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Rockhampton Jockey Club Inc

Rockhampton Provincial

Fri 22 Jun Good 4


True Entire Course.


Good 4 Pen Not available


3mm last 24hrs, 21mm last 7 days


Track conditions update: 1:01AM Saturday 23 June
Last Track Rating Update: Finalised 22/6 - 7:45am


Mon 18/06/18 11:00am


Tue 19/06/18 03:00pm


Wed 20/06/18 09:30am


Wed 20/06/18 12:00pm


Fri 22/06/18 07:30am

Late Nominations

Races: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6

WEATHER – FINE                        TRACK RATING – GOOD (4)
Chairman of Stewards – Mr L Collins
Stewards – Mr G Meek, Mr B Nalder & Mr M Heath (Cadet)
Clerk of Scales – Mr W Welburn
Judge – Mr S Bryant
Veterinarian- Dr B. Newman
Swab attendants – Mrs Z Newman & Miss N Boyle
Starter- Mr C Matthews
Supplementary Report
From Rockhampton, 16.6.18 – Race 3
Torque - Jockey P. Romeo was fined $100 under AR145 in that he returned to scale in excess of 1/2kg overweight.
Mamselle Corday – Trainer T. McMahon reported that the horse had undergone chiropractic treatment for muscle soreness as a result of being involved in an incident in the Open Handicap. He added the horse had not missed any signficant training in the lead up to racing on Sunday 24 June.
Apprentice L. Dodds minimum riding weight was amended and notified as 55.5 kilograms.
Jockey T Brooker reported that she was overweight in Race 6 and 7. Riding replacements were made as per Stewards Summary. A fine of $200 was imposed.
Jockey Brooke was fined a further $100 under AR 118 for changing the girth when she weighted out for Race 3 BOLD SENSATION.
Race 1: Mazda Maiden Handicap 1400m
CHANGING CURRENCY – Slow to begin and was hampered when THE BARMAID jumped outwards at the start.
THE BARMAID – Jumped outwards at the start. Near the 1000m, when over racing, improved to the inside of STRADIFY and was tightened when that horse shifted in momentarily and had to be steadied.  Jockey T. Chambers, rider of STRADIFY, was advised to exercise more care.
Raced wide with cover.
STARBEATS – Jockey M. Hellyer reported his mount laid in under pressure in the straight.
STRADIFY – Raced 3 wide without cover.
Race 2: Tropical Auto Group Trainers Bonus Class 3 Plate 1050m
DRAYMAN – Jockey T. Brooker reported that on jumping her saddle slipped back and the horse was inclined to hang in throughout. Near the 900m hung in despite the efforts of its rider, causing CHICA PEEPS to be eased. Raced wide until near the 700m.
HAYYLER’S TARY – Slow to begin and made contact with DAVEY.  Had difficulty obtaining clear running until near the 400m.
DAVEY – Bumped at the start.
METEOR’S MAN – Raced wide until near the 700m.
RED HOT ROMEO – Jockey J. Stanley lost his whip inside the final 100m.
ROCK’N’ROLL BOBBY – Jockey L. Tilley reported his mount hung out in the straight.
Race 3: Justin Doyle QTIS Two-Years-Old Handicap 1200m
CRAIGLEA GALIO – Slow to begin. Jockey B. Pengelly reported he was not satisfied with the horse’s performance and the way it felt in running. A post-race veterinary examination of the horse revealed abnormal sounds on its lungs possibly a suspected viral respiratory infection.  Connections were advised that a veterinary certificate would be required for the horse prior to its next race start.
CHANAMARO – Slow to begin.
STREAMLINER – Jumped outwards at the start, taking CRAIGLEA ELLA out on to BOLD SENSATION, which was forced out onto MISHANI VALENTINO.
CRAIGLEA ELLA – Forced outwards at the start and bumped.
BOLD SENSATION – Bumped at the start and forced out onto MISHANI VALENTINO.
MISHANI VALENTINO – Bumped at the start.
Race 4: Brendan Doyle Battlers Cup BenchMark 65 Handicap 2200m
DOUBOS – Bounded and then knuckled on jumping, unbalancing its rider. Forced wider leaving the 2000m. Following the event the trainer reported he would give consideration to the continuation of its preparation and may freshen the horse up or send it for a spell.
PERFECTLY ALIGNED – Near the 2000m eased form the heels of DOUBOS. Forced wider near the 1000m. Checked near the 1800m when CAPTAIN’S WAY shifted in when not fully clear.  Apprentice E. Smith, rider of CAPTAIN’S WAY, was reprimanded for this incident.
TOBACCO ROAD - Leaving the 2000m hung out, taking DOUBOS out, forcing CAPTAINS WAY and ISLAND SUNSET wider.
CAPTAINS WAY – Forced wider leaving the 2000m.
ISLAND SUNSET - Forced wider leaving the 2000m.
DARBADAR – Shifted out near the 1000m to improve forward, taking PERFECTLY ALIGNED wider.
Race 5: JRT/CQ Capras Tattersall’s Cup Sun 24 June Class 2 Handicap 1200m
HIDDEN GODDESS – Began awkwardly.
DAMN FINE – Over raced in the middle stages.
DRAGONMOSS – Raced wide with no cover throughout.
GUISSOLA – Jockey J. Stanley reported his mount had raced flat being second up from a spell. He was also of the opinion that the 60 kilogram impost had a bearing on the performance.
Race 6: Can I Wear That Kids Fashion on the Field BenchMark 55 Handicap 1800m
CATASTROPHE KISS – As Jockey T. Brooker was to be overweight, jockey A. Allen was substituted as the rider of the horse.
NATIONAL JEWEL – Jockey R. Payne reported her mount raced flat throughout.
EXTRA COVER – Raced wide without cover throughout.
GET OUTA UTAH – Stewards questioned apprentice M. Murphy with regard the horse obtaining a significant break on the field from the 1200m. He stated his instructions were to be in a forward position, and he had anticipated obtaining cover near the 1500m.However his mount was reluctant to come back and commenced to race keenly and assumed the lead of its own accord when unable to be restrained from the 1200 metres.  Apprentice Murphy was also mindful of its previous start when he was advised that the horse did not appreciate being restrained and therefore elected to not attempt to restrain the horse excessively today. Stewards noted his explanation.
Race 7: Channel 7 Ladies Lunch – Friday 6 July Class 1 Handicap 1500m
DOUBLE JAY GOLD – Declared a late scratching at 11.37 am on veterinary advice when found to be lame in the near foreleg, with a possible tendon injury. A veterinary certificate will be required prior to its next start.
LITTLE HUNTER – Jockey S. Wiseman replaced T. Brooker as the rider of the horse.
DELANEY’S DESIRE – Slow to begin.
L’AMOUR MALADE – Stewards inquired into an incident near the 400m. It was established at this point HIMALAYAN SALT was held up on the heels of A LITTLE WICKED and when the horse was struck with the whip it shifted out quickly. At this stage, THE BARRACUDA had improved to the outside of HIMILAYAN SALT in order to take a run at the same time as ONEMORETWOLESS, which caused THE BARRACUDA and ONEMORETWOLESS to be tightened and checked between HIMILAYAN SALT and SHARP DIAMOND, which was racing to the outside and attempted to relieve the pressure. Following this, HIMILAYAN SALT shifted back in and at the same time A LITTLE WICKED laid out, which resulted in HIMILAYAN SALT  being taken back outwards, causing further interference to THE BARRACUDA and ONEMORETWOLESS.  Stewards were unable to establish any carelessness on the part of any one rider, and whilst the incident was noted to be one of significance, it was nevertheless reported as a racing incident.
HIMALAYAN SALT – Held up near the 400m and when struck with the whip shifted out quickly. Hampered soon after.
THE BARRACUDA – Checked near the 400m.  Struck further interference soon after.
ONEMORETWOLESS – Checked near the 400m. Struck further interference soon after.
A LITTLE WICKED- A post-race veterinary inspection did not reveal any abnormalities.
PININFARINA – Raced wide without cover.
L’AMOUR MALADE – Raced wide without cover.
Race 8: B & J Carsales Tattersalls Sprint Open Handicap 1200m
OGGIE – Underwent a pre-race veterinary inspection after a significant break from racing following an injury and was passed to take its place in the field.
MISS ANNA – Shortly after the start, the rider was struck on the head by an object. It was identified that BEAUDRAGON had lost both hind rubber rings.
BEAUDRAGON – Raced wide without cover.
APPLE THIEF – Raced wide without cover.
HEARTBREAK HARRY – Raced wide with cover.
GYPSY SECRET – Raced wide with cover.
COLOUR CHARGE – Inclined to lay in in the straight. Raced wide with cover.
BOOMWAA – When questioned regarding the performance of the horse, apprentice B. Northdurft stated his mount proved disappointing and whilst it had travelled well through the race until near the 400m, when placed under pressure failed to respond to his riding.
OGGIE – Apprentice H. English was reprimanded for use of her whip on a horse out of contention.
Summary of action concerning licensees
Race 6 & 7.   T Brooker – Jockey – Overweight - $200- AR 120 (b)
Race 3 T Brooker- Jockey- Changed gear after weighing out- $100- AR 118
From R’ton, 16.6.18
Race 3.          P. Romeo – Jockey – Return to scale overweight - $100 – AR145
Race 4.          E  Smith – A/jockey – C/riding – AR137(a)
Race 8.          H English – A/jockey -  Use of whip on horse out of contention - AR120(b)
Jockey absenteeism
Summary of action concerning thoroughbred horses
Horses swabbed pre-race
Horses swabbed
Race 3.          Craiglea Galio – Suspected viral respiratory infection – Vet. Clearance – AR8(t)
Race 7.          Double Jay Gold – Lame near foreleg/possible tendon injury – Vet. Clearance.  AR8(t)
Late Scratchings
Race 7.          Double Jay Gold – 11.37 am.
Summary of rider changes/Late notifications
Race 6.          Catastrophe Kiss – A. Allen
Race 7.          Little Hunter – S. Wiseman