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Ipswich Turf Club

Ipswich Provincial

Fri 16 Aug Good 3


+2m 1200m-300m; True Remainder


Good 3 Pen 4.4


Nil last 24hrs, 14mm last 7 days


Track conditions update: 1:03AM Saturday 17 August
Last Track Rating Update: Finalised 16/8 - 7:45am


Mon 12/08/19 11:00am


Tue 13/08/19 03:00pm


Wed 14/08/19 10:00am


Wed 14/08/19 12:00pm


Fri 16/08/19 07:30am

Late Nominations

Races: 1, 2, 3, 5

WEATHER – FINE        TRACK RATING – GOOD 3            RAIL – 2M 1200M-300M, TRUE  REMAINDER  -  PENETROMETER – 4.4                 
Chairman of Stewards – P. Zimmermann
Stewards –  J. Williamson, L. Hicks, R. Hanson
Clerk of Scales -  P. McLean
Judge – S. Fahey, J. Collins
Veterinarian –  Dr A. Murdoch
Swab attendants – A. Challen, K. Warwick
Starter – C. Wallace
As M. Hellyer was unable to ride at today’s meeting for acceptable reasons, rider changes were made as per the Stewards Summary Sheet.
Race 1: Ipswich Riverlink Shopping Centre Class 5 Plate – 1350m
REAL EGO – Slow into stride.
DRYSDALE SPIRIT – Slow into stride. Inclined to overrace in the early stages.  Held up momentarily approaching the home turn. 
SEQUABLUR – Overraced in the early stages. Laid in when placed under pressure approaching the home turn, contacting the rail.
ROCK ON DESTINY – Jockey A. Spinks reported that, in his opinion, the gelding may not have appreciated today’s track conditions.
REALING – When asked to comment regarding the tactics adopted , jockey M. Du Plessis stated that after beginning better than expected and a lack of pace drawn to the inside, the gelding raced nearer the lead than expected. Stewards noted the comments.
Race 2: Queenslanders Credit Union Maiden H’cap – 1200m
BELLE’S PLUCK – Trainer L. Gough was fined $100 for failing to declare a rider within the  prescribed time.  Overraced in the early and middle stages. Shifted in near the 1100m, causing runners to its inside to be inconvenienced. Stewards after considering the matter noted that whilst inexperienced horses may have contributed to the incident. Jockey J. Bayliss was advised to exercise greater care in similar circumstances. Hung in in the early stages of the straight when awkwardly placed at the heels of EXPLODING STAR before shifting wider on the course.
HARD ENOUGH – Began awkwardly and bumped on jumping.
SARENDA – Began awkwardly. Made the home turn awkwardly and shifted wider.
ROCKET ROYALE – Tightened for room near the 1100m and shifted in. Raced greenly at various stages, proving difficult to ride. When jockey Wiggins was questioned regarding the tactics adopted, in particular if there was an opportunity to improve wider on the course near the 600m, jockey Wiggins stated the mare proved very difficult to ride and was inclined to hang out and was of the view if he had come wider on the course the mare may have run off the track. Jockey Wiggins also stated that after obtaining clear running near the 250m the mare also shifted out abruptly. Stewards noted the comments. Connections were advised that a warning would be placed on the horse.
EXPLODING STAR – Made the home turn awkwardly and shifted wider.
THOMAS BENJAMIN – Jockey J. Orman reported his mount raced greenly in the early stages. Near the 1100m when racing greenly stepped in and away from ROCKET ROYALE and lost its position.
SIZZLING DIAMOND – Near the 1100m when overracing and racing greenly was  inconvenienced, losing its  position when tightened to its outside.  When attempting to improve wider on the course was obliged to momentarily steady from the heels of HARD ENOUGH near the 600m.
Race 3: CSI Ipswich QTIS 3yo CG&E Maiden H’cap – 1200m
RIVER ROCKET – Trainer L. Ross was fined $100 for failing to declare a rider for the horse by the prescribed time.
ROYAL SHEEN – Began awkwardly and shifted out.
REPLICATION – As the start was effected commenced to buck. Shortly thereaftrer was retired from the event, taking no competitive part. Connections were advised that the colt would be required to trial to the satisfaction of stewards prior to its next race start.
LESHRAC – Raced 3 wide throughout. Approaching the home turn was forced wider when RIVER ROCKET shifted out.
STEAMBOAT – Near the 300m shifted in under hard riding, making contact with the rail and became unbalanced.
Race 4: River 94.9 QTIS 3yo Fillies Maiden H’cap – 1200m
MISS CHUCKLE – Jockey M. Du Plessis was dislodged behind the gates when the filly became fractious and proved difficult to load.  Jockey Du Plessis appeared to take no ill effect from the incident and fulfilled his engagement.
TEDDER EXPRESS – Began awkwardly.   Inclined to lay in at various stages. Connections were advised that a warning would be placed on the racing manner of the filly.
THREADING – Began awkwardly.
DEE DAY DIVA – Began awkwardly and shifted out.
SAMPHIRE HOE – Began awkwardly and shifted in shortly after the start was effected.
SPIRIT RICH – Shortly after the start was tightened between runners, clipped heels and blundered, losing ground.
ZIGALLENE – Overraced in the early stages and obliged to steady from heels before restraining to a position with cover passing the 800m.
AIR SPIRIT – Overraced in the middle stages.
Race 5: NGU Real Estate Ipswich Class 2 H’cap – 1666m
LUCY LE ROC – Shortly after the start was obliged to steady from heels.
SOLSPEIL – Near the 700m was obliged to steady when awkwardly placed at heels.
CONSTRUCTOR – Obliged to steady from the heels of SOLSPELL leaving the 700m when the pace slackened,  shortly thereafter tired noticeably and was beaten a considerable distance.  A post race veterinary examination  revealed the horse to be suffering from cardiac arrhythmia.   Connections were advised that an ECG and veterinary clearance must be obtained, and the  gelding must trial satisfactorily  prior to the resumption of racing.  
ENGRAVED – When placed under pressure over the final 250m was inclined to lay in.
Race 6: Crimestoppers Benchmark 62 H’cap – 1100m
COUNTERCURRENT – Tightened between runners on jumping and lost ground. Near the 700m when overracing due to the modest tempo, improved on to the heels of KING OF THE DESERT and was steadied.  When attempting to find clear running near the 600m was disappointed and had to be steadied.
COUNTESS DE GALVEZ –  Began awkwardly. Near the 700m when overracing due to the modest tempo, improved on to the heels of DRUM MASTER and was steadied. Held up for clear running  approaching the home turn.
WHITEBAIT PATTIE – Jumped awkwardly.  Raced 3 wide throughout.
DRUM MASTER – Began awkwardly.  Near the 700m improved onto the heels of BEAT ZA DRUM and was obliged to steady.
KING OF THE DESERT – Bumped on jumping.
RICHETTI – When racing in a 3 wide trailing position near the 700m was inconvenienced and forced wider on the track.
Race 7: TAB Class 1 H’cap – 1350m
AMERICAN LOVE – Trainer C. Anderson was fined $100 for failing to declare a rider for the horse within the prescribed time. Commenced awkwardly and shifted out. Raced 3 wide with cover for the majority of the race. Overraced in the early and middle stages due to the tempo of the race.
REAL ESTATE – Trainer C. Anderson was fined $100 for failing  to declare a rider for the horse within the prescribed time.  Began awkwardly and shifted in.  Raced 3 wide throughout.
FOURGRANDMAN – Jockey T. Harrison was reprimanded under AR128(1) for failing to arrive on course by the prescribed time to fulfil engagement. Held up approaching the home turn. Hung in noticeably over the final 200m and proved difficult to ride, placing its rider at a disadvantage.
COSMIC CAPER  - Tightened on jumping away and lost its position.
GREY SKIES – Inclined to lay in shortly after the start. Overraced noticeably approaching the 800m and obliged to steady from the heels of DER SIEGER and shifted out. Then obliged to race 3 wide from the 700m.
KATY BOOM – Tightened between runners on jumping and lost ground.
DANNIWILLBREEZONBY – Obliged to steady from heels leaving the 800m.
Summary of action concerning licensees
Race 2.         Lindsay Gough – Trainer – Late rider -  Belle’s Pluck - $100 – LR67*
Race 3.         Les Ross – Trainer – Late rider – River Rocket -  $100 – LR67*
Race 7.         Chris Anderson – Trainer  - Late rider – American Love - $100 – LR67*
                     Chris Anderson – Trainer – Late rider – Real Estate - $100 – LR67*
Race 7.         Tegan Harrison – Jockey – Fail to arrive on course by prescribed time – AR128(1)*
Summary of action concerning thoroughbred horses
Horses swabbed post race
All winners and 2nd placegetters.
Horses swabbed pre race
Real Ego, Von Richter
Race 2.         Rocket Royale – Raced greenly - Warning
Race 3.         Replication – Bucked – Trial – AR21(e)
Race 5.         Constructor – Cardiac arrhythmia – ECG, veterinary clearance, trial – AR21(e)
Summary of rider changes/Late notifications
Race 1.         Drysdale – J. Bayliss
Race 2.         Belle’s Pluck – J. Bayliss
Race 3.         River Rocket – N. Day
Race 7.         Grey Skies – R. Palmer
                     American Love – J. Byrne
                     Real Estate – D. Smith

(Issued subject to correction upon revision)