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Ipswich Turf Club

Ipswich Provincial

Fri 13 May Good 4


+4.5m Entire Course.


Good 4 Pen 4.1


Nil last 24hrs, 30mm last 7 days


Track conditions update: 6:43PM Saturday 14 May
Last Track Rating Update: Finalised 13/5 - 7:45am. Late Scratching R7 N5


Mon 09/05/16 11:00am


Tue 10/05/16 03:00pm


Wed 11/05/16 09:30am


Wed 11/05/16 12:00pm


Fri 13/05/16 07:30am

Late Nominations

Races: 1, 8






Chairman of Stewards – C. Albrecht
Stewards – I. Brown, R. Hitchener, E. Barron
Clerk of Scales – B. Cooke
Judge – P. Chilton, A. Raywood
Veterinarian – G. Silvestri
Swab attendants – K. Warwick, D. Hall
Bookmakers Supervisor – D. Lonergan
Starter – M. Henderson, G .Greisley
Stewards Secretary – P. Carey

Race 1: Pitman Kubank Down The Aisle Class 4 H'cap – 1350m

PINBALL DAWN – Change of tactics. Raced back last start and will take up a more forward position if circumstances permit. The horse was ridden accordingly.

HANGOVER TOO – Began awkwardly and lost ground.

MAX IT OUT – Trainer T. Gollan reported that following the disappointing performance the mare was showing signs of being in season and indicated it would now be retired from racing.

MOONLIGHT DANCER – Lost its off hind plate in running.

Race 2: Tansey Partners QTIS 2yo Maiden Plate – 1200m

GOLDEN DEPART- The start of the race was delayed when the gelding proved difficult to load. Connections were advised that a warning would be placed on the gelding regarding its barrier manners.

ROCKSAY – Slow to begin.

REAL ELUSIVE – Slow to begin. Overraced for a short distance leaving the 900m.

ENDLESS HOPE – Shifted in at the start and bumped MY CRIMSON LAD.

MY CRIMSON LAD – Bumped at the start. Failed to muster any speed in the early and middle stages despite the efforts of its rider.

TEXT BOOK – Had to be steadied when placed in restricted room near the 600m.

MONACO SNOB – Raced greenly in the straight and then near the 100m was obliged to shift in to avoid heels.

GOLDEN SUNSET – Raced wide throughout. Trainer P. Duff reported to stewards following the event that the filly had pulled up shin sore. Mr Duff was advised that should the filly start within 6 weeks he would have to provide a veterinary clearance for the horse.

ZENDAYE – Jockey R. Wiggins was fined $200 for using his whip more than 5 times prior to the 100m.

Race 3: Trent Quinn At Ray White Ipswich QTIS 2yo Maiden Plate – 1200m

BEAU SNIP – Due to traffic delays, apprentice S. Eilbeck was replaced by apprentice B. Derbyshire. Raced wide throughout.

QUITE MAGICAL – Tightened for room at the start and lost ground. Raced wide throughout.

SONADOR FIRE – Had to be steadied near the 1100m from the heels of MARGO MAREE (M. Hellyer), which shifted in when not sufficiently clear. Jockey M. Hellyer was reprimanded.

MR ADJUDICATOR – Raced 3 wide without cover throughout.

BEAUDACIOUS – Jockey G. Colless reported to stewards that the filly was inclined to hang out for the majority of the race and proved difficult to ride. Trainer K. Schweida advised stewards that this is the second occasion on which the filly has hung out at this track and may not be suited to racing at Ipswich. He indicated that it was now his intention to send the filly for an immediate spell. A post race veterinary examination revealed the filly to be shin sore. Trainer K. Schweida was advised that should the filly start within 6 weeks a veterinary clearance must be provided.

LOVE BATTLES – Lost its near hind plate in running.

Race 4: Ipswich Hospice Quality of Life Through Care Maiden Plate – 1200m

ABSTAIN – Apprentice S. Lacy was fined $300. for being unable to claim her full allowance.

ROYAL KINGSTON – Slow to begin. Had to be steadied leaving the 900m when awkwardly placed at heels.

WINTON STREET – Commenced to overrace near the 900m and had to be steadied.

FASSLER – Held up rounding the home turn and then when entering the home straight was obliged to shift to the inside to obtain clear running.

EMVEPEE – Raced 3 deep without cover.

Race 5: McNamara & Associates Solicitors Class 5 H'cap – 1000m

TRICKY ROCKET – Declared a late scratching at 1.03 pm on veterinary advised after being injured in its float en route to the track.

JAMES IS BLONDE – The start of this race was delayed when the gelding was fractious in the barriers and broke open the gates whilst being restrained by the barrier attendant. The horse subsequently examined by the veterinary surgeon and cleared to start.

HUNCHA DUNCHA – Slow to begin.

TUSCAN FALLS – Slow to begin.

WIGGLESWORTH – Shifted out rounding the home turn to obtain clear running and bumped YOHO. Had to be eased momentarily over the concluding stages when laying in across heels.

YOHO – Bumped rounding the home turn.

Race 6: Stan Patch Hospice Appreciation Ratings Band 0-65 H'cap 1000m

BELFLYER – Slow into stride. Jockey N. Day was fined $400 for using his whip more than 5 times prior to the 100m, including 3 consecutive strikes.

VISONA RED – Slow into stride.

AMERICAN HERO – Had to be steadied shortly after the start when tightened for room and lost ground. Momentarily held up making the home turn and near the 200m was disappointed for a run between FALCHION and MARC'S DIESEL.

AQUATOR – Raced ungenerously for a short distance approaching the 400m.

MARC'S DIESEL – Raced 3 deep without cover.

JEPTOO – Stewards questioned apprentice J. Oliver regarding the tactics adopted. Apprentice Oliver stated that his intention was to settle in a midfield position if possible after he had received no specific instructions, and after beginning on terms with the field he was of the view if he had restrained to take up a midfield to back position he would have been caught wide, and given the fact that it was a 1000m event he elected to ride forward and take up a forward position. Stewards noted the explanation.

Race 7: City of Ipswich Ratings Band 0-65 H'cap – 1000m

MEET GEORGE JETSON - Declared a late scratching at 8 am. Trainer R. Heathcote was fined $300 for failing to scratch by the prescribed time.

ALKIPPE – Began awkwardly and shifted in abruptly. Had to be steadied from heels near the 800m and lost ground.

HIGH COST – Bumped heavily and tightened for room at the start and as a result settled further back in the field than anticipated. Overraced in the early stages and near the 800m shifted out and then raced 3 wide. Laid in under pressure over the concluding stages resulting in apprentice English having to stop riding and straighten.

MARY'S DAWN – Bumped at the start.

CAPTAIN TANGO – Bumped with EXTRA SHOT and became unbalanced near the 800m. Had to be eased when tightened for room approaching the winning post.

EXTRA SHOT – Bumped near the 800m. Had to be eased when tightened for room approaching the winning post.

STELLARCRAFT – Raced wide without cover.

Race 8: Ipswich Day & Night Chemist Open Every Day Class 2 H'cap – 1666m

BROOKTON ICE – Stewards permitted jockey A. Allen to replace R. McMahon when he failed to arrive on course to fulfil his engagement. Stewards intend interviewing R. McMahon in relation to this matter.

SECRET TRYST – The start of this race was delayed when the horse lunged forward in the gates. Examined by the veterinary surgeon after being removed from the barriers and cleared to start. Steadied near the 1400m after improving onto heels.

LEAD THE WAY – Began awkwardly.

BLACK SALT – Overraced near the 1400m.

TEQUILA SLAMMER - Stewards questioned jockey N. Day regarding the tactics adopted. Jockey Day stated that his instructions were to improve into the race from the 1200m as this is how the horse performs best. He added that the gelding is one-paced and after he commenced to improve into the race, BROQUALO shifted wider and commenced to improve, resulting in him being placed 4 wide for the majority of the race, and when the tempo of the race improved leaving the 800m, he was unable to push forward to the lead and was caught 3 wide. Trainer P. Dawson confirmed the instructions and was satisfied with the tactics adopted on the horse as it performed best when ridden in this fashion.

CHASING THE DRAGON – When questioned regarding the tactics adopted, jockey B. Pengelly stated that it was not his intention to race as far back in the field, however after travelling a short distance after the start he did not want to be committed to racing on the fence and therefore attempted to maintain the one-off position, however as BLACK SALT, which was racing forward of him, did not shift to the fence he then improved forward and was forced to race on the rail. He also added that near the 800m, BROQUALO had improved to his outside and forward of him, resulting in him being placed at the rear of the field. B. Pengelly further added that near the 600m he commenced to attempt to improve into the race on the back of SECRET RYST, but as this horse was under pressure at this point he was unable to improve into the race as he would have liked and the gelding failed to quicken as expected. Trainer C. Anderson stated he had anticipated the gelding taking up a midfield position and was surprised to see it settle further back in the early stages. He agreed with the comments of jockey Pengelly as to why the gelding settling further back than anticipated and would speak with the connections before making a determination on the gelding's current preparation.

BROQUALO – When afforded the opportunity to comment on the performance, jockey M. Cahill could offer no tangible explanation other than the colt travelled comfortably throughout, however failed to improve when placed under pressure near the 600m.

Race 9: ITC Supporting Ipswich Hospice Class 1 H'cap – 1200m

ROSDANE – Began awkwardly.

PICK OF THE PUBS – Began awkwardly.

STITCHEN TIME - Had to be steadied from the heels of PUDMARDELS, which shifted in near the 900m when not sufficiently clear. Apprentice A. Denby was issued with a reprimand and advised to afford greater clearance when crossing in future.

THE MONK – Raced 3 wide without cover.

PETRANI – Raced wide.

KAITLIN COVE – Held up rounding the home turn.

ROSE OF WOORIM – Held up rounding the home turn and for a short distance in the home straight.


Summary of action concerning licensees

Race 3. Michael Hellyer – Jockey – C/riding – AR137(a)*
Race 9. Amelia Denby – A/jockey - C/riding – AR137(a)

Race 2. Ryan Wiggins – Jockey – Use whip 6 times prior to the 100m - $200 – AR137A
Race 4. Stephanie Lacy – A/jockey – Fail to claim full allowance - $300 - AR92(12)
Race 6. Robert Heathcote – Trainer – Late scr. - $300 – AR114 *
Race 6. Nathan Day – Jockey – Use whip 6 times/3 consec. prior to 100m - $400 - AR137A

Absent jockey
R. McMahon

Summary of action concerning thoroughbred horses

Horses swabbed post-race
All winners, Zendaye, James Is Blonde, Falchion, Pinch Mountain, Crossbite, Waltham

Race 1. Golden Depart – Difficult to load – Warning
Race 2. Golden Sunset – Shin sore – Vet. Clearance if starts within 6 weeks – AR8(t)
Race 3. Beaudacious – Shin Sore – Vet. Clearance if starts within 6 weeks – AR8(t)

Summary of rider changes/Late notifications
Race 3. Beau Snip – B. Derbyshire
Race 8. Brookton Ice – A. Allen

Late scratchings
Race 5. Tricky Rocket – 1.03 pm

Published subject to correction upon revision
