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Tattersall's Racing Club

Doomben Metropolitan

Sat 03 Mar Soft 5


+7m Entire Course


Soft 5 Pen 5.9

0.5mm last 24hrs, 39.5mm last 7 days

Nil last 24hrs, 2mm last 7 days


Track conditions update: 12:03AM Sunday 04 March
Last Track Rating Update: Finalised 3/3 - 7:45am


Mon 26/02/18 11:00am


Tue 27/02/18 03:00pm


Wed 28/02/18 09:00am


Wed 28/02/18 12:00pm


Sat 03/03/18 07:30am

Late Nominations

Races: 1, 6

WEATHER – OVERCAST             RAIL – 7M                                         PENETROMETER – 5.86
SOFT 6 (Prior to Race 4)
SOFT 7 (After Race 4, Retrospective)

Chairman of Stewards – A. Reardon
Stewards – D. Aurisch, M. Knibbs, P. Zimmermann, R. Hanson
Clerk of Scales – B. Connell
Judge – R. Thomas, G. Tozer, A. Redding
Veterinarian – Dr A. Murdoch, Dr S. Flynn
Swab Attendants – A. Challen, R. Gonchee, A. Schofield
Starter – R. Smith, I. Smith
Stewards Secretary – W. Ostrofski
Due to the late arrival of the ambulance on course, the start of this race was delayed approximately 16 minutes.
SLOW PACE – Raced three wide in the early stages before being ridden forward to race outside the leader at the 1200m.
MORENDI – Raced three wide in the early stages before being ridden forward to cross to the lead near the 1200m.
ESTIKHRAAJ – Bumped by another runner upon straightening.
EXOTERIC – Connections advised that the horse would be ridden more forward if circumstances permit. Jumped awkwardly and bumped another runner. Overraced in the early and middle stages and took up a handy position. Hung in under pressure in the home straight.
QUEEN OF WANDS – Shifted out upon straightening and bumped another runner.
MAGNATUNE – Raced three wide without cover throughout. Forced wider by another runner near the 600m.
RED LETTER DAY – Began awkwardly and bumped another runner.

Race 2: G.H. MUMM CLASS 3 PLATE – 2040M
As a result of the delay to Race 1, the start of this race was rescheduled to 11:50 am.
The race book displayed T. Marshall, the rider of DARBADAR, as a senior rider when he was a 2kg claiming apprentice. A public announcement was made to this effect.
After viewing the stewards’ patrol footage, B. Pengelly, the rider of GODZONE GIRL, placed 4th by the Judge, lodged an objection against HIGH WIND being declared the winner, alleging interference over the final 50m. After taking evidence from all parties and viewing the videos, it was established that HIGH WIND did shift out marginally over the concluding stages, which resulted in GODZONE GIRL, which was also inclined to lay in at the same stage, having to be checked. Bearing in mind the proximity of the interference to the winning post and the contribution to the incident by GODZONE GIRL, as well as the margin separating both runners at the finish, stewards dismissed the protest and declared correct weight on the numbers semaphored. At a subsequent inquiry, B. Stewart, the rider of HIGH WIND, was reprimanded for allowing his mount to shift ground under pressure.
ROBBERS COBBER, which was kicked by another runner behind the barriers, sustaining a laceration to the hock, was declared a late scratching on veterinary advice at 11:52 pm. On the announcement of correct weight stewards ordered that all monies invested on ROBBERS COBBER be refunded, with the following deductions to apply to successful wagers placed prior to 11:52 am:
16 cents in the dollar for the win #6
15 cents in the dollar for place of winner #6
17 cents in the dollar for 2nd place #5
16 cents in the dollar for 3rd place #9
DAVOR – Overraced in the early stages.
GODZONE GIRL – Pulled hard during the middle stages.
HUMILITY – Commenced to overrace passing the 1600m and as a result was allowed to stride forward. L. Cassidy reported that after his mount pulled hard, his saddle shifted forward near the 1200m.
PINCH PASSION – When questioned regarding the horse’s disappointing performance, rider D. Browne stated that gelding raced flat today and when placed under pressure from the 600m did not respond to his riding and was disappointing. Trainer R. Heathcote advised that considering today’s disappointing performance, the horse will be sent for an immediate spell.
DARESAY – Raced three wide in the early stages.
Due to the delay to the start of Race 2 and the protest hearing in that race, the start of this event was rescheduled to 12:25 pm.
MY LITTLE FLICKA – When questioned, L. Ross explained that the mare was having its first start for his stable today. He added that he had previously nominated and accepted for Ipswich on Saturday 13 January but unfortunately the mare injured itself in transit to the course and was a late scratching on that occasion. He added that subsequent to that occasion the mare had won a trial at Deagon very comfortably and he had expected a forward showing from her today. The explanation was noted.
STAR STILETTO – After being brushed after passing the 800m, shifted in and away from another runner.
WAR BABY – Slow to begin.
PRUE’S ANGEL – Lost the near hind plate in running.
MY MAISIE – Raced three wide without cover. Apprentice H. English reported at scale that she had been instructed not to pull the whip on the horse.
WIGGLESWORTH – Raced three wide throughout.
SNOW FIELDS – Raced three wide throughout.
SO INVINCIBLE – Slow to begin. Had to be steadied when tightened for room after passing the 800m.
The start of this race was rescheduled to 12:51 pm.
The start of this race was delayed when BOOMSARA required farrier attention to the near fore plate and to hold for an interstate race in progress.
Following a shower of rain prior to the commencement of this race, the track was downgraded to SOFT 6.
BOOMSARA – Restrained approaching the 800m in an attempt to find cover.
IAMPAIDFOR – Obliged to race three wide without cover throughout.
PLUMARO – Had to be steadied when tightened for room near the 900m. Restrained from heels near the 600m and shifted out. Held up for clear running rounding the home turn until near the 300m.
RED STINA – Slow to begin.
FISH ‘N’ SNITZ – Held up for clear running rounding the home turn and in the early stages of the straight.
MISS SARA – Inclined to lay in near the 900m despite the efforts of its rider. Raced greenly throughout. Inconvenienced when bumped by another runner after passing the 600m.
Following the running of this event the track was downgraded to SLOW 7 retrospective to this race.
CLOCKWORK ORANGE – Raced three wide without cover.
BRIGADOON RISE – Raced three wide throughout. A post-race veterinary examination revealed the mare to be exhibiting a cough. Trainer T. Gollan’s representative was advised that he will be required to produce a veterinary clearance, including the results of an endoscopic examination, prior to the horse racing again.
KOPITE – Jumped awkwardly and lost ground.
BOLD GYPSY – Raced four wide without cover throughout.
JADENTOM – B. Stewart was reprimanded for failing to ride his mount out to the end of the race.
RHYMING – Raced three wide throughout. Held up for clear running approaching and rounding the home turn.
HONEY HOLT – Trainer T. Sears was fined $100 for failing to declare L. Tarrant as rider by the prescribed time.
MAGNAJOY was declared a late scratching at 11:30 am on veterinary advice that the horse had sustained an injury to the off hind heel.
GLENDARA – Overraced in the early and middle stages.
VAULTING AMBITION – Had to be restrained from heels approaching and passing the 600m. Held up for clear running rounding the home turn and again for some distance between the 200m and the 100m.
OUR BOY NICHOLAS – Slow to begin.
CRAIGLEA DEKEN – Held up for clear running rounding the home turn and in the early part of the home straight.
BREAK TIME – Raced wide throughout. J. Byrne reported that his mount failed to handle the track conditions today. A post-race veterinary examination revealed no significant findings.
TVERSKY – Raced four wide without cover throughout. When questioned regarding his positioning of the gelding in the early stages, apprentice J. Guthmann-Chester stated that he had been instructed to go forward and take up a handy position and if possible get a trail and attempt to find cover. He said that from the wide gate he was unable to achieve that option and he was reluctant to ease back as he felt that he would still be racing in a three wide position. He added, however, that in his opinion TVERSKY still found something in the early stages of the straight but tired over the concluding stages.
ZENDAYE – Raced three wide without cover.
AMENZEL – Held up for clear running from the 600m and near the 500m had to be restrained from heels. Cast the off fore plate in running.
REIGNING THUNDER – Raced wide throughout.
LIVE FAST – Held up for clear running rounding the home turn and in the early part of the home straight. Cast the near for plate in running.
ROCK SPUR – Shifted in of its own accord  passing the 900m and made heavy contact with the running rail. Hampered near the 100m when taken in on to HONOUR‘N’STRENGTH.
MISHANI SLEUTH – Raced three wide without cover throughout. Laid in under pressure in the straight.
HONOUR‘N’STRENGTH – Bumped by another runner near the 100m.
MOGADOR – Blundered shortly after entering the straight. Inclined to lay in when placed under pressure in the straight.
FINAL ZERO – A post-race veterinary examination revealed that the mare had cardiac arrhythmia. Connections were advised that the horse must officially trial and that a veterinary clearance and the results of an ECG for the horse must be produced prior to it being permitted to race again.
UPSTART PRIDE – Shifted out at the start and bumped another runner.
SIR STATHAM – Had to be eased after travelling a short distance when tightened for room between HANWRITTEN and RAIDO, both of which shifted ground. Blundered at the 500m. Held up for clear running in the early part of the straight until near the 250m. Struck over the head by the whip of S. Wilson (TYZONE) near the 100m.
MALVERN ESTATE – Raced three wide without cover.
IL MIO DESTINO – Bumped by another runner at the start.
PUNTA NORTE – Jumped awkwardly, shifted in and bumped another runner.
TYZONE – Raced wide throughout.
HANWRITTEN – Apprentice J. Van Overmeire reported that when placed under pressure near the 450m his mount failed to respond to his riding and proved most disappointing. A post-race veterinary examination revealed no significant findings.
Race 10: UBET C,G&E BENCHMARK 80 H'CAP – 1350M
ZIN ZAN EDDIE – Raced three wide without cover.
DRUMBEAT'S CHOICE – Slow to begin. Steadied approaching the finishing line when racing in restricted room.
MURAQABA – Raced three wide throughout.
BERGERAC – Slow to begin. L. Cassidy reported that his mount failed to handle today’s track conditions.
COUNTER MEAL – Had to be eased near the 850m when tightened for room.
MOTION GRANTED – Steadied approaching the finishing line when racing in restricted room.
SETOGA – Had to be checked from the heels of GREY MISSILE near the 500m when that runner shifted out when not clear. S. Wilson, the rider of GREY MISSILE, pleaded guilty to a charge of careless riding under AR. 137(a) for causing the interference and his licence to ride in races was suspended for 11 days, to commence at midnight on Saturday 3 March and expire at midnight on Wednesday 14 March 2018. In determining penalty, stewards took into account jockey Wilson’s plea of guilt and his good record and that the interference was in the mid-range.
JOHNNY WHITESOX – Eased when tightened for room near the 1000m.
WARFACE – Raced three wide with cover. Had to be shifted out on the home turn to avoid heels.
BASARA – Bumped the rail in the enclosure, examined by the veterinary surgeon on arrival at the barriers and passed fit to run. M. Cahill was dislodged when the horse was attempted to be loaded into the barriers.
GREY MISSILE – Brushed the running rail near the 700m.
MAKE MY OWN LUCK – Bumped heavily on the home turn, taken out on to REINDEER MOON, which in turn shifted out resulting in WARFACE having to be shifted out to avoid the heels of REINDEER MOON. S. Wilson, the rider of GREY MISSILE, was found guilty of a charge of careless riding under AR. 137(a) for riding his mount out at that point and causing the interference to those runners. Jockey Wilson’s his licence to ride in races was suspended for 12 days, to commence at midnight on Saturday 3 March and expire at midnight on Thursday 15 March 2018. In determining penalty stewards assessed the interference to be in the mid-range. Stewards ordered that this period of suspension be served concurrently with the period of suspension incurred for causing interference near the 500m.
RED HOT MISS – Began to overrace passing the 700m and passing the 600m struck the heels of BASARA, blundered and lost ground.
HI LIZZY – Jumped very awkwardly and lost significant ground. Checked on the home turn.
EXCELEBRAZIONE – Improved to the inside of SHE’S OUR STAR where there was insufficient room passing the 600m and had to be checked.
REINDEER MOON – Raced three wide without cover. Bumped on the home turn, shifted out onto another runner. Apprentice J. Van Overmeire reported that his mount blundered near the 450m.
Summary of action concerning licensees
Race 2. B. Stewart – careless riding – AR. 137(a)
Race 5. B. Stewart – failed to ride mount to end of race – AR. 137(b)
Race 5. Tnr. T. Sears – $100 – late rider declaration – LR. 67

Race 11. S. Wilson – careless riding - 11 days (m/n 3.3.18 – m/n 14.3.18) – AR. 137(a)
Race 11. S. Wilson – careless riding - 12 days (m/n 3.3.18 – m/n 15.3.18) – AR. 137(a)
Summary of action concerning thoroughbred horses
Horses swabbed pre-race
Upstart Pride, Raido, Mishani Sleuth, Pinyada, Reigning Thunder, Honey Toast, Our Boy Nicholas, Capetown Hussey, Don’t Tell Mama, Sea The Sparkle, Spirit of Cherokee, So Invincible, Daresay, Humility, Godzone Girl, Hard Evidence, Answered, Davor, I’ve Gotta Nel, Star Stiletto, Red Letter Day, Queen of Wands, Colour of Money, Estikhraaj, Warface, Muraqaba
Horses swabbed post-race
All winners and 2nd placegetters Races 1 - 10
Race 5. BRIGADOON RISE – exhibited a cough post-race – veterinary clearance inc. results of endoscopic examination – AR. 8(t)
Race 8. FINAL ZERO – cardiac arrhythmia – vet clearance, ECG results & official trial – AR. 8(t)
Race 2. GODZONE GIRL (4th) v. HIGH WIND (1st) – alleged interference over the final 50m – dismissed
Summary of rider changes/Late notifications
Race 2.           DARESAY – M. Cahill
Race 3.           PREFERITO – E. Ljung
                        SO INVINCIBLE – D. Browne
Race 5.           HONEY HOLT – L. Tarrant
Race 11.        RED HOT MISS – E. Ljung
                        REINDEER MOON – J. Van Overmeire
Late scratchings
Race 6.          MAGNAJOY – 11:30 am – veterinary advice
Published subject to correction upon revision