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Brisbane Racing Club@Doomben

Doomben Metropolitan

Sat 15 Jan Good 4


+10.5m Entire Course


Good 4 Pen 5.6

Nil last 24hrs, 14.5mm last 7 days

Nil last 24hrs, 11mm last 7 days


Track conditions update: 9:03PM Sunday 16 January
Last Track Rating Update: Finalised 15/1 - 7:45am - Late Rider R4 N18


Mon 10/01/22 11:00am


Tue 11/01/22 03:00pm


Thu 13/01/22 09:00am


Thu 13/01/22 12:00pm


Sat 15/01/22 07:30am

Late Nominations

Races: 1, 2

WEATHER – Fine            TRACK RATING –  GOOD (4)     RAIL – +10.5m Entire
Chairman of Stewards – J. Adams
Stewards – G. Goold, J. Mitchell, P. Kennedy, A. Schofield
Clerk of Scales – C. Fedrick
Judge – G. Tozer, R. Thomas, A. Redding
Veterinarian – Dr C. Wain
Swab Attendants – L. Chaplin
Starter – P. Cousins, H. Anderson
Due to current Covid restrictions, Stewards permitted the following overweights:
R1. M. Hellyer +1kg (54kg +1kg = 55kg)
R5. A. Allen +0.5kg (54kg + 0.5kg = 54.5kg)
R7. M. Hellyer +0.5kg (54.5kg + 0.5kg = 55kg)
R7. A. Allen +0.5kg (54kg + 0.5kg = 54.5kg)
R7. M.McGuren +0.5kg (55.5kg + 0.5kg = 56kg)
Race 1: GALLOPERS SPORTS CLUB QTIS Three-Year-Old Handicap 1660 metres

CARNEROS – Passing the 200m, was momentarily inconvenienced and was obliged to shift wider to avoid the heels of PERFECT ENCOUNTER.
SUTTO’S GAL – Laid out under pressure in the straight.
TAREX (NZ) – Overraced in the early and middle stages. Passing the 800m raced in restricted room for a number of strides to the inside of PERFECT ENCOUNTER. Laid out under pressure in the straight. Jockey Allen, when questioned regarding the geldings’ performance, stated that he was not disappointed in the effort. He added that when he was crowded on the turn, his mount was unable to make up the ground afforded to the winner, but added that the gelding will derive benefit from today’s run.
OUR HOT FRIEND – Dipped shortly after jumping away. Raced wide with no cover throughout. When questioned regarding the tactics adopted on the gelding, App L. Kilner commented that after being trapped wide she elected to place her mount under pressure to improve passing the 800m,however, the gelding failed to respond to her efforts and ran to the line in a disappointing manner. App. Kilner also stated that in hindsight, a better option would have been to restrain her mount to obtain cover at the rear of the field. Stewards noted App. Kilner’s comments.
HELL OF A PRINCE – Jumped awkwardly. Passing the 1500m commenced to overrace after being crossed by TAREX (NZ). Passing the 1200m commenced to hang out and made the turn into the home straight awkwardly.
Race 2: TAB VENUE MODE Class 5 Handicap 1660 metres
FORT WAYNE – Laid out under pressure in the straight.
CHOCOLATIER (NZ) – App. J Lloyd pleaded guilty and was charged pursuant to AR131(b) for failing to ride his mount out to the finish and was fined $300.
LINTHORPE LAD – Held up clear running from entering the home straight until the 100m.
BETTER THAN GROOVY – Rider J. Murphy stated that the gelding felt awkward in its action when placed under pressure in the straight. A post race veterinary examination revealed BETTER THAN GROOVY to be suffering from mild heat stress.
PRINNY’S SUCCESS – Stood flat-footed at the start and was slow to begin. Trainers’ representative M. Sharpe was informed that the gelding will require a further barrier certificate prior to racing again.
Race 3: BRC MEMBERSHIP PLUS QTIS Three-Year-Old Maiden Handicap 1350 metres
IN CLOSE REACH – Trainer J. Walk was advised that the geldings’ nomination would be restricted to provincial meetings until it establishes competitive form.
NAUGHTY HARRY (NZ) – Passing the 200m was obliged to shift in to obtain clear running. Passing the 100m become awkward in its stride when racing in restricted to the inside of MISHANI BANDIT.
SIMASUE – Passing the 200m shifted wider on the track in an attempt to obtain clear running.
FASTNET JACK – Hampered on jumping away. Laid out under pressure in the straight. Approaching the 20m, shifted out contacting DRIVE A DEEL.
MISHANI BANDIT – Jumped away awkwardly and shifted out contacting FASTNET JACK. Laid in under pressure in the straight.
DRIVE A DEEL – Jumped awkwardly shifting in abruptly, contacting FASTNET JACK. Laid in rounding the home turn and passing the 400m, hung in becoming awkward in its stride. Passing the 20m mark, was contacted by FASTNET JACK and obliged to shift wider.
SHARP AND HOT – Rider T. Wolfgram reported that his mount raced greenly throughout the event. 
SOUNDS DIVINE – Rider M. Hellyer reported that the filly maybe better suited ridden more quietly, and he also recommended to connections the addition of blinkers.

EUREKA’S VICTORY – Raced wide throughout with cover from the 800m.
SOCK’EMSID – Raced wide without cover throughout.
Race 4: SKY RACING Maiden Plate 1350 metres
JOLLO – Approaching the 150m had to be restrained to avoid the heels of THEEAGLEHASLANDED which  shifted in abruptly when insufficiently clear. App. J. Lloyd, rider of THEEAGLEHASLANDED was charged with careless riding pursuant to AR131(a) in that App. Lloyd shifted in when insufficiently clear of JOLLO. App. Lloyd’s license to ride in races was suspended for 12 days taking into account App. Lloyd’s guilty plea commencing from midnight the 16th of January until midnight the 28th of January. App. Lloyd was advised of his right to internal review.
THEEAGLEHASLANDED – Knuckled on jumping away. Was held up for clear running on entering the home straight until the 150m, where the gelding shifted in to improve into clear running.
BONNIE AND CLYDE (NZ) – Was hampered shortly after jumping. Passing the 1000 commenced to over race when being restrained to find cover. 
MAGAHAT – Raced wide in the early and middle stages.
Race 5: CASCADE Class 6 Handicap 1110 metres
HILO  - Held up for clear running from the 200m when, racing in restricted room to the inside of INVINCIBLE LAD and HOWWONDERFULLIFEIS, which laid in under pressure, and was only able to obtain clear running over the final 50m.
HOWWONDERFULLIFEIS – Laid in under pressure in the straight.
LASTING KISS – App. K. Wilson-Taylor reported that the mare travelled comfortably in the run however proved disappointing. A post race veterinary examination revealed the mare to have sustained a laceration to her left hock.
FLYBRIDGE – Hampered on jumping. Rider S. Cormack reported that the gelding failed to respond to his riding and was disappointing.
DEMURRAL – Raced wide throughout. Laid out under pressure in the straight, and shifted out approaching the 100m, contacting AIOLOS. App.  When questioned regarding the geldings performance, Jockey K. Wilson-Taylor stated that after being trapped wide, he elected to ride his mount where it was comfortable. He elected to place his mount under pressure from the 600m and in his opinion may have peaked on his run early, and in hindsight, he may have been better served not placing his mount under pressure so far from home.
BUMRAH (NZ) – Jumped away awkwardly. Passing the 800m had to be restrained after improving onto the heels of BURY ROAD. On entering the home straight, had to be restrained off the heels of GULLFOSS, which shifted in marginally. A post race veterinary examination revealed no significant findings.
PURE DEAL – Began awkwardly and shifted in.
LUVYOUANYTIME – Approaching the 100m was obliged to shift wider after becoming awkwardly placed on the heels of DEMURRAL.
BELLA BEE (NZ) – Held up on entering the home straight and shifted wider on the track to improve into clear running.  
GULLFOSS – Jumped away awkwardly.
GRAND SHANGHAI – Shifted out on jumping away contacting FLYBRIDGE.
Race 7: GIRLS DAY OUT MARCH Class 3 Handicap 1200 metres
CAMERLENGO –Overraced in the early stages. Hampered on entering the home straight.
LAURIE – Raced wide throughout.
LUCIFER’S LOOT – Jumped away awkwardly. Commenced to over race passing the 1000m. Rider M. Du Plessis reported that his mount may not have appreciated the firm track conditions.
BETTER GET READY – Severely hampered on entering the home straight. App. Kilner reported that her mount felt awkward in its action over the concluding stages and she elected not to put her mount under any further pressure. A post race veterinary examination revealed no significant findings apart from casting its near hind plate.  
KELLERS SHELTER – Stewards accepted trainer L. Wanless’ explanation for his late declaration of rider. Became awkwardly placed on heels approaching the 900m, where it then had to shift out and raced wide for the remainder of the event.  On entering the home straight, hampered by CAMERLENGO which was carried out by BETTER GET READY, who was severely hampered by ZOUKINA, which shifted out when insufficiently clear. App. K. Wilson-Taylor, rider of ZOUKINA, pled guilty to a charge of careless riding for shifting ground when insufficiently clear. App. Wilson-Taylor’s license to ride in races was suspended for 12 days taking into account App. K. Wilson-Taylor’s guilty plea commencing from midnight the 16th of January until midnight the 28th of January. App. Wilson-Taylor was advised of his right to internal review.
Race 8: XXXX DRY BENCHMARK 78 Handicap 1350 metres
STARVIRGO – Was held up for clear running on entering the home straight to pproaching the 100m whereby was able to improve onto a narrow run to the inside of CAMP RIFLE.
WHISPERED – Slow to begin.
EURO BELLE – Approaching the 50m was obliged to be restrained when racing in restricted room between MAGIC CONQUEROR and MR MONEY BAGS, which laid in under pressure. As a result, was unable to be tested in the run to the finish. Jockey S. Cormack, rider of MR MONEY BAGS, was reminded of his obligations to stop and straighten his mounts when shifting ground in the future.
WARP SPEED – Jumped away awkwardly.
MAGIC CONQUEROR – Raced in restricted room over the concluding stages.
RAGING POLE – Slow to begin.
ZOULOU DANCER – Slow to begin. When questioned regarding the performance rider M. Hellyer could not offer a reasonable explanation for the geldings’ disappointing performance. A post race veterinary examination failed to reveal any abnormalities.
JINX ‘N’ DRINX – Passing the 700m had to be restrained after improving onto the heels of MAGIC CONQUEROR. Was held up for clear running from the 200m and was unable to be fully tested in the run to the finish.
Summary of action concerning licensees
R2. App. J. Lloyd – failing to ride mount out to finish AR131(b) - $300

R4. App. J. Lloyd – shifted in when insufficiently clear – careless riding - AR131(a) – twelve (12) days commencing midnight 16th January until midnight the 28th of January.
R7. App. K. Wilson-Taylor – shifted out when insufficiently clear – careless riding – AR131(a) – twelve (12) days commencing from midnight 19th January until midnight the 31st of January.
Summary of action concerning thoroughbred horses
Horses swabbed pre-race
Horses swabbed post-race
All winners
R2. PRINNY’S SUCCESS – Stood flat-footed – barrier certificate required.
R3. IN CLOSE REACH – uncompetitive – nominations restricted to Country/Provincial meetings.
Summary of rider changes/Late notifications
R3. SOCK’EMSID – N. Thomas
R4. ROJO BOOM – L. Kilner
R6. AIOLOS – M. Potgieter
R8. JINX ‘N’ DRINX – M. Potgieter
The matters contained within this Stewards report may be subject to an internal or external review.  The outcome of any internal review is published on the Commission’s website immediately after the release of the internal review decision to the Applicant.  External reviews are managed by QCAT and are not published on the Commission’s website.
This report and the Stewards Comments for this meeting may be amended at any time, at the sole discretion of the Queensland Racing Integrity Commission (QRIC) Stewards as races are reviewed.