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Rockhampton St Patrick's Day Race Club

Rockhampton Provincial

Sat 14 Mar Good 4


True Entire Course.


Good 4 Pen 4.9

Nil last 24hrs, 8mm last 7 days

3mm last 24hrs, 14mm last 7 days


Track conditions update: 12:09AM Sunday 15 March
Last Track Rating Update: Finalised 14/3 - 7:30am. Late Scratching R4 N10 & R8 N10


Mon 09/03/20 11:00am


Tue 10/03/20 03:00pm


Thu 12/03/20 09:00am


Thu 12/03/20 12:00pm


Sat 14/03/20 07:30am

Late Nominations

Races: 1, 2, 3, 5, 6

WEATHER – FINE               TRACK RATING – GOOD 4            RAIL – TRUE   

Chairman of Stewards – J. Adams
Stewards – D. Macklin, C. Allison, F. Hartford
Clerk of Scales – W. Welburn
Judge – S. Bryant
Veterinarian – Dr S. Olsen
Swab attendants – E. Burgess
Starter – R. Hanson
Race 1:  Tony Madden Architects & Interiors QTIS Two-Years-Old H’cap –
SING FOR VIOLET – Jumped away awkwardly and shifted in abruptly.
BETTER BE GREAT – Was hampered on jumping away and as a result was slow into stride.
WAR BUGLE – Held up for clear running from the vicinity of the 500 to approaching the 100m. Rider reported his mount laid in throughout the event and when attempting a tight run between SING FOR VIOLET and ALEYSA’S DREAM in the vicinity of the 300m, his mount laid in and was reluctant to improve into the tight run.
QUEEN OF STYLE – Laid in under pressure over the concluding stages.
Race 2:  Rebalance Refrigeration & Air Conditioning QTIS 3&4yo Maiden
H’cap – 1200m
TABATHA MISS – Declared a late scratching at 12.48 pm after refusing to load. On announcement of correct weight stewards ordered that all monies invested on TABITHA MISS be refunded with the following deductions to apply to successful wagers placed prior to 12.48pm
44 cents in the dollar for the win #2
38 cents in the dollar for place of winner #2
36 cents in the dollar for second place #3
Connections were advised that a barrier certificate must be supplied for the horse prior to its next race start.
KILKENNY LAD – Hampered on jumping away.
HARRY ROCKET – Jumped away awkwardly. Laid out under pressure in the straight.
CHILLI PRAWN – Jumped away awkwardly. Overraced in the early and middle stages.
RAY’S JUNCTION – Blundered on jumping away. Jockey T. Chambers pleaded guilty of a charge of excessive use of her whip, in that she used it 10 times prior to the 100m, and 15 times in total.  Jockey Chambers licence to ride in races was suspended for a period of 7 days, to commence at the expiration of a previous suspension at midnight, 21 March, and to conclude at midnight, 28 March. In determining penalty stewards took into account jockey Chambers poor record in relation to breaches of this rule.
Race 3: Get Logo’d – St Patrick’s Day Cup Open H’cap – 1500m
BALBOA ROCKS – Laid in under pressure in the home straight. When questioned regarding the improved performance, trainer D. Hansen stated that, in his opinion, the horse had worked well in the days leading up to today’s event, and had always performed well at Rockhampton, and as such was not surprised with the performance today.
MASON’S CHANCE – Laid in in the early stages.
POETIC HEART – Slow to begin.
CAVELLTON – Slow to begin. Rider N. Seymour pleaded guilty to a charge of excessive use of his whip, in that he used it 8 times prior to the 100m, 14 times in total and was reprimanded.  In determining penalty stewards took into account this was jockey Seymour’s first breach of this rule in over a year.
Race 4: MSP Photography Maiden H’cap – 1050m
HUGS ‘N’ KISSES – Declared a late scratching at 10.10 am due to no rider being available.
MOSKOGEE – Underwent a pre-race veterinary examination after having not started in the past 12 months and was passed fit to start.  When questioned regarding the disappointing performance, rider N. Seymour stated he could offer no excuses for the poor performance, and that when placed under pressure in the vicinity of the 600m failed to respond to his riding and was disappointing in its finishing efforts.  A post-race veterinary examination failed to reveal any abnormalities.
BEAT DA LIGHT – Laid in under pressure in the home straight. Raced wide without cover throughout.
APPLICANT – When questioned regarding the horse leading in today’s event, rider E. Smith stated there were no firm instructions, but after beginning well from a wide gate found the front easily without placing the horse under pressure.  Trainer K. Smyth stated the horse was having its first start with him and had not trialled, and that he had offered no instructions to jockey Smith but to ride APPLICANT where comfortable.
JOMERA – Had to be steadied shortly after jumping away after being tightened for room by BROOKVILLE, which shifted in when insufficiently clear.  Jockey T. Chambers, rider of BROOKVILLE, was severely reprimanded under AR131 – careless riding – and was reminded of her obligations to be fully clear when shifting ground.
Race 5:  Tropical Auto Group Benchmark 65 H’cap – 1100m
DAM WONDERFUL - Jumped away awkwardly.  Apprentice D. Graham pleaded guilty to a charge of excessive use of her whip, in that she used it 9 times prior to the 100m, 14 times in total, and was fined $200.
TEN GOAL POLO – In the vicinity of the 300m was momentarily inconvenienced by CHANAMARO, which shifted out.
CHANAMARO – Laid in in the early part of the home straight, and then raced green for the remainder.
MARCHING ORDERS – Laid in under pressure in the straight.
JETINTOIT – Reared on jumping away and as a result lost ground.
Race 6:  Griffin Builders Benchmark 60 H’cap – 1800m
CRAIGLEA SIMMO – Slow to begin.
MISS STAR – Slow to begin.
VAN WINKEL – Overraced in the early and middle stages. A post-race veterinary examination failed to reveal any abnormalities.
LEGAL TIES – Laid in under pressure in the home straight.
LITTLE HUNTER – Laid out in the home straight. When questioned regarding the gelding leading in today’s event, jockey J. Stanley stated that it his intention was to settle midfield in today’s event, but after beginning extremely well found himself leading in a slowly run race.
PLAIN AND SIMPLE – Underwent a post-race veterinary examination which failed to reveal any abnormalities.
Race 7:  Brian Fitzgerald Memorial QTIS 3yo H’cap – 1200m
BANTU BAY – Jumped away awkwardly and shifted out abruptly. Laid out under pressure over the concluding stages.
THE STOCKBROKER – Laid in under pressure in the home straight.
SHE’S MAGANDA – Jumped away awkwardly. Laid in under pressure in the home straight
GOLDIE’S ARCHER – Jumped away awkwardly.
BANTU BAY – Slow to begin.
KING KAI – Jumped away awkwardly. Trainer C. Attard stated that KING KAI would be spelled.
Race 8: Swanwick Murray Roche Lawyers Class 2 H’cap – 1300m
ARJAYCEE – Declared a late scratching at 10.10 am due to no rider being available.
LOUIE THE LEGEND – Rider A. Butler pleaded guilty to excessive use of his whip in that he used it 8 times prior to the 100m and in totality and was reprimanded. In assessing penalty stewards took into account jockey Butler’s good record regarding breaches of this rule.
FREESTYLER – Slow to begin.
PIRLO – Slow to begin.  Laid in under pressure in the home straight.
TOKAREV – Jumped away awkwardly and was slow to begin.
THE CLANG AFFAIR – Jumped away awkwardly and shifted out abruptly.
LADY BEC – Jumped away awkwardly.  Apprentice D. Graham pleaded guilty to a charge of excessive use of her whip, in that she used her whip 10 times prior to the 100m – 11 in total – and was fined $300.
BAUHINIA TED – When questioned regarding the disappointing performance, jockey J. Stanley stated that his mount raced flat throughout and when asked for an effort on entering the home straight his mount failed to respond to his riding and ran to the line in a disappointing manner.   A post-race veterinary examination revealed no abnormalities.
Summary of action concerning licensees
Race 3.           Nigel Seymour – Jockey – Use whip 8 times prior to 100m – 14 in total – AR132(7)(a)(ii)
Race 4.           Tasha Chambers – Jockey – C/riding – AR131(a)
Race 8.           Ashley Butler – Jockey – Use whip 8 times prior to 100m – Total 8 – AR132(7)(a)(ii)
Race 5.           Dakota Graham – A/jockey – Use whip 9 times prior to 100m – Total 14 - $200 – AR132(7)(a)(ii)
Race 8.           Dakota Graham – A/jockey – Use whip 10 times prior to 100m – Total 11 - $300 – AR132(7)(a)(ii)
Race 2.           Tasha Chambers – Jockey – Use whip 10 times prior to 100m/15 in total – 7 days – m/n 21.3.20 to m/n 28.3.20 - AR132(7)(a)(ii)

Absent jockey
Summary of action concerning thoroughbred horses
Horses swabbed post-race
All winners
Warnings/ Bars
Race 2.           Tabatha Miss – Refuse to load – B/cert - AR20(e)

Summary of rider changes/Late notifications
Late scratchings
Race 2.           Tabatha Miss – 12.48 pm
Race 4.           Hugs ‘N’ Kisses – 10.10 am
Race 8.           Arjaycee – 10.10 am   
Published subject to correction upon revision