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Ipswich Turf Club

Ipswich Metropolitan

Wed 10 May Soft 6


5 metres Entire Course


Soft 6 Pen 4.3

Nil last 24hrs, 11mm last 7 days

Nil last 24hrs, 4mm last 7 days


Track conditions update: 1:00AM Thursday 11 May
Last Track Rating Update: Finalised 10/5 - 7:45am - Rider Replacement Race 6 No. 3


Thu 04/05/17 11:00am


Fri 05/05/17 03:00pm


Mon 08/05/17 09:30am


Mon 08/05/17 12:00pm


Wed 10/05/17 07:30am

Late Nominations

Races: 1, 3, 4, 6, 7

WEATHER – OVERCAST                         RAIL – 5M                 PENETROMETER – 4.25
                                    SOFT 6 (Retrospective R1)                     
Chairman of Stewards – C. Albrecht
Stewards – I. Brown (Races 1 and 3 to 8), P. Zimmermann, B. Cooke
Clerk of Scales –   J. Robinson
Judge – I. Schultz, A. Rayward
Veterinarian – M. Wainscott
Swab Attendants – K. Warwick, V. Burgess
Starter – G. Greasley, C. Wallace
Jockeys Advocate – S. Scriven
Stewards Secretary – W. Ostrofski
From Ipswich 6.5.17 – Race 3: Trainer M. Mair reported to stewards that following the disappointing performance of TEAGZ, the filly had subsequently pulled up sore. He indicated to stewards that he would now send TEAGZ for a short spell.
As N. Tomizawa was injured and as G. Colless failed to produce a medical clearance until after Race 3, riding replacements were made as per the Stewards Race Day Summary.
Race 1: CUP DAY 17 JUNE F&M MAIDEN H'CAP – 1200M
HEART OF AUSTRALIA – Bumped with another runner on jumping.
KYRIE ELEISON – T. Chambers was reprimanded for using the whip more than 5 times prior to the 100m. In determining penalty, stewards took into account jockey Chambers’ recent good record.
LUCY LE ROC – Had difficulty obtaining clear running in the home straight.
WINDMILL FOLLIES – As G. Colless failed to provide a medical clearance, stewards permitted apprentice B. Stower to replace him as rider when no senior rider was available. Hampered at the start. Raced wide throughout.
MELQUICHA – Slipped over in the enclosure, dislodging the rider. After arrival at the barriers the horse underwent a veterinary examination and was declared a late scratching at 11.58 am on veterinary advice. On the announcement of correct weight stewards ordered that all monies invested on MELQUICHA be refunded, with the following deductions to apply to successful wagers placed prior to scratching time:

13 cents in the dollar for the Win #3
17 cents in the dollar for place of winner #3
6 cents in the dollar for 2nd place #1
20 cents in the dollar for 3rd place #5
SPLASH OF CRISTAL – Had to be steadied near the 50m when crowded for room whilst weakening. Lost the near fore plate in running.
ROMNICHAL – Blundered at the start. Raced wide throughout. A post-race veterinary examination revealed that the filly had bled from both nostrils. Connections were advised that the horse would be ineligible to start for 3 months, and prior to resuming racing must perform satisfactorily in a 1000m gallop in the presence of a steward.
FATAL RENDEZVOUS – Bumped with another runner on jumping. When questioned regarding the tactics adopted, jockey L. Tarrant stated that his intentions were to take up a forward position and lead if possible, however the filly was unable to show the necessary speed in the early stages and when an opportunity presented to shift in towards the fence, he took that opportunity rather than be caught wide. He added that the filly was not entirely comfortable in today’s prevailing track conditions, which he believed may have contributed to today’s disappointing performance.
BELLARANZA – Raced three wide without cover.
Following the running of this event the track was downgraded to SOFT 6 retrospective.
The start of this race was delayed when THE DANGER and SNIPPY STRATEGIC proved difficult to load. Connections of both horses were advised that warnings would be place on their respective runners.
CHRONOLOGICAL – Began awkwardly. A post-race veterinary examination following the horse’s disappointing performance revealed no significant findings. Apprentice A. Fancourt reported that in her opinion the gelding failed to handle the prevailing track conditions. Trainer T. Gollan agreed with apprentice Fancourt’s comments.
PRINCE OF TIE – Had to be steadied near the 900m when awkwardly placed at the heels of CHRONOLOGICAL and then overraced for some distance thereafter. Raced wide throughout.
WOLF TALES – Raced three wide without cover throughout.
LE MATTAN – Lost ground when hampered at the start.
SNIPPY STRATEGIC – Began awkwardly and lost ground.
THE DANGER – Had to be checked approaching the 800m and again a short distance later when BOUND TO ME shifted in. Apprentice B. Panya, the rider of BOUND TO ME, was found guilty of a charge of careless riding under AR. 137(a) in that at that point she permitted her mount to shift in on two occasions when insufficiently clear of THE DANGER, resulting in the interference. Apprentice Panya’s licence to ride in races was suspended for 8 days, to commence at midnight on Sunday 14 May and expire at midnight on Monday 22 May 2017.
MEHMETO – Began awkwardly.
RED RIGHT OUT – Had to be steadied from the heels of THE DANGER near the 900m and then overraced for some distance thereafter. Held up in the early stages of the home straight.
SUPAMETEOR – Raced four wide without cover. A. Spinks reported at scale that his mount put in an awkward stride near the 600m and as a result he had concerns that the horse may have sustained an injury and therefore eased his mount out of the race. A post-race veterinary examination revealed no significant findings.
VICTORY IS MINE – Trainer P. Cartledge was fined $100 for the late declaration of L. Tarrant as rider.
TROIS CHOIX – Caught wide in the early stages before obtaining a position outside the leader near the 1000m.
MANDRYKA – Shifted out at the start and made contact with KAKAKENNY.
BRINGIT – A post-race veterinary examination revealed no significant findings.
TAIYOSHIN – Slow into stride.
EIGHT BELOW – Slow to begin.
KAKAKENNY – Bumped at the start and then was hampered shortly after.
BENICO’S PRINCE – Tightened for room at the start. G. Colless reported at scale that his mount failed to handle today’s track conditions. A post-race veterinary examination revealed no abnormalities.
JUST AS LOYAL – L. Tarrant reported at scale that his mount failed to handle today’s track conditions.
HARADIFY – Began awkwardly.
ROCK VANTAGE – Shifted out at the start despite the efforts of its rider.
BLACKJACK BELLA – Late scratching at 11.46 am on veterinary advice.
HARBOR SPRINGS – Tightened for room at the start.
SOLO MELODY reared in the enclosure, striking apprentice M. McGillivray in the head. As a result, apprentice McGillivray was dislodged and sustained an injury. Apprentice McGillivray was subsequently transported to the Ipswich General Hospital for treatment. SOLO MELODY was declared a late scratching at 2:25 pm. On the announcement of correct weight stewards ordered that all monies invested on SOLO MELODY be refunded, with the following deductions to apply to successful wagers placed prior to scratching time:

3 cents in the dollar for the Win #6
3 cents in the dollar for place of winner #6
3 cents in the dollar for 2nd place #3
3 cents in the dollar for 3rd place #7
As a result of this incident, the start times of Races 5 to 7 were put back one race time, with Race 8  rescheduled to start at 4:45 pm.
CLAIRVUE – A post-race veterinary examination revealed no abnormalities.
EXCELEBRAZIONE – Shifted in abruptly at the start and made contact with ASK AUDREY. J. Lloyd reported at scale that it was not his intention to race as far forward, however the colt commenced to overrace at the heels of ARRESTAR and was obliged to shift out and race wide.
PARDOE – Held up rounding the home turn.
REAL PRINCESS – Hampered and forced wider approaching the 800m.
ASK AUDREY – Began awkwardly, tightened for room at the start and lost ground. Overraced fiercely and had to be checked from heels passing the 800m and lost ground.
Race 6: BUY NOW 1866 ON THE GREEN C,G&E CLASS 2 H'CAP – 1010M
ADERITO – Commenced to overrace approaching the 800m after being tightened for room to the inside of THE AMBASSADORE, which shifted in when not fully clear. Apprentice A. Fancourt, the rider of THE AMBASSADORE, was reprimanded for this incident and advised to ensure that she is sufficiently clear in future. Following this, ADERITO shifted out and raced three wide without cover whilst continuing to overrace.
THE AMBASSADORE – Apprentice A. Fancourt reported at scale that her mount failed to handle the track conditions.
MADIBA – Raced wide throughout.
APOLLO HOPE – Slow to begin.
Stewards inquired into an incident near the 800m which resulted in TEMPETE ROUGE having to be checked. After taking evidence from jockey L. Cassidy (TEMPETE ROUGE), R. Stewart (CONNIVING) and L. Dittman (CRIQUETTE), it was established that TEMPETE ROUGE, after being tightened for room slightly to the inside of CONNIVING, then commenced to overrace and laid out across the heels of CONNIVING. As stewards were not satisfied that any one rider had been careless, they took the matter no further and the incident was reported.,
CONNIVING – Trainer M. Dunn advised that the horse would be ridden off the speed. The horse settled behind the leaders.
EUPHORIA – Hampered and forced wider rounding the home turn.
TEMPETE ROUGE – Began awkwardly.
CRIQUETTE – Co-trainer K. Wood advised that it would be the intention to have the horse ridden in a forward position today. The horse was ridden accordingly.
PLUCKY GIRL – Bumped, severely hampered and forced wider on the track rounding the home turn.
JENNIFER JUNIPER – Hampered at the start.
DAVE’S VALOR – Made the home turn awkwardly, shifted out and bumped PLUCKY GIRL, which was severely hampered and forced  wider on the track. J. Taylor reported to stewards that after making the home turn awkwardly, his mount then blundered on a couple of occasions when weakening and in his opinion failed to handle the track conditions and for that reason he elected not to pressure his mount in the home straight.
RUMBA QUEEN – Late scratching at 3:05 pm due to the track downgrade to SOFT 6.
Race 8: CHANNEL 7 CLASS 5 H'CAP – 1200M
The declaration of correct weight was delayed to allow R. Stewart, the rider of 5th placegetter ALL SUMMER LONG, to view the patrol footage in the straight.
ALL SUMMER LONG – Had to be steadied after improving on to heels passing the 800m. Tightened for room near the 200m between LOTHARIO and HELLAROO and had to be checked. J. Orman, the rider of HELLAROO, pleaded guilty to a charge of careless riding in that at that point he made insufficient effort to prevent his mount from shifting in, resulting in the interference to ALL SUMMER LONG. J. Orman’s licence to ride in races was suspended for 8 days, to commence at midnight on Sunday 14 May and expire at midnight on 2017.
VIENNA ROYALE – Knuckled at the start. Lost the off fore plate in running.
GOLDEN MINESHAFT – Raced wide throughout.
NOT A HAPPY CAMPER – Raced wide without cover throughout.
LOTHARIO – Held up rounding the home turn.
HELLAROO – Raced wide throughout. Improved onto the heels of the weakening GOLDEN MINESHAFT rounding the home turn and shifted out to obtain clear running.

FLEUR D’ORAGE – Checked at the start and lost ground.
Summary of action concerning licensees
Race 1. T. Chambers – used whip 8 times prior to 100m – AR. 137A(5)(a)(ii)
Race 1. App. B. Ainsworth – careless riding – AR. 137(a)
Race 2. App. A. Fancourt – careless riding – AR. 137(a)
Race 6. App. A. Fancourt – careless riding – AR. 137(a)
Race 2. Tnr. P. Cartledge - $100 – late rider declaration – LR. 67                                                                                           
Race 2. App. B. Panya – careless riding - 8 days (14.5.17 - 22.5.17) – AR. 137(a)
Race 8. J. Orman – careless riding - 8 days (14.5.17 - 22.5.17) – AR. 137(a)
Race day injuries/illness
M. McGillivray – injured – medical clearance and completion of an after-injury concussion test req’d
Absent jockeys
N. Tomizawa – injured – medical clearance req’d
Summary of action concerning thoroughbred horses
Horses swabbed post-race
All winners and 2nd placegetters Races 1, 2, 4, 5, 8
Race 2. THE DANGER – difficult to load – warning
Race 2. SNIPPY STRATEGIC – difficult to load – warning
Race 1. ROMNICHAL – bled both nostrils, 1st time – 3 month bar, 1000m gallop – AR. 53A
Summary of rider changes/Late notifications
Race 2.           VICTORY IS MINE – L. Tarrant
                        PRINCE OF TIE – M. Cahill
Race 3.           HALFETI – J. Taylor
Race 4.           BENICO’S PRINCE – G. Colless
Race 6.           WELL SIGHTED – M. Cahill
Race 7.           HAPPY MEDIUM – B. Ainsworth
Late scratchings
Race 1.          MELQUICHA – 11:58 am – vet advice
Race 4.          BLACKJACK BELLA – 11:46 am – vet advice
Race 5.          SOLO MELODY – 3:25 pm – rider injured
Race 7.          RUMBA QUEEN – 3:05 pm – track downgrade
Published subject to correction upon revision