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Sunshine Coast Turf Club

Sunshine Coast Metropolitan

Wed 16 Nov Good 3


+7m 1200m-400m, Including 1400m & 1000m Chute, +5m Remainder


Good 3 Pen 5.7

Nil last 24hrs, 19mm last 7 days

Nil last 24hrs, 19mm last 7 days


Track conditions update: 1:04PM Thursday 17 November
Last Track Rating Update: Track upgraded to (Good 3) prior to Race 1.


Thu 10/11/16 11:00am


Fri 11/11/16 03:00pm


Mon 14/11/16 09:30am


Mon 14/11/16 12:00pm


Wed 16/11/16 07:30am

Late Nominations

Races: 1, 2, 3, 4, 11, 12, 13

WEATHER – FINE             TRACK RATING – GOOD 4/GOOD 3 @ 1.05PM        
RAIL – 5M          PENETROMETER – 5.65
Chairman of Stewards – J. Williamson
Stewards – D. Aurisch, M. Knibbs, E. Barron, C. Fedrick
Clerk of Scales –  N. Boyle
Judge – P. Chilton, P. Golley
Veterinarian – G. Silvestri, S. Flynn
Swab attendants – K. Warwick, S. Heidke, J. Crompton, S. Flynn
Bookmakers Supervisor – B. Blight
Starter – R. Hanson, C. Dunn
Stewards Secretary – P. Carey
Race 1: Stanley river Thoroughbreds QTIS 2yo Maiden Plate – 1200m  
SKATE TO PARIS – Began awkwardly and bumped another runner.
VOODOO MANGO MAGIC – Hampered at the start when  bumped by another runner.
CRAFTY BLONDE – Overraced in the early stages.
WIRRAWAY – Had some difficulty securing clear running in the early stages of the home straight.
GEM OF THE LOCHS –  Overraced whilst racing  wide without cover throughout.
 Laid in under pressure in the home straight.  
HIMALAYAN SALT – Jockey M. Cahill was reprimanded for using his whip more than 5 times prior to the 100m.
Race 2: Access Insulation Class 1 H’cap – 1600m  
BENFICA PRINCESS – Restrained at the start to gain a position closer to the rail at the rear of the field.  Laid in under pressure in the home straight.
BRIGHTNBREEZY – Overraced in the early stages.
SUBSOLAR – When asked to comment on the performance, which was below market expectation, jockey N. Day indicated that the horse travelled well until under pressure from the 600m and then commenced to hang out and failed to respond in the home straight.  Trainer C. Anderson indicated that in light of today’s performance he would take the earmuffs off the mare for its next start and add blinkers back on, and to ride the horse a little more conservatively in future. A post race veterinary examination  failed to reveal any significant abnormalities.
BOCAGE – Stewards questioned apprentice B. Grylls regarding the riding tactics she adopted today, which was in contrast to the mare’s normal racing pattern.  Apprentice Grylls stated that she was instructed to be positive from the barriers and after beginning well she rode forward and crossed to the lead after a short distance.   Trainer R. Heathcote advised he had instructed apprentice Grylls to be positive from the barriers although he was surprised that BOCAGE was able to lead as it did today as the mare is often tardy at the start. After considering the evidence put forward trainer R. Heathcote was reprimanded under AR 135A and reminded in similar circumstances he must advised stewards of a change in tactics.
LIGHTNING BELL – Apprentice R. Payne was reprimanded for using her whip more than 5 times prior to the 100m.
Race 3: Stanley River Thoroughbreds Class 1 H'cap – 1000m
GOLDEN MINESHAFT – Jumped away awkwardly and lost ground.   Obliged to alter course to secure clear running near the 300m.
HIDDEN ROSE – Slow to begin.
ISIS MAGIC –Jumped away awkwardly and lost ground.  Apprentice T. Brooker indicated she had been instructed to lead and after being slow to begin she rode aggressively however was unable to must sufficient speed to lead and when leaving the 600m attempted to steady, however the horse did not travel well and was very disappointing in the home straight.  A post race veterinary examination failed to reveal any significant abnormalities.
MIRI MIRI – Raced 3 wide without cover.
MOSS HARRY – Jockey B. Stewart was fined $200 after being found guilty of a charge under AR83A in that he misconducted himself by using profanities on return to the enclosure.  
Race 4: Access Insulation 3yo & Up Maiden Plate – 1000m
BAGGINS – Slow to begin.  Had to be steadied when overracing near the 600m.  Held up for clear running in the early part of the home straight and when shifted to the outside of the heels of OUR JAMAICA near the 150m continued to shift out abruptly under pressure over the final stages, causing its rider to be unable to fully test his mount.
FREEZE ‘N’ TEASE – Began awkwardly.  Lost its off fore plate in running.
CARAMEL SNOW – Overraced after leaving the 700m and had to be checked from heels near the 500m.
LIBELULA – Steadied from heels near the 500m.
BUNNY BAD GIRL – Raced 3 wide throughout.
Race 5: Stanley River thoroughbreds F&M Maiden H‘cap  - 1400m
HUKA PELE – Began very awkwardly and lost significant ground.
VENETIAN BEAUTY – Overraced in the early stages.  Lost its off hind plate in running.
BALABINA – After leaving the 1000m was tightened for room and had to be steadied to avoid the heels of BRONTE BABE.  Jockey A Denby was reprimanded and advised to exercise more care.
TEMPETE ROUGE – Overraced in the early and middle stages and near the 700m hung out and was steadied from heels, and then  proved very difficult to ride for the remainder of the event.  A warning was placed on the horse regarding its racing manners.
Race 6: Bowcock Bloodstock Open H’cap  - 1350m
LORDAG – As G. Colless was delayed in traffic, A. Denby was substituted as the rider of the horse. Held up over the final stages.   Jockey A. Denby reported that she had been instructed to ride the horse in a more forward position, however after being caught wide in the early stages, elected to steady to obtain a position closer to the fence.
VOLKHERE – Hampered at the start and lost ground.  Jockey J. Lloyd reported that his mount was unable to muster early speed  despite his urgings, adding that the horse did not travel comfortably at any stage, however finished the race off moderately.
RULING FORCE – Steadied near the 1250m when placed in restricted room.
RUDY – Forced wider by HARADA BAY passing the 600m, which shifted out to improve.
JOPA – Improved on to heels near the 500m and had to be steadied.
LOCK’S LEGEND – Had difficulty securing clear running after passing the 200m.
Race 7: Access Insulation CG&E Maiden H'cap  - 1400m
SICARIO – Slow to begin.
PUISSANCE DECHEVAL – An inquiry was opened into the reasons for the horse falling and going through the inside running rail near the 1100m.  As a result of this incident, KULABA had to be steadied and shifted wider near the 1100m, BIDZILL was checked and shifted wider on the track, losing significant ground, SICARIO and ROCK WITH PASSION were both checked and shifted extremely wide and  HIGH WIND was steadied and shifted wider. Evidence was taken from  apprentice C. Jokic in the presence of her master Mr S. Jokic, apprentice T. Brooker, jockey M. Hellyer, and jockey P. Hammersley.  The matter was subsequently adjourned to a date to be fixed to allow jockey R. Wiggins, who was transported to hospital, to be present. A post race veterinary examination revealed a fractured pelvis and the mare was  subsequently euthanased on humane grounds.
ILLUSTRIOUS DEAL – Jumped away awkwardly.
HIGH WIND – Began awkwardly.
ROCK WITH PASSION – Restrained in the early stages from a wide barrier to gain a position closer to the rail.
BIG VEGA – Overraced in the early stages. Raced wide from the 700m.
Race 8: Stanley River Thoroughbreds Class 1 H’cap  1200m

IZZAH – Hung out rounding the home turn and straightened up extremely wide on the track.  Bled during event. Connections were advised that the horse would be barred from racing for a period of 3 months.
MAYBE EVEN YOU – Restrained in the early stages from a wide barrier to gain a position closer to the rail.
WONDERFUL TALE – Began awkwardly and lost ground.
PARMELIA –  Apprentice R. Williams reported her mount hung out for a major part of the race. 
DEEKS – Hampered over the final stages when taken wider.
ROMAN DOLL – Hampered over the final stages when taken wider.
SHEEZALADY – Shifted out abruptly over the concluding stages under pressure.
Race 9: Access Insulation Class 2 H’cap – 1400m
AIRLIE REWARD – Connections advised the jockey would attempt to obtain cover as the horse had not been finishing its races off well when leading. Subsequently settled in a midfield position with cover.
HEROIC ROCK – Slow to begin. Jockey B. Pengelly was fined $100 for returning to scale overweight.  
AIR FORCE ONE – Blundered badly at the start. A post race veterinary examination failed to reveal any significant abnormalities.
RENESMEE – When asked to comment on the performance, jockey M. Cahill indicated the horse settled well and improved into the race nicely after passing the 600m, and when entering the home straight responded to his riding, however was somewhat disappointing over the concluding stages and was of the view that the horse, in his opinion, did not run out a strong 1400m.
Race 10: Stanley River Thoroughbreds F&M Ratings Band 0 – 65  H‘cap - 1200m
On return to scale stewards considered an objection from steward J. Williamson in that 5th placegetter, Opinionated, was hampered  on 2 occasions by 4th placegetter, My Maisie,  near the 100m.  After taking evidence from all parties, stewards were satisfied that the incident did have a material effect on the placings bearing in mind the nose margin and upheld the protest and amended the placings to read:   No. 3 – Shleter Lady – 1st    No. 8 – Loaded And Ready – 2nd    No. 10 – She’s A Kicker – 3rd   No. 7 – Opinionated – 4th    No. 2 – My Maisie – 5th
DAM WONDERFUL – Blundered badly at the start.
OPINIONATED – Had to be checked at the start when tightened for room.
MY BLING – Raced 3 wide without cover throughout.
Race 11:  Stanley  River Thoroughbreds C&G Ratings Band 0-65 H‘cap -  1200m
OUR CEE BE – Slow to begin.
OTTO FROM HAMBURG – Blundered at the start. Raced 3 wide throughout without cover.
REDDAMOUR – Severely tightened for room at the start and lost ground.  Overraced in the middle stages.
APOLLO HOPE – Apprentice T. Brooker reported she attempted to ride her mount forward with cover, however the gelding overraced and she was obliged  to it to stride forward to lead where the horse continued to overrace and this had a detrimental effect on the overall performance. 
BAKER BOY – Jockey B. Derbyshire was reprimanded for excessive use of her whip prior to the 100m.
Race 12: Stanley River Thoroughbreds Ratings Band 0-65 H‘cap    2200m
WHATKATANE – Slow to begin.   Apprentice T. Brooker reported that it had been her intention to position the horse closer to the lead, however after being slow to begin was obliged to settle at the tail of the field.
ROCK THE PAC – Slow to begin.  Had some difficulty securing clear running after passing the 200m.
MONTEZUMA – Raced wide after passing the 800m without cover.
SHOW A FLICK – Raced wide from the 800m.
JIMMY HOFFA – Held up for clear running rounding the home turn and into the early stages of the home straight.
KAZAN – Trainer M. Murphy was fined $200 for returning to scale overweight.
Race 13: Stanley River Thoroughbreds Class 3 H‘cap  1800m
GROBBELAAR – Slow to begin.
NO MAGIC NEEDED – Slow to begin.
Summary of action concerning licensees
Race 1.          Michael Cahill – Jockey – Use whip 7 times prior to 100m – AR137A*
Race 2.          Rhiannon Payne – A/jockey – Use whip 7 times prior to 100m – AR137A*
                        Robert Heathcote – Trainer – Fail to advise change of tactics – AR135A
Race 5.          Amelia Denby – Jockey – C/riding – AR137(a)*
Race 11.        B. Derbyshire – Jockey – Use whip 7 times prior to 100m – AR137A*
Race 12.        Michael Murphy – A/jockey – Return to scale overweight – AR145*
Race 3.           Brad Stewart – Jockey – Used profanities on return to the enclosure - $200 – AR83A*
Race 9.           Brad Pengelly – Jockey – Return to scale overweight – $100 - AR145
Race day injuries/
Race 7.           Ryan Wiggins –Injured – Clearance required*
Race 7.           Puissance Decheval  (R. Wiggins).
Absent jockeys
R. Fradd – Injured – Cert. required*
Adj inquiries
Race 7.           Re Puissance Decheval (R. Wiggins) falling near the 1100m.
Summary of action concerning thoroughbred horses
Horses swabbed pre-race
Montezuma, Opinionated, Lady No More, Parmelia, Bronte Babe, Rosador, Freeze ‘n’ Tease, harada Bay, One In One Out
Horses swabbed post-race
All winners
Race 5.           Tempete Rouge – Hung out – Warning*
Race 8.           Izzah – Bled during event – 3 mth bar from racing – AR53A
Race 10 – 5th (Opinionated) v 4th (My Maisie) – Interference over final stages – Upheld
Summary of rider changes/Late notifications
Race  7.          High Wind – J. Orman
Race 11.        Tune Out – N. Day
Late scratchings
Published subject to correction upon revision