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Brisbane Racing Club@Doomben

Doomben Metropolitan

Wed 05 Jun Good 4


6.5 metres Entire Course.


Good 4 Pen 5.1


3mm last 24hrs, 10.5mm last 7 days


Track conditions update: 1:03AM Thursday 06 June
Last Track Rating Update: Finalised 5/6 - 7.45am


Thu 30/05/19 11:00am


Fri 31/05/19 03:00pm


Mon 03/06/19 09:00am


Mon 03/06/19 12:00pm


Wed 05/06/19 07:30am

Late Nominations

Races: 2

WEATHER – FINE                           TRACK RATING –  GOOD 4/GOOD 3 (After Race 4)
RAIL – 6.5M                                      PENETROMETER – 5.1
Chairman of Stewards – N. Boyle
Stewards – I. Brown, P. Zimmermann, R. Hanson
Clerk of Scales – B. Connell
Judge – M. Mawhinney, A. Redding, R. Thomas
Veterinarian – Dr A. Murdoch
Swab Attendants – K. Warwick, L. Chaplin
Starter – T. Williams, R. Smith
Stewards Secretary – W. Ostrofski
Stewards today finalised an adjourned inquiry into the running and handling of Eleven Eleven in Race 4 at the Gold Coast on 8 May 2019.
On the day in question stewards took evidence from Jockey A Allen and trainer G Hickman before adjourning the matter to review the previous racing pattern of Eleven Eleven and undertake a review of the wagering on the race.
Jockey Allen stated he had been instructed to obtain a forward position with cover from an awkward barrier. Jockey Allen added that he pressured the gelding in the early stages to comply with the instructions. Following which he was not concerned with the early speed and elected to press forward to initially cross Snowzone (B Shinn) and then the leader Chico Milagro (B Stewart). After obtaining the lead he attempted to restrain the gelding however it refused to settle which resulted in it leading by further than anticipated.  Jockey Allen further added that he had ridden the gelding in an unofficial trial prior to the race with blinkers and in his opinion the blinkers today contributed to its racing manners in the middle stages. Mr Hickman confirmed his instructions and noted that after obtaining the lead Eleven Eleven was inclined to over-race despite the attempts of Jockey Allen to restrain the gelding.
Stewards did not identify any concerns in the synopsis of wagering on the race in question. However, Stewards advised Jockey Allen that he did err in his riding when after initially obtaining a forward position he elected to ride forward to cross Snowzone when not required as it was apparent that Snowzone was going to hand up to Eleven Eleven at that point. Jockey Allen again erred in electing to ride forward again to cross Chico Milagro to obtain the lead when it was reasonable for him to remain outside of the leader after crossing Snowzone. The stewards believe that these facts contributed to Eleven Eleven then over-racing. Bearing in mind the racing manners of Eleven Eleven after obtaining the lead Stewards could not be satisfied to the requisite standard that jockey Allen’s initial errors were culpable under the rules of racing and as such took no further action.
From Sunshine Coast 26 May 2019 – Race 5:
Trainer A. Willick reported that blood tests taken from ETIKAAL following the race failed to reveal any abnormalities.
Trainer C. Anderson was fined $100 for the late declaration of apprentice J. Murphy as the rider of AMERICAN LOVE.
The declaration of correct weight was delayed to allow stewards to view the patrol footage to determine whether SMARTCELLI had been afforded a fair start. After viewing the video it was established that SMARTCELLI refused to jump with the remainder of the field and took no competitive part in the event. Stewards were satisfied that, other than for its own actions, the filly had been afforded a fair start and declared the horse a runner. Trainer T. Cotsiopoulos was advised that a further barrier certificate would be required for SMARTCELLI before it is permitted to race again.
DEBONAIR DES – Began awkwardly. Had to be steadied away from the tiring TOO HARD TO CALL passing the 250m.
ELEMENTAE – Slow to begin and then bumped on jumping. Had to be steadied away from the heels of AMERICAN LOVE passing the 900m and then was caught wide before being allowed to stride forward to obtain the lead passing the 700m.
AMERICAN LOVE – Raced three wide without cover throughout.
GINGO – Began awkwardly and lost ground. Had to be steadied away from the heels of TRICKY MIX passing the 900m.
GRAND SHANGHAI – Raced greenly passing the 1000m and laid out, making contact with TRICKY MIX.
TRICKY MIX – Bumped passing the 1000m, became awkwardly placed at the heels of GRAND SHANGHAI and had to be steadied. Had to be restrained from the heels of MALAWI GOLD when the pace steadied passing the 600m. Held up for a short distance rounding the home turn before shifting out to obtain clear running.
TOO HARD TO CALL – Overraced when racing in a trailing position in the middle stages. The veterinary surgeon reported that the filly had bled from both nostrils during the event. Connections were advised that the horse would be ineligible to start for 3 months and prior to resuming racing must gallop satisfactorily over 1000m in the presence of a steward.
The declaration of correct weight was delayed to allow stewards to view the photo finish images for 1st and 3rd, following which they were satisfied with the Judge’s placings and correct weight was declared on the numbers semaphored.
ALOCTANE – Laid in rounding the home turn.
FLAG RAISER – Slow to begin. Raced greenly approaching the 400m, laid out and became awkwardly placed at the heels of CRYSTAL OLAY. Held up from the 300m until approaching the 150m.
HOSTWIN SUNLIGHT – Raced greenly throughout and after passing the 600m laid in.
INVESTIBLE – Began awkwardly, laid in and was bumped on the hind quarters by REDSTONE.
MCCOVEY COVE – Began awkwardly. Had to be steadied away from the heels of HOSTWIN SUNLIGHT passing the 500m.
MOSSHIKI – Had to be checked and lost ground approaching the winning post when tightened for room between RAGING POLE and MCCOVEY COVE, which shifted in under pressure. M. Hellyer, the rider of MCCOVEY COVE, pleaded guilty to a charge of careless riding under AR131(a) in that at that stage he made insufficient effort to stop riding and straighten his mount when it was shifting in under hard riding. M. Hellyer’s licence to ride in races was suspended for 8 days, to commence midnight Sunday 9 June and expire midnight Monday 17 June 2019.
REDSTONE – Bumped and cramped for room between runners on jumping and lost ground.
SECUNDUS – Began awkwardly. Bumped shortly after the start and was awkwardly placed at the heels of MCCOVEY COVE and had to be steadied and lost ground. Had to alter course after passing the 300m and shift back to the inside to avoid the heels of the weakening ALOCTANE.
STAR OF MICHELIN – Raced greenly passing the 800m, changed stride and became unbalanced. Rounding the home turn had to be steadied away from the heels of ALOCTANE, which laid in for a short distance. When asked to explain the performance, M. McGillivray indicated that the gelding raced greenly throughout and did not appreciate racing to the inside of other runners. A post-race veterinary examination revealed a laceration to the near fore cannon.
The start of this race was delayed when several runners proved difficult to load.
ANGELIC ARCHER – Began awkwardly and then was tightened for room shortly after the start. Raced four wide throughout.
BARODA – Raced four wide without cover.
HOSTILE STAR – Slow to begin. Improved on to the heels of the tiring SPINNING SPIRIT approaching the 100m and went to the line without being fully tested.
OUR SWAN LAKE – Began awkwardly and shifted in. After being caught four wide without cover in the early stages, after passing the 900m was allowed to stride forward to obtain the lead on the rail passing the 700m.
SAKE OF ONE – Passing the 700m raced in restricted room for a short distance to the inside of STAGE PLAY and to the outside of SPINNING SPIRIT, which shifted out.
SEPTEMBER GIRL – Began awkwardly and lost ground.
STAGE PLAY – Raced three wide without cover throughout.
THAT’S TILLY – Had to be steadied away from heels after passing the 600m and then was held up from that point until shortly after straightening.
VIOLET – Raced three wide with cover.
YU – Reared slightly as the start was effected and lost ground. Had to be steadied away from the heels of SAKE OF ONE approaching the 600m.
The start of this race was delayed significantly when FOLLOW ON refused to load into the barriers. FOLLOW ON was subsequently declared a late scratching at 1:46 pm by order of stewards. On the announcement of correct weight stewards ordered that all monies invested on FOLLOW ON be refunded, with the following deductions to apply to successful wagers placed prior to 1:46 pm:
1 cents in the dollar for the win #2
3 cents in the dollar for place of winner #2
5 cents in the dollar for 2nd place #3
2 cents in the dollar for 3rd place #4
Trainer M. Dunn’s representative was advised that the gelding must obtain two further barrier certificates, one of which is to be in an official trial, prior to racing again.
OUR MANTRA – Began awkwardly and shifted out. Laid out under pressure in the home straight.
SACRED DAY – After being loaded into the barriers it was noticed that the gelding had some blood in one nostril. The horse was removed from the barriers, examined by the veterinary surgeon who confirmed that the blood was due to a small laceration in one nostril and cleared the gelding to start. Slow to begin. Raced three wide with cover after passing the 800m.
STAR MAJOR – After passing the 1000m was steadied away from the heels of SACRED DAY, which shifted out to improve.
SULTRY TESTA – Laid out under pressure in the home straight.
ZA ZA GABOR – Began awkwardly. Raced three wide without cover after passing the 800m.
Following the running of this event the track was upgraded to GOOD 3.
Race 5: NHP CLASS 5 PLATE – 1110M
As apprentice M. Murphy was unable to claim his full allowance, apprentice J. Murphy was substituted as the rider of ORADONNA. Apprentice M. Murphy was fined $200.
ALOT LIKE HOME – Began awkwardly. Raced three wide with cover. Laid in approaching the 600m. Held up from the 400m until approaching the 150m.
DAZZLING RED – Raced three wide without cover throughout.
PALLADIAN – Began awkwardly. Raced four wide without cover throughout. Passing the 150m bumped by ALOT LIKE HOME, which shifted out to improve.
RAIDEN – Had to be steadied approaching the 600m when racing in restricted room between REMOVAL and ALOT LIKE HOME. Improved on to heels approaching the 150m and had to be shifted out in an attempt to obtain clear running and over the final 100m raced in restricted room and went to the line without being fully tested.
REMOVAL – Bumped on jumping. Held up rounding the home turn. Disappointed for a run to the inside of BELLA OCCHI and to the outside of ORADONNA approaching the 200m and was unable to secure full clear running over the final 100m and went to the line without being fully tested.
ONE STRYKE – Bumped on jumping. Hung in under pressure passing the 200m despite the efforts of its rider and bumped CRAFTY COP, which in turn shifted in and made slight contact with BELLA OCCHI.
BELLA OCCHI – Began awkwardly. Bumped slightly passing the 200m.
CRAFTY COP – Bumped passing the 200m, shifted in and made slight contact with BELLA OCCHI.
As B. Pengelly was not riding due to illness, D. Smith was substituted as the rider of RIDGWAY.
The start of this race was delayed when MEWSTONE ROCK reared over and became cast in the barriers for a short period, was removed, examined by the veterinary surgeon and declared a late scratching at 2:55 pm on veterinary advice. On the announcement of correct weight stewards ordered that all monies invested on MEWSTONE ROCK be refunded, with the following deductions to apply to successful wagers placed prior to 2:55 pm:
12 cents in the dollar for the win #1
11 cents in the dollar for place of winner #1
21 cents in the dollar for 2nd place #10
6 cents in the dollar for 3rd place #2
Co-trainers J. Symons and S. Laxon were advised that the mare will require a further barrier certificate prior to racing again.
SKATE TO PARIS – Raced in restricted room for a short distance passing the 300m when attempting a narrow run to the outside of VIENNA MOON and to the inside of TESARC.
RIDGWAY – Slow into stride and shortly after the start became awkwardly placed at the heels of TESARC and blundered.
SPEAKING BAD – Began awkwardly.
TESARC – Raced three wide in the early stages before pressing forward to obtain a position outside the leader near the 700m.
LAST LIGHT – Began awkwardly. A post-race veterinary examination revealed a 2 centimetre laceration to the front of the left knee.
ROMAN DOLL – Slow to begin. Held up from shortly after straightening until approaching the 250m.
BOLD WARRIOR – Approaching the 300m was disappointed for a run to the outside of CONQUER THE STARS and to the inside of LOVES A LOTTERY, which shifted in slightly. When questioned, rider M. Cahill stated that the gelding overraced more than he would have liked throughout the event and being first up today may have had some bearing on it’s finishing effort and that the gelding would improve with the run.
SLEEPY HEART – Raced three wide without cover throughout.
STANDING OVATION – Had to be resaddled after arriving at the barriers.
ENTERPRISE JACK – Slow to begin.
Race 8: TAB BENCHMARK 65 H'CAP – 1200M
RICH AFFAIR – Raced four wide without cover.
FEW TOO MANY – Began awkwardly and shifted in, bumping RIVER FLYER. Raced three wide with cover.
RIVER FLYER – Bumped between runners on jumping. Raced three wide without cover. Commenced to weaken approaching the home turn and in the home straight proved disappointing. A post-race veterinary examination revealed no significant findings.
ZOFF ‘N’ OFF – Began awkwardly.
SAILOR GERRI – Laid in sharply shortly after the start before being corrected by its rider. Raced four wide with cover.
YAMAZAKI – Bumped on jumping. Shifted out under pressure over the final 100m.
NORTHERN DRAGON – Bumped between runners on jumping.
BRAD BE BOLD – Slow to begin.
Summary of action concerning licensees
Race 1. Tnr. C. Anderson - $100 – late rider declaration – LR67
Race 5. App. M. Murphy – $200 – failed to claim full allowance – AR143(14)(a)

Race 2. M. Hellyer – careless riding – 8 days (m/n 9.6.19 - m/n 17.6.19) – AR131(a)
Absent jockeys
B. Pengelly – ill – medical clearance req’d
Summary of action concerning thoroughbred horses
Horses swabbed pre-race
Follow On, Star Major, Tesarc
Horses swabbed post-race
All winners, Potro Duro, Rationale, Alot Like Home, Intrinsic, Epic Girl, Flower of Love.
Race 1. SMARTCELLI – refused to jump with field, took no competitive part – barrier certificate – AR20(e)
Race 4. FOLLOW ON – refused to load, late scratching – 2 barrier certificates, 1 in official trial – AR20(e)
Race 6. MEWSTONE ROCK – reared over, became cast in barriers, late scratching – barrier certificate – AR20(e)
Race 1. TOO HARD TO CALL – bled both nostrils, 1st time – 3 month bar, 1000m gallop – AR79(4)(b)
Summary of rider changes/Late notifications
Race 1.           AMERICAN LOVE – J. Murphy
Race 3.           YU – R. Wiggins
Race 5.           ORADONNA – J. Murphy
Race 8.           BRAD BE BOLD – M. Hellyer
Late scratchings
Race 4. FOLLOW ON – 1:46 pm – refused to load
Race 6. MEWSTONE ROCK – 2:55 pm – vet advice at barriers
Published subject to correction upon revision