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Rockhampton Jockey Club Inc

Rockhampton Provincial

Thu 23 Aug Good 4


True Entire Course


Good 4 Pen Not available


2mm last 24hrs, 27mm last 7 days


Track conditions update: 1:02AM Friday 24 August
Last Track Rating Update: Finalised 23/8 - 7:30am - Late Scratching Race 6 No. 7


Fri 17/08/18 11:00am


Mon 20/08/18 03:00pm


Tue 21/08/18 09:30am


Tue 21/08/18 12:00pm


Thu 23/08/18 07:30am

Late Nominations

Races: 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7

WEATHER – FINE                        TRACK RATING – GOOD (4)
Chairman of Stewards – Mr N Boyle
Stewards – Mr D Aurisch, Mr G Meek & Mr M Heath (Cadet)
Clerk of Scales – Mr W Welburn
Judge – Mr S Bryant
Veterinarian- Dr B Newman
Swab attendants – Miss N Boyle
Starter- Mr C Matthews
Supplementary Report - Rockhampton 09/08/18 – Race 3
Trainer J McConachy reported to Stewards that DANGEROUS DESIRE had blood tests taken since its poor performance at the above meeting which revealed slightly elevated white blood cell count which is consistent with a possible infection. He further advised the mare has subsequently been treated and will continue on its current campaign.
Race 1: Wilpeena Cattle Co QTIS Three-Years-Old Class 3 Handicap 1200m
The start of the race was slightly delayed to await the ambulance arrival on course.
GOHAN – Approaching the 900m had to be steadied away from the heels of WICKED GRIMSHAW. Had a tendency to lay in under pressure over the final 300m
WICKED GRIMSHAW – When being restrained to obtain a position with cover commenced to overrace and got its head up and refused to settle until a point passing the 600m.
LEGAL TIES -  Apprentice E. Smith reported post race that  her mount raced flat today and, in her opinion, may be looking to be sent for a spell. Stewards confirmed with trainer L. Rowe that in light of today’s performance the filly would be sent for a spell.
Race 2: USG Boral BenchMark 65 Handicap 1200m
MYSTIC LAD – Began awkwardly and shifted out. Laid out rounding the home turn.
CHIEF ADVOCATE – Hampered between runners on jumping.
SKY BROOK – Bumped on jumping away.
RUSTY SCOOTER – Shortly after the start was bumped and then crowded for room between runners. After passing the 100m improved onto heels, and had to be steadied and shifted in to obtain clear running.
BURNING MOUNTAIN – When asked to explain the seemingly improved performance of the gelding, stable representative Mr Fry explained the horse had undergone a different training regime in the past month which seemed to freshen the gelding up.  He added the stable was happy with its work leading into today’s event and with the change in training and a slight drop in class today, had expected a more forward showing. Stewards noted the explanation.
Race 3: DC Motors Open Handicap 1300m
KING MAX – Slow into stride. When asked to explain the tactics adopted, apprentice E. Smith advised  that as per its normal racing pattern it was to race in a forward position, however after being slow into stride the gelding obtained a  trailing position, however she was mindful of its tendency to overrace and therefore attempted to push out to obtain clear running to allow the gelding to stride forward, and passing the 1000m bumped heavily with MISS ANNA when attempting to shift out. From this point on raced three wide without cover. Stewards advised apprentice Smith that in hindsight the better option may have been for her to remain in the trailing position to give the horse the opportunity to finish the race off.
HEARTBREAK HARRY – After passing the 1000m when initially crossed by WORTHY HERO, elected to shift out to obtain a position outside of that runner.
MISS ANNA – Passing the 1000m was heavily bumped by KING MAX, which was endeavouring to shift out to improve.

Race 4: Alexander Bauman Maiden Handicap 1050m
THE VOLTO – Began awkwardly and shifted out, and after passing the 800m raced four wide without cover.
NO FINER JET – Was severely hampered on jumping.
TEREX – Was severely hampered on jumping and clipped heels and blundered, almost dislodging its rider and lost significant ground.
THAT’S ANNA – After passing the 100m was bumped on the hind quarters by NO FINER JET, which was attempting to shift out to improve.
REPLACEMENT – Raced three wide without cover.
MADRA RUA – Raced three wide without cover throughout.
MEG’S INHERITANCE –Shortly after the start had to be steadied away from the heels of JABROOK which shifted in when not fully clear. Apprentice H English was advised to show greater care when shifting ground.  Raced three wide with cover.
FAY ELEMENT – When asked to explain the improved performance of the mare, trainer J. Lancaster explained that the mare had been working well after a short spell in the lead up to today’s event, adding in its previous campaign, it raced best when it was fresh, which it was today. She further added that the addition of blinkers and a more favourable barrier draw today, may have assisted the mare in its performance. Miss Lancaster further advised it would be the expectation that FAY ELEMENT would race in a forward position for its continuing runs in this campaign. Stewards noted the explanation.
Race 5: Grant Collins BenchMark 75 Handicap 1600m
TUXEDO BOY – Overraced in the early stages and got its head up when the pace slackened passing the 1300m. After passing the 800m was forced to a four wide position on the track.
MR BOXVALE – Caught three wide without cover in a rearward position in the early stages  before being allowed to stride forward to obtain the lead near the 1100m.
Race 6: XXXX Gold Class 1 Handicap 1100m
A LITTLE BIT MORE – Trainer K. Smith reported that the mare had struck its head and sustained an injury and on veterinary advice was declared a late scratching at 8:30am.
MARQUANT – Began awkwardly.
MISHANI LA SCALA – Bumped on jumping, and then raced three wide without cover throughout.
ANA’S IDOL – Raced three wide with cover throughout.
SET TO CONQUER – Jockey L. Tilley reported that the gelding may have got its tongue over the bit. Trainer C. Taylor indicated he may apply a tongue-tie to its gear for its next race start. A post race veterinary examination failed to reveal any significant abnormalities.
CIRCUIT JUDGE – After travelling in handy position for the majority of the race failed to run on over the concluding stages. Rider J. Stanley explained, in his opinion, the gelding may be looking for distances further than that of today’s event.  A post race veterinary examination failed to reveal any significant abnormalities.
Race 7: Garrads Horse & Hound Awards Night Sat 15 Sept Class 2 Plate 1400m 
STATIC LIFT – Hung in under pressure over the final 200m, causing its rider to stop riding and straighten on a couple of occasions.
NIVO – Had a tendency to hang out throughout the event.
GUISSOLA – Raced three wide without cover throughout.
Summary of action concerning licensees
Jockey absenteeism
Summary of action concerning thoroughbred horses
Horses swabbed
All Winners.
Horses swabbed pre-race
Stellar Knight
Late Scratchings
Race 6 – A Little Bit More - Veterinary advice - 8:30am.
Summary of rider changes/Late notifications