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Tattersall's Racing Club

Doomben Metropolitan

Sat 22 Jul Good 3


True Entire Course


Good 3 Pen 4.7

Nil last 24hrs, 10mm last 7 days

Nil last 24hrs, 2.5mm last 7 days


Track conditions update: 1:03AM Sunday 23 July
Last Track Rating Update: Finalised 22/7 - 7:45am. Late Rider R9 N17.


Mon 17/07/17 11:00am


Tue 18/07/17 03:00pm


Wed 19/07/17 09:00am


Wed 19/07/17 12:00pm


Sat 22/07/17 07:30am

Late Nominations

Races: 4, 6, 7

WEATHER – FINE                           TRACK RATING – GOOD 4/GOOD 3 (After R3)
RAIL – TRUE                                   PENETROMETER – 4.71
Chairman of Stewards – A. Reardon
Stewards – D. Aurisch, M. Knibbs, L. Hicks
Betting Steward –M. Heffernan
Clerk of Scales – N. Boyle
Judge – A. Redding, R. Thomas, G. Tozer
Veterinarian – M. Lenz, S. Flynn
Swab Attendants – K. Warwick, A. Schofield, R. Gonchee
Starter – R. Smith, P. Cousins
Stewards Secretary – W. Ostrofski
QRIC OFFICES 21.7.17 – From Brisbane Racing Club Meeting at Eagle Farm 27 May 2017:
Mr Andrew Saunders pleaded guilty to a charge under Australian Rule of Racing 175A in that he did enter upon the racing surface of the Eagle Farm track during the running of Race 8 on Saturday 27 May 2017, which in the Stewards’ opinion amounted to conduct prejudicial to the image and interests of racing.
In assessing a penalty, Stewards acknowledged Mr Saunders’ sincere apology and the infringement notice, however Stewards were of the opinion that a significant penalty should be imposed so as to act as an appropriate deterrent to ensure like-minded individuals do not repeat these actions.
Mr Saunders was disqualified for a period of two years to commence from 11 July 2017 and to expire on 11 July 2019. Mr Saunders was advised of his right of appeal to the internal review.
Race 1: G.H. MUMM QTIS   2YO H’CAP – 1600M
DIOMEDES – R. Fradd reported at scale that his mount overraced in the early stages.
ARRESTAR – Bumped by another runner near the 1500m.
SNAPCHAT GIRL – Jumped away awkwardly and lost ground. Bumped on two occasions passing the 200m.
BRANDO – As the horse had dislodged a tooth, it underwent a veterinary examination behind the barriers and was passed fit to start. Had to steady away from heels near the 900m. Shifted out near the 200m and made contact with another runner. Held up for clear running near the 100m and then was unable to be fully tested over the concluding stages.
FUTURE EVENT – Raced wide throughout.
MEYIWA HITAM MAWAR – Jumped away awkwardly.
TERRORFILO – Slow to begin. Laid in under pressure in the early stages of the straight.
ZIEGELBAUER – Reared as the gates opened and lost ground.
LOVING HOME – Had to steady away from heels near the 1000m.
I FEEL GOOD – When questioned, J. Lloyd stated that the gelding appreciates racing inside other runners and when the pace was only slow in the middle stages he elected to improve to the outside and press forward, however after being brushed by BRILLIANT JET near the 500m, his mount lost concentration and failed to respond to his riding from that point. A post-race veterinary examination revealed no significant findings.

METEOROLOGIST – After racing wide, was allowed to stride forward and take up a position in the lead near the 800m.
CHOYSA – Shifted out into the three wide line near the 1200m and near the 1100m was forced wider by another runner. Had to be steadied near the 300m when tightened for room. Laid in under pressure in the straight.
VIVA ESPANA – Held up rounding the home turn.
SPLENDID STRYKER – J. Orman reported at scale that it was not his intentions to lead on the gelding.
STANLEY – Got its head up when being restrained passing the 1000m and then shifted out.
After viewing the stewards’ patrol footage, J. Byrne, the rider of UMBERTO, placed 2nd by the Judge, lodged an objection against HINGUS ROSE being declared the winner, alleging interference approaching the 200m. After taking evidence from all parties and viewing the videos, it was established that after initially endeavouring to improve to the inside of HINGUS ROSE near the 300m, UMBERTO was then disappointed when HINGUS ROSE shifted in slightly and then had to be checked near the 200m when HINGUS ROSE was taken in slightly by CALLIGRAPHER. Stewards acknowledged that whilst there was a run to the inside of HINGUS ROSE shortly after entering the straight, they were not satisfied that UMBERTO had full purchase on that run, and after taking into account the shift by CALLIGRAPHER, they dismissed the objection and declared correct weight on the Judge’s placings.
LA VIDA LOCA – Declared a late scratching at 12:52 pm when R. Fradd was dislodged whilst proceeding to the barriers.
PROSSIMATA – Declared a late scratching at 12:52 pm when the horse refused to proceed to the barriers. Trainer J. Anderson was advised that the gelding would be required to trial prior to its next start.
On the announcement of correct weight, stewards ordered that all monies invested on LA VIDA LOCA and PROSSIMATA be refunded, with the following deductions to apply to successful wagers placed prior to 12:52 pm:
17 cents in the dollar for the win #6
18 cents in the dollar for place of winner #6
21 cents in the dollar for 2nd place #18
20 cents in the dollar for 3rd place #2
TALE OF THE FOX – Raced fiercely in the early stages.
TIMPERLEY – Shifted out to avoid heels when the pace steadied after leaving the 800m, forcing another runner wider.
PRINCESS SNOWY – Forced to race wide after leaving the 800m.
Following the running of this event the track was upgraded to GOOD 3.
The start of this race was delayed when BONSHO and VOLTAIRE LUMIERE proved difficult to load.
TREVINDER – Disappointed for a run near the 200m and had to be checked off heels and was then held up and did not obtain clear running until the 50m.
DENARIUS – Got its off hind leg up on the barrier partition, examined by the veterinary surgeon and passed fit to start. Hampered shortly after the start.
AIMALAC MILLIE – Shifted out abruptly on jumping. Raced wide without cover. A post-race veterinary examination revealed no significant findings.
KHALAMA – Had to be checked near the 200m when POWERFUL SAGA shifted in when not fully clear. J. Lloyd, the rider of POWERFUL SAGA, pleaded guilty to a charge of careless riding under AR. 137(a). J. Lloyd’s licence to ride in races was suspended for 8 days, to commence at midnight on Saturday 29 July 2019 and expire at midnight on Sunday 6 August 2017. In determining penalty stewards took into account jockey Lloyd’s good record and his plea of guilt.
VOLTAIRE LUMIERE – Fractious in the barriers. Slow to begin.
Race 5: UBET CLASS 3 PLATE – 1200M
COMIC STORY – Hung in from the 800m.
GEOMETRIST – Had to steady away from the heels of LADY CROMAC approaching and rounding the home turn. B. Grylls, the rider of LADY CROMAC, was advised to be fully clear when shifting ground.
AZARENKA – Steadied away from heels approaching the 800m. Trainer M. Mair reported that the mare had bled from one nostril following the event. Mr Mair was advised that the horse would be required to perform satisfactorily in a 1000m gallop in the presence of a steward and the results of an endoscopic examination must be produced to stewards prior to the mare racing again.
MALVERN ESTATE – Lost off hind plate in running.
PINCH MOUNTAIN – Pulled hard in the early stages.
MAGIC DIAMOND – J. Lloyd reported at scale that whilst his mount raced wide without cover throughout, he was nonetheless disappointed with the way in which if finished the race off.
FLAMBOYER – Shifted in near the 200m, taking SUNNY VICTORY in on to another runner. A post-race veterinary examination revealed the gelding to have a slow post-race recovery.
FRESPANOL – Held up rounding the home turn. Lost the near hind plate in running.
IRISH CONSTABULARY – Raced wide without cover. J. Lloyd reported at scale that he attempted to obtain cover passing the 900m but was prevented from doing so when SUNNY VICTORY held its position to the inside.
SONY LEGEND – Reared as the gates opened.
PRIMAL FLIGHT – Hampered by a runner to the outside when tiring near the 200m. Apprentice M. McGillivray, the rider of FLAMBOYER, was severely reprimanded for failing to stop riding and straighten his mount. A post-race veterinary examination revealed no significant findings.
EL SASSO – Slow to begin. Held up until after leaving the 200m.
SUNNY VICTORY – Taken in on to another runner near the 200m.
CRACK ME UP – Jumped awkwardly. Shifted in near the 50m and brushed CRUISING SPEED.
PINDAN PEARL – Slow to begin.
CRUISING SPEED – Brushed by another runner near the 50m.
CHANDANA – Lost the off hind plate in running.
GLENDARA – Slow to begin.
MADAM DE BAN – Momentarily tightened for room between runners near the 200m.
CASHING UP – Raced wide without cover.
MARKSFIELD – Bumped on jumping. Apprentice A. Sewell reported at scale that his saddle shifted forward near the 1000m.
CORNROW – Jumped awkwardly, shifted out and bumped another runner. Held up from rounding the home turn until passing the 200m.
YABA DABL DOYA – Held up after leaving the 200m and altered course to obtain clear running.
NEUSCHWANSTEIN – Trainer R. Heathcote was fined $200 for the late declaration of A. Allen as rider.
PRECISION STRIKE – Raced wide until after leaving the 800m. G. Colless reported that in his opinion the gelding may have come to the end of its campaign after its disappointing effort. A post-race veterinary examination no significant findings. Connections advised that the horse would now be sent for a spell.
JACKPOT – Shifted in and tightened runners to the inside near the 1000m.
SHIPWRECKED – Bumped on jumping. Had to steady away from heels after leaving the 800m.
FLEUR D’ORAGE – Jumped awkwardly.
EXTRASAY – Held up approaching the 200m.
ARCHYTAS – As the horse had cut its tongue, the tongue tie was not able to be fitted. A veterinary examination cleared the gelding to race. A public announcement was made to this effect. Bumped on jumping.
ALASSAK – Pulled hard in the early stages and raced wide throughout. Bumped with another runner near the 700m and again near the 600m.
PRIORITISE – Had to steady off heels after leaving the 1000m. Bumped with another runner near the 700m and again near the 600m. Shifted in near the 50m and had to steady off heels.
CONGELATOR – Raced wide without cover.
REAL CLASSIC – Slow to begin. Held up in the early stages of the straight.

Summary of action concerning licensees
Race 6. App. M. McGillivray – careless riding – severe reprimand – AR. 137(a)
Race 8. Tnr. R. Heathcote - $200 – late rider declaration – LR. 67

Race 4. J. Lloyd – careless riding – days (m/n 29.7.17 – m/n 6.8.17) – AR. 137(a)
Summary of action concerning thoroughbred horses
Horses swabbed pre-race
Terrorfilo, Stanely, Ziegelbauer, Guissola, Arrestar, South of France, Snapchat Girl, Call the Captain, Colour of Money, Choysa, Loving Home, Cashing up, Chandana, Sunny Victory, Flying Riddle, Flamboyer, El Sasso, Dylan’s Luck, Zinzi, Tale of the Fox
Horses swabbed post-race
All winners, Real Princess, Loving Home, Umberto, Powerful Saga, Malvern Estate, Charlie Boy, Cruising Speed, Yaba Dabl Doya, Rhyming
Race 3. PROSSIMATA – refused to proceed to barriers – trial – AR. 8(t)
Race 5. AZARENKA – bled one nostril – 1000m gallop, results of endoscopic examination – AR. 53A
Race 3. UMBERTO (2nd) v. HINGUS ROSE (1st) – alleged interference approaching the 200m – dismissed
Summary of rider changes/Late notifications
Race 3.           PROSSIMATA – T. Harrison
Race 8.           NEUSCHWANSTEIN – A. Allen
                        RAGAZZO DEL CORSA – M. Cahill
Race 9.           PLEASED – B. Grylls
Late scratchings
Race 3.          LA VIDA LOCA – 12:52 pm
PROSSIMATA – 12:52 pm
Published subject to correction upon revision