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Mackay Turf Club

Mackay Provincial

Tue 31 Mar Soft 5


+3 metres Entire Course.


Soft 5 Pen 5.3

1mm last 24hrs, 44mm 7 days



Track conditions update: 12:01AM Wednesday 01 April
Last Track Rating Update: Finalised 31/3 - 7.45am Late Scratchings R2 N2, R8 N5 & R9 N7


Wed 25/03/20 11:00am


Thu 26/03/20 03:00pm


Fri 27/03/20 12:00pm


Fri 27/03/20 03:00pm


Tue 31/03/20 07:30am

Late Nominations

Races: 1, 4, 9, 10






Chairman of Stewards – J. Adams
Stewards – T. Hudson, C. Alison, E. Suli, (Cadet)
Clerk of Scales – A. Warry
Judge – S. Bryant
Veterinarian – Dr B. Pullen
Bookmaker Supervisor - Stewards
Starter – P. Conway
Swab attendants – N. Paull


As jockeys Z. White and A. Butler were ineligible to fulfil their engagements, riding changes were approved as per the Stewards Summary Sheet.

After a no notice stable inspection conducted by Stewards, they had concerns that JARS, WIRRAWAY and SAN RAYMOND (NZ) may have been administered treatment today, a day they were scheduled to race, Stewards could not be comfortably satisfied that those three horses were not treated and as such, acting under AR20(d), Stewards ordered the withdrawal of the three horses at 11.18am. Stewards intend to interview trainer D.Micallef at a later date. Subsequently, swab samples were taken from all three runners engaged.


Race 1: TAB QTIS 2yo Maiden H’cap – 1200m

WHOSDAY – Slow to begin. Trainer J. Manzelmann was advised that the horse must trial competitively in an official barrier trial prior to any future race start. Mr Manzelmann informed stewards that WHOSAY would now be sent for a spell.

EMILEE’S EMPIRE – Jumped away awkwardly.

PINTO’S PICK – Hampered shortly after jumping away.

SAHARFA SALLY – In the vicinity of the 1100m had to be steadied to avoid the heels of EMILEE’S EMPIRE, which shifted in when insufficiently clear. Jockey T. Chambers, rider
of EMILEE’S EMPIRE, was found guilty to a charge of careless riding for shifting in when insufficiently clear and was suspended for a period of 7 days, to commence at midnight, 7 April and to expire at midnight, 14 April. Raced greenly under pressure in the straight.

ASK ME TOMORROW – Laid in under pressure in the straight.

PLENTY OF TICKER – Underwent a pre-race veterinary examination and was passed fit to stat. Jumped away awkwardly. A post race veterinary examination revealed no abnormalities.

COLOUR PERFECT – Raced wide throughout.

Race 2: Airless Spray Service Maiden Plate – 1100m

JARS – Declared a late scratching at 11.18 am by order of stewards.

HUGS ‘N’ KISSES – Trainer S. Rundle was reprimanded for presenting the horse to the enclosure without winkers. Slow to begin.

AZIOC – Slow to begin. Momentarily held up for clear running on entering the home straight. Laid out under pressure over the concluding stages.

TRUMP ME – Overraced in the early stages. Laid out rounding the home turn.

TATACHILLA – Laid in under pressure in the straight.

Race 3: MacDonald Murphy Machinery Maiden Plate – 1100m

SUCH A WHIT – Underwent a pre-race veterinary examination after contacting the gates on entry to the course proper and was passed fit to start. Laid out throughout the event.

WREN PLUCKED – Underwent a pre-race veterinary examination after contacting the gates on entry to the course proper and was passed fit to start. Slow to begin. Raced wide without cover throughout the event.

BROOKVILLE – Slow to begin.

MAGIC CODY – Overrace in the middle stages. Rider T. Bannon plead guilty to a charge under AR132(7)(a)(ii) in that she used her whip on more than 5 occasions prior to the 100m and was fined $100.

RAW INSTINCT – Laid in under pressure in the straight.

BALNAGAL – A post race veterinary examination revealed no abnormalities.

Race 4: APL Poker Mackay QTIS 3yo Maiden H’cap – 1300m

HARD CURRENCY – Jumped away awkwardly.

HARRY ROCKET – Overraced in the early stages.

NOT A SINGLE DAY – Overraced in the early and middle stages. Momentarily held up for clear running in the vicinity of the 200m and had to shift out to improve into clear running. Laid in under pressure in the straight.

GOOD AS A ROCKET – Slow to begin. Overraced in the early and middle stages.

NOTORIETY – Slow to begin.

KILKENNY LAD – In the vicinity of the 900m had to be restrained to avoid the heels of ALSAURUSFIRST, which shifted in when insufficiently clear. Jockey T. Chambers, rider of ALSAURUSFIRST, was reprimanded for careless riding and advised to be clear when shifting ground in future.

Race 5: Autobarn Class 2 Plate – 1100m

WIRRAWAY - Declared a late scratching at 11.18 am by order of stewards.

MISS CAROLEE – Declared a late scratching at 2.05 pm after dislodging its rider en route to the barriers and galloping a significant distance. Subsequent to the event all monies invested on the horse were ordered to be refunded with the following deductions applicable:

4 cents in the dollar on the face value of win bets
4 cents in the dollar on the face value of win bets for the place
6 cents in the dollar on the face value of 2nd place bets
6 cents in the dollar on the face value of 3rd place bets

Trainer J. Manzelmann was advised that MISS CAROLEE would be required to trial successfully in 2 consecutive trials prior to racing again.

ACT OF BRAVERY – Trainer W. Pomfrett advised stewards of a potential change of tactics to attempt to settle more forward in today’s event. Slow to begin and as a result settled back.

LIEUTENANT – Reared on jumping away. Raced greenly in the early stages.

SHE’S MAGANDA – Jumped away awkwardly.

PARISIAN TYCOON – Overraced in the early stages. Laid in under pressure in the straight. A post race veterinary examination revealed a cut to the near hind heel.

TARTUFO BIANCO – Raced greenly in the early and middle stages, and after being crossed by PARISIAN TYCOON in the vicinity of the 900m had to be restrained after improving onto heels. In the vicinity of the 800m had to be restrained after improving onto the heels of SHE’S MAGANDA. Laid in under pressure in the straight.

TERMINATE – In the vicinity of the 900 had to be steadied after improving onto heels.

CELEBRATION DAY – Raced wide throughout. Jockey G. Goomany was cautioned in relation to his whip arm being raised above shoulder height.

Following the running of this event, jockey S. Wiseman was examined by the Queensland Ambulance officers and was ruled unfit to fulfil her remaining engagements. Jockey Wiseman was advised a medical clearance must be provided prior to resuming race riding. Riding changes were made as per the Stewards Summary Sheet.

Race 6: Next Accounting Class 2 Plate – 1100m

KATIE’S GIRL – Was declared a late scratching on veterinary advice at 2.52 pm after being fractious leaving the mounting enclosure and was required to be reshod behind the barriers. After enacting farrier work was found to be lame. Trainer T. Simmons was advised that a warning would be placed on the record of KATIE’S GIRL in relation to it pre race manners. A post race veterinary examination revealed the mare to be lame in the near hind. Trainer was also advised a veterinary certificate would be required prior to racing again.

The following deductions were applicable:

0 cents in the dollar on the face value of win bets
1 cents in the dollar on the face value of win bets for the place
3 cents in the dollar on the face value of 2nd place bets
6 cents in the dollar on the face value of 3rd place bets


TALK ABOUT A SAGA – Attempted to buck out of the gates. Trainer J. Doolan was advised that the horse would be required to trial satisfactorily in an official trial prior to any future race start. Trainer J. Doolan advised stewards that the horse would now be retired from racing.

DUTCH ROCKET – In the vicinity of the 600m had to be restrained after improving on to the heels of BELZUE.

DANCING TYCOON – In the vicinity of the 900m had to be restrained after racing in restricted room between TA CHANSON, which was racing greenly, and ONLY WANNA SING, which rolled in marginally.

TA CHANSON – Raced green in the early stages. In the vicinity of the 900m had to be restrained after improving on to heels, and in the vicinity of the 600m again had to be restrained after improving on to the heels of DUTCH ROCKET.

ONLY WNNA SING – Laid in under pressure in the straight.

Race 7: Barcam Electrical Benchmark 55 H’cap – 1300m

BROKEN FINGER – Overraced in the early stages.

JETINTOIT – As per her instructions, jockey N. Summers was advised to refrain from using the whip on the gelding. Slow into stride.

STARS DON’T RUST: Overraced in the early stages.

OUTSPOKEN – Laid in under pressure in the straight. When questioned regarding the tactics adopted on the mare, apprentice D. Graham stated that she was instructed by trainer A. Coome to ride the mare where comfortable and to be mindful not to fight OUTSPOKEN if it attempts to overrace, as it has a tendency to choke down in running. She added that after beginning only fairly, rode her mount in an attempt to cross and find cover, but after being trapped three wide in the early stages she attempted to settle her mount rather than restrain to find cover and elected to remain racing three wide. She added that when placing her mount under pressure from the vicinity of the 500m, OUTSPOKEN began to weaken and ran on only fairly. Trainer A. Coome confirmed the instructions to apprentice Graham but was critical that she should have made greater effort to attempt to find cover. Stewards advised apprentice D. Graham that she should not have been so single minded in attempting to ride to instructions and if the opportunity arise in future to attempt to find cover rather than racing wide throughout.

THE CLANG AFFAIR – Overraced in the early stages.

Race 8: Enlightened Financial Services Benchmark 55 H’cap – 1300m

TIME STAMP – Raced greenly in the early and middle stages, becoming awkwardly placed at heels on a number of occasions. Trainer M. Bannon was advised that TIME STAMP would be required to trial satisfactorily prior to any future race start.

SOUND INVESTMENT – Jumped away awkwardly.

TOKAREV – Reared on jumping away.

CAPTAIN TOM – Slow to begin. Jockey B. Pengelly pleaded guilty to excessive whip use breach for using his whip on 10 occasions prior to the 100m (11 total). Jockey Pengelly was fined $200

ROCK’N’ROLL BOBBY – In the vicinity of the 1000m was hampered by TIME STAMP, which was racing fiercely.

GOLDIES ARCHER – Overraced in the early stages.

HIGH I CUE – When questioned regarding her riding of the gelding in today’s event, jockey E. Smith stated she was under no specific instructions but after jumping well elected to make use of her early gate speed and was able to take up a leading position without making use of her mount. She added that HIGH I CUE responded to her riding when placed under pressure and even though was a beaten runner in the straight she was impressed with its finishing effort. Trainer A. Coome stated he was surprised to see the gelding leading in today’s event but added that he offered no specific instructions to apprentice E. Smith.

Race 9: Blacks Real Estate Benchmark 65 H’cap – 1560m

SAN RAYMOND - Declared a late scratching at 11.18 am by order of stewards.

FUN TICKETS – Jumped away awkwardly, making contact with the outside partition of the barriers. Then shifted in resulting in jockey T. Chambers contacting the inside partition of the barriers.

SIR HARRY – Overraced in the early stages.

LUNAR SPIN – Overraced in the early stages.

SIR VAN DYKE – Overraced in the early stages.

MUSTARRID – Momentarily held up for clear running on entering the home straight.

Race 10: Blue River Landscape Supplies Benchmark 69 H’cap – 1100m

FAVOR OF GOD – Slow to begin.

CRIME BOSS – Underwent a pre race veterinary examination and passed fit to start. Overraced in the early and middle stages, and in the vicinity of the 1000m shifted in despite the efforts of its rider. A post race veterinary examination revealed no abnormalities.

WALK THE TALK – Overraced in the early and middle stages.

PRICKLES – In the vicinity of the 1000m had to be restrained to avoid the heels of CRIME BOSS, which shifted in despite the efforts of its rider.

DISTRICT – Raced wide throughout. Jockey B. Pengelly plead guilty to a charge under AR132(7)(a)(ii) for using the whip more than 5 times prior to the 100m and was fined $200

INVISIBLE GIRL – Raced wide throughout.


Summary of action concerning licensees

Race 2. Steve Rundle – Trainer – Presented Hugs ‘N’ Kisses to enclosure without winkers – AR140A
Race 4. Tasha Chambers – Jockey – C/riding – AR131(a)

Race 1. Tasha Chambers – Jockey – C/riding 7 days – M/n 7.3.20 to m/n 14.3.20 - AR131(a)

Race 3. Trinity Bannon – Jockey – Use of whip 7 times prior to 100m (18 in total) - $100 – AR132(7)(a)(ii)
Race 8. Brad Pengelly – Jockey – Use whip 10 times prior to 100m (11 in total) - $200 – AR132(7)(a)(ii)

Late Scratchings
Race 2. Jars – 11.18 am – By order of stewards.
Race 5 Miss Carolee – 2.05pm – Dislodged rider
Race 5. Wirraway – 11.18 am – By order of stewards
Race 6. Katie’s Girl – 2.52pm - Veterinary advice
Race 9. San Raymond – 11.18 am – By order of stewards

Race day illness
S. Wiseman – Illness – Medical clearance required

Summary of action concerning thoroughbred horses

Horses swabbed
All winners, Jars, Wirraway, San Raymond.

Horses swabbed pre race

Race 1. Whosday – Poor performance – Off. Trial – AR20(e)
Race 5. Miss Carolee – Dislodged rider en route to barriers/galloped considerable distance – 2 consecutive trials – AR20( e)
Race 6. Talk About A Saga – Attempted to buck out of gates – Trial – AR20(e)
Katie’s Girl – Pre race manners – Warning
Katie’s Girl – Lame near hind - Vet. Clearance – AR20(e)
Race 8. Time Stamp – Raced greenly – Trial – AR20(e)


Jockey Absenteeism

Z.White – Ineligible due to new zoning restrictions.
A Butler - Indisposed

Summary of rider changes/Late notifications
Race 1. Lady Lowburn – M. Haley
Race 3. Wren Plucked – D. Graham
Race 4. Kilkenny Lad – N. Seymour
Hard Currency – M. Haley
Race 5. Act Of Bravery – M. Barnham
Terminate – D. Graham
Race 6. Only Wanna Sing – B. Pengelly
Ifyourknowhatimean – G. Goomany
Djebel Ready – N. Seymour
Katie’s Girl – M. Haley
Dancing Tycoon – N. Summers
Race 7. Strawberry Blonde – N. Seymour
Outspoken – D. Graham
Jetintoit – N. Summers
Race 8. High I Cue – E. Smith
Race 9. Fun Tickets – T. Chambers
Winsomemore(NZ) – E. Bell
Don’t We Love It – N. Summers
Race 10. Shiranda – T. Chambers
Prickles – M. Haley
Crime Boss – N. Summers