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Brisbane Racing Club@Doomben

Doomben Metropolitan

Sat 28 Oct Good 4


+5m Entire Course


Good 4 Pen 5.2

Nil last 24hrs, 25mm last 7 days



Track conditions update: 12:11AM Sunday 29 October
Last Track Rating Update: Finalised 28/10 - 7:45am


Mon 23/10/17 11:00am


Tue 24/10/17 03:00pm


Wed 25/10/17 09:00am


Wed 25/10/17 12:00pm


Sat 28/10/17 07:30am

Late Nominations

Races: 1, 2, 3, 4, 7, 8, 9, 10

WEATHER FINEE                        TRACK RATING SOFT 5/GOOD 4 @ 10:50 AM
RAIL 5MM                                        PENETROMETER
Chairman of Stewards A. Reardon
Stewards J. Williamson, P. Zimmermann, R. Hanson, N. Treacey
Clerk of Scales L. Hicks
Judge M. Mawhinney, G. Tozer, R. Thomas, I. Schultz
Veterinarian M. Lenz, S. Flynn
Swab Attendants R. Gonchee, F. Andrews, K. Warwick
Starter I. Smith, P. Cousins
Stewards Secretary W. Ostrofski
As apprentice T. Brooker was indisposed due to illness, riding replacements were made as per the Stewards Race Day Summary.
Following advice from trainer B. Curriees horse transport driver that he had difficulty in transit with GIRL IN A MILLION (Race 3) and HIGH AFRICAINE (Race 4), both horses were examined by the veterinary surgeon after arriving on course. Following advice from the veterinary surgeon that GIRL IN A MILLION had been cast in the float en route to the track, the filly was declared a late scratching at 12 noon. HIGH AFRICAINE was cleared to race.
Stewards inquired into the behaviour of FREDDIE FOX TROT (Race 5) when being saddled in the sand roll. Evidence was taken from QRIC sample collection officer Ms K. Warwick, veterinary surgeon Dr S. Flynn and stable representative Mr T. Crane. Trainer L. Kelly, who was not on course, advised stewards that the gelding has been difficult to saddle throughout its career and after todayys effort it is his intention to spell the gelding. He indicated that he will undertake remedial work in an attempt to rectify the geldinggs pre-race behaviour. Stewards advised Mr Kelly that the nomination of FREDDIE FOX TROT will be refused in relation to its pre-race manners until such time as the horsees behaviour has improved.
MIRACLES APLENTY Raced in restricted room approaching the first turn when tightened by a runner to the outside. The veterinary surgeon reported that the filly had sprung both fore plates in running.
SIENNA ROSE Raced in restricted room approaching the first turn when tightened by a runner to the outside. Momentarily tightened for room near the 200m. M. McGillivray reported at scale that he was disappointed in his mountts finishing effort. A post-race veterinary examination revealed no significant findings.
CEOL NA MARA Whilst racing wide on the track near the 600m, shifted in when racing greenly and tightened the runner to the inside.
CHICKA BOOM Hung out passing the 800m and continued to hang out until the entrance to the straight. A post-race veterinary examination revealed the filly to be short striding and favouring the near foreleg. Trainer K. Schweida advised that the filly will now spell. Mr Schweida was advised that a warning would be placed on the horsees racing manners.
FISH NN SNITZ Jumped awkwardly. Steadied approaching the first turn when racing wide. Had to shift out to avoid heels near the 600m. Raced greenly under pressure in the straight.
HEAVENLY STRANGER Bumped on the hind quarter near the 200m and turned in.
SPIRITTS FIRST Shifted in abruptly near the 900m. Brushed the running rail at the 600m when tightened for room.
STRAWBERRY BLONDE Had to be steadied away from heels near the 900m. Had to momentarily steady away from heels near the 300m.
ROSAAS CHARM Raced in restricted room approaching the first turn when tightened by a runner to the outside. Steadied away from heels after leaving the 900m. After improving into a narrow run near the 200m between HEAVENLY STRANGER and SIENNA ROSE made contact with the hind quarter of HEAVENLY STRANGER, turning that runner in.
VALFIERNO Held up in the early stages of the straight and did not obtain clear running until approaching the 200m. Had to be checked off heels when the pace steadied leaving the 700m, shifted out and bumped another.
BAKER BOY T. Harrison was severely reprimanded for steadying the pace leaving the 700m, resulting in VALFIERNO having to be checked off heels, shifting out and bumping another runner.
BONSHO Bumped leaving the 700m when the pace steadied and became unbalanced.
YOU SAY NO WAY Had to be steadied when the pace eased near the 700m. Held up in the early stages of the straight.
HOT GOSSIP Raced wide throughout and near the 800m got its head up.
ROOI ROE Had to be steadied when the pace eased near the 700m.
SEQ THE STAR   Had to be steadied when the pace eased near the 700m. Held up rounding the home turn.
SNUGGLE POT Had to be steadied when the pace eased near the 700m.
STAR JUSTICE Jumped awkwardly. Had to be steadied when the pace eased near the 700m.
HI SEXY Had to be steadied when the pace eased near the 700m.
VOL VALLEE Trainer D. Murphy and jockey M. Cahill were questioned regarding the tactics that jockey Cahill adopted on the horse. Jockey Cahill stated that the mare had been restless in the barriers and was tardy to begin and he had been instructed to ride her back off the pace as she has a tendency to overrace if ridden forward. Trainer D. Murphy confirmed the instructions.
Race 3: IVECO QTIS 3YO H'CAP 1050M
SAINT PATRICKS DAY Slow to begin. Raced wide without cover.
WONDER BOOM Connections advised that the horse would be ridden with cover if circumstances permit. The horse raced outside the leader. Inclined to lay in under pressure in the early stages of the straight.
GIRL IN A MILLION Late scratching at 12 noon on veterinary advice that the horse had become cast in the float en route to the track.
CABIN FEVER Bumped near the 300m.
BOLD XAVVI Held up rounding the home turn.
RED HOT MISS Inclined to lay in under pressure in the straight.
VOULAIT Jumped awkwardly. Raced wide throughout.
MIGHTY MITTERE Had to be checked near the 950m when tightened for room by TISANI MAGIC, which was taken in by BOLD XAVVI. J. Lloyd, the rider of BOLD XAVVI, was found guilty of a charge of careless riding under AR. 137(a) in that he permitted his mount to shift in at that point, causing the interference to MIGHTY MITTERE. Jockey Lloydds licence to ride in races was suspended for 12 days, to commence at midnight on Saturday 4 November 2017 and expire at midnight on Thursday 16 November 2017. Shifted out to improve near the 300m and made contact with another runner.
TISANI MAGIC Jumped awkwardly. Shifted in and brushed the running rail after leaving the 600m. Had to alter course to obtain clear running after leaving the 200m.
ENDLESS DAYS Tightened for room and brushed the running rail after leaving the 1600m.
ANOTHER COCKTAIL Shifted in when pulling hard near the 1600m, tightening the running of the runner to the inside.
THE RUMOUR FILE Held up rounding the home turn.
WHATTS THAT J. Orman reported at scale that due to the slow pace in the middle stages he allowed his mount to stride forward and race outside the leader at the 800m.
BRONZED VENOM After racing wide in the early stages was allowed to stride forward and take up a position in the lead near the 900m.
KARAKABEEL Shifted out to improve approaching the 600m, taking MISS TICKLES wider.
MISS TICKLES Taken wider by another runner approaching the 600m. The veterinary surgeon reported that the mare was suffering from heat stress and had the thumps post-race.
CLASSY RUBY Trainer G. Burns was fined $200 for the late declaration of R. Stewart as rider.
HIGH AFRICAINE Underwent a pre-race veterinary examination and was cleared to race. Held up rounding the home turn.
COLLEGIATE Apprentice E. Ljung reported at scale that her mount was under pressure after leaving the 800m.
The start of this race was delayed when MONASTERIO needed replating on two occasions.
The start was further delayed when the barrier staff had to replace the tongue tie on RIPPIN NN TEARIN.
WE BUILT THIS CITY Slow to begin.
PERILOUS LOVE Raced wide without cover.
FREDDIE FOX TROT The horse was suffering from heat stress following the event.
RIPPIN NN TEARIN Raced wide without cover.
GODZONE GIRL Had to be steadied away from heels approaching the home turn.
FALKIRK DRIVE Bumped heavily shortly after the start, then a short distance later struck heels and blundered.
HI HARRY Underwent a pre-race veterinary examination and was cleared to start.
NIGHT ATTIRE Shifted in shortly after the start and made heavy contact with the runner to the inside. Had to steady off heels near the 900m.
ANTIGONE Tightened for room over the concluding stages and had to be steadied. A post-race veterinary examination revealed lameness in the near foreleg. Trainer B. Lockwood was advised that the horse will require a veterinary clearance prior to racing again.
SEDUCTIVE DREAM Raced wide without cover. J. Lloyd advised that he could offer no tangible excuse for the horsees performance.
SURE DEAL Had to steady off heels near the 900m.
CANTBUYBETTER M. Pegus reported at scale that his mount was forced to race wide after leaving the 600m.
TYCOON ACE N. Tomizawa was advised to ride his mounts right to the finish line. Returned to the enclosure without the off hind plate.
HELAROCITY Held up approaching the home turn. Inclined to lay in under pressure and over the concluding stages had to be steadied away from heels.
Race 8: SUEZ F&M CLASS 6 PLATE 1200M
AMERICAN DIVA S. Galloway was questioned regarding the horsees performance. He stated that the mare was very slow to begin and was reluctant to keep in touch with the field in the early stages, never travelled well throughout and failed to improve even when placed under pressure in the early stages of the straight. Trainer J. Smerdon was advised that if there is nothing amiss with the mare, she would be required to trial before starting again.
EIGHT BELOW Slow to begin.
LORDAG A post-race veterinary examination revealed that the gelding had sustained a laceration to the outside of the off hind cannon.
RULING FORCE Apprentice J. Guthmann-Chester was dislodged when his mount clipped heels after leaving the 300m. The Club doctor reported that apprentice Guthmann-Chester sustained an injury to the left leg and as a result was stood down from his remaining ride in Race 10. Apprentice Guthmann-Chester was advised that he must produce a medical clearance prior to resuming riding. A post-race veterinary examination revealed that the gelding had opened an old wound to the back of the off fore pastern.
DIVINE SERVICE Pulled hard in the middle stages.
DREAM FINNISH Held up in the early stages of the straight and did not obtain clear running until after leaving the 200m.
CAPETOWN HUSSEY Kicked by another runner behind the barriers, examined by the veterinary surgeon and cleared to race.
EL CAMPEADOR Held up rounding the home turn.
CRUISE POWER As apprentice J. Guthmann-Chester had been stood down by the Club doctor after sustaining an injury in Race 9, apprentice A. Sewell was substituted as rider.
MONSTER OF ENERGY Pulled hard in the early stages and had to be checked off heels near the 800m.
PRIVLAKA Raced wide throughout.
COURTZA KING Slow to begin. Held up rounding the home turn.
DESERT GENERAL Held up rounding the home turn.
LIVE FAST Jumped awkwardly.
JUST ORM Raced wide without cover.
REVALDOR Slow to begin. Raced wide throughout.
Summary of action concerning licensees
Race 2. T. Harrison excessively slow the pace AR. 137(d) severe reprimand
Race 4. Tnr. G. Burns - $200 late rider declaration LR. 67
Race 3. J. Lloyd careless riding 12 days (m/n 4.11.17 m/n 16.11.17) AR. 137(a)
Race day injuries/illness
Race 9. App. J. Guthmann-Chester injured medical clearance reqqd
Absent jockeys
App. T. Brooker ill medical clearance reqqd
Summary of action concerning thoroughbred horses
Horses swabbed pre-race
Fiery Heights, Dance of Heroes, Yaba Dabl Doya, With a Promise, Prolific Belle, Deadly Shadow, Hotel Coste, Spiral, Super Suave, Bronzed Venom, Karakabeel, Miss Tickles, Class Ruby, Hi Sexy, Rooi Rue, Sienna Rose, Rosaas Charm, Fish nn Snitz
Horses swabbed post-race
All winners, Miracles Aplenty, Donnt Doubt Da Wife, Valfierno, Bold Xavvi, Karakabeel, Prolific Belle, Cantbuybetter, Ice Frost, El Campeador, Desert General
Race 1. CHICKA BOOM hung out warning
Race 5. FREDDIE FOX TROT nomination refused pre-race manners AR. 50
Race 6. ANTIGONE lame near foreleg vet clearance AR. 8(t)
Race 8. AMERICAN DIVA poor performance trial AR. 8(t)
Summary of rider changes/Late notifications
Race 1..          AETHERIUS
A. Sewell
Race 2..          SNUGGLE POT M. Murphy
>                       HI SEXY A. Sewell
>                       VOL VALLEE M. Cahill
Race 3..          WONDER BOOM J. Guthmann-Chester
Race 4..          CLASSY RUBY R. Stewart
>                       GEOMETRIST
M. Cahill
>                       COLLEGIATE
E. Ljung
Race 6..          SURE DEAL M. Murphy
Race 7.          HOPFGARTEN
A. Sewell
Race 9..          BODEGA NEGRA R. Fradd
>                       REVALDOR
J. Orman
Race 10..       CRUISE POWER A. Sewell
Late scratchings
Race 3..         GIRL IN A MILLION 12 noon vet advice
Published subject to correction upon revision