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Mackay Turf Club

Mackay Provincial

Sat 22 Dec Good 4


True Entire Course


Good 4 Pen 4.6

Nil last 24hrs, 60mm last 7 days

Nil last 24hrs, 6mm last 7 days


Track conditions update: 12:04AM Sunday 23 December
Last Track Rating Update: Finalised 22/12 - 7:45am


Mon 17/12/18 11:00am


Tue 18/12/18 03:00pm


Thu 20/12/18 09:30am


Thu 20/12/18 12:00pm


Sat 22/12/18 07:30am

Late Nominations

Races: 1, 2, 3, 4, 6

WEATHER – FINE                             TRACK RATING – GOOD 4         RAIL – TRUE PENETROMETER – 4.6
Chairman of Stewards – Mr P. Gillard
Stewards – Mr B. Farrell, Ms B. Connell, Mr C. Warren
Clerk of Scales – A. Warry
Judge – S. Bryant
Veterinarian – Dr C. Harper
Swab attendants – Ms N. Paull
Starter - Mr P. Conway
Betting Supervisor – Stewards.
Race 1:  McDonald Murphy Machinery QTIS 3yo Maiden H’cap – 1100m
GREAT FOX – Slow to begin.
QUEZMAR – Slow to begin. Raced wide for the majority of the race.
TRACY’S ECHO – Began very awkwardly and lost ground.  Crowded for room leaving the 600m for a short distance.
MISSGOODYTWOSHOES – Over-raced in the early and middle stages.
LITTLE MO – Steadied off heels near the 600m.
OURANYA – Hung in leaving the 600m, crowding another runner. Finished tailed off. A post- race veterinary examination revealed the horse had a slow recovery rate and was stepping short in front. Trainer J. Manzelmann was advised that he must provide a veterinary clearance prior to the horse having to trial to the stewards’ satisfaction, before being permitted to race again.
SUJANI – Raced wide for the majority of the race.
STORMINA – Raced wide for the majority of the race.
Race 2:  Seven Mackay Class 4 H’cap – 1100m
JAYAQUA - Slow into stride. Raced wide for the majority of the race. On return to scale jockey A. Butler advised stewards it was not his intention to race back in the field, however after only beginning fairly he elected to allow the horse to settle back in the field to gain a position closer to the rail.
ESCADAY – Disappointed for a run near the 200m and had to be restrained.
MAGIC WORD – Shifted in approaching the 200m, crowding another runner. Rider D. Hayse was advised to show greater care in similar circumstances.
ESPRIT LIGHT – Raced wide without cover for the majority of the race.
Race 3: Triple M Mackay Benchmark 65 H’cap – 1560m
BAWAARDI ROCKET – Delayed the start when its back gate opened allowing the horse to back out of the barriers and having to be reloaded.  
WINSOMEMORE – Slow to begin.
GINGER SNAP – Slow to begin.
THE PRINCIPAL – Slow to begin. Following the race trainer M. McLellan advised stewards the horse had a small laceration to its off hind leg, and further that in view of today’s poor performance would give consideration to the horse being retired from racing.
SHIRANDA- Unable to obtain clear running in the home straight and went to the line without being fully tested.
Following the running of this race rider A. Buttler was stood down from his further rides due to exhaustion and was replaced as per Stewards summary. A. Buttler was advised he must provide a medical clearance prior to his next race ride.
Race 4: Hit FM Mackay Class 2 H’cap - 1300m
ROYAL RECEIVER – Trainer J. Wehlow was fined $100 for failing to declare a rider for that runner by the required time.
POPIGAI – Slow to begin. Following its poor performance today trainer J. Manzelmann was advised its nomination would be refused at TAB meetings until its form improves by way of country meetings.   
BOLD SAM – Rider W. D’Avila pleaded guilty to a charge under AR137(a), in that as the rider of that horse he permitted his mount to shift out under riding  near the 350m when not clear of GOLDEN LIGHT, which was forced outwards,  making contact with WHOOSH, which was  forced out across the heels of TRERICE having to be checked and in doing so bumped that runner on the hind quarters which became unbalanced. Jockey D’avila’s licence to ride in races was suspended for a period of 12 days, to commence at midnight, 29 December 2018, and to expire at midnight, 10 January 2019. Jockey D’Avila was advised of his Internal Review rights.
GOLDEN LIGHT – Tightened for room and steadied near the 350m.
WHOOSH – Tightened for room and forced out, having to be checked near the 350m.  Raced wide without cover for the majority of the race.
TRERICE – Was bumped on the hind quarters near the 350m and became unbalanced.
Race 5:  Smartstate Vehicle Rentals Class 1 H’cap – 1100m
HEAVENLY DREAM – Began awkwardly.
INSOLVENT – Shifted out near the 500m, bumping another runner.
CRISTOVAO – Slow to begin. Was tightened for room near the 500m and was steadied.
BEBADO – Was bumped on the hind quarters by another runner near the 500m and shifted in, tightening a runner to its inside. Raced wide for the majority of the race.
BETA BUTA UP – Raced wide for the majority of the race.
NORTHERN SECRET – Raced wide for the majority of the race.
WAY TOO SASSY – Raced wide for the majority of the race.
Race 6: Have a Merry Christmas Class 6 Plate – 1300m
SIRIUS WITNESS – Slow to begin. When questioned into her riding of the gelding in the middle stages, rider C. Jokic explained that after being slow to begin the horse took up a position on the rail at the rear of the field, at which time she then elected to restrain her mount, which threw its head in the air as to race one off the fence in an effort to give the horse galloping room and being able to finish the race off.  Stewards noted the explanation.
KYRIE ELEISON – Slow into stride.
DYLAN JACK – Over-raced in the middle stages, having to be restrained off heels leaving the 1000m for some distance.
KAPSET – When questioned into the disappointing performance, rider J. Stanley advised stewards the gelding travelled well in the early and middle stages, however once placed under pressure leaving the 350m failed to respond to his riding and was very disappointing. Trainer T. Bannon was at a loss to explain the performance and was disappointed with its performance today. A post race veterinary examination revealed the horse to have a slow recovery rate. Trainer T. Bannon was advised that a warning would be placed on the horse’s performance today, and further that she must supply the results of blood tests before the horse would be permitted to race again.
Summary of action concerning licensees
Race 4.          Jared Wehlow – Trainer – Fail to declare rider (Royal Receiver) by the prescribed time - $100 – LR67*
Race  4.         Wanderson D’Avila – Jockey – C/riding – 12 days suspension – M/n 29.12.18 to m/n 10.1.19 – AR137(a)*
Summary of action concerning thoroughbred horses
Horses swabbed post race
All winners.
Race 1.         Ouranya – Vet clearance and trial to Stewards satisfaction prior to next start.
Race 4.         Popigai – Noms refused at TAB meetings until form improves by way of country meetings.
Race 6.          Kapset – Poor performance/Slow recovery rate – Warning – Blood test results to be supplied prior to racing again – AR8(t)
Summary of rider changes/Late notifications
Race 5.          Northern Secret – K. Aho
Race 6.         Turkey Beach – R. McMahon