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Mackay Turf Club

Mackay Provincial

Sat 01 Jul Good 4




Good 4 Pen 5

Nil last 24hrs, 3mm last 7 days

Nil last 24hrs, 15mm last 7 days


Track conditions update: 1:04AM Sunday 02 July
Last Track Rating Update: Finalised 1/7 - 7:45am. Rider Replacement R5 N8


Mon 26/06/17 11:00am


Tue 27/06/17 03:00pm


Thu 29/06/17 09:30am


Thu 29/06/17 12:00pm


Sat 01/07/17 07:30am

Late Nominations

Races: 1, 2, 3, 6

Chairman of Stewards - Mr P. Gillard  
Stewards - Mr C. Albrecht, Ms B. Connell
Betting Steward - Stewards
Clerk of Scales - Ms A. Warry
Judge - Mr I. Schultz
Veterinarian - Dr B. Pullen
Swab attendant - Ms N. Pauli
Starter - Mr P. Conway
Betting Supervisor - Stewards
Stewards Secretary - Mr R. Palmer
Race 1: TJ'S Waxpot & Spa Maiden Handicap -  1300 metres
STORMY ZUMA - Began very awkwardly and lost ground. Laid in under pressure in the home straight. Bumped by another runner approaching the finish line and became unbalanced.
STORM UP - Commenced to lose ground leaving the 600m and hampered other runners.
MAGIC EIGHT BALL - Over-raced in the early and middle stages. Improved onto heels of a tiring runner near the 800 metres and had to be steadied.
SONSEE ARRAY - Improved onto heels and was inconvenienced near the 600m and had to be restrained. When questioned regarding the filly's performance, Apprentice Q. Krogh advised stewards that this was the horse’s  first start for the stable and its recent starts had been over longer distances than that of today’s event and its normal racing pattern is to race back in the field. He added that after beginning awkwardly he was happy to let SONSEE ARRAY find its rhythm however the filly only found the line fairly and in his opinion will be much better suited in races over a longer distance than that of today's event. The explanation was noted.  
DIAGORAS - Over-raced in the early stages.
Race 2: HB Boutique BenchMark 55 Handicap -  1800 metres
TEST MY FRIENDSHIP - Slow to begin, then shifted outwards, throwing its head in the air for a short distance and lost ground. Raced ungenerously for the majority of the race.
HARJAKA - Hung out rounding the turn out of the straight on the first occasion. Again hung out rounding the home turn and proved difficult to ride.
Trainer Mr G. Farrell advised stewards that he was disappointed with the horse's performance today, and in light of that, he will give consideration to sending the gelding for a spell.
KHADIJA  - Fractious in the barriers, bounded in the air when the start was effected and lost ground.

MUNJIZ - Raced wide in the early and middle stages before improving forward to assume the lead near the 800m.
GLAMORGAN BABE - When the pace slackened, leaving the 1400m shifted wider and improved forward to share the lead.
RESET EXPRESS - Jockey A. Butler advised stewards that the gelding hung out for the majority of the race. A post-race veterinary examination of the gelding failed to reveal any significant abnormalities. Trainer R. Vale agreed   that the horse's performance was disappointing and further added he will have further tests done after returning to the stables and undertook to advise stewards should anything that may have affected its performance become apparent in the days following.

Race 3: Mackay toyota Ratings Band 0 - 60 Handicap - 1560 metres
REDMIA - Raced in restricted room for a short distance after the start.
THREE HENRYS - Forced wider near the 500m, then commenced to compound and finished tailed off. A post-race veterinary examination did not reveal any abnormalities. Trainer J. Manzelmann was advised that the gelding's nomination will be refused for TAB meetings until such time as its performances improve at country meetings.
LIGHTNING JACKSON - Restrained to avoid heels near the 200m.
RUFFY ROAD - Rider S. Sheargold pleaded guilty to a charge of careless riding under A.R137(a) in that he permitted his mount to shift in under hard riding when not sufficiently clear of LIGHTNING JACKSON (App. Z. White), which had to be restrained for some distance and shifted around that horse's heels. Jockey Sheargold's licence to ride in races was suspended for a period of 8 days, to commence at midnight on 8th July 2017, up to and including midnight on 16th July 2017.

Race 4: Smart State Vehicle Rentals Ratings Band 0 - 60 Handicap - 1050 metres
IMPERIAL ATTITUDE - Began very awkwardly, shifted in abruptly and inconvenienced runners to its inside.
PRELUSIVE STRIKE - Inconvenienced at the start and lost ground.
BOGEY MAN - Inconvenienced by other runners at the start and taken in across the heels of ZAHA EXPRESS (Jockey A. Butler), then was reluctant to stretch out for the remainder of the race and finished tailed off. A post-race veterinary examination failed to reveal any abnormalities. Trainer T. Bourke was advise that the horse must trial to the satisfaction of the stewards before being permitted to race again.
Race 5:Southern Sheet & Coil BenchMark 65 Handicap - 1300 metres
Rider A. Coome was fined the sum of $200 in that he accepted the ride of PRETTY VACANT for which he was unable to make the allotted weight of and was replaced by D. Evans.  
OOSTHUIZEN - Slow to begin. Raced wide for the majority of the race.
WHITEHOUSE AFFAIR - Slow to begin.
DUDOOMP - Tightened for room at the start.
STRONG WILL - Began awkwardly and threw its head about for a short distance.
BOCEPHUS - Bled during running. Trainer Mr M. Bannon was advised that, as this was the first occasion on which the gelding had bled, it will be banned from racing for 3 months under A.R.53A, and then only after a satisfactory gallop of at least 1000 metres in the presence of a steward. Mr Bannon advised stewards that his intention is to retire the horse from racing.
GREAT INAGUA - Slow to begin. Shifted in near the 1000m and hampered another runner. Jockey L. Tilley was advised to exercise more care in similar circumstances. Restrained from heels of a tiring runner near the 400m.
TESTATIME - Over-raced in the middle stages. Steadied from heels near the 1000m.
MACHO TYCOON - Shifted inwards at the start and hampered runners to its inside. Raced wide for the majority of the race.
YOU CAN'T FIND ME - Shifted out at the start and hampered runners to its outside.
CLATEAU - When questioned about the improved performance of the gelding, compared to its most recent start, trainer R. Vale advised stewards that in his opinion the 1300m of today's event was much more suitable to the gelding, as it was able to find the lead easily, whereas at its previous start it had to work hard to find the lead over the shorter distance. His explanation was noted.   

Race 6: MOJO  QTIS 3-Y-O Handicap -  1200 metres
CYCLONE FUGITIVE – Declared a late scratching, at 1.59 p.m. when no suitable rider was available.
HELLUVA HOFFA - Began awkwardly and lost ground.  Had difficulty obtaining clear running entering the home straight until leaving the 200m.
MISHANI MYSTERY - Raced wide without cover for the majority of the race.
CRAIGLEA CEON - Raced wide for the majority of the race.
HIDDEN IN HEAVEN - Over-raced in the early stages.
REDATAQ - Checked from heels and lost ground near the 400m.
TINTO ELEMENTO - Apprentice Z. White pleaded guilty to a charge of careless riding under A.R.137(a) in that she elected to shift inwards at a point  near the 400m when not sufficiently clear REDATAQ, which had to be checked and lose its rightful running. Apprentice White's licence to ride in races was suspended for a period of 9 days, to commence at midnight on 8th July 2017, up to and including midnight on 17th July 2017.
BLAZING STEEL – When questioned into the seemingly improved performance, trainer G. Bourke stated this was the gelding’s first start for the stable and explained she had removed all previous gear from the gelding to start afresh, and was pleasantly surprised with its performance today.    
Race 7:  Payne Print 2017 Mackay Cup Open Handicap - 1800 metres
WALHAAN - Began awkwardly. Raced wide in the early stages.
MAMSELLE CORDAY - Over-raced in the early and middle stages.
PALACE TYCOON - Shifted wider leaving the 700m to and improve.  Checked near the 200m and lost ground.
OLD SMOKEY - Raced wide for the majority of the race. Rider Q. Krogh pleaded guilty to a charge of careless riding under A.R.137(a) in that approaching the 200m he permitted that gelding to shift out under hard riding, making heavy contact with PALACE TYCOON (Jockey S. Galloway) which was tightened between that runner and CHIVADAHLII (Jockey D. Hayse), resulting in PALACE TYCOON being checked and losing ground. Apprentice Krogh's licence to ride in races was, suspended for a period of 12 days, to commence at the expiration of a penalty imposed previously, will commence at midnight on 11th July 2017, and will expire at midnight on 23rd July 2017. 
Race 8: McDonald Murphy Machinery Class 6 Plate 1100 metres
RECTIRIER - Began awkwardly. Raced wide for the majority of the race.
LOKUM - Slow to begin. Had difficulty obtaining clear running in the early part of the home straight.
YOU DID WHAT - Slow to begin.
GRAND EMPEROR - Slow to begin.
STRAIGHT GOLD - Raced wide for the majority of the event.
ROCKETTE ROCKET - Raced wide for the majority of the race.
SHIGERU MAHOGANY - Raced wide for the majority of the race.
DOTHERIGHTHING - Had difficulty obtaining clear running in the home straight and went to the line without being fully tested.
Summary of action concerning licensees
RACE 3: Jockey S. Sheargold - careless riding (A.R. 137(a) 8 days, from M/N 8th July 2017 to M/N 16 July 2017.
RACE 6: Apprentice Z. White - careless riding (A.R. 137(a) 9 days, from M/N 8 July 2017 to M/N 17 July 2017.
RACE 7: Apprentice Q. Krogh - careless riding (A.R. 137(a) 12 days, to commence at expiration of previous penalty, at M/N 11 July 2017, and to expire at M/N 23 July 2017.
RACE 5: A. Coome (Jockey) $200 AR.120 (b)
Late scratchings
RACE 6: CYCLONE FUGITIVE - No rider available that could make allotted weight.
Summary of action concerning thoroughbred horses
Horses swabbed – All Winners
Pre-race Blood – Deconstructed, Fastnet Flyer, Chivadahlii, Old Smokey
TREE HENRYS – Nomination to refused for TAB meetings until such time as its performances improve at country meetings. LR25
RACE 5 - BOCEPHUS - Banned 3 months (A.R. 53A)
Summary of rider changes/Late notifications
As connections, experienced difficulties in confirming riders of the following late declarations, no action was taken against them.
RACE 1: CRAIGLEA UNIT - Jockey D. Hayse
RACE 5: TESTATIME - Apprentice C. Bayliss
               PRETTY VACANT - Jockey D. Evans
               BOCEPHUS  - Jockey M. Haley
RACE 6: CRAIGLEA CEON - Jockey M. Haley
RACE 8: VO TREASURE - Jockey D. Evans