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Gold Coast Turf Club

Aquis Park Gold Coast Provincial

Sat 01 Apr Heavy 10


+5m 1400m-W/Post; +3m Remainder


Not Used, Turf
Heavy 10 Pen 6.8

Nil last 24hrs, 242mm last 7days



Track conditions update: 12:13AM Sunday 02 April


Mon 27/03/17 11:00am


Tue 28/03/17 03:00pm


Thu 30/03/17 09:30am


Thu 30/03/17 12:00pm


Sat 01/04/17 07:30am

Late Nominations

Races: 1, 2, 3, 6, 7






Chairman of Stewards – C Albrecht
Stewards – K Daly, G Lane, P Reardon
Betting Steward – B Blight
Clerk of Scales – J Robinson
Judge – S McMahon
Veterinarian – Dr A Murdoch
Swab attendants – A Fleming
Starter – S Andrews & B Lawson
Stewards Secretary – S Rolls


As jockeys M. McGuren was unable to attend to the meeting and S. Lacey was ill stewards permitted rider changes as per the Stewards Race Day Summary.

Due to the 1800m chute being unsuitable for racing at the time of the track inspection the decision was made to amend the 1800m start to the 1750m.

RACE 1: CSR Gyprock QTIS 2YO Fillies Maiden Plate – 1200m
1st: Nivo 2nd: Beach Drum 3rd: Epiction 4th: Lucky Feeling

DO I HAVE TO – Connections advised the intention will be to settle in a more forward position if circumstances permit. The horse was ridden accordingly. Raced 3 wide without cover in the early stages.

LUCKY FEELING – Slow to begin. Overraced for a short distance passing the 900m. Approaching the 300m had to be steadied and was obliged to shift back to the inside to obtain clear running. Shifted out under pressure over the concluding stages. Jockey S. Doyle was advised to exercise more care. A post race veterinary examination revealed that the filly had sustained a laceration to the near fore leg.

MISS GEORJESS – Slow to begin. Raced ungenerously for the majority.
PABULUM – Inconvenienced over the concluding stages.

RACE 2: Auzline QTIS 2YO Colts & Geldings Maiden Plate – 1200m
1st: Leroy Rocks 2nd: Two Amor 3rd: Wake Up Jeff 4th: Who Am I

TWO AMOR – Slow to begin.

WAKE UP JEFF – Slow to begin.

WHO I AM – Began awkwardly. Momentarily held up upon entering the home straight.

LEROY ROCKS – Near the 1000m became awkward when crowded for room between runners. Inclined to overrace for a short distance leaving the 900m.

SNOOZE – Hampered near the 300m.

RACE 3: CSR Cemintel Maiden Plate – 2200m
1st: Drummer’s Chance 2nd: Canterbury King 3rd: Professor Roy 4th: Special Man

Correct weight was delayed to allow stewards to view the film to ascertain whether ALCHEMY GOLD was afforded a fair start. After viewing the film it was established that ALCHEMY GOLD reared as the start was effected dislodging its rider and refused to take any competitive part in the event. Trainer J. Gleeson was advised that the filly would be required to obtain a further barrier certificate. Mr Gleeson indicated to stewards that the filly may have resented the crossover nose band and would remove the gear from the filly.

PROFESSOR ROY – Reared as the start was effected and lost ground.

WISHIPOUR – Shifted out at the start and made contact with CANTERBURY KING. A post race veterinary examination of the gelding, which commenced to weaken from the 600m and finished a distant last, revealed no significant findings. Trainer D. Murphy advised stewards that the gelding would now be retired from racing.

SPECIAL MAN – Shifted in at the start and made contact with SUNCANSING.

DRUMMERS CHANCE – Near the 1400m when the pace of the race slackened shifted out and was allowed to stride forward to obtain the lead near the 1200m.

Jockey N. Seymour was fined $200 for excessive use of the whip prior to the 100m.

RACE 4: A1 Interiors Maiden H’Cap – 1200m
1st: Kitti Ping 2nd: Brookajoe 3rd: Queen Beatrice 4th: Sidetrip

As App M. Shimodaira was dually engaged in this event stewards permitted App J. Guthmann-Chester to be substituted as the rider of QUEEN BEATRICE. Stewards accepted the explanation tendered by App Shimodaira.
MUDGEE ROAD – Began awkwardly, shifted out abruptly and lost significant ground. When questioned regarding the performance App A. Spinks stated that after beginning very awkwardly and losing ground he was obliged to pressure his mount in an effort to tack onto the remainder of the field. App Spinks added that this had a detrimental affect on its performance and was inclined to overrace and raced ungenerously. App Spinks further added that in the home straight when he placed the gelding under pressure it shifted in abruptly resulting in him having to stop and straighten.

DAISY WHEEL – Began awkwardly. Overraced in the early and middle stages.

BROOKAJOE – Crowded for room at the start.

AUSTALI – Slow to begin. Commenced to overrace fiercely approaching the 1000m and shifted out to avoid the heels of SIDETRIP and as a result raced wide throughout.

SIDETRIP – Overraced in the early stages.

MALDITA – Forced wider on the track near the 900m and then raced wide throughout.

QUEEN BEATRICE – Approaching the 200m laid in across the heels of SIDETRIP and had to be steadied.

Jockey A. Dykes (BROOKAJOE) was reprimanded for excessive use of the whip prior to the 100m.

RACE 5: CSR Ceilector BenchMark 70 H’Cap – 900m
1st: Hidden Light 2nd: Payback 3rd: Mr Hennessy 4th: Deepest

Trainer A. Plumb was fined $100 for failing to produce the document of description for THOMAS THE TANK when required to do so.

As S. Doyle was overweight stewards permitted J. Oliver to be substituted as the rider of GENERATE. Jockey Doyle was fined $100.00.

The start was delayed when ROOI ROE lunged forward making heavy contact with the barriers, was removed from the barriers, examined by the veterinary surgeon and declared a late scratching at 2.45 p.m. All monies invested on ROOI ROE were ordered to be refunded. Deductions applicable to bets placed on winner and place-getters prior to 2.45 p.m.:-

15 cents in the dollar for the win - #12 (HIDDEN LIGHT)
14 cents in the dollar for place of winner - #12 (HIDDEN LIGHT)
12 cents in the dollar for 2nd place - #3 (PAYBACK)
16 cents in the dollar for 3rd place - #6 (MR HENNESSY)

SPs were subject

PRIMED FOR DESTINY – Checked at the start and lost ground. When questioned regarding the performance jockey J. Morris stated that despite the mare having some wet track form it failed to handle today’s track conditions. A post race veterinary examination revealed no significant findings.

THOMAS THE TANK – Began awkwardly.

GENERATE – Shifted in at the start.

DEEPEST – Stewards questioned jockey R. McMahon regarding his riding of the gelding in the home straight and also approaching the 800m where there appeared to be an opportunity to maintain a position to the inside of MR HENNESSY, instead of surrendering that position and allowing MR HENNESSY to cross him at that stage. Jockey McMahon stated that after beginning well he was of the view that PAYBACK and MR HENNESSY were showing sufficient speed to cross him and therefore he elected to allow them to cross and obtained a position with cover behind those runners. Jockey McMahon added that once he had been crossed the gelding then commenced to travel strongly. Jockey McMahon further added that once entering the home straight he was able to obtain clear running where the gelding was doing its best work over the concluding stages. Stewards noted his comments.

Following the running of this event jockey J. Morris was stood down by the Club’s doctor for the remainder of his events and was replaced as per the Stewards Race Day Summary. Jockey Morris was advised he would be required to produce a medical certificate.

RACE 6: Rondo Class 2 H’Cap – 1750m
1st: Nelumbo 2nd: Premiere Place 3rd: Davor 4th: Scarlett Hussie

MINE WITH LIME – Slow to begin. Jockey S. Bogenhuber reported at scale that her mount failed to handle today’s track conditions.

DAVOR – Overraced in the early stages.

RACE 7: KUC Cup BenchMark 70 H’Cap – 1400m
1st: On Demand 2nd: Biagiotti 3rd: Vimzig 4th: Marlene Adele

VENECIA – Near the 1200m had to be steadied to avoid the heels of MARLENE ADELE, which was taken in by BIAGIOTTI, which was not fully clear.

J. Oliver the rider of BIAGIOTTI pleaded guilty to a charge of careless riding under AR137(a) for permitting his mount to shift in near the 1200m when insufficiently clear of MARLENE ADELE, forcing that runner in resulting in App J. Guthmann-Chester the rider of VENECIA being tightened for room and having to steady his mount at that stage. Jockey Oliver was suspended from riding in races for a period of nine (9) days to commence midnight 8 April 2017 and to expire midnight 17 April 2017.

MARLENE ADELE – Jockey M. Hellyer reported to stewards his mount was inclined to lay out rounding the home turn and in the home straight. Had to be eased and forced in near the 1200m by BIAGIOTTI.

BIG SONNY – When afforded the opportunity to comment on the performance jockey S. Galloway stated that the gelding was under pressure leaving the 600m and was disappointing in its finishing effort. Jockey Galloway added that the gelding may not have been suited to the 1400m and would be better placed in races over a shorter distance than that of today’s event.

RACE 8: PM’S Cup 6th May – Book Now Class 1 H’Cap – 1300m
1st: Herrschaft 2nd: Citrus Wish 3rd: He’s All Heart 4th: Famous Grouse

Stewards permitted J. Oliver to be substituted as the rider of LEGS UNBARRED as there was no suitable apprentice available.

The start of this race was delayed when LEGS UNBARRED proved difficult to load.

HERRSCHAFT – Slow to begin.

MASTER DAME – Crowded for room at the start. Bumped by MAGNETIC MISS and forced wider near the 500m. Jockey S. Doyle expressed his disappointment in the performance and could offer no tangible explanation. A post race veterinary examination failed to reveal any significant findings.

GEILEIS – Blundered shortly after the start. Raced wide throughout.

CLOVERLEIGH LASS – Began awkwardly and shifted out.

HE’S ALL HEART – Hampered at the start. Near the 500m was held up and shifted out to obtain clear running and in doing so made contact with MAGNETIC MISS. Jockey Bogenhuber was issued with a reprimand in this incident.

FAMOUS GROUSE – Held up rounding the home turn.

LEGS UNBARRED – A post race veterinary examination of the mare which weakened in the home straight, revealed the mare to be making an abnormal respiratory noise. Trainer W. Bannerot was advised to forward the results of a scope before the mare races again.

MAGNETIC MISS – Raced wide throughout.


Summary of action concerning licensees

Race 4. A. Dykes – Jockey – Whip use (8 times) – AR137A(5)(a)(ii)
Race 8. S. Bogenhuber – Jockey – Careless riding – AR137(a)

Race 7. J. Oliver – Jockey – Careless riding – 9 days (m/n8.4.17-m/n17.4.17) – AR137(a)

Race 3. N. Seymour – Jockey – Whip use (14 times) - $200 – AR137A
Race 5. S.Doyle – Jockey – Overweight - $100 - AR120(b)
Race 5. A. Plumb – Trainer - Failed to produce document of description - $100 – AR59A

Jockey Absenteeism
S. Lacey – Ill – Medical Cert.
J. Morris – Ill – Medical Cert. (stood down after Race 5)
M. McGuren – Unable to attend due to weather

Summary of action concerning thoroughbred horses

Horses swabbed post-race
All winners

Race 3. Alchemy Gold – Reared & took no part in race – Barrier Cert. – AR8(t)
Race 8. Legs Unbarred – Respiratory noise – Endoscope – AR8(t)

Change of Riding Tactics
Race 1. Do I Have To – Connections advised the intention will be to settle in a more forward position if circumstances permit.

Summary of rider changes/Late notifications
Race 1. Nivo – S. Bogenhuber
Race 2. Two Amor – S. Galloway
Race 3. Professor Roy – App B. Panya
Race 3. Suncansing – App J. Guthmann-Chester
Race 4. Daisy Wheel – App M. Shimodaira
Race 4. Everest Ktwo – S. Galloway
Race 4. Queen Beatrice – App J. Guthmann