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Gold Coast Turf Club

Aquis Park Gold Coast Provincial

Sat 22 Aug Good 4


+10m 1400m-W/Post; +5m Remainder of Course


Not Used, Turf
Good 4 Pen 4.4

Nil last 24hrs, 3mm last 7 days

2mm last 24hrs, 28mm last 7 days


Track conditions update: 1:07AM Sunday 23 August
Last Track Rating Update: Finalised 22/8 - 7:45am


Mon 17/08/20 11:00am


Tue 18/08/20 03:00pm


Thu 20/08/20 09:00am


Thu 20/08/20 12:00pm


Sat 22/08/20 07:30am

Late Nominations

Races: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6

Chairman of Stewards – P. Gillard
Stewards – E. Barron, J. Hackett, P. Reardon  
Clerk of Scales – C. Fedrick
Judge – S. McMahon
Veterinarian – Dr G Silvestri
Swab Attendants – K Kilpatrick, G. Gray
Starter – S. Andrews, K. Watson
Queensland Racing Integrity Commission (QRIC) Stewards today inquired into the reason track rider Mr S. McLean rode trackwork at the Gold Coast Turf Club between 1 August 2020 and 18 August 2020, when not the holder of the appropriate license to do so. After hearing and considering all submissions Mr McLean pleaded guilty to a charge under LR7(b) which reads:
LR.7. Licensing
A person shall not:
(b) ride a horse in any race, Trial or trackwork;
unless that person is the holder of a current appropriate Licence, permit or registration issued by the Principal Racing Authority.
The specifics of the charge being that Mr McLean did ride trackwork at the Gold Coast Turf Club between 1 August 2020 and 18 August 2020 when not the holder of a current and appropriate licence to do so. Mr McLean fined the sum of $200.     
Queensland Racing Integrity Commission (QRIC) Stewards today inquired into the reason track rider Mr B. Gordon rode trackwork at the Gold Coast Turf Club between 1 August 2020 and 18 August 2020, when not the holder of the appropriate license to do so. After hearing and considering all submissions Mr Gordon pleaded guilty to a charge under LR7(b) which reads:
LR.7. Licensing
A person shall not:
(b) ride a horse in any race, Trial or trackwork;
unless that person is the holder of a current appropriate Licence, permit or registration issued by the Principal Racing Authority.  The specifics of the charge being that Mr Gordon did ride trackwork at the Gold Coast Turf Club between 1 August 2020 and 18 August 2020 when not the holder of a current and appropriate licence to do so. Mr Gordon was fined the sum of $200.    
NICOSMILE – Kicked out in the barriers. Unloaded from the barriers, examined by the veterinary surgeon and was declared a late scratching at 12.25pm acting on veterinary advise when found to be lame in its near hind leg. All monies invested on NICOSMILE were ordered to be refunded. Deductions applicable to bets placed on winner and placegetters prior to 12:25PM
15 cents in the dollar for the win # (1)
12 cents in the dollar for the place of winner # (1)
15 cents in the dollar for 2nd place # (11)
15 cents in the dollar for 3rd place # (6)
Trainer R. Hurley was advised he must obtain a further barrier certificate and veterinary clearance prior to the gelding being permitted to race again.  
MARECAT – Delayed the start when fractious in the barriers. Unloaded from the barriers, examined by the veterinary surgeon and cleared to start. A post-race veterinary examination revealed the mare to have a slow post-race recovery and a abrasion to its off fore leg. Trainer D. Chujo was advised a further barrier certificate must be provided prior to the mare being permitted to race again.
MULRONEY – Failed to make the 1800m turn and ran off the track forcing RIVERKY and STARRY BEAUTY wider. Trainer M. Brosnan was advised the gelding must trial to the satisfaction of stewards before being permitted to race again.  
RIVERKY – Forced wider near the 1800m and raced wide from that point onwards. Finished tailed off. Rider R. Palmer was of the opinion the gelding got it tongue over the bit. A post- race veterinary examination confirmed that the gelding may have got it tongue over the bit. Trainer S. Kurz advised stewards he would freshen the horse up and experiment with gear changes prior to it next run. Nonetheless Mr Kurz was advised the gelding must trial to the satisfaction of stewards prior to its next race start.
STARRY BEAUTY – Forced wider near the 1800m and raced wide until near the 1100m. 
MISS CABERET – Delayed the start when proved difficult to load. Slow to begin. Trainer M. Costa was advised a warning would be placed on the filly’s barrier manners. 
FOSSEKALL – Slow to begin. Over-raced in the middle stages.
DOCTOR COSTELLO – Began awkwardly.
ALWAYS BACK JACK – Began awkwardly.
PRIVATE BUTTON – Having its first start, finished tailed off. Trainer T. Button was advised a warning would be placed on the geldings competiveness.
HIDDEN LILLY – Finished tailed off. A post-race veterinarian examination failed to reveal any abnormalities. Trainer B. Robinson was advised its nomination would be refused at TAB meetings until its form improves by way of country meetings.    
DAZZLING BRI – Trainer M. Currie was fined the sum of $200 in that he failed to declare S. Doyle as the rider for the mare by the prescribed time. Connections were further advised a fine of $100 would be imposed under AR206 in that the gelding was presented without its advertised gear of ear muffs and bandages.
TIDDLY – Permission was granted for jockey N. Tomizawa to ride the filly 1 kilogram over its allotted weight. This was broadcast through media outlets.
CAT TWO – Began awkwardly. Bumped on two occasions shortly after the start by REMOMEL which shifted in.
REMOMEL – Shifted in shortly after the start bumping CAT TWO on two occasions. Laid in under pressure in the home straight proving difficult to ride out.
ROWLING – Raced ungenerously in the early and middle stages. Forced wider near the 550m by TIDDLY which hung out.
MY MATE VINNY – Laid out near the 600m and blundered on its own accord. Was awkward in its action over the concluding stages. A post-race veterinary examination revealed the gelding to be lame in the near hind leg. Trainer P Butterworth was advised he must provide a veterinary certificate prior to the gelding being permitted to race again.
SOMEBODY LOVES YOU – Raced wide for the majority of the race.
NOR FORCE – Raced wide for the majority of the race.
PIERIDAE – Momentarily steadied off heels near the 500m.
BLUE ODYSSEY – Laid out rounding the home turn. Raced ungenerously under pressure in the home straight.
FAITH AND LOVE – Laid in under pressure in the home straight proving difficult to ride out.
VIBRANT CITY – Raced wide without cover for the majority of the race. 
NORM’S CHOICE – Permission was granted for jockey J. Stanley to ride the mare ½ kilogram over its allotted weight. This was broadcast through media outlets.
TOO HOT TO HOLD – Slow to begin.
MIGHTY MOOSE – Brushed the running rail near the 1000m and became unbalanced.
BRINKMANSHIP – Inclined to over-race in the early stages.
LOVESPEED GIRL – Laid in for the majority of the race.
SUNNY ST CLOUD – Rider N. Day was reprimanded under AR132(7)(a)(ii) for using his whip on 6 occasions prior to the 100m which is one more time than is permitted.
Race 6: DUBIOUS @ AQUIS IN 2020 BENCHMARK 68 H’CAP – 1800M
WILLO TITTO – Slow to begin. Raced wide for the majority of the race.
BRADBURY – Began awkwardly. When questioned regarding the geldings performance apprentice S. Tomlinson stated the gelding never travelled comfortably throughout the race and was disappointing. Trainer J. Smerdon was unable to offer any tangible explanation and advised stewards he would freshen the gelding up prior to it next race. A post-race veterinary examination revealed the gelding to have a slow post-race recovery. A swab sample was taken.
JARHEAD – Held up for clear running rounding the home turn.
CORSINI – Was unable to obtain clear running for the majority of the home straight and went to the line without being fully tested.   
Race 7: PIERATA @ AQUIS IN 2020 BENCHMARK 65 H’CAP – 1200M
SIR MAGIC – Slow to begin.
GOLDNEALA – Slow to begin.
NAKANAI – Over-raced in the middle stages. Raced wide for the majority of the race.
SOJOURNIST – Raced wide without cover for the majority of the race.
STOKED – Rider J. Guthmann-Chester was reprimanded under AR132(7)(a)(ii) for using his whip on 6 occasions prior to the 100m which is one more time than is permitted.
Race 8: TAB CLASS 2 PLATE – 1400M  
AMAZINGLY – Began awkwardly and lost ground. Stewards questioned rider B. Pengelly in regards to his riding tactics in particular from the 400m until leaving the 300m.
B. Pengelly stated his instructions were to ride the horse quietly with cover, look for runs between runners and save the gelding up for a late sprint. He further added the gelding had a tendency to lay in under pressure. Trainer J. Smerdon confirmed the instructions and to leave the horses run as late as possible. Stewards noted the explanations but nonetheless advised jockey Pengelly that in their opinion he had erred under the circumstances today by not improving earlier onto the back of MIRACLESFROMHEAVEN on entering the home straight and that they would expect better judgment from a rider of his experience.

STATUESQUELY – Began awkwardly and lost ground. Performed below market expectations. A post-race veterinary examination revealed the mare to have bled from both nostrils and to lame in the near hind leg. Connections were advised that the horse would incur a 3 month ban from racing and must undertake a 1000m gallop to the satisfaction of Stewards before being permitted to race again and further that a veterinary certificate of soundness would be required. Trainer S. Kendrick advised that he would recommend that the mare be retired from racing. 
KING DINISTY – Put in an awkward stride near the 200m and became unbalanced.
REAL ESTATE – Finished tailed off. When questioned in regards to the gelding’s performance rider A. Spinks explained the gelding worked hard in the early stages and was of the opinion this was a telling factor with it compounding over the concluding stages and for this reason he did not pressure the horse. Trainer P. Butterworth agreed with jockey Spinks assessment and gave an undertaking to advise stewards should anything further come to his attention in the following days that may have also attributed. A post-race veterinary examination failed to reveal any abnormalities. Mr Butterworth was advised a warning would be placed against the gelding’s poor performance.
Summary of action concerning licensees
S. McLean – Trackwork rider - Rode trackwork at the Gold Coast Turf Club between 1 August 2020 and 18 August 2020 when not the holder of a current and appropriate license to do so. $200 LR7(b)
B. Gordon – Trackwork rider - Rode trackwork at the Gold Coast Turf Club between 1 August 2020 and 18 August 2020 when not the holder of a current and appropriate license to do so. $200 LR7(b)
Race 3. M. Currie – Trainer – Failed to declare rider for Dazzling Bri by the prescribed time. $200 – LR67(1)(3), Late to the enclosure when presenting Dazzling Bri with incorrect gear AR206. $100
Race 5. N. Day – Jockey – Use of whip prior to 100m - 6 times – Reprimand - AR132(7)(a)(ii)
Race 7.  J Guthermann-Chester - Jockey – Use of whip prior to 100m - 6 times – Reprimand - AR132(7)(a)(ii)

Summary of action concerning thoroughbred horses
Horses swabbed pre-race
King Dinisty, Bradbury, Jarhead, Private Button, Notoriety, Faaeb
Horses swabbed post-race
All winners, Amazingly, Stoked, Bradbury, Brickmanship, Boom Girl, Mikado
Race 1.         Nicosmile – Fractious in barriers – Barrier certificate – AR20 (e)
                     Nicosmile – Lame near hind – Veterinary clearance – AR20(e)
                     Marecat – Fractious in barriers – Barrier certificate – AR20 (e)
                     Mulroney – Ran off track 1800m – Racing manners – AR20(e)
                     Riverky – Poor performance – Barrier trial – AR20(e)  
Race 2.         Hidden Lilly – Poor performance – TAB ban – AR20(e)    

Race 3.         My Mate Vinny – Lame near hind – Veterinary clearance – AR20(e)
Race 5.         No More Roses – Poor performance – Metro/Provincial TAB ban – AR20(e) 
Race 8.         Statuesquely – Lame near hind – Veterinary clearance – AR20(e)
Statuesquely – Bled both nostrils 1st time – 3 month ban & complete                                                    1000m gallop – AR79(4)
Race 2.         Miss Caberet – Difficult to load – Barrier manners
                     Private Button – Poor performance
                     Real Estate – Poor Performance 
Race 8. Statuesquely – Bled both nostrils 1st time – 3 month ban & complete 1000m gallop – AR79(4)
Summary of rider changes/Late notifications
Race 1. Riverky – R. Palmer
Race 3. Dazzling Bri – S. Doyle
Race 7. Above The Sky – J. Taylor, Nakanai – J. Woodhouse  
Race 8. Real Estate – A. Spinks

Late scratchings
Race 1. Nicosmile @ 12.25pm – on veterinary advice.
                                 Published subject to correction upon revision