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Gold Coast Turf Club

Aquis Park Gold Coast Provincial

Sat 09 Mar Good 4


True Entire Course.


Good 4 Pen 4.6

1mm last 24hrs, 32.5mm last 7 days

Nil last 24hrs, 12mm last 7 days


Track conditions update: 12:06AM Sunday 10 March
Last Track Rating Update: Finalised 9/3 - 7:45am


Mon 04/03/19 11:00am


Tue 05/03/19 03:00pm


Thu 07/03/19 09:30am


Thu 07/03/19 12:00pm


Sat 09/03/19 07:30am

Late Nominations

Races: 2, 3, 4, 8

Race Day Stewards Report
Aquis Thoroughbreds
Date: 9 March 2019
Track: Good 4
Weather: Fine
Rail: True entire course
Penetrometer: 4.6
Stewards Panel: I. Brown (Chairman), P. Zimmermann, G. Lane, P. Reardon
Officials: Dr.A. Murdoch (Veterinarian), J. Robinson (Clerk of Scales), S. McMahon (Judge), S. Andrews, K. Watson (Starters), K. Kilpatrick, G. Gray (Swab Officials)
From Gold Coast Meeting 2 March 2019 – Race 8.
Trainer M. Costa reported that he was unable to identify any abnormalities that may have explained Coco Fashion’s disappointing performance. Mr Costa advised that the horse has since been sent for a spell.
From Doomben Meeting 6 March 2019 – Race 8
Co-trainer B. Guy reported that an x-ray of Miocic the following morning revealed a spur on its off fore knee, for which it has since undergone treatment.
Race 1 – Jewel Raceday March 16 QTIS 2YO Maiden Plate – 900m
Miss Bulitz – Began awkwardly and lost ground.
Luana – Began awkwardly, shifted out and bumped Patches. Raced wide without cover throughout. When questioned as to the performance jockey D. Griffin noted that the filly had trialled well when able to lead easily. Today after beginning awkwardly he was obliged to pressure the filly in the early stages to obtain a forward position and as a consequence was forced to race wide throughout. Jockey Griffin was of the opinion that the filly may be better suited over further distances.
Patches – Bumped at the start. Held up rounding the home turn. Held up again passing the 200m.
Spirit House ­– Bumped at the start. Raced greenly throughout and near the 800m was steadied when awkwardly placed at the heels of Patches. Raced wide throughout.
Investible – Near the 800m was steadied when tightened for room between Miss Bulitz and Tedder Express, which hung in.
Tedder Express  - Hung in during the early stages.
Timely Bel – Held up rounding the home turn and in the early stages of the home straight until a point approaching the 200m.
Very Soon – Raced wide throughout.
Race 2 – Bata Industrial Footwear Maiden Plate – 1800m
Chainsmoker – Reared as the start was effected and lost ground.
Massie Whisper – Slow to begin.
Cosmic Kitty – Slow to begin.
Yankee Sang – Began awkwardly.
Daunting Warrior – Raced fiercely in the early stages. Leaving the 1600m shifted out and then raced wide until a point near the 1200m when able to settle outside the leader.
Comzali – Raced wide in the early stages. A post race veterinary examination revealed no significant findings.
The Last Road – Leaving the 1500m commenced to overrace and shifted out. Jockey J. Hodge dropped his whip near the 300m.
If The Shoe Fits – Hung out leaving the 600m.
Jockey B. Pengelly (Chainsmoker) was cautioned regarding his use of the whip prior to the 100m.
Race 3 – Residential Scaffolding Class 1 Handicap – 1800m
Blackmailer – Trainer B. Smith advised the horse would be ridden forward today if circumstances permit. The horse was ridden accordingly.
Kuiper – Eased when tightened for room at the start. Raced wide without cover throughout.
Roulette Royal – Eased when tightened for room at the start.
Look Out Boy – Overraced in the early stages.
Jockey S. Galloway  (Fille Gris) was reprimanded for excessive use of the whip prior to the 100m.
Race 4 – Mulherin Rigging And Cranes BenchMark 62 Handicap – 900m
Keep On Loving You – Blundered badly at the start and lost ground.
Wake Up Sailor – Began awkwardly. Raced four wide without cover throughout.
Clint – Raced three wide without cover throughout.
Race 5 – Marriott Class 2 Handicap – 1200m
Armet – Trainer A. Willick reported the gelding had undergone a throat operation following its last start. Bumped leaving the 500m.
African Academy – Slow to begin. Bumped leaving the 500m.
Let’s Go Champ – Began awkwardly. Overraced in the early stages and had to be steadied from heels on a number of occasions. A post-race veterinary examination revealed the gelding to have bled from both nostrils for the first time. Trainer B. Witt was advised the gelding will incur a mandatory three month ban from racing under the provisions of AR79(4).
Junction – Raced three wide without cover throughout.
Race 6 – Bisley Maiden Plate – 1300m
Del Vega – Trainer B. Hill advised the horse would be ridden further back today if circumstances permit. After beginning well was restrained to obtain a position with cover off the speed.
Mary Read – Began awkwardly and was then bumped and lost ground.
Euro Hustler – Bumped at the start. Bumped near the 1200m. Leaving the 1000m was steadied when awkwardly placed at the heels of Del Vega. When questioned regarding the performance jockey R.  Plumb stated that the gelding raced flat and failed to respond to his riding leaving the 300m and proved disappointing. The stable foreman was unable to explain the disappointing performance and undertook to report back to Stewards should any abnormalities come to light in the days subsequent which could explain the performance. A post race veterinary examination revealed no significant findings.
Sir Husson – Began awkwardly and was bumped. Near the 1200m laid in away from Super Kids and bumped Euro Hustler.
Super Kids – Began awkwardly and was bumped. When questioned as to the improved performance co-trainer B. Guy stated that the gelding had worked well with the addition of a tongue tie following its last start, which he attributed to today’s performance. Mr Guy also noted that it was their intention to have the gelding lead at its last start but on that occasion it was unable to muster the necessary speed in the early stages despite the efforts of its rider.
Ausfall – Slow to begin.
Indibelle – Overraced in the early stages.
De Belle Of Cannes – Raced three wide without cover throughout. A post race veterinary examination revealed the mare to be lame in the off hind leg. The stable representative was advised that a veterinary clearance will be required prior to the mare racing again.
Race 7 – WIN TV Class 1 Handicap – 1400m
As S. Doyle was overweight stewards permitted M. Palmer to be substituted as the rider of Lady Vixen. Jockey Doyle was fined $100.
Lady Vixen – Began awkwardly and lost ground.
Gwapo – Overraced in the early stages.
Sultry Testa – Laid in under pressure in the straight.
Accountant – Near the 250m was steadied from the heels of Kingly, which shifted out.Raced wide without cover throughout.
At Witz End – Approaching the 100m was eased from the heels of Sultry Testa, which shifted in. Jockey A. Fancourt (Sultry Testa) was reprimanded for this incident.Raced wide throughout.
Weigela – A post race veterinary examination revealed no significant findings.
Race 8 – KB SUPPLIES BenchMark 75 Handicap – 1400m
Tivoli Street – Slow to begin.
Our Beebee – Eased when tightened for room at the start and lost ground. Near the 900m was steadied from the heels of Cornrow.
Monaco Snob – Hampered when tightened for room at the start. Raced wide throughout. Jockey T. Marshall dropped his whip near the 300m.
Cornrow – Began awkwardly and shifted out. Hung out under pressure in the straight.
Jakuta – Held up rounding the home turn and upon straightening was disappointed for a run to the outside of Cabeirian and was obliged to shift back in to secure clear running approaching the 200m.
Toga Picta – Upon straightening was bumped by Cornrow, which shifted out to improve.
Congelator – Raced wide without cover throughout.
Jockey N. Day (Cornrow) was fined $100 for excessive use of the whip prior to the 100m.
Jockey P. Hammersley (Tivoli Street) was reprimanded for excessive use of the whip prior to the 100m.
Jockey D. Griffin (Dynastic) was reprimanded for excessive use of the whip prior to the 100m.

Summary of action concerning licensees
Race 3. S. Galloway – Jockey - Whip use [AR132(7)(a)(ii)]   
Race 7. A. Fancourt – Jockey – Careless riding [AR131]
Race 8. P. Hammersley - Jockey - Whip use [AR132(7)(a)(ii)]   
Race 8. D. Griffin - Jockey - Whip use [AR132(7)(a)(ii)]   
Race 7. S. Doyle – Jockey – Overweight - $100 [AR190]
Race 8. N. Day – Jockey – Whip use - $100 [AR132(7)(a)(ii)]
Summary of action concerning thoroughbred horses
Horses swabbed pre-race
Race 2. Comzali
Race 3. The Great Boombino
Race 4. Odds Or Evens
Race 6. Euro Hustler
Race 7. Hayburner
Race 8. Jakuta
Horses swabbed post-race
All winners +
Race 7. Shijin (2nd)
Race 8. Tivoli Street (2nd)
Race 6. De Belle Of Cannes – Lame off hind leg – Vet Cert. [AR20(e)]
Race 5. Let’s Go Champ – Bled 1st time – 3 month ban & 1000m gallop [AR79(4)]
Change of Tactics
Race 3. Blackmailer – To be ridden forward.
Race 6. Del Vega – To be ridden further back.  
Summary of rider changes/Late notifications
Race 1. Timely Bel – App C. Gallagher
Race 7. Lady Vixen – M. Palmer
Published subject to correction upon revision