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Lockyer Valley Turf Club

Gatton Provincial

Tue 07 Mar Good 3


True Position Entire Circuit


Good 3 Pen Not available

Nil last 24hrs, 44mm last 7 days



Track conditions update: 12:04AM Wednesday 08 March
Last Track Rating Update: Finalised 7/3 - 7.45am. Late Scratching R7 N7


Wed 01/03/17 11:00am


Thu 02/03/17 03:00pm


Fri 03/03/17 09:30am


Fri 03/03/17 12:00pm


Tue 07/03/17 07:30am

Late Nominations

Races: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7

WEATHER - FINE                         TRACK RATING - GOOD 4/GOOD 3 AFTER RACE 1
Chairman of Stewards – G. Dimsey
Stewards – D. Aurisch, C. Albrecht, R. Hitchener
Clerk of Scales – K. Daly
Judge – I. Shultz, S. Fahey
Veterinarian – Dr. A. Murdoch
Swab attendants – K. Warwick, J. Crompton
Starter – C. Wallace
Jockey M Hellyer pleaded guilty to a charge of misconduct under AR.175(q) in that he made insulting comments to jockey S. Alam during the running of Race 4 on today’s program. Jockey Hellyer was fined $200. In assessing penalty, Stewards took into account jockey Hellyer’s forthright evidence and excellent record in relation to this rule.
Race 1:   Jack Brenann Class 2 H'cap – 1600m
CORONATION BENNY – Trainer J. Stanton was fined $100 for failing to declare a rider for the horse by the prescribed time.
LUCKY THREE SEVENS – Slow to begin.
MANHATTAN MUSE – Slow to begin. When questioned regarding the disappointing performance, jockey K. Yoshida stated that the mare was not suited by the short time between runs and today’s track conditions.
HAMMERACK – Inclined to lay in under pressure in the home straight.
Race 2:  Daryl Young F&M BenchMark 58 H'cap – 1100m
HAVEN ANGEL – As J. Morris was not riding at this meeting, M. Hellyer was substituted as the rider of the horse.
HOPETOUN STREET – Tightened for room at the start.
EL NINO’S BAMBINO – Raced wide throughout. A post-race veterinary examination revealed no significant abnormalities.
RHIATENN ROAD – Bumped shortly after the start. Raced wide throughout. Improved onto heels when overracing near the 500m and shifted wider on the track. Laid in under pressure in the home straight. Shifted in near the 50m and made heavy contact with another runner, becoming unbalanced.
STELLA GRIS – Raced wide throughout. Bumped and became unbalanced near the 50m.
JAI’S LUCK – When questioned regarding the improved performance, trainer J. Judge advised the saddle shifted at the mare’s previous start at Nanango, and she had been working well and he was confident of a forward showing in today’s event.
Race 3: Hec Freemann & Wally Cross QTIS 2yo Maiden H'cap – 1100m
ROSE CLIP – Fractious in the barriers and declared a late scratching by order of Stewards acting on veterinary advice at 2.22pm. All monies invested on ROSE CLIP were ordered to be refunded, with the following deductions applicable:
7 cents in the dollar for the Win #1
3 cents in the dollar for place of winner #1
26 cents in the dollar for 2nd place #9
8 cents in the dollar for 3rd place #8
Trainer J. Zielke was advised he would need to provide a veterinary clearance for ROSE CLIP, and the filly would have to obtain a further barrier certificate prior to racing again.
LUCKY FEELING – Slow to begin.
MY MAGIQUE PICK – Tightened for room at the start.
Race 4: Errol Bachmann & Noel Stattz CG&E Maiden H'cap – 1400m
JESTA BOI – Bumped with another runner at the start.
OUTBACK ANDY - Bumped with another runner at the start.
LIKAPOSTIE – Finished tailed off. A post-race veterinary examination revealed no significant abnormalities.
JUST A SEC – Slow to begin. Steadied near the 1200m when HIDRIFTER (S. Alam) shifted in when insufficiently clear. At a subsequent inquiry, S. Alam was found guilty of a charge of careless riding and his license to ride in races was suspended for a period of 9 days, to commence 7/3/17 and expire 16/3/17.
WENSLEY ROAD – Laid in under pressure in the home straight.
HIDRIFTER – Laid in under pressure over the concluding stages. When questioned regarding the improved performance, trainer S. Leef advised in her opinion the gelding was suited by dropping back in class from its previous start.
LONE MARKSMAN – Blundered at the start. Finished tailed off. A post-race veterinary examination revealed no significant abnormalities.
Race 5:  Bill McGovern & Mick Buglar F&M Maiden H'cap – 1400m
SMOOTH VELVET – Stewards accepted the explanation tendered by trainer W. Bannerot for her failure to declare a rider by the prescribed time.
IYLESAY – Began awkwardly and shifted out.
JAZZ ADELE – Bumped by another runner at the start.
SKYLAR’S STAR – Slow to begin.
DANCING DERINA – Broke down passing the 850m and was eased down. The filly suffered a fractured off fore sesamoid and was subsequently euthanized by the veterinary surgeon on humane grounds.
AVERNA MOUNTAIN – After taking evidence from jockeys G. Goold and J. Oliver, and apprentices A. Spinks and M. Murphy, Stewards adjourned an inquiry into the reasons for AEVRNA MOUNTAIN falling near the 800m and dislodging apprentice E. Ljung. Apprentice Ljung was transported to hospital for further treatment. A post-race veterinary examination revealed the filly to be lame in the off fore. Trainer G. Cornish was advised he would need to provide a veterinary clearance prior to the filly racing again.
Race 6:  Greg Elliott (Memorial Trophy) BenchMark 58 H'cap – 860m
Due to apprentice Ljung being transported to hospital, the starting time for this race was amended to 4.33pm.
ARMA DE FUEGO – As the gelding had not raced since May 2015, it was examined by the veterinary surgeon prior to the event and cleared to take its place in the field. Hampered near the 200m.
MONTE LAGO – Raced wide throughout.
MAGINOT LINE – Raced wide throughout.
FAVORITE SHADOW – Blundered badly near the 200m and shifted in, hampering another runner, then shifted out. Eased down over the concluding stages. A post-race veterinary examination revealed no abnormalities. Trainer S. Essery advised the gelding would now be retired.
Race 7:  Ron Burgess CG&E BenchMark 58 H: - 1100m
Due to apprentice Ljung being transported to hospital, the starting time for this race was amended to 5.06pm.
RALPH THE DRAGON – Declared a late scratching at 11.00am on veterinary advice.
EARLSTOUN RULER – Overraced in the early stages.
BIZARRE ROCK – Raced keenly near the 850m and shifted out to avoid heels.
DANISH HOMBRE – Raced wide throughout.
CANID – Raced wide throughout.
STROMBO – Tightened for room at the start.
TIN’S POCKET – Overraced in the early stages. Hung out rounding the home turn.
Summary of action concerning licensees
Race 4.          S Alam – careless riding – 9 days, 7/3/17-16/3/17 – AR.137(a)
Race 1.          John Stanton - Trainer – Late rider - $100 – LR67
Race 4.          M. Hellyer – Jockey – Misconduct - $200 – AR.175(q)                                    
Absent jockeys
J. Morris – Personal reasons
E. Ljung – Injured, clearance required
Adjourned inquiry
Race 4.          AVERNA MOUNTAIN falling near the 800m
Summary of action concerning thoroughbred horses
Horses swabbed
All winners
Pre-race swabs
Race 3.          ROSE CLIP – fractious in barriers, barrier certificate & vet clearance – AR.8(t)
Race 4.          AVERNA MOUNTAIN – lame off fore, vet clearance – AR.8(t)
Late Scratchings
Race 3.          Rose Clip – 2.22pm – veterinary advice
Race 7.          Ralph The Dragon – 11.00am – veterinary advice
Summary of rider changes/Late notifications
Race 1.          CORONATATION BENNY – App. A. Sewell
Race 2.          HAVEN ANGEL – M. Hellyer
Race 5.          SMOOTH VELVET – C. Eaton
Published subject to correction upon revision.