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Rockhampton Jockey Club Inc

Rockhampton Provincial

Fri 16 Feb Soft 7


+3.5m Entire


Soft 7 Pen 6

13.5mm last 24hrs, 35mm last 7 days

Nil last 24hrs, 27mm last 7 days


Track conditions update: 9:08PM Saturday 17 February
Last Track Rating Update: Finalised 16/2 - 7:45am
TRACK INFO: Forecast is 80% chance of 5mm-10mm rain today.


Mon 12/02/24 11:00am


Tue 13/02/24 03:00pm


Wed 14/02/24 09:00am


Wed 14/02/24 12:00pm


Fri 16/02/24 07:30am

Late Nominations

Races: 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10


RAIL – +3.5M
Chairman of Stewards – T Hudson
Stewards – E Suli, H Gillett & G Wust
Trainer Angela Stephens – 13/2/2024
Stewards concluded an inquiry following a stable inspection at licensed trainer Angela Stephens stables, after it was discovered that Mrs. Stephens had a prescription medication namely Gentamax 100 which was not labelled in accordance to the relative state regulation. Mrs Stephens was found guilty to a charge under AR252(1) in which she did have in her possession a prescription medication which was not labelled in accordance to the Queensland Medicines and Poisons (Medicines) Regulation 2021. When considering appropriate penalty stewards took into account Mrs. Stephens unblemished record of 40 years in relation to this rule, however stewards were mindful that this penalty must serve as a specific and general deterrents not only for Mrs. Stephens but also for the racing industry as a whole. Mrs. Stephens was subsequently fined a sum of $300. Mrs. Stephens was advised to his rights to an appeal.
Trainer Laurie Clem – 13/2/2024
Stewards concluded an inquiry following a late notification of a deceased horse trained by licensed trainer Mr Laurie Clem. After taking evidence, Mr Clem plead guilty to a charge under AR299(1) in that he failed to notify stewards of a deceased horse by the prescribed time. When considering appropriate penalty stewards considered Mr. Clem’s guilty plea, unblemished record in relation to this rule and cooperation throughout the inquiry. In the circumstances, Mr Clem was issued with a reprimanded and advised to ensure that all stable returns were processed by the prescribed time in future.
ROCKHAMPTON – 9/2/24 – RACE 6 – BM60 HCP
HEZAGEM – Trainer T Schofield advised stewards that HEZAGEM had pulled up well following its disappointing effort on the 9/2/24. Trainer Schofield also stated that HEZAGEM doesn’t seem to be the type of horse that can handle warmer conditions and noted that the gelding isn’t copping with the hot weather that Barcaldine is currently receiving and would now look to give the gelding a freshen up.
As B Appo was unable to attend the meeting due to transport difficulties experienced with delayed flights, changes were permitted as per raceday summary.
Stewards accepted the explanation tendered by trainer Joshua Manzelmann in relation to the late declaration of the rider of FANAAR (NZ).
CARACRISTI – Jumped away awkwardly and as a result was slow to begin. Overraced near the 600m and had to be restrained off the heels of TRAVELLING SWEET. 
DON'TCHALOOKDOWN – Near the 900m had to momentarily steady when CARACRISTI shifted in marginally. Jockey A. Sewell was advised to exercise more care when shifting ground in future.
EL TINO – Was fractious in the barriers prior to jumping. Bumped on jumping by TRAVELLING SWEET which shifted out. When questioned regarding the performance in today’s event, Jockey R. Wiggins advised that EL TINO travelled fairly throughout the event, however after his mount failed to respond to his riding urges, he elected to ease his mount out of the event. A post-race veterinary examination was requested, however as the filly had left the course before being examined by the on-course veterinarian Trainer J. McConachy was advised that a veterinary clearance would be required prior to its next race start and was asked to report of the filly’s condition in the coming days. Trainer J. McConachy advised that he was intentions to send EL TINO out for a lengthy spell and would advise stewards if anything was to come apparent with EL TINO in the days subsequent.
MIMMY'S SECRET – Slow to begin.
SUNSHINYDAY – Overraced in the early stages. Held up for majority of the home straight until nearing the 50m. Upon returning to scale, Jockey L. Tilley advised that his mount was inclined to lay in throughout the event.
TRAVELLING SWEET – Shifted out on jumping, bumping EL TINO.
ISLE EIGHT – Slow to begin.
QUARTERSHARE – Slow to begin. Overraced in the early stages. Raced wide throughout. Laid in when placed under pressure in the home straight.
TOUR DE FIELD – Bumped by TIME TO GET READY shortly after the start. Held up in the home straight before electing to shift out to obtain clear racing room near the 200m.
SHEEZALITTLETORQUE – Laid in when placed under pressure over the concluding stages.
TIME TO GET READY – Shifted in on jumping, bumping TOUR DE FIELD.
JERIDAH – Jumped away awkwardly. Raced greenly when placed under pressure over the concluding stages.
HEDON'TWANTME – Jockey C. Lennon was reprimanded under the provisions of AR132(7)(a)(i) for using his whip three times consecutively prior to the 100m.
BANKONAJET – Upon returning to scale, Apprentice S. Wilcock reported that shortly after jumping her saddle had shifted, placing her at a disadvantage for the majority of the event. Apprentice S. Wilcock was reprimanded under the provisions of AR132(7)(a)(ii) for using her whip 7 times prior to the 100m, 2 more than permitted.
EUROSKATER – Slow to begin. Raced keenly in the early stages
FAIRYBOWER FLYER – As B Appo was unable to take the ride, permission was initially granted for J Stanley to take the ride, however when J Stanley advised stewards’ he wouldn’t be able to make the weight and no other senior rider who was available accepted the ride, stewards granted permission for Apprentice Y. Lewis to replace J Stanley. Near the 1000m, had to momentarily steady off the heels of BANKONAJET when that runner was taken out marginally by SIR GRACE, who in turn was taken out marginally by ANDIRON.
FLY LIKE HELEN – Apprentice A. Donald was reprimanded under the provisions of AR132(7)(a)(ii) for using her whip 6 times prior to the 100m, 1 more than permitted.
PATTI 'N' FAY – Trainer G. Taylor advised stewards of the change of tactics in that if circumstances permit, PATTI ‘N’ FAY will be ridden further back due to the wide barrier draw. Settled accordingly in the second half of the field.
DIVINE SIENNA – Bumped shortly after the start with IT’S A PEARLER.
STEAMING SUN – Jumped away awkwardly and as a result was slow to begin.
ANDIRON – Dipped near the 700m. Had difficulty obtain clear racing room until near the 300m. When questioned regarding the tactics adopted shortly after straightening, Apprentice T. Fenlon stated that after straightening and attempting to place her mount into the event, she was anticipating a run eventuating between runners LORD VADER and TSUNAMI FORCE, however as she was mindful of the narrow run between those runners, she then elected to shift out and around the heels of TSUNAMI FORCE. Apprentice Fenlon further stated that once she had made the decision to shift off the heels, SIR GRACE, who was running to the outside of that runner and had improved and shifted in marginally which resulted in her being disappointed for a run and having to shift back towards the fence to obtain clear running.
IT'S A PEARLER – Bumped shortly after the start with DIVINE SIENNA.
BARRY'S GALAH – Raced wide throughout.
SWEET CATENA – Raced wide throughout.
MISTER LARRABEE – Stood flat footed as the start was affected. Laid in when placed under pressure in the home straight.
NO INUENDO – Overraced in the early stages. Laid out when placed under pressure in the home straight.
DOLLAR DOLLAR (NZ) – Laid out when placed under pressure in the home straight.
Race 5: TAB BM55 HCP - 1600M
EDGEOFDREAMS – Jumped away awkwardly.
KNOWITALL JACK (NZ) – Raced wide in the early stages. Laid in when placed under pressure in the home straight.
YUBETIDO – Slow to begin.
MOHAHNA – Jumped away awkwardly and as a result was slow to begin.
DESERT MOON – Raced keenly in the early and middle stages.
ENTERPRISE PHOENIX – As Jockey A. Butler was unable to fulfill this engagement, Jockey R. Wiggins was permitted as the replacement rider. Jockey A. Butler was reprimanded under the AR127(1) for failing to fulfill his riding engagement. Shifted out on jumping, bumping STREET GLORY. Restrained from heels when the pace slackened near the 800m.
LENNY ROCKET – Jumped away awkwardly and as a result was slow to begin.
MURRAJONG ROAD (NZ) – Raced keenly onto heels near the 1000m and had to be steadied. Laid out when placed under pressure over the concluding stages.
PERSAGA – Jumped away awkwardly. Raced keenly in the early and middle stages.
DENSITY – Steadied for a number of strides eventually having to be checked from the heels of DESERT MOON when the pace slackened near the 700m.
STREET GLORY – Bumped on jumping by ENTERPRISE PHOENIX which shifted out. Shifted wider from the heels of DIASONIC when the place slackened near the 800m. When questioned regarding today’s disappointing performance, Apprentice T. Fenlon stated that STREET GLORY had settled well throughout the event and was confident of her chances upon straightening, however when she shifted off the heels of DIASONIC near the 500m, STREET GLORY failed to show the necessary response to her urgings. She added that STREET GLORY was very once paced to the line and didn’t finish its race off as she had anticipated. Apprentice Fenlon further added that the mare made some respiratory sounds upon pulling up. Trainer J. Wigginton stated that although in his opinion STREET GLORY may have been exposed too early in the straight, he was still expecting the mare to finish its race off and was disappointed with the finishing efforts. Underwent a post-race veterinary examination which revealed a poor post-race recovery. Trainer J. Wigginton informed stewards that STREET GLORY would undergo an endoscopic examination and would forward those results to stewards.
JUST BINGO – Raced wide throughout.
FRESH POWDER – Raced wide throughout. Raced keenly in the early stages.
BILPA MOREA (NZ) – Slow to begin. Raced keenly in the early stages. Laid in when placed under pressure in the home straight.
BOLD TYRANT – Jumped away awkwardly and shifted out, bumping with MOON OVER MATILDA.
ALL POWERED UP – Trainer K. Hall, who was represented by the stable by D Rickson, was reprimanded under the provisions of LR30(1) for ALL POWERED UP having arrived on course outside the prescribed times. In determining penalty, stewards took into consideration the guilty plea and the difficulty the stable was having with the heavy rain and conditions endured en route to the course, however stewards’ were also mindful that the stable failed to make contact in regards to the problems they were having with the travel. Stewards ordered that a sample for analysis be taken from ALL POWERED UP.
SPOT ON SOPHIA – Raced wide throughout.
TWO OF US – Apprentice T. Fenlon was fined $300 under the provisions of AR132(7)(a)(ii) for using her whip 6 times prior to the 100m, 1 more than permitted.
SNOW SPIRIT – Slow to begin. Near the 1200m had to be restrained off the heels when racing keenly.
FLYING MAPLE – Slow to begin. Near the 1100m commenced to race keenly after being placed in restricted room. When questioned regarding her riding from the 350m to a point near the 200m, and whether there was an opportunity to improve into a gap between CERARED and TWO OF US sooner than she did. Apprentice M. Kennedy agreed that she may have erred by not placing more pressure on her mount to improve into that run which eventually closed due to CERARED and TWO OF US both shifting ground respectively. Apprentice Kennedey stated she had anticipated that run closing sooner than it did and by the time she made more efforts to push into the run, CERARED had shifted out causing her to be restrained from heels for a number of strides. Stewards agreed with apprentice Kennedy’s comments and further reminded her of her obligations to ensure that her mounts are afforded every opportunity in the event.
CYBER JAM – Slow to begin.
The start of this race was delayed approximately 3 minutes when CHILL OUT MISS and THE BRUMBY both had to be resaddled behind the barriers.
SEISME – Bumped on jumping by MATERIAL MISTRESS.
GULF OF SIDRA – Near the 350m had to shift wider to improve into clear running after a tight run that jockey A Layt initially intended to take had closed up when THE BRUMBY shifted in before immediately being corrected by its rider.
WHATJEUDOIN' – Overraced in the early stages.
AZURE DE LAGO – Jumped away awkwardly.
DIVINE HUNTER – Slow to begin.
CHILL OUT MISS – Jumped away awkwardly. Overraced in the early stages and raced wide throughout. Stewards intend to speak to apprentice L O’Donnell about her whip use in this event.
THE BRUMBY – Stewards spoke with apprentice A Donald regarding her riding out of her mount over the concluding stages. Whilst noting that THE BRUMBY had placed second in the event and eventual winner GULF OF SIDRA had already passed THE BRUMBY in the run over the concluding stages, stewards advised apprentice Donald that her actions to not place her mount under any pressure over the final strides of the race had jeopardised her mounts chances of finishing in the highest possible place in the event. Stewards added that THE BRUMBY was fortunate that SEISME had only been able to run her mount down to a nose margin at the finish as her actions could have been a breach of AR131(b). Apprentice A Donald agreed with the opinion of the stewards’ and accepted that although she had still placed her mount in the highest possible position in the race, she should have ensured that she remained riding with vigour to the finish when still in contention for a placing.
IMAGINE THAT – Knuckled on jumping. Raced wide in the early and middle stages. Hung out rounding the home turn from the 700m.
MATERIAL MISTRESS – Shifted in on jumping, bumping SEISME.
RUSSIAN RUBLE – Shifted in on jumping bumping with ICE SKATER. A post-race veterinary examination revealed the gelding to have bled from both nostrils for the first occasions. Trainer J. Wehlow was advised that under AR79(4) that RUSSIAN RUBLE would be stood down from racing for 3 months and must gallop 1000m in the presence of stewards prior to its next future race start.   
TAKERU – Jumped away awkwardly and contacted the outside barrier partition. Inclined to lay in under pressure in the home straight.
KURYAKIN – Slow to begin.
KAMARCHER – Slow into stride.
ICE SKATER – Shifted out on jumping, bumping with RUSSIAN RUBLE.
MOONSCAPE – Shifted out abruptly on jumping, bumping ELVAIRE.
ELVIARE – Bumped on jumping by MOOSCAPE which shifted out abruptly. Shifted out wider under pressure in the home straight. Jockey C. Lennon was reprimanded under the provisions of AR132(7)(a)(ii) for using his whip 6 times prior to the 100m, 1 more than permitted.
FANAAR (NZ) – Jumped away awkwardly and as a result was slow to begin.
I PROMISE YOU – Raced wide in the early and middle stages.
THISLAND IS MYLAND – Bumped with ACOUSIX on jumping.
BETTER RAIN – Shifted in on jumping, bumping SHARWIN. Raced wide throughout.  
POET'S GIRL – Jumped away awkwardly. Raced wide in the early stages.
ACOUSTIX – Bumped with THISLAND IS MYLAND on jumping.
BEPPE – Crowded shortly after jumping by ACOUSTIX which shifted out and SHARWIN which was taken in. Raced wide throughout.
SHARWIN – Bumped on jumping by BETTER RAIN and was taken in shortly after, crowding BEPPE.
NIC ME SOME – Jumped away awkwardly. Overraced in the early and middle stages and had to be restrained on several occasions.
Summary of action concerning licensees
Race 2.         Colin Lennon – AR132(7)(a)(i) – Consecutive use of the whip (3 times)
Race 3.         Apprentice Sophie Wilcock – AR132(7)(a)(ii) – Use of the whip 7 times prior to the 100m, 2 more than permitted
                    Apprentice Alisha Donald – AR132(7)(a)(ii) – Use of the whip 6 times prior to the 100m, 1 more than permitted
Race 6.         Ashley Butler – AR127(1) – Failure to fulfill riding engagement
Race 7.         Trainer Kat Hall – LR30(b) – Late arrival on course
Race 9.         Colin Lennon – AR132(7)(a)(ii) – Use of the whip 6 times prior to the 100m, 1 more than permitted
Race 7.         Apprentice Tahlia Fenlon – AR132(7)(a)(ii) – Use of the whip 7 times prior to the 100m, 2 more than permitted – $300                    
Absent jockeys
Beau Appo – Transport difficulties.
Adjourned inquiries         
Apprentice Liv O’Donnell – Use of whip in Race 8 on CHILL OUT MISS.
Summary of action concerning thoroughbred horses
Horses swabbed pre-race
Horses swabbed post-race
All winners
Race 1.         EL TINO – Vet certificate prior to next start.
Race 9.         RUSSIAN RUBLE – AR79(4) – Bilateral bleed – 3 month ban and to gallop 1000m in the presence of stewards prior to next start.
RUSSIAN RUBLE – AR79(4) – Bilateral bleed – First time
Summary of rider changes/Late notifications
Race 2:         10 HEDON’TWANTME - Colin Lennon
Race 3:         2 EUROSKATER - Karl Zechner
                    9 FAIRYBOWER FLYER - Ms Yvette Lewis (a2/56kg),
                    17e BARRY’S GALAH - Ms Liv O'Donnell (a3/55kg),
Race 5:         4 ROY’S ROAD - Les Tilley
Race 7:         15 CYBER JAM - Karl Zechner
Race 8:         10 MATERIAL MISTRESS - Adam Sewell
Race 9:         12 MOONSCAPE - Ms Liv O'Donnell (a3/55kg),
Race 10:       1 FANAAR (NZ) - Adrian Layt
                    10 MAGIC ON ICE - Karl Zechner
The matters contained within this Stewards report may be subject to external review.  The Racing Appeals Panel manages external reviews and the Racing Appeals Panel publishes its decisions on its website.
This report and the Stewards Comments for this meeting may be amended at any time, at the sole discretion of the Queensland Racing Integrity Commission (QRIC) Stewards as races are reviewed.