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Kilcoy Race Club

Kilcoy Provincial

Sat 24 Aug Good 3




Good 3 Pen Not available


Nil last 24hrs, 10mm last 7 days


Track conditions update: 1:08AM Sunday 25 August
Last Track Rating Update: Finalised 24/8 - 7:45am - Late Scratching Race 1 No. 2


Mon 19/08/19 11:00am


Tue 20/08/19 03:00pm


Thu 22/08/19 09:00am


Thu 22/08/19 12:00pm


Sat 24/08/19 07:30am

Late Nominations

Races: 1, 2, 3, 4, 7, 8

Chairman of Stewards –  L. Hicks (Races 1– 5, 7-8) Race 6 P.Zimmermann.
Stewards – P. Zimmermann, C. Albrecht
Clerk of Scales -  C. Fedrick
Judge –  B. Wilson, A. Raywood
Veterinarian – G. Silvestri
Bookmakers Supervisor – Club
Swab attendants – J. Crompton
Starter – R. Hanson
Race 1: Caloundra RSL Rwanda Veterans Class 1 H’cap – 800m
MAGIC SCENT – Began awkwardly before mustering  speed and racing in a forward position. Approaching the 600m had to be steadied away from the heels of NOT TONIGHT DEAR.
TARGETS – Slow into stride.
SEVENTY BELOW – Bumped on jumping away.
DAZZLING BLAZE – Began awkwardly. Raced 3 wide with cover.
SPEND UP – Rider dropped her whip near the 50m.  Raced 4 wide with cover.
VON ROSEN – Race 3 wide for the majority of the race.
COACHES AWARD – Raced 4 wide for the majority of the race.
Race 2: Somerset Regional Council QTIS 3yo Maiden Plate – 800m
MIGHTY ROCK –  Rider Z. White was dislodged leaving the parade area before the gelding escaped, taking several minutes to recapture.  Apprentice White took no ill effects from the incident.  Declared a late scratching at 1.03 pm with the following deductions applicable.
5 cents in the dollar on the face value of  win bets
7 cents in the dollar on the face value of win bets for the place
5 cents in the dollar on the face value of 2nd place bets
10 cents in the dollar on the face value of 3rd place bets
As a result of the horse escaping the start was delayed.  Connections of MIGHTY ROCK were advised that a warning would be placed on the gelding regarding its pre-race manners
On return to scale a protest was lodged by connections of the 2nd placegetter, Curry Connections, against Rural Rebel being declared the winner, alleging interference approaching the home turn.  After taking evidence from the parties concerned and viewing the stewards patrol video stewards determined that whilst RURAL REBEL was inclined to lay out at that point, stewards were also of the view that runners directly to the outside off CURRIE CONNECTION may also have contributed to the tightening and therefore stewards could not be completely satisfied  that the interference caused to CURRY CONNECTIONS was completely attributable to RURAL REVEL and dismissed the protest and correct weight was semaphored on the Judge’s placings.  
AFTER THE STORM – Jockey M. Cox was dislodged leaving the parade area taking no ill effect and fulfilled her engagement.  Slow into stride. Raced greenly throughout.
BOOM CHUGGA LUGGA – Slow into stride.
WHISTLIN’ ARROW – Began very awkwardly and shifted in.
OUR BOY BORIS – Bumped on jumping.  Laid in under pressure after straightening.
CURRY CONNECTION – Approaching the 600m shifted in abruptly, making contact with RURAL REBEL to its inside. In the vicinity of the 300m had to be steadied when tightened for room between LA BELLE LA BELLE, which shifted in slightly after being bumped by OUR BOY BORRIS ,and RURAL REBEL, which was laying out.
RURAL REBEL - Laid out rounding the  home turn.
Race 3: Caloundra RSL Somalia Veterans Maiden Plate – 1200m
Correct weight was delayed in order for jockey S. Lacy, rider of ZAHBAY to view the footage  of the start to establish if the mare was afforded a fair start. Jockey Lacy after viewing the films was satisfied with the start and correct weight was semaphored on the Judge’s numbers.
BEGIN – Became fractious behind the barriers and reared , dislodging its rider. The horse was examined by the veterinary surgeon and cleared to start. Connections were advised that a warning would be placed on the gelding regarding its pre-race manners.  Approaching the 1000m had to be eased when tightened for room by METALLURGIST, which shifted in. Shifted wider approaching the 600m and raced wide for the remainder of the race.
ZAHBAY – Slow to begin.
NORAVALE – Began awkwardly.
METALLURGIST – Tightened for room on jumping away between runners at the start.
NORAVALE – A post race veterinary examination of the horse, which put in an awkward stride near the 350m and then  tired noticeably over the concluding stages failed to reveal any significant abnormality.
POETIC CHOICE – When questioned regarding the tactics adopted and as to the reason for settling in a 3 wide position without cover throughout, apprentice S. Tomlinson explained that his instructions were to lead and after beginning well and complying with his instructions he rode aggressively in the early stages to obtain the lead, however due to runners improving to his inside, he remained in a 3 wide position. He added that near the 800m when it was evident to him he was going to be caught wide, he made an attempt to restrain to obtain cover, however he was mindful that the blinkers had been applied for the first time today and felt that over-restraining may have resulted in the gelding overracing and therefore elected to remain racing in a 3 wide position.  Apprentice Tomlinson agreed with stewards that in hindsight he should have made a greater effort to obtain cover in the early stages behind the leaders.  Stewards noted his comments.
Race 4: Searles Garden Products Afghanistan Veterans Benchmark 65 H’cap – 1500m
Correct weight was delayed to afford apprentice L. Dillon, rider of COONOWRIN RUBY, to review the footage over the final 200m  with a view to a possible objection against the winner.  On review, apprentice Dillon chose not to proceed and correct weight was semaphored on the Judge’s numbers.
COONOWRIN RUBY – Shifted out at the start, making contact with SUPERVISOR.
SUPERVISOR – Bumped on jumping and blundered shortly after the start
ARIGOLD – Hampered on jumping away.
TOBACCO ROAD -  Bumped between runners on jumping.  Inconvenienced by another runner near the 1300m. Raced 3 wide in the early and middle stages.
JAKUTA –  Trainer A. Plumb was fined $100 for the late rider declaration. Bumped on the hind quarters by another runner shortly after the start. Shifted wider approaching the 700m to obtain clear running, shifting CAPEOS wider on the track.
CAPEOS – Raced 3 wide from the 700m. When afforded the opportunity to comment on the performance, jockey J. Bayliss  stated his mount was under pressure from the 800m and failed to finish the race off as anticipated.
SUPERVISOR – Held up for clear running approaching the home turn.
SHINNECOCK – Made the turn out of the straight  near the 1300m awkwardly and shifted out.
Race 5: Bribie Island RSL Korea Veterans Benchmark 58 H’cap – 1900m
HALF MOON BLUE – Jumped away awkwardly.
CONSULAR – Slow to begin. Overraced approaching the 1500m and shifted wider before restraining to a position.
LINCOLN’S COMMAND – Slow into stride.
MARLAHN – Raced wide in the early stages before improving forward to assume the lead near the 1300m.
ROCKUZZO – Had to be steadied when placed in restricted room near the 1600m.
CASINO GARDENS – Steadied  away from heels near the 1500m.
OUR BAZAAR – Shifted wider approaching the 800m and raced wide for the remainder of the race.
MARLAHN – Apprentice M. Castle  pleaded guilty to a charge of careless riding in that approaching the 100m she allowed her mount to shift in when insufficiently clear of CONSULAR, resulting in that  horse having to be checked and losing ground at that stage. In issuing a reprimand stewards took into account that this was apprentice Castle’s first breach under this rule.  
Race 6: TAB Peacekeeping & Peacemakers Veterans Benchmark 62 H’cap -1060m
HONOUR PROMISE Prior to the running of this event jockey J. Bayliss was treated by QAS after complaining of pain in his right shoulder, however after examination by QAS staff was cleared to fulfil his engagement.
Prior to the declaration of correct weight,  stewards reviewed footage of the start as they had concerns that  BRIS VEGAS was not afforded a fair start  due to its barrier gates not opening in unison with the remainder of the field. After taking evidence from jockey B. Appo, trainer’s representative M. Norman, and after viewing the stewards patrol films, it was established that the barrier of BRIS VEGAS failed to open in unison and therefore, stewards acting under the provisions of AR204(1)(c) declared the horse a non starter with the following deductions applicable.
4 cents in the dollar on the face value of win bets
7 cents in the dollar on the face value of win bets for the place
4 cents in the dollar on the face value of 2nd place bets
8 cents in the dollar on the face value of 3rd place bets
ASK AUDREY – Jumped away awkwardly. Overraced in the early stages and had to be steadied approaching the 800m.
TIN’S POCKET – Jumped away awkwardly and hampered between runners on jumping.   Raced 4 wide with cover.
LAST ROUND – Slow to begin. Raced 4 wide without cover.
MAGINOT LINE – Jumped away awkwardly, making contact with a runner to its inside.
DRUM MASTER – Approaching the 800m improved onto the heels of LEGS UNBARRED and shifted wider.
SIZZLING SUN – Shifted wider near the 600m and raced wide for the remainder of the race.
Race 7: Butler McDermott Lawyers Vietnam Veterans Open H’cap – 1200m
Prior to the running of this race the barriers gates were tested and found fit for purpose.
EARL OF FORDYCE – Reared as the start was effected and lost considerable ground.  Trainer G. Hay was advised that a barrier certificate would be required prior to its next race start.  
MACHO PICCHU – Hampered on jumping away.
OKANAGAN MISS – Began awkwardly, making heavy contact with a runner to its inside.  Laid in rounding the home turn.  Bumped near the 50m.
ALERT BY SEA – Bumped heavily at the start.  Leaving the 700m was restrained from heels for a considerable distance.
TROMMELSCHLAGEN – Blundered on jumping and was then hampered by  MACHU PICCHU, which was bumped heavily by ALLENA, which shifted in at the start.
ALLENA – Shifted in abruptly at the start, making contact with  MACHU PICCHU.  Bumped near the 50m.
ROSIE POSIE - Leaving the 700m was restrained from heels for a considerable distance.
Race 8: Kilcoy Exchange Hotel Iraq Veterans Class 2 H’cap – 1200m
ROYAL EQUIANO – Bumped with WAVERLEY HEIGHTS shortly after the start.  Approaching the 800m had to be steadied when placed in restricted room. Raced 3 wide with cover throughout.
WAVERLEY HEIGHTS – Bumped shortly after the start.
PIPEMAJOR – Began awkwardly.  Hung out rounding the home turn and had to be steadied from the heels of ACCOUNTANT.
HARRY’S STAR – Began awkwardly.
KING’S MEN – Steadied when placed in restricted room leaving the 1000m between IVY’S DREAM and JUST GIVEME RUBIES, which shifted in slightly.  Apprentice M. Nakao, rider of JUST GIVE ME RUBIES, was advised to show greater care when shifting ground in similar circumstances.  Momentarily held up approaching the 100m and obliged to alter course.
IVY’S DREAM – Rounding the home turn shifted out abruptly to obtain clear running and in doing so hampered JUST GIVEME RUBIES, which was forced wider.  
BRAD THE LAD – Raced wide without cover for the majority of the race.
ACCOUNTANT – Raced 3 wide throughout.  Inconvenienced rounding the home turn by JUST GIVE ME RUBIES, which was forced wider by IVY’S DREAM, which shifted out abruptly.  Jockey J. Woodhouse, rider of IVY’S DREAM, was issued with a reprimand and advised to show greater care in similar circumstances.  
ELMO’S FIRE – A post race veterinary examination revealed the gelding to have bled from one nostril.  Trainer M. Lakey was advised that the gelding would be required to gallop 1000m in the presence of a steward.

Summary of action concerning licensees
Race 4.         Angela Plumb – Trainer – Late rider Jakuta - $100 – LR67*                               
Race 5.         Malea Castle – A/jockey – C/riding - AR131(a)
Race 8.         Jarod Woodhouse – Jockey – C/riding – AR131(a)
Summary of action concerning thoroughbred horses
Horses swabbed
All winners
Race 2.         Mighty Rock – Pre race manners – Warning
Race 3.         Begin – Fractious in gates/reared dislodging rider – Warning
Race 7.         Earl Of Fordyce – Reared as start was effected – B/cert – AR20(e)
Race 8.         Elmo’s Fire – One nostril bleeder – 1000m gallop in presence of a steward – AR79(8)
Race 2.         2nd (Curry Connection) v 1st (Rural Rebel) - Dismissed
Late Scratching
Race 2.         Mighty Rock – 1.03 pm
Summary of rider changes/Late notifications
Race 4.         Jakuta – G. Geran
Race 6.         Last Round – J. Woodhouse
                     Tin’s Pocket – M. Nakao