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Rockhampton Jockey Club Inc

Rockhampton Provincial

Sat 31 Dec Good 4


Out 7m Entire Circuit


Good 4 Pen Not available

Nil last 24hrs, 8.5mm last 7 days

5mm last 24hrs, 46mm last 7 days


Track conditions update: 12:05AM Sunday 01 January
Last Track Rating Update: Finalised 31/12 - 7:45am


Fri 23/12/16 11:00am


Wed 28/12/16 03:00pm


Thu 29/12/16 09:30am


Thu 29/12/16 12:00pm


Sat 31/12/16 07:30am

Late Nominations

Races: 1, 3, 7

WEATHER – FINE                                                                   TRACK RATING – GOOD (4)
Chairman of Stewards – Mr L Collins
Stewards –Mr G. Meek, Mr G. Wust & M. Heath (Cadet)
Clerk of Scales – W. Welburn
Judge – L. Smyth
Veterinarian - B. Newman
Swab attendants – M. Newman/ J. Summers
Starter- M. Henderson/C. Matthews
Stewards Secretary - B. Palmer
Race 6, 29th November 2016 BenchMark 65 Handicap
MACHO TYCOON - Following the gelding's disappointing performance, trainer Z. Hohn advised that the horse had been sent for a spell.
Race 3, 20th December 2016
FRAAR JESTER – Trainer advised that the horse has now been sent for a spell.
Race 1: Happy 50th Wedding Anniversary Mel & Trish Slade Maiden Handicap - 1300 metres
ABE'S BABY - Began awkwardly.
AZIRAP - Shifted out onto AMAZON RULER at the start. Jockey D. Evans was fined $100 under A.R. 137A for using his whip on the filly on 3 more occasions than permitted under the rule
GUINGUI PRINCE - Slow to begin.
FIRST REGRET - Slow to begin.
AMAZON RULER -  Raced wide without cover throughout.
PURSUITOFHAPPINESS - Raced wide without cover throughout.
MONACO DREAM - Leaving the 900 metres raced keenly, and near the 800 metres lost ground when restrained from heels.
RACEY CHICK - When racing ungenerously near the 800 metres shifted out and was steadied from the heels of ABE'S BABY.
ENGAGE THE DUKE – Jockey S McGovern was reminded of the rule in regard to consecutive use of the whip prior to the 100 metres. A post-race veterinary examination of the gelding revealed that it was showing a poor recovery rate.
PRINCESS TORIO - A post-race veterinary examination revealed that the mare was making sounds indicative of a respiratory infection. A veterinary clearance must be provided prior to being permitted to race again.
Race 2: Happy New Year 2017 QTIS 3-Y-O Maiden Handicap - 1200 metres  
1st  -  FLAT TO STACK  2nd  -  MISS SCHIFFER  3rd  -  SAGA QUEEN  4th  -  HI SUGAR
CRAIGLEA PUMA- The explanation for the late declaration of ride was accepted.
SAGA QUEEN- Began awkwardly.
CRAIGLEA EPSOM - Slow to begin.
RELNINO - Began awkwardly.
SEBRINGS DRAMA - When placed in the barriers became fractious. The horse was examined by the veterinary surgeon and cleared to take its place in the field. Near the 900 metres laid in despite efforts of the rider which resulted in SAGA QUEEN having to be eased.
ELUSIVE- When placed in the barriers become fractious. The horse was examined by the veterinary surgeon and cleared to take its place in the field.
Race 3: Become a 150 Club Member BenchMark 70 Handicap - 1050 metres  
1st -  SAY I WON'T  2nd  -  ZIZA SPIRIT  3rd  -  EKKLESTONE  4th  -  HOYWEDGE
SAY I WON'T -  At the start shifted in onto ISA TALA.
HOYWEDGE - Slow into stride.
ROCKETTE ROCKET - When the start was effected the mare had its head turned and as a result was slow to begin.
ROCKLORD - Raced 3 wide without cover.
ISA TALA - Hung out in the middle stages.
EKKLESTONE - On returning to the enclosure Jockey A. Coome expressed his concern about the horse's action. A veterinary examination revealed soreness in both fore knees. Connections will be advised that a veterinary certificate of fitness will be required prior to the gelding being permitted to race again.
Race 4: XXXX Class 1 Handicap - 1100 metres
1st  -  SAINTLY PRO  2nd  -  CELTIC SPELL  3rd  -  MON CLINTON  4th  -  ZATORIO
VICORAY - Whilst parading in the enclosure became fractious and dislodged its rider, Jockey L. Tilley, who suffered a harmless fall.
MON CLINTON - Was reluctant to leave the enclosure and proceed to the barriers.
EL GRADINO - Made contact with another runner on jumping. Lost its off hind plate in running.
FOREST MAGIC - Contacted by another runner on jumping.
CELTIC SPELL - Slow to begin and made contact with SILENT RAGE.
WESTBURY ROAD - Near the 150 metres improved onto heels and shifted outwards.
SAINTLY PRO - Raced 3 wide for the majority of the event.
QUIET REFLECTION - Raced wide with cover throughout. Jockey M. Haley was reminded of the rules regarding use of the whip on a horse that is out of contention.
ZATARIO- Checked near the 900 metres. Jockey D. Evans was fined $200 under A.R. 137A for using his whip on the gelding on 4 more occasions than permitted under the rule.
Stewards inquired into an incident that occurred near the 900 metres. Jockey L. Tilley pleaded guilty to a charge of careless riding under A.R. 137(a) in that he permitted VICORAY to shift inwards when not sufficiently clear of REGGIE ROCKET (App. K. Aho), which was taken in onto EL GRADINO, which caused ZATORIO to be tightened for room and checked. Jockey Tilley was suspended from riding in races for a period to commence from midnight 1 January 2017, until midnight on 14January, 2017 (13 days).
CELTIC SPELL- Near the 900 metres, when FOREST MAGIC eased, also eased from its heels
Race 5: Book Your Function At Callaghan Park Class 1 Handicap - 1400 metres   
THE CATHOLIC GIRL - Bounded in the air on jumping.
The declaration of correct weight was delayed to allow stewards to view the official video film. It was established that FOREST GAZELLE (App. C.Bayliss) began with the field, however threw its head in the air ungenerously and was pulled up by its rider. Stewards ordered connections to obtain a further barrier certificate prior to its next race start.  
CAPE LUCK - Was fractious in the barriers. Raced wide with cover throughout.
AMBER'S GIRL and PERSISTENT SHADOW - made contact on jumping.
AMADEUS LAD - Jockey L. Tilley reported that near the 1000 metres his mount laid in and  clipped the heels of AMBER'S GIRL and became awkward in its stride.
OUR GIRL CHARLOTTE -  Near the 200 metres was held up and went to the line without being fully tested.

Race 6: Hahn 3.5 MM Country Cup Qualifier Open Handicap - 1300 metres  
CASINO THOUGHTS - Jumped in the air at the start and lost ground. Jockey D. Evans was fined $300 for using his whip on his mount on 3 occasions more than permitted under the rules and for using his whip in consecutive strides prior to the 100 metres. Stewards opened an inquiry into Jockey Evans' riding in the early part of the home straight. After taking initial evidence and viewing the patrol films, stewards adjourned the inquiry to a time and date to be fixed.
FASTNET FLYER- Began awkwardly with its head in the air, then raced wide with cover.
OKAY SWIFT - Slow to begin.
MOTORISED- Raced wide with cover.
CASINO BENJO - Raced 3 wide without cover throughout. Near the 300 metres made contact with MISHANI GLADIATOR, which shifted in slightly on two occasions, and was taken inwards. At the same time, CASINO THOUGHTS shifted out and caused CASINO BENJO to be checked. Bearing in mind the circumstances, Jockey Evans was reprimanded.
MISHANI GLADIATOR - Began awkwardly and unbalanced its rider, then raced wide without cover for the majority of the race.  Apprentice N. Summers was found guilty of a charge of careless riding under A.R. 137(a), in that near the 900 metres she dictated PRINCELY (App. Z. White) inwards onto GYPSY SECRET (Jockey D. Simmons) which was tightened and checked. GREEN EMPIRE (Jockey J. Stephens) had to be eased. App. N Summers was suspended from riding in races for a period to commence at midnight on 5 January 2017 up to and including 15 January, 2017. (10 Days)
PRINCELY- Raced wide with cover throughout.
GYPSY SECRET - Raced wide with cover throughout.
GREEN EMPIRE – Explanation regarding the late declaration of rider was accepted. Jockey J. Stephens pleaded guilty to a charge under A.R. 137A (5)(a) (i) and (ii) in that he used his whip on his mount on more than 5 occasions permitted under the rule, and that he used his whip in consecutive strides. Jockey Stephens was suspended from riding in races from midnight on 31 December 2016 until 13th January 2017 (13 days).
SUPREME JET - Jockey L. Attard was reminded of his obligation to ride his mounts out to the finish.
Race 7: Racing on 12th Jan 2017 BenchMark 65 Handicap - 1300 metres
1st  -  WORTHY HERO  2nd  -  ALL HOST  3rd  -  FINAL CHAPTER  4th  -  MISS ANNA
ZIGGLER - Prior to the race connections advised stewards that the horse would be ridden at the rear of the field. Public announcements were made to that effect and after being slow to begin, the horse was ridden accordingly.
ONEHUNDREDCLICKS - Raced wide without cover for the majority of the event.
NORUDDER NOCOMPASS - Near the 200 metres was momentarily tightened for room between runners and shifted inwards.
WORTHY HERO - Jockey A. Coome was fined $200 for returning to scale on the gelding in excess of 1/2kg above his declared weight.
Stewards spoke to trainer J. McConachy with regard to his conduct in the enclosure following the race. Mr McConachy explained that he was not satisfied that DENNIS DENUTO (Jockey S. Sheargold) had been ridden according to his instructions. Stewards admonished Mr McConachy for his conduct on this occasion and emphasised that his conduct must be professional at all times.
Summary of action concerning licensees
RACE 1: Jockey D. Evans $100 - use whip 3 more than permitted (A.R.137A)
RACE 4: Jockey D. Evans $200 use whip 4 more than permitted.
RACE 6: Jockey D. Evans: use whip 3 more than permitted. 
RACE 7: Jockey A. Coome $200 - return to scale overweight

RACE 4: Jockey L Tilley - careless riding: from 31/12/16- 14/1/2017 (13 days)
RACE 6 App. N. Summers - careless riding (A.R. 137(a)) From midnight 5/1/17- 15/1/2017 (10 days)
Race 6 Jockey J Stephens- use of whip- from 31/12/2016- 13/1/2017 (

Jockey absenteeism
Summary of action concerning thoroughbred horses
Horses swabbed Pre-race
Race 2 FLAT TO STACK (urine), Race 5 PERSISTENT SHADOW (Urine)
Horses swabbed post-race
Winners Race 1,3-7 Race 2 MISS SCHIFFER (2nd), Race 3 ZIZA SPIRIT (2nd) Race 6 CASINO THOUGHTS (2nd) Race 7 ALL HOST (2nd)
RACE 1 PRINCESS TORIO- Vet certificate required
RACE 3 EKKLESTONE - Vet clearance required.
RACE 5: FOREST GAZELLE -  Further barrier certificate.
Summary of rider changes/Late notifications
Race 2 CRAIGLEA PUMA- Jockey D Evans (late declaration)
Race 4 REGGIE ROCKET- Jockey K Aho
Race 6 GREEN EMPIRE- Jockey J Stephens (late declaration)