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Sunshine Coast Turf Club

Sunshine Coast Provincial

Sun 26 Feb Good 3


Out 7m Entire Circuit


Good 3 Pen 5.5

Nil last 24hrs, 11mm last 7 days

3mm last 24hrs, 14mm last 7 days


Track conditions update: 12:01AM Monday 27 February
Last Track Rating Update: Finalised 26/2 - 7:30am - Rider Replacement Race 5 No. 1


Mon 20/02/17 11:00am


Tue 21/02/17 03:00pm


Thu 23/02/17 09:30am


Thu 23/02/17 12:00pm


Sun 26/02/17 07:30am

Late Nominations

Races: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7

WEATHER – OVERCAST             TRACK RATING – GOOD 3          RAIL – 7M
Chairman of Stewards – J. Williamson
Stewards – C. Albrecht, P. Zimmermann, K. Daly
Clerk of Scales – J. Robinson
Judge – P. Chilton, C. Dunn
Veterinarian – A. Murdoch
Swab Attendants – K. Warwick, S. Heidke
Starter – R. Hanson
Stewards Secretary – W. Ostrofski
From Doomben 25.2.17 – Race 8: Following the disappointing performance of BEAT STREET, stewards advised trainer S. Kendrick that the gelding would have to officially trial prior to racing again. Mr Kendrick advised stewards that it was now his intention to send the gelding for an immediate spell.
As apprentice J. Guthmann-Chester was indisposed due to illness, riding replacements were made as per the Stewards Race Day Summary.
Race 1: YALUMBA CLASS 1 H’CAP – 1000M
The declaration of correct weight was delayed to allow D. Browne, the rider of 2nd placegetter HARLEQUIN BELLS, to view the stewards’ patrol footage to determine whether he had grounds on which to lodge an objection against the winner. After viewing the videos jockey Browne declined to lodge an objection.
PRIDE OF DESTINY – Hung out from the 700m until entering the home straight.
HARLEQUIN BELLS – Slow to begin. Raced wide throughout.
SNITZEL’S JOY – Raced greenly in the home straight.
CHAYSE ‘N’ MASON – Apprentice A. Sewell was asked to comment on the horse’s performance. He indicated that the horse did not respond to his riding from the 500m and was very disappointing. He added that connections were of the view that the horse races best when able to obtain the lead and dictate the race. A post-race veterinary examination the gelding to be sore across the back region. Trainer B. Gill was advised that the horse will require a veterinary clearance prior to racing again.
Race 2: XXXX CLASS 1 H’CAP – 1400M
VIDARR – Tightened for room at the start and lost ground.
EIGHT VERSES – Overraced in the middle stages and was steadied from heels near the 900m. Again steadied from heels near the 500m.
After viewing the stewards’ patrol footage R. Wiggins, the rider of KINGAROY, placed 2nd by the Judge, lodged an objection against APRILES LUCK being declared the winner, alleging interference in the home straight. After taking evidence from all parties and viewing the videos it was established that APRILES LUCK did shift out near the 100m, making contact with KINGAROY, which was laying in. Bearing in mind the short neck margin separating both runners at the finish and the contribution to the contact by KINGAROY, stewards were not comfortably satisfied that the degree of interference to KINGAROY warranted a reversal of the placings and therefore dismissed the objection and declared correct weight on the numbers semaphored.
MURT REYNOLDS – D. Browne reported that it was not his intention to lead, however when passing the 1300m he believed he may be shuffled further back in the field when SPLENDABA was allowed to stride forward, he also allowed his mount to stride forward to take up the lead on the fence.
SPLENDABA – Inconvenienced by another runner shortly after the start.
TOBACCO ROAD – Hampered shortly after the start.
KINGAROY – Jumped awkwardly. Tightened for room shortly after the start and had to be checked. R. Wiggins reported that it had been his intention to position the horse in a forward position, however after suffering interference at the start he was obliged to settle at the rear of the field.
APRILES LUCK – Shifted out at the start, inconveniencing another runner.
TEMUJIN’S CHOICE – Jumped away awkwardly and made contact with another runner.
SNOOZE – Slow to begin. Overraced and raced greenly in the early stages. Raced wide from the 700m.
YOICHI – Bumped with another runner on a number of occasions near the 700m and had to be steadied.
DANSEZ – Jumped awkwardly and lost ground. Overraced and raced greenly in the early stages. Held up from the 400m until leaving the 300m.
MARSEILLE EN FLEUR – Laid in under pressure in the home straight.
FEMALE OFFICER – Jumped awkwardly, made contact with the barrier partition and lost ground. Overraced and raced greenly in the early stages.
SHE SALUTES – Overraced and raced greenly in the early stages. Bumped with another runner on a number of occasions near the 700m, resulting in that runner having to be steadied. J. Orman was reprimanded. Raced wide from the 700m.
Apprentice T. Brooker was fined $100 for accepting dual engagements.
COBRA QUICK – Slow to begin. Laid in under pressure from the 200m.
IDALIA’S DREAM – Stewards questioned D. Browne regarding his tactics from the 600m as this horse was held up from approaching the 500m until leaving the 200m. Jockey Browne explained that after passing the 600m he shifted off the fence and secured a position behind MAXWELL, which he believed was a chance in the event and which he felt would take him into the race in the home straight. Jockey Browne agreed that his mount was travelling quite well during this section of the event and indicated that near the 400m he had considered shifting back to the inside, however that position quickly closed shortly afterwards and he was obliged to remain at the heels of MAXWELL, which had commenced to weaken, and he was then forced to wait until HAYLEE PRINCE, which was racing to the outside, had weakened which afforded him clear running to the outside of MAXWELL. Stewards noted the explanation.
AIRLIE MAN – Jumped awkwardly and made heavy contact with the barrier partition. Held up rounding the home turn and continued to be held up before steadying from heels near the 300m and then shifted wider to secure clear running. Slipped over in the enclosure post-race. A veterinary examination revealed no abnormalities.
HAYLEE PRINCE – Raced wide throughout.
LILLIE EVANGELENE – Blundered on jumping away. Raced wide throughout. Apprentice T. Brooker was reprimanded for failing to ride her mount out to the line.
ASHIKO – Raced four wide without cover.
BLOOMIN’ ARRY – Slow to begin.
MANDAROSSO – Held up for clear running from approaching the 300m until nearing the 100m.
REAL EGO – Improved on to heels near the 900m when the pace was only steady in the early stages, was then shifted wider to avoid heels and then raced three wide without cover from the 800m onwards.
MR BELLAGIO – Buffeted at the start and lost ground. Jockey D. Browne was asked to comment on the horse’s overall performance and the tactics adopted as stewards had anticipated the mare being in a more forward position. Jockey Browne indicated that it had been his intention to ride the horse forward out of the barriers, however after being steadied when inconvenienced by another runner at the start he was obliged to position the horse at the tail of the field. He indicated that he was able to improve approaching the home turn to be trailing the eventual winner REAL EGO and shifted to the outside of that horse shortly after straightening. He felt the horse was travelling strongly enough at that stage to win the race, however after getting to within a neck of the eventual winner the horse, in his opinion, was disappointing over the final 200m. He advised that he had suggested to connections to add blinkers to the horse’s gear and again attempt to position the horse in the forward half of the field.
I CAN’T SEE WHO – Jumped away awkwardly and made contact with another runner.
CABANA BOY – Slow to begin, lost significant ground. Cast the off fore plate shortly after the start.
REAL GOOD – Bumped on the hind quarters near the 900m, turned outwards and buffeted. Held up from the 500m until after leaving the 300m.
JOBIWOOD – Raced three wide without cover. Forced inwards near the 900m and had to be steadied, made contact with another runner.
VAINACIOUS – Apprentice N. Summers pleaded guilty to a charge of careless riding in that near the 900m she allowed her mount to shift in when not sufficiently clear of JOBIWOOD, forcing that horse in a having to be steadied, resulting in JOBIWOOD making contact with and tightening the running of DOUBLE DRAMA, which in turn was obliged to shift inwards, tightening the running of ROUND MOUNTAIN GAL which as a result made contact with the hind quarters of REAL GOOD, turning that horse outwards and causing it to be buffeted. In this incident ROUND MOUNTAIN GAL had to be checked and lost its position and HIDDEN ROSE, which was following, also had to be checked as a consequence. Apprentice Summers’ licence to ride in races was suspended for 17 days, to commence at midnight on Thursday 2 March and expire at midnight on Sunday 19 March 2017. In determining penalty stewards took into account the degree and extent of interference sustained by other runners as well as apprentice Summers’ poor recent record in regard to careless riding matters.
FINAL OVER – Raced wide throughout and without cover from the 600m.
ROUND MOUNTAIN GAL – Tightened for room near the 900m, made contact with the hind quarters of another runner, had to be checked and lost its position. Held up from the 400m until leaving the 300m.
DOUBLE DRAMA – After being fractious whilst being saddled, the horse was examined by the veterinary surgeon and passed fit to take its place in the field. Bumped when tightened for room near the 900m and was obliged to shift inwards. The veterinary surgeon reported that the mare had a superficial injury to the off knee post-race.
HIDDEN ROSE – Had to be checked to avoid the heels of ROUND MOUNTAIN GAL near the 900m after that horse was checked when tightened for room.
Summary of action concerning licensees
Race 4. J. Orman – careless riding – AR. 137(a)
Race 5. App. T. Brooker – fail to ride mount to end of race – AR. 137(b)
Race 5. App. T. Brooker - $100 – accept dual engagements – AR. 85B

Race 7. App. N. Summers – careless riding – 17 days (2.3.17 – 19.3.17) – AR. 137(a)
Absent jockeys
App. J. Guthmann-Chester – ill – medical clearance req’d
Summary of action concerning thoroughbred horses
Horses swabbed pre-race
Jobiwood, Dansez, Code One, Sheza Yankee, Kingaroy, Splendaba, Idalia’s Dream
Horses swabbed post-race
All winners, Round Mountain Gal, Mr Bellagio
From Doomben 25.2.17 – Race 8. BEAT STREET – performed disappointingly – official trial – AR. 8(t)
Race 1. CHAYSE ‘N’ MASON – sore across back region – vet clearance – AR. 8(t)
Race 3. KINGAROY (2nd) v. APRILES LUCK (1st) – alleged interference in the home straight - dismissed
Summary of rider changes/Late notifications
Race 1.           SNITZEL’S JOY – B. Panya
Race 4.           SHE SALUTES – J. Orman
Race 5.           COBRA QUICK – B. Pengelly
Race 7.           JOBIWOOD – A. Sewell
Late scratchings
Published subject to correction upon revision