterinary clearance prior to racing again.
PRECIPITATE – Tightened for room, had to be severely checked and lost considerable ground near the 1100m when INTO THE RED was taken in by CASUAL CHOICE. B. Stewart, the rider of CASUAL CHOICE, pleaded guilty to a charge of careless riding under AR. 137(a) in that at that point he allowed his mount to shift in when not fully clear of INTO THE RED. B. Stewart’s licence to ride in races was suspended for 12 days, to commence at midnight on Sunday 30 April and expire at midnight on Friday 12 May 2017. After suffering interference near the 1100m then overraced and had to be checked passing the 800m.
The start of this race was delayed when DREAM OF ASCOT, which lunged forward in the barriers, was examined by the veterinary surgeon and passed fit to run.
RINGO’S A ROCKSTAR – Slow to begin. Had to steady off heels passing the 800m.
GUARD OF HONOUR – Slow to begin. Had to be steadied away from heels near the 500m and was held up until the entrance to the straight.
JUST ORM – Raced wide without cover.
CHALK – Hampered when tightened for room shortly after the start. Had to steady off heels passing the 800m. Shifted in abruptly when racing greenly near the 300m.
MOSHKI – Raced wide throughout.
ALL OVER BOSANOVA – Raced wide throughout without cover.
HIDDEN LIGHT – Raced wide throughout.
LIPSYNC – Raced wide throughout. Had to steady away from heels near the 700m.
CRIQUETTE – Raced wide in the early stages and when restrained got its head up and raced ungenerously.
SIR MOMENTS – Bumped on jumping. Raced ungenerously in the early stages. D. Browne indicated that after suffering minor interference in the early stages the horse refused to settle and fought against him for most of the event and this had a detrimental effect on the horse’s finishing effort. Trainer S. O’Dea reported that the gelding had returned to the stables with no issues and he agreed with the comments of jockey Browne.
TOO GOOD TO REFUSE – Jumped awkwardly, shifted out and bumped another runner. Lost the near fore plate in running.
SHEISWHATSHEIS – Apprentice A. Fancourt reported that her mount overraced in the early stages.
BRETTAN – Commenced to lose ground after leaving the 800m and was retired from the event in the straight. A post-race veterinary examination revealed the horse to be sore over the rump. Trainer D. Roberts was advised that the horse will require a veterinary clearance before being permitted to race again.
GOOD JOB BRO – R. Stewart reported that after initially obtaining cover, his mount was then forced wider after leaving the 1000m and raced wide without cover for the remainder of the event.
DON’T TELL MAMA – Checked near the 1300m when tightened for room between runners.
KUTZNETSOVA – Raced ungenerously in the middle stages.
REAL EGO – Bumped and became unbalanced after passing the 100m.
EVENTIDE – Very slow to begin.
WAR BABY – Raced wide throughout without cover.
Summary of action concerning licensees

Race 2. R. Plumb – careless riding – 8 days (m/n 29.4.17 – m/n 7.5.17) – AR. 137(a)
Race 5. B. Stewart – careless riding –  12 days (m/n 30.4.17 – m/n 12.5.17) – AR. 137(a)
Summary of action concerning thoroughbred horses
Horses swabbed pre-race
Precipitate, Prada Miss, Lyra, Siren’s Fury, In His Stride, Ringo’s a Rockstar, Guard of Honour, Shadow Lord, With a Promise, Maryore, Single Gaze, Good Job Bro, Eventide, Honey Holt, Craiglea Wandoo, Brettan
Horses swabbed post-race
All winners, 2nd placegetters Race 1 and Races 3 to 7
Race 5. TISANI TOMSO – lame near foreleg, late scratching – vet clearance – AR. 8(t)
Race 8. BRETTAN – sore over rump – vet clearance – AR. 8(t)
Summary of rider changes/Late notifications
Race 6.           CHALK – T. Harrison
Race 8.           WAR BABY – T. Brooker
                        BINARY – M. Cahill
Late scratchings
Race 5.          TISANI TOMSO – 1:35 pm – lame near foreleg
Published subject to correction upon revision