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Mackay Turf Club

Mackay Provincial

Tue 08 Sep Good 4


+2m Entire Course


Good 4 Pen 4.5

Nil last 24hrs, 5mm last 7 days

Nil last 24hrs, 12mm last 7 days


Track conditions update: 1:02AM Wednesday 09 September
Last Track Rating Update: Finalised 8/9 - 7.45am. Rider Alteration R5 N7


Wed 02/09/20 11:00am


Thu 03/09/20 03:00pm


Fri 04/09/20 09:30am


Fri 04/09/20 12:00pm


Tue 08/09/20 07:30am

Late Nominations

Races: 1, 2, 3, 7, 8

Chairman of Stewards – J Adams
Stewards – T Hudson, C Allison, E Suli, F Hartford
Clerk of Scales – A Warry
Judge – S Bryant
Veterinarian – B Pullen
Swab Attendants – N Paull
Starter – P Conway
As B Appo and N Day were unable to attend the meeting due to injuries sustained at Toowoomba and trackwork, replacements were permitted as per the raceday summary. Both riders were advised medicals would need to be produced prior to their next engagements.
As apprentice K Patch couldn’t attend the meeting due to personal reasons, replacements were permitted as per the raceday summary.
Race 1: SF PRODUCE QTIS Three-Year-Old Maiden Handicap 1200 metres
The race was delayed approximately 3 minutes to allow for the bridle on ROYAL RUSKI to be adjusted.
Legal Chance – Approaching the 800m, had to be steadied to avoid the heels of ROYAL RUSKI which shifted in when insufficiently clear. Jockey J Felix was reminded of his obligations to ensure he is clear when shifting ground in future. Shortly thereafter commenced to overrace in the middle stages.
Palate – Laid out under pressure in the straight.
Bernie Beel – Approaching the 700m, had to be restrained to avoid the heels of ROYAL RUSKI which shifted in when insufficiently clear. J Felix, rider of ROYAL RUSKI pleaded guilty to a charge of careless riding and his license was suspended to commence on midnight 8 September and to expire on midnight 15 September 2020.
Ripova – A post race veterinary examination revealed no abnormalities.
Struman – Raced wide throughout.
Imali – Underwent a pre-race veterinary examination after starting in the past seven days and was passed fit to start. Slow into stride. Laid in under pressure in the straight.
Race 2: TAB Maiden Handicap 1560 metres
Starsonic – Overraced in the early stages. Rider T Bannon pleaded guilty to a charge under AR132(5) of excessive whip use, in that she used her whip on 19 occasions, and her license to ride in races was suspended for 7 days, to commence at midnight 8 September and to expire on midnight 15 September 2020.
Flag Raiser – Making the course proper in the vicinity of the 1400m, was momentarily inconvenienced and obliged to shift out after being contacted by CORKONIAN.
Tokai Meigetsu – Overraced in the early and middle stages. Rider R Wiggins was reprimanded for using his whip 6 times prior to the 100m, one more than permissible under the rule.
Monsieur Jack – A post race veterinary examination revealed the gelding to have bled from one nostril. Trainer P Dillon was advised that MONSIEUR JACK would be required to gallop over 1000m in the presence of a steward prior to its next start. Trainer P Dillon advised stewards that MONSIEUR JACK would now be retired.
Pebkac (NZ) – Slow to begin. A post race veterinary examination of PEBKAC (NZ), which weakened noticeably in the straight, revealed the gelding to be lame in the near hind.  Trainer M Bannon advised stewards PEBKAC (NZ) would now be retired. Trainer M Bannon was nonetheless advised PEBKAC (NZ) would require a veterinary certificate of fitness if it resumes a racing career.
Balnagal – A post race veterinary examination revealed no abnormalities.
Corkonian – Making the course proper in the vicinity of the 1400m, shifted out contacting FLAG RAISER who had to be restrained after becoming awkwardly placed on the heels of BON RUBY.
Race 3: SMART STATE RENTALS OPEN Handicap 1300 metres
Fortensky – Jumped away awkwardly and was slow to begin as a result. A post race veterinary examination of FORTENSKY, who weakened noticeably, revealed the gelding to be lame in the near foreleg. Trainer B Trimble was advised that the gelding would require a veterinary certificate of fitness prior to its next start.
Fratellino – Laid in under pressure in the straight.
Elle a Walking – A post race veterinary examination revealed no abnormalities.
Brad – Hung in under pressure in the straight.
So You Dream – Underwent a pre-race veterinary examination after being fractious while being loaded into the gates and was passed fit to start.
I Can I Will I Am – Rider Z White was fined the sum of $400 for using her whip 6 times prior to the 100m, 1 more than permissible under the rule.
Mr Tindall – Overraced in the early and middle stages. Rider W D’Avila was reprimanded for using his whip 7 times prior to the 100m, 2 more than permissible under the rule.
Race 4: CLASSIC RACEDAY SATURDAY 19TH SEPTEMBER Class 2 Handicap 1300 metres
Sparkling Facet (NZ) – Laid in under pressure in the straight.
Upper Delight – Rider R Wiggins reported that his mount felt awkward in its action over the concluding stages and upon pulling up. A post race veterinary examination revealed no abnormalities.
Ticket Keeper – A post race veterinary examination revealed no abnormalities.
Jackoh – Laid in under pressure in the straight.
Mighty Meerkat – Approaching the 200m, was momentarily held up for clear running on the heels of SCENT OF FEAR and was obliged to shift wider to improve into clear running.
Race 5: BOOK EVENT CENTRE FOR FUNCTIONS Class 2 Handicap 1300 metres
Correct weight was delayed to allow stewards to give consideration to an objection lodged by S.Wiseman rider of the fourth placegetter MALVAGIO against 3rd placegetter ROCK ‘N’ SOL (Z. White) being declared the third placegetter, alleging interference in the vicinity of the 250m. It was established that ROCK ‘N’ SOL shifted out to improve in the straight and made contact with MALVAGIO nearing the 250m. However bearing in mind the nature of the interference and the manner in which both horses finished the race off, as Stewards could not be comfortably satisfied that had the interference to MALVAGIO not occurred it would have beaten ROCK ‘N’ SOL home, the objection was dismissed and correct weight was declared.
Louie the Legend – When questioned regarding the poor performance, B Pengelly stated that his mount travelled well throughout, however when asked for effort, failed to respond and proved disappointing. A post race veterinary examination revealed no abnormalities.
Rock 'n' Sol – Shifted out to improve into clear running in the vicinity of the 250m.
Celebration Day – Raced wide throughout.
More Gee – Slow to begin
Bold Sensation - Rider R Wiggins was reprimanded for using his whip 6 times prior to the 100m, one more than permissible under the rule.
Malvagio – Momentarily inconvenienced in the vicinity of the 250m when ROCK ‘N’ SOL shifted out to improve into clear running.
Race 6: SEVEN MACKAY RATINGS BAND 0 - 55 Handicap 1100 metres
Correct weight was delayed to allow rider of MARRON CHEVAL, N Summers to view the films to ascertain whether or not her mount was afforded a fair start. After viewing the films, submissions were made on behalf of MARRON CHEVAL to be declared a non-runner after jockey N Summers felt that MARRON CHEVAL’S bridle was being held, therefore denying the mare an opportunity to jump with the field. After hearing evidence and viewing the available films, stewards were of the belief that MARRON CHEVAL who was fractious prior to the start being effected was slow as a result of its own mannerisms, and as such, correct weight was declared.
Act Of Bravery – Jumped awkwardly. Had to be steadied off the heels of THIS GIRLS ON FIRE approaching the 800m.
Lord Laurie – Laid out approaching the 800m. Rider C Whiteley was reprimanded for using the whip 7 times prior to the 100m, 2 more than permissible under the rule.
Harry Rocket – Approaching the 700m, was momentarily inconvenienced by MAGIC CODY which shifted in when attempting to improve. Rider T Bannon was advised to exercise more care when shifting ground in the future.
Ceebiz Kit – Inconvenienced by LORD LAURIE who laid out approaching the 800m.
This Girls On Fire – Approaching the 800m, had to be restrained to avoid the heels of SHE’S MAGANDA which shifted out while overracing and PRICKLES which rolled in marginally after being carried in by MAGIC CODY. Jockey T Bannon, rider of MAGIC CODY was advised to exercise more care in similar circumstances.
Prickles – Carried in approaching the 800m and had to be steadied. Laid in under pressure in the home straight.
Marron Cheval – Approaching the 600m, had to be restrained after improving onto the heels of THIS GIRLS ON FIRE and continued to overrace shortly thereafter. Laid out rounding the home turn.
She's Maganda – Approaching the 800m, commenced to overrace and shifted out.
Dance Around – Commenced to buck shortly after the start. Trainer J Hassett was advised that DANCE AROUND must trial to the satisfaction of stewards in two consecutive trials prior to a future race start.
Race 7: HOT FM BENCHMARK 70 Handicap 1050 metres
Perfect Knowledge – Laid in under pressure in the home straight.
District – Overraced when the pace slackened and had to be restrained off the heels of SANTISIMO approaching the 700m.
Shigeru Mahogany – Approaching the 200m was momentarily inconvenienced by SANTSISIMO which shifted out when attempting to improve.
Santisimo – On entering the home straight, was held up for clear running on the heels of ARRARAC and shortly thereafter, was disappointed when attempting to improve into a run to the outside of ARRARAC and SHIGERHU MAHOGANY, and as a result contacted SHIGERU MAHOGANY and was carried in across the heels of ARRARAC and had to be restrained. Approaching the 150m, was obliged to shift out around the heels of SHIGERU MAHOGANY to improve into clear running.
Ta Chanson – Laid in under pressure in the straight.
Our Recipe – Jumped away awkwardly, contacting the outside barrier partition.
Race 8: TAB BENCHMARK 60 Handicap 1560 metres
Don't Doubt Lara – Jumped away awkwardly. Rider A Holt dropped his whip in the vicinity of the 200m.
Quidni – Rider P Hamblin was fined $300 for using his whip 7 times prior to the 100m, 2 more than permissible under the rule.
Meatball – Held up for clear running on entering the home straight until approaching the 200m. Laid in under pressure in the straight.
Soldiers (NZ) – Stood flat footed as the start was affected and missed the start as a result. Approaching the 1400m, commenced to overrace had to be steadied off the heels of THE ABYSS. Continued to overrace and had to be restrained off heels of THE ABYSS again in the vicinity of the 500m.
Mystic Eyes – Approaching the 1400m, raced in restricted room for a number of strides to the inside of RUFFIN’ IT. Rider J Felix dropped his whip in the vicinity of the 200m.
Emily's Song – Jumped away awkwardly contacting the outside barrier partition. A post race veterinary examination revealed the mare to be lame in the off hind leg. Trainer P Fleming was advised the mare would require a veterinary certificate prior to its next start.
Harbour Trick – Raced wide in the early stages. A post race veterinary examination revealed no abnormalities.
Anarchy (NZ) – Slow into stride.
Ruffin' It (NZ) – Jumped away awkwardly.
The Abyss (NZ) – Raced wide in the early and middle stages.
Summary of action concerning licensees
Race 2.           Ryan Wiggins – use of whip prior to the 100m – 6 times – 1 more than permitted.
Race 3.           Wanderson D’Avila – use of whip prior to the 100m – 7 times – 2 more than permitted.
Race 5.           Ryan Wiggins – use of whip prior to the 100m – 6 times – 1 more than permitted.
Race 6.           Chris Whiteley – use of whip prior to the 100m – 7 times – 2 more than permitted.
Race 3.           Zoe White – use of whip prior to the 100m -  6 times -  1 more than permitted - $400 – AR132(7)(a)(ii)         
Race 8.           Paul Hamblin – use of whip prior to the 100m – 7 times – 2 more than permitted - $300 – AR132(7)(a)(ii)

Race 1.           Jeff Felix – 7 days - careless riding – (m/night 08/09/2020 – m/night 15/09/2020) – AR131(a)
Race 2.           Trinity Bannon – 7 days - excessive use of the whip – 19 times in total – (m/night 08/09/2020 – m/night 15/09/2020) - AR132(5)
Absent jockeys
B Appo – Shoulder injury
N Day – Leg injury
K Patch – Personal Reasons
Race 5.           4TH (MALVAGIO) V 3rd  (ROCK ‘N’ SOL) –Alledging interference in the vicinity of the 250m – Dismissed.
Summary of action concerning thoroughbred horses
Horses swabbed pre-race
Horses swabbed post-race
All winners
Race 2.           PEBKAC (NZ) – Lame near hind – Vet certificate required – AR20(e)
Race 3.           FORTENSKY – Lame near fore – Vet certificate required – AR20(e)
Race 8.           EMILY’S SONG – Lame off hind – Vet certificate required – AR20(e)
Race 2.           MONSIEUR JACK – One nostril bleed – 1000m gallop in the presence of a steward.
Summary of rider changes/Late notifications
Race 3.           MR TINDALL – W D’Avila  
Race 4.           SCENT OF FEAR – A Sewell
Race 5.           BOLD SENSATION – R Wiggins
                        MALVAGIO – S Wiseman
Race 6.           PRICKLES – R Wiggins
                        DANCE AROUND – A Sewell
Race 7.           DISTRICT – K Southam
Race 8.           DON’T DOUBT LARA – A Holt
                        HARBOUR TRICK – R Wiggins
                        RUFFIN’ IT – W D’Avila
                        THE ABYSS – Z White       
Published subject to correction upon revision