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Sunshine Coast Turf Club

Sunshine Coast Provincial

Fri 16 Dec Good 3


4m 1200-400 (incl. 1400 & 1000 Chutes); 2m Remainder.


Good 3 Pen 5.8


4mm last 24hrs, 21mm last 7 days


Track conditions update: 9:36AM Monday 19 December
Last Track Rating Update: Finalised 16/12 - 7:30am


Mon 12/12/16 11:00am


Tue 13/12/16 03:00pm


Wed 14/12/16 09:30am


Wed 14/12/16 12:00pm


Fri 16/12/16 07:30am

Late Nominations

Races: 1, 2, 4, 5, 6

WEATHER – FINE             TRACK RATING – GOOD 3                      RAIL – 4M 1200-400 (INCLUDING  1400M & 1000M CHUTE, 2M REMAIN?ER       PENETROMETER – 5.75
Chairman of Stewards – J. Williamson
Stewards –  D. Aurisch, M. Knibbs, C. Albrecht
Clerk of Scales – C. Fedrick
Judge –  P. Golley, P. Chilton
Veterinarian –  J. Oujnyk
Swab attendants – K. Warwick, G .Gray
Bookmakers Supervisor – W. Flynn
Starter – R. Hanson
Stewards Secretary – P. Carey
TAKARAKKA and  OBERLANDwere both declared  late scratchings at 5.45 pm following  a request from Trainer Mr R. Heathocote. This request was made after POETIC SHOW, in his opinion,  performed poorly at Ipswich today,  and he indicated that he believed this was as a result of ongoing earthworks in the vicinity of his stables causing his horses to become unsettled.  After considering this application stewards approved both horses to be scratched.  
Race 1: Access Insulationi F&M Maiden Plate – 1200m
BEST FOR LAST – Stood flatfooted as the start was effected and lost significant ground. Trainer B. Gill was advised that a warning would be placed on the filly’s barrier manners.
MISS RULE – Slow to begin. Raced greenly throughout the race and was under pressure from the 700m.
MUCHAS CORONAS – Slow to begin. Overraced passing the 900m and had to be checked from heels near the 850m.
CREIDNE – Raced greenly in the early stages and when steadied passing the 1000m raced with its head in the air.
Race 2: Stanley River Thoroughbreds CG&E Maiden Plate – 1200m
TAKARAKKA – Declared a late scratching at 5.45 pm following  a request from Trainer Mr R. Heathocote. This request was made after a horse performed poorly at Ipswich today and he indicated that he believed this was as a result of ongoing earthworks in the vicinity of the stables causing his horses to become unsettled in their stables and as such the request was granted for this horse to be declared a late scratching.
TAKES TIME – The start was delayed when the horse got its near hind leg caught up on the barrier partition. Raced awkwardly in the early stages. After passing the 400m was bumped by another runner and became unbalanced. Jockey B. Pengelly reported that over the concluding stages he was inconvenienced when placed in restricted room between MURTASTEEL and JEXERLENT, both of which shifted ground.
BIG VEGA – Tightened for room at the start.  Overraced in the early and middle stages and had  to be restrained from heels near the 500m.
CAPTAIN BOOKWORM – After being held up rounding the home turn shifted out and made contact with another runner, causing both horses to become unbalanced.
MURTASTEEL – After being held up rounding the home turn had some difficulty securing clear running in the early stages of the home straight until approaching the 300m.
JEXERLENT –  Laid in in the home straight, causing its rider to stop riding and straighten near the 200m.
THE PERPETRATOR – Raced 3 wide without cover.
HEAPS GOOD – Bled from both nostrils and collapsed near the 100m, dislodging rider N. Day.  A veterinary examination revealed the horse had suffered a significant bleeding attack and had fractured its off fore knee.  The horse was subsequently euthanased on humane grounds.
Race 3: Access Insulation Benchmark 75 H’cap – 1000m
HIGH COST – Bumped by another runner and became unbalanced on jumping away. Steadied approaching the 900m when tightened for room inside DOTHERIGHTTHING, which shifted in despite the efforts of its rider.
PERCY ON PARADE – Slow to begin and then unable to muster early speed.
TISANI TOMSO – Slow to begin. When asked to comment on the performance, apprentice H. English stated that after being slow to begin she   was then able to muster early speed and was  obliged to pressure the horse throughout the event to stay in touch with the main body of the field.  She was of the view that the horse was doing its best work over the concluding stages and, in her opinion, would be suited to racing over more distance.  Apprentice English added that trainer Mr K. Kemp agreed and would  look to step the horse up over 1100m.
ONE IN ONE OUT – Jumped away awkwardly and made contact with another runner.
SAY I WON’T – Raced wide throughout.
CAPTAIN TANGO – Raced wide throughout.
DOTHERIGHTTHING –  Stewards interviewed apprentice Q. Krogh and trainer J. McConachy regarding the performance of the horse.  Apprentice Krogh indicated that the horse was inclined to lay in throughout and was reluctant to change stride in the home straight. He further added that the horse felt  feel awkward in its action in the home straight and was very disappointing.  Trainer J. McConachy indicated that the horse had a history of hoof problems and as a result he does tend to space the horse’s runs out.  Leading into today’s event his farrier had recommended plating the horse with bar plates in front as a result of issues the horse  has had.  He added that following today’s event the horse would be sent  for a spell.  Stewards advised Mr McConachy that would be required to trial prior to its next race start.   A post race veterinary examination revealed the horse to be lame in the off hind leg.  Connections will be advised that a veterinary clearance must be provided, and that the horse must trial satisfactorily prior to its next race start.
Race 4: Access Insulation Benchmark 62 H’cap – 1800m
KAZAN – Ridden forward from the 1400m and raced wide without cover.
ALFIE JUNIOR – Placed in restricted room rounding the home turn.
BORN TO RUN EASY – Placed in restricted room rounding the home turn when weakening and had to be steadied.
GODWOOD – Raced wide throughout.
HEFNER – Broke down passing the winning post, suffering a fracture to the off fore sesamoid.  The horse was examined by the veterinary surgeon and subsequently euthanased on humane grounds.  Prior to correct weight and after viewing the patrol footage, stewards were satisfied that the horse had carried its weight to the completion of the event and as such declared correct weight.
Race 5: Stanley River Thoroughbreds Class 4 H’cap – 1200m
FINAL OVER – Overraced after passing the 850m and had to be restrained from heels and then continued to overrace until approaching the 500m.  Stewards questioned apprentice S. Lacy regarding her tactics  in the home straight when after having obtained a run to the inside of RIGHT ADVICE she elected near the 130m to steady and shifted out across that horse’s heels.  Apprentice Lacy indicated that after having obtained this run  when passing the 400m, she believed she had ample racing room, however as the field approached the  100m, RIGHT ADVICE shifted in towards the fence and reduced her racing room. When she anticipated RIGHT ADVICE continuing to shift in it was at this point she elected to steady and shift out.  After viewing the patrol footage, and considering apprentice Lacy’s explanation, stewards advised her that, in their opinion, she had erred in taking hold when they believed there was sufficient racing room to the  inside of RIGHT ADVICE, and that she would, in similar circumstances, be expected to continue to pressure her horse.   However stewards did not believe her actions had cost FINAL OVER a placing, and given her experience as an apprentice jockey, took no further action.
PASSIONFLOWER – Improved onto heels passing the 600m and had to be checked.
Race 6: Access Insulation  Class 2 H’cap – 1400m
JOUEUR – After passing the 600m improved onto heels and had to be restrained.
PRINCESS IS READY – Held up rounding the home turn and until approaching the 300m.
Summary of action concerning licensees
Summary of action concerning thoroughbred horses
Horses swabbed pre-race
Horses swabbed post-race
All winners
Race 3.           Dotherightthing – Poor performance/ lame – Trial/vet. clearance – AR8(t)
Race 2.           Heaps Good – 3 mth bar from racing – AR53A
Summary of rider changes/Late notifications
Late scratchings
Race 2 – Takarakka – 5.45 pm
Race 5.- Oberland – 5.47 pm
Published subject to correction upon revision