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Gympie Turf Club

Gympie Country

Sat 19 Jun Good


True Entire Course.


Good Pen Not available

Nil last 24hrs, 5mm last 7 days



Track conditions update: 1:28AM Sunday 20 June
Last Track Rating Update: Finalised 19/6 - 7:30am. Rider Replacements R1 N5 & R3 N1


Mon 14/06/21 11:00am


Tue 15/06/21 03:00pm


Thu 17/06/21 09:00am


Thu 17/06/21 12:00pm


Sat 19/06/21 07:30am

Late Nominations

Races: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6







Chairman of Stewards – T Hudson
Stewards – C Fedrick & P Kennedy
Clerk of Scales – J Robinson
Judge – P Chilton
Veterinarian – Dr P Agnew
Swab Attendants – J Crompton
Starter – G Honeywell


As K Gates was unable to attend the meeting, changes were made as per raceday summary. K Gates was advised that she would require a medical prior to her next engagements.


GODFATHER'S GIRL – When questioned regarding the performance, H Richardson could offer no explanation, however stated that GODFATHER’S GIRL may not have handled the track. Trainer G Richardson stated that the immediate racing future of GODFATHER’S GIRL would now be assessed in the days subsequent and would report back to stewards in the days subsequent.

GOOD GRAB – Knuckled on jumping. Laid out in the early stages.

MASTER DENRHO – Raced wide throughout.

AFTER THE STORM – Raced wide throughout.

COYNES ROAD – Slow to begin. Raced wide throughout.

GHABBIE – Raced wide throughout.

OUR BOY BORRIS – Put in an awkward stride near the 700m, blundered and contacted the running rail. In this incident, jockey H Phillips right foot contacted the running rail, causing lacerations to her foot.


MOUNTAIN COURAGE – Slow to begin. Raced wide in the early and middle stages

TYCOON ZIP – When questioned regarding the performance, jockey McCoy could offer no explanation for the performance, but stated her mount may not have handled the sand surface. A post-race veterinary examination revealed no abnormalities.

CLIVEDEN – Permission was granted for the gelding to race bare behind when CLIVEDEN threw a shoe which was unable to reattached prior to the race.


STORMTROOPER – Tightened on jumping.

CRAIGLEA BLIZZARD – Raced wide throughout and near the 800m put in a number of awkward strides and had to be steadied.

HE DID IT – Shifted out abruptly and refused to take any competitive part in the event. Trainer K Afford was advised that HE DID IT would be required to obtain a further barrier certificate.

BEAUETA – Steadied near the 100m when METALLIC REIGN shifted in when insufficiently clear. Rider R Payne (METALLIC REIGN) was advised to exercise more care in similar circumstances.

CALL ME BEL – Put in several awkward strides over the concluding stages and as a result, jockey H Phillips elected not to place her mount under any more pressure.

GALA RAIN – When questioned regarding the performance, Apprentice L Dillon stated that on jumping, GALA RAIN lunged forward contacting the gates and was slow to muster speed as a result. Raced wide in the early stages. A post-race veterinary examination revealed a laceration to the inside of the right nostril. As Stewards were comfortably satisfied that the presence of blood was caused from GALA RAIN contacting the gates, they took the matter no further.

METALLIC REIGN – Raced wide throughout. Laid in under pressure near the 100m.

Race 4: GYMPIE TURF CLUB MEMBERS BM50 HCP - 1170 metres

LIVE MUSIC – Stood flat footed and lost ground and as a result. Raced wide throughout. Laid in under pressure in the home straight.

TURBO TEDDY – Raced wide throughout.

BOLD ADMIRAL – Shifted out on jumping and laid out shortly after taking OUR SWEET LOVE wider.

MAGIC PANTHER – Laid in under pressure over the concluding stages. Rider R Faehr was reminded of his obligations to ensure he rides his mounts out to the finish.

AMUTHON – Slow to begin.

ALL GAIN - Raced wide throughout.

SPIRIT'S FIRST - Near the 900m commenced to overrace, improved onto heels and had to be steadied. Overraced in the middle stages. When questioned regarding the performance, apprentice L Dillon could offer no explanation other than SPIRIT’S FIRST never handled the sand track.

OUR SWEET LOVE – Taken wider shortly after jumping. Passing the 900m had to be steadied off the heels of SPIRIT’S FIRST. Raced wide throughout. A post-race veterinary examination revealed no abnormalities. Trainers representative J Miller advised to report back to Stewards on the condition of OUR SWEET LOVE in the days subsequent.


The start of this race was delayed approximately 5 minutes when EMOTIVE MOUNTAIN refused to load and was subsequently declared a late scratching at 3.14pm. Stewards ordered that all monies invested on EMOTIVE MOUNTAIN prior to 3.14pm were ordered to be refunded in full with the following deductions to apply;

8 cents in the dollar on the face value of win bets (DESTINATION ROCKS)
8 cents in the dollar on the face value of place bets for the win (DESTINATION ROCKS)
10 cents in the dollar on the face value of 2nd place bets (CALDWELL)
10 cents in the dollar on the face value of 3rd place bets (PRESTISSIMO)

Trainer P Duff was advised that EMOTIVE MOUNTAIN would be required to obtain a further barrier certificate prior to its next start.

DESTINATION ROCKS – Tightened on jumping.

BRYBECK – Stood flat footed as the start was affected.

PRESTISSIMO – When questioned regarding the performance and in particular the tactics from the 800m, apprentice M Castle stated that PRESTISSIMO showed unexpected pace out of the gates and she elected to make use of this rather than restrain into the kickback. She added that near the 800m mark, her mount put in an awkward stride and she became concerned that something may have gone amiss with her mount. She further stated that when she was able to settle PRESTISSIMO a short distance later, she recommenced a move to the outside of runners in an attempt to get her mount to finish off. She added that although her mount laid in over the concluding stages, she was still satisfied with PRESTISSIMO’s finishing effort. A post-race veterinary examination revealed no abnormalities. Stewards noted the explanation.

SUPALUX – Hung out rounding the first turn. Rider R Faehr stated that his mount never travelled at any stage and failed to respond to his riding throughout.

SENTIMENTAL MISS – When questioned regarding the performance, Jockey H Richardson stated that her mount never felt comfortable throughout the event and failed to respond to her riding when placed under pressure.

SANDY TOES – Raced wide in the early stages.

Race 6: VETERANS CUP BM60 – 1600M

SAY I CEE YOU – Commenced to overrace, improved onto heels and had to be steadied passing the 1300m. Continued to overrace in the early and middle stages.

BAMBALAM – Knuckled on jumping.

ELUSIVE ELEMENT – Slow to begin. Apprentice S Stephan reported that her mount hung out rounding the first turn and continued to hang throughout, placing her at a disadvantage throughout the event. Trainer K Afford was advised a warning would be placed on the record of ELUSIVE ELEMENT.

HEEBEE RIGHT MATE – Declared a late scratching at 1.34pm after injuring itself in the float en route to the course. Trainer S Smith was advised a veterinary certificate would be required prior to the gelding starting again.


Summary of action concerning licensees
Absent jockeys
K Gates – Illness – Medical required.

Summary of action concerning thoroughbred horses
Horses swabbed post-race
All winners

Race 3. HE DID IT – Uncompetitive – Obtain barrier certificate – AR20(e).
Race 6. HEEBEE RIGHT MATE – Late scratching – Vet certificate required – AR20(e).
Race 5. EMOTIVE MOUNTAIN – Refused to load – Obtain barrier certificate – AR20(e)
Race 6. ELUSIVE ELEMENT – Hung out throughout – Warning placed.

Summary of rider changes/Late notifications
Race 1. METRO TRAMP – C Meehan replacing K Gates
Race 3. CATERHAM – M Crawford replacing K Gates
Race 4. OURLASTPENNY – D Boutet replacing K Gates
Race 5. CRAIGLEA KARLY – D Boutet replacing K Gates

Late scratchings
HEEBEE RIGHT MATE @ 1.36pm - Injured in float en route to course
EMOTIVE MOUNTAIN @ 3.14pm – Refused to load.

Published subject to correction upon revision