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Rockhampton Jockey Club Inc

Rockhampton Provincial

Sat 05 May Good 4


4 metres Entire Course.


Good 4 Pen Not available

Nil last 24hrs, 2mm last 7 days

3mm last 24hrs, 40mm last 7 days


Track conditions update: 1:02AM Sunday 06 May
Last Track Rating Update: Finalised 5/5 - 7:45am/Late Scratchings R.6 No.8, 10 & 15


Mon 30/04/18 11:00am


Tue 01/05/18 03:00pm


Thu 03/05/18 09:30am


Thu 03/05/18 12:00pm


Sat 05/05/18 07:30am

Late Nominations

Races: 1, 2, 3, 4

WEATHER – FINE                     TRACK RATING – GOOD (4)
Chairman of Stewards – Mr R. Hitchener
Stewards – Mr. D Macklyn & Mr M Heath
Clerk of Scales –Mr W Welburn
Judge – Mr S Bryant
Veterinarian- Dr. B Newman
Swab attendants – Ms. K Latifi
Starter- Mr C Matthews
Race 1: Lily-Kate Agnew 18th Celebration QTIS 2yo H’cap – 1050m
The start of this race was delayed to allow the broadcast of an interstate event.
CRAIGLEA ELLA – Stewards permitted apprentice L. Dodds to ride the horse half a kilogram overweight.  Slow to begin. Bumped shortly after the start.
TAMBO’S VIXEN – Jumped outwards at the start, making contact with another runner.
CRAIGLEA GALIO – Raced wide without cover throughout.
RUBY GEORGIE – Jockey A. Butler could offer no explanation for the seemingly disappointing performance of the gelding, which, in his opinion, raced somewhat flat today. Trainer T. Button could also offer no explanation for the performance however added the gelding may have come to the end of its preparation. A post race veterinary examination revealed the horse to be making a respiratory noise consistent with the onset of a virus.  Mr Button was advised that should he continue with the horse’s current preparation he would be required to obtain a veterinary certificate for the horse prior to its next race.
Race 2: Higgins Coatings BM65 H’cap – 1819m
KING MAX – Jockey A. Butler was reprimanded for his use of the whip prior to the 100m.  In assessing penalty, stewards were mindful of the totality of jockey Butler’s whip use.
RUFFY ROAD – Jockey N. Seymour was fined $200 for use of his whip prior to the 100m.
Race 3: Empire Zoysia Lawn Maiden H’cap – 1400m
MILITARY PRINCE – Tightened for room at the start.
MAGICAL FORECAST – Bumped at the start.
CHEEKY STAR – Bumped at the start.
L’AMOUR MALADE – When questioned regarding the seemingly disappointing performance, jockey C. McIver could off no explanation other than the horse may not have backed up from its most recent start, which came quickly after its first start prior to this. Trainer J. Wehlow expressed disappointment in the performance, however added that, in his opinion, the gelding may be better suited when able to improve to the outside of other runners in the home straight.  A post race veterinary examination failed to reveal any significant abnormalities. Mr Wehlow undertook to advise Stewards in the days subsequent today’s meeting should any abnormalities become apparent which may have affected the horses performance in today’s event.  
ANNOINTING – Bled both nostrils during the race. As this was the first occasion on which the horse has bled, it will now be barred from racing for 3 months and must complete a 1000m gallop before stewards prior to its next race start.
HESSION ROAD – Jockey A. Butler was fined $200 for use of his whip prior to the 100m.
Race 4: RCR Haden Class 6 Plate – 1300m
CHEEKY RED – Began awkwardly, losing ground.
TEXT BOOK – Tightened for room shortly after the start and lost ground.  Shifted in to obtain clear running near the 100m and made contact with another runner.
UTHRED – Bumped near the 100m and became unbalanced.
Race 5: RGS 1881 Endowment BM70 H’cap – 1050m
TOUCH AND GO – Declared a late scratching at 7.42 am when no rider was available.
HUNCHA DUNCHA – Began awkwardly, losing ground.
GRACEVILLE – Began awkwardly, losing ground.
JAY JAY – Near the 900m, steadied to avoid the heels of SHIGERU MAHOGANY which shifted in when not fully clear. Jockey A. Butler, rider of SHIRERU MAHOGANY, was reprimanded.
PRINCELY – Jockey C. McIver was found guilty of a charge of careless riding in that near the 900m he permitted his mount to shift in when insufficiently clear of HUNCHA DUNCHA, resulting in that runner being tightened for room and checked. Jockey McIver then continued to allow his mount to shift in, resulting in CRANKY OL’ LADY and DUAL PERSONALITY  both being tightened for room and CRANKY OL’ LADY losing ground. Jockey McIver’s licence to ride in races was suspended for a period of 8 days, commencing at midnight, 5 May and to expire at midnight, 13 May.  In assessing penalty, stewards took into account Jockey McIver’s exemplary record in relation to this rule.

POUND STERLING – Raced wide without cover throughout.
Race 6: Camm Agricultural Group Open H’cap – 1000m
Due to no rider being available, the following horses were declared late scratchings due to no rider being available: FAST TRICK (9am), CAUSE HAVOC (9am), CULPO (9.10am) DEBBIE’S DREAM (8.31 am). 
MARQUANT, FLYING FERO, CORNISH TALE were all scratched at the scratching deadline due to no rider being available.
The start was delayed initially CAPELLA GIRL became very fractious in the barriers, resulting in TOKAREV also becoming fractious, becoming momentarily cast before breaking through the barrier riderless. TOKAREV was declared a late scratching on veterinary advice at 4.29 pm and upon correct weight with following deductions applicable:
18 cents in the dollar on the face value of win bets
16 cents in the dollar on the face value of place bets for the win
15 cents in the dollar on the face value of  2nd place bets
19 cents in the dollar on the face value of 3rd bets
Stewards will advise trainer A. O’Sullivan that he will be required to obtain a further barrier certificate for CAPELLA GIRL prior to its next race start.
GLADISHING and CAPELLA GIRL were examined by the veterinary surgeon as a result of this incident and passed fit to start.
The start was further delayed when UNDERCOVER GIRL required farrier attention.
UNDERCOVER GIRL - Stewards permitted jockey J. Stanley to ride 1 kilogram overweight as there was no other rider available.
DUAL PERSONALTIY – Began awkwardly and raced wide throughout.  Stewards questioned jockey M. Barnham and trainer A. Suli in relation to the seemingly poor performance.  Mr Barnham advised that as a result of the delay at the start that the gelding became agitated and sweated up badly, which he felt was the major contributing factor to the horse’s poor performance. Mr Suli agreed with the comments of Mr Barnham and added the gelding was jumping quickly in weight for today’s event which may have also contributed to its below expectation performance.
CRANKY OL’ LADY – Overraced in the early stages.
Summary of action concerning licensees
Race 2.         Nigel Seymour – Jockey – Use whip 11 times prior to 100m - $200 – AR137A
Race 3.         Ashley Butler – Jockey – Use whip 10 times prior to the 100m - $200 – AR137A
Race 2.         Ashley Butler – Jockey – Use whip 8 times prior to 100m – AR137A
Race 5.         Ashley Butler – Jockey – C/riding – AR137(a)
Race 5.         Chris McIver – Jockey – C/riding – 8 days – M/n 5.5.18 to m/n 13.5.18 – AR137(a)
Summary of action concerning thoroughbred horses
Horses swabbed post race
All winners
Horses swabbed pre race
Royal Receiver, Cyclone Fugitive, Hession Road, Rocksetta
Race 1.         Ruby Georgie – Respiratory noise/virus – Vet. Clearance – AR8(t)
Race 3.         Annointing – Bled both nostrils – First bleed – 3 mth bar from racing/1000m gallop before stewards – AR137A
Race 6.         Capella Girl – Barrier manners – B/certificate – AR8(t)
Late Scratchings
Race 5.         Touch And Go – 7.42 am
Race 6.         Fast Trick – 9 am
                     Cause Havoc – 9 am
                     Culpo – 9.10 am
                     Debbie’s Dream – 8.31 am
                     Tokarev – 4.29 pm

Summary of rider changes/Late notifications
Race 6.         Undercover Girl – J. Stanley