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Gold Coast Turf Club

Aquis Park Gold Coast Provincial

Sat 31 Dec Good 3


Out 5m 1400m-1000m; Out 6m 1000m-400m; Out 5m 400m-W/Post; Out 4m the Remainder


Good 3 Pen 4.5

Nil last 24hrs, 13mm last 7days

4mm last 24hrs, 30mm last 7 days


Track conditions update: 1:13PM Tuesday 03 January
Last Track Rating Update: Finalised 31/12 - 7:30am


Fri 23/12/16 11:00am


Wed 28/12/16 03:00pm


Thu 29/12/16 09:30am


Thu 29/12/16 12:00pm


Sat 31/12/16 07:30am

Late Nominations

Races: 1, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8

RAIL – OUT 5M 1400-1000; OUT 6M 1000 TO 400M; OUT 5M 400-W/POST; OUT 4M REMAINDER
Chairman of Stewards – I Brown
Stewards – C Albrecht, G Lane, N Finnigan
Betting Steward – G Daly
Clerk of Scales – J Robinson
Judge – S McMahon
Veterinarian – S McGinness
Swab attendants – K Kilpatrick, A Fleming
Starter – S Andrews, M Andrews
Stewards Secretary – L Stokes
From Ipswich 30/12/2016 – Race 2
DANSU - Trainer D Duryea reported to stewards that following the disappointing performance the results of a scope failed to reveal any significant findings.  She added that the gelding may have choked down which could have contributed to its poor performance and advised that she would add a tongue tie to the gelding’s racing gear.
RACE 1: Sky Racing F&M Maiden Plate – 1200m
1st: Sheza Yankee    2nd: Urubamba    3rd: Clearfield    4th:  Gorgeous Gal
SNAP AND GO - Slow to begin.  Hung out approaching and rounding the home turn.
CLEARFIELD - Slow to begin.
MYTANG - Slow to begin.
PUELLA - Raced wide without cover throughout.
LOST SYMPHONY – Raced very greenly throughout.  Near the 800m steadied from heels and again rounding the home turn steadied after hanging out across the heels of another runner and continued to hang out in the home straight proving difficult to ride.  Trainer B Costello was advised that the filly must trial to the satisfaction of Stewards before racing again.  A post-race veterinary examination failed to reveal any apparent abnormalities at the time of examination.
RACE 2: Racelandia C, G & Entires Maiden Pate – 1200m
1st: Care to Think    2nd: Dia De Reyes    3rd: Jexerlent    4th:  Sugar Ray Red
The start was delayed due to MAGNORMOUS undergoing a veterinary examination which revealed the gelding to be lame in the near fore leg.  MAGNORMOUS was subsequently declared a late scratching at 1:19pm.  All monies invested on MAGNORMOUS were ordered to be refunded.  Deductions applicable to bets placed on winner and place-getters prior to 1:19pm:-
4 cents in the dollar for the Win #7 – CARE TO THINK
5 cents in the dollar for place of winner #7 – CARE TO THINK
3 cents in the dollar for 2nd place #8 – DIA DE REYES
4 cents in the dollar for 3rd place #9 - JEXERLENT
Trainer L Kelly was advised that he must obtain a veterinary certificate of fitness before the gelding’s next race start.
TAKES TIME - Began awkwardly and bumped KILLERMAN’S RUN.  Raced wide without cover throughout.  Leaving the 300m hampered by TORRE SARACINO which was taken out by DIA DE REYES.
KILLERMAN’S RUN – Bumped at the start.
TORRE SARACINO – Began awkwardly and bumped JEXERLENT.  Bumped by DIA DE REYES leaving the 300m.
JEXERLENT – Bumped at the start.  Near the 1100m bumped by KILLERMAN’S RUN and shifted out.
SPORTS REPORT – Began awkwardly.  Near the 900m steadied from the heels of CARE TO THINK.
GYPSY WILD – Approaching the 1000m checked from the heels of JEXERLENT which shifted out and as a consequence lost ground.  Raced wide throughout.  A post-race veterinary examination failed to reveal any apparent abnormalities at the time of examination.
CARE TO THINK – Leaving the 1000m checked from the heels of GYPSY WILD after that runner shifted out after being checked.  Bumped by DIA DE REYES over the concluding stages.
SAME OLD – Commenced to race fiercely leaving the 900m and as a consequence had to be severely checked from the heels of KILLERMAN’S RUN approaching the 800m and lost ground.  A post-race veterinary examination revealed the gelding to have punctured its near fore sole.  Trainer P Balzen will be advised that he must obtain a veterinary certificate of fitness prior to the gelding’s next race start.
DIA DE REYES – Shifted out under pressure over the concluding stages and bumped CARE TO THINK.  Leaving the 300m shifted out to improve and bumped TORRE SARACINO.
RACE 3: Sky Racing F&M Class 2 H’cap – 1200m
1st: Tempete Rouge    2nd: Foxy Walk    3rd: Lady Micaela    4th:  Forbidden Kisses
KERMANDIE STAR – Hampered at the start when tightened for room.
FLAMBE - Began awkwardly.
LADY MICAELA - Held up during the early stages of the home straight.
App. J Guthmann-Chester (KERMANDIE STAR) was reprimanded for excessive use of the whip prior to the 100m.
RACE 4: Racelandia QTIS 3yo Maiden Plate – 1400m
1st: Powerful Flash    2nd: Eat My Trust    3rd: Mark My Word    4th:  Sonic Bloom
POWERFUL FLASH – Connections advised that the intention was to obtain a handy position – Settled outside the leader.  Began awkwardly. A post-race veterinary examination revealed the gelding to be suffering from the thumps.
LADY ENID - Began awkwardly.
SIP SIP SIP – Near the 1100m steadied when placed in restricted room and again passing the 900m.  Near the 100m steadied when placed in restricted room between MARK MY WORD which shifted in under pressure and PERILOUS LOVE which was taken out by EAT MY TRUST.  App. J Guthman-Chester (MARK MY WORD) was issued with a reprimand for permitting his mount to shift in when not clear and Jockey M McGuren (EAT MY TRUST) was advised to exercise more care in similar circumstances.  Jockey J Mallyon reported that the filly raced greenly and hung out rounding the home turn.  Trainer S O’dea advised that the filly would now be sent for a spell.  A post-race veterinary examination revealed the filly to be suffering from mild heat stress.
STOKE IT UP – Raced wide without cover throughout.
MARK MY WORD – Raced wide throughout.  Hung in under pressure in the straight.
PERILOUS LOVE – Inconvenienced near the 100m.
App. M Murphy (LADY ENID) was fined the sum of $200 for returning to scale overweight.
After the running of this race, Jockey M McGuren was stood down by the club doctor.  Rider replacements were made as per Stewards Race Day Summary. 
RACE 5: Sky Racing Class 5 H’cap – 1400m
1st: Uno Best    2nd: Cheval Le Vent    3rd: Jobiwood    4th:  More Than Money
UNO BEST – Cast the hind plate prior to the start.  As the farrier was unable to replace the plate, the other hind plate was removed and the horse was permitted to race without hind plates.
CHEVAL LE VENT - Began awkwardly.
ROUND MOUNTAIN GAL - Slow to begin.
WEARING WINGS – A post-race veterinary examination revealed the gelding to have a bowed near fore tendon.  A veterinary clearance will be required prior to its next race start.
Jockey J Morris (CHEVAL LE VENT) was reprimanded for excessive use of the whip prior to the 100m.
RACE 6: Racelandia BenchMark 70 H’cap – 1800m
1st: Choice Princess    2nd: Harbor Springs    3rd: Snapper    4th:  Jack Strikes Back
HARBOR SPRINGS - Slow to begin.  Laid in under pressure passing the 200m resulting in the rider having to stop and straighten at that point.
BOLD AVENUE – Raced wide during the early stages before being allowed to stride forward to the lead near the 1400m at which point it commenced to over-race and continued to do so during the middle stages of the event.
JACK STRIKES BACK - Near the 1500m steadied when awkwardly placed at the heels of IT’SALL ABOUTHARRY.
SIX BEAT - Raced wide during the early stages.   A post-race veterinary examination of the gelding which commenced to weaken passing the 600m revealed mild heat stress.
App. M Murphy (SNAPPER) was reprimanded for excessive use of the whip prior to the 100m.
RACE 7: Sky Racing, C, G & Entires Class 2 H’cap – 1200m
1st: Karakabeel    2nd: Our Rocky    3rd: Scoutabout    4th:  Five Spices
FIVE SPICES – Over-raced during the middle stages.
SCOUTABOUT– Raced wide without cover throughout.
HOTEL COSTE – When questioned regarding the performance, Jockey L Rolls expressed his disappointment with the performance but was unable to offer any tangible explanation except to say that it may not have been suited by the slow tempo in the early and middle stages.  Jockey Rolls noted the gelding was second up from a spell today.  Trainer Bruce Hill was also at a loss to explain the performance and undertook to have veterinary and blood tests conducted, the results of which he would forward to stewards.
Jockey J Mallyon (FIVE SPICES) was reprimanded for excessive use of the whip prior to the 100m.
RACE 8: Advantage Water Services Plant & Machinery Hire Class 1 H’cap – 1400m
1st: Gorada    2nd: Aqua Vite    3rd: Costanza    4th:  Speranza
GORADA - Slow to begin.
HOLY HARRY – Blundered at the start.  Near the 1000m bumped by IN HER HAND and became unbalanced for a short distance.
ABANDONMENT - Began awkwardly.  A post-race veterinary examination of the filly which weakened from the 500m failed to reveal any apparent abnormalities at the time of examination. Trainer A Willick undertook to have veterinary tests undertaken, and advise stewards of the results. Ms Willik was advised that in the absence of any abnormality being detected the horse would be required to compete in an official trial to the satisfaction of stewards prior to starting again.
ROCKY EXPECTATIONS - Near the 1000m buffeted between runners when tightened for room.
IN HER HAND – Near the 1000m checked when tightened for room and lost substantial ground. Hung out approaching and rounding the home turn.  A post-race veterinary examination failed to reveal any apparent abnormalities at the time of examination.
AQUA VITE - Near the 1000m lost ground when eased from the heels of AFTON PRINCE which shifted in. 
STORMY DESTINY - Leaving the 1000m bumped by ROCKY EXPECTATIONS and made heavy contact with the running rail.  Leaving the 200m disappointed for a run to the inside of AFTON PRINCE and was obliged to steady and shift to the outside runner to obtain clear running over the concluding stages.
Jockey A Dykes (GORADA) was fined the sum of $100 for excessive use of the whip prior to the 100m.
Jockey C Schmidt (AFTON PRINCE) pleaded guilty to a charge of careless riding under AR137(a) in that passing the 1000m she permitted AFTON PRINCE to shift in when insufficiently clear of AQUA VITE which had to be steadied and shifted in causing tightening to IN HER HAND which had to be checked and lost substantial ground.  As a consequence IN HER HAND shifted in and bumped HOLY HARRY which became unbalanced and shifted in and bumped ROCKY EXPECTATIONS which in turn shifted in making contact with STORMY DESTINY which then shifted in and made heavy contact with the running rail.  Bearing in mind Jockey Schmidt’s good record and guilty plea along with the severity of the interference suffered by runners to her inside and her carelessness stewards issued Jockey Schmidt with a suspension of her licence to ride in races for a period of 12 days to commence midnight 31/12/2016 and to expire midnight 12/01/2017.

31 DECEMBER 2016
Summary of action concerning licensees
Race 3 – App. J Guthmann-Chester - excessive use of whip, 7 times [AR137A(5)(a)(ii)]
Race 4 – App. J Guthmann-Chester, careless riding [AR137(a)]
Race 5 – Jockey J Morris - excessive use of whip, 7 times [AR137A(5)(a)(ii)]
Race 6 – App. Michael Murphy - excessive use of whip, 7 times [AR137A(5)(a)(ii)]
Race 7 – Jockey J Mallyon – excessive use of whip, 7 times [AR137A(5)(a)(ii)]
Race 8 – Jockey C Schmidt – careless riding - 12 days – mid. 31/12/2016 to mid. 12/01/2017 [AR137(a)]
Race 4 – App. Michael Murphy, return to scale overweight - $200 [AR145]
Race 8 – Jockey A Dykes - excessive use of whip, 8 times - $100 [AR137A(5)(a)(ii)]
Race day injury/illness
Jockey M McGuren – medical certificate
Summary of action concerning thoroughbred horses
Horses swabbed pre-race
It’sall Aboutharry, Hotel Coste, Five Spices, Aqua Vite, Abandonment
Horses swabbed post-race
All winners, Urubamba, Foxy Walk, Eat My Trust
Race 1 – Lost Symphony, racing manners (raced greenly/hung out), trial to stewards’ satisfaction [AR8(t)]
Race 2 – Magnormous, lame near fore leg – Vet. Certificate of Fitness [AR8 (t)]
Race 2 – Same Old, punctured near fore sole – Vet. Certificate of Fitness [AR8(t)]
Race 5 – Wearing Wings, bowed near fore tendon – Vet. Certificate of Fitness [AR8(t)]
Change of Riding Tactics
Race 4 – Powerful Flash, to obtain a handy position – settled outside the leader.
Summary of rider changes/Late notifications
Race 5 – Wearing Wings – A Spinks
Race 7 – Galiano – M Palmer
Late scratchings
Race 2 – Magnormous @ 1:19pm