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Sunshine Coast Turf Club

Sunshine Coast Provincial

Sun 30 Apr Good 3


+5m Entire Course


Good 3 Pen 5.5

Nil last 24hrs, 2mm last 7 days



Track conditions update: 1:02AM Monday 01 May
Last Track Rating Update: Finalised 30/4 - 7:45am - Late Rider Race 6 No. 1


Mon 24/04/17 11:00am


Wed 26/04/17 03:00pm


Thu 27/04/17 09:30am


Thu 27/04/17 12:00pm


Sun 30/04/17 07:30am

Late Nominations

Races: 5, 6, 7

SUNDAY, 30 APRIL  2017
WEATHER – FINE              TRACK RATING – GOOD 3       RAIL – 5M           PENETROMETER – 5.45
Chairman of Stewards – J. Williamson
Stewards – I. Brown, K. Daly,  B. Connell
Clerk of Scales –  P. Reardon
Judge – P. Chilton, P. Golley
Veterinarian – A. Murdoch
Swab Attendants – S. Heidke, A. Challen
Starter – R. Hanson
Stewards Secretary – P. Carey
From SCTC, 23.4.17 – Race 8
Apprentice A. Sewell pleaded guilty to a charge under AR137(b) in that he failed to ride ANDARI out to the end of the race.  Apprentice Sewell was subsequently suspended from riding in races for 1 week, to commence at midnight, 3 May and to expire at midnight, 10 May. In determining penalty, stewards were of the opinion that apprentice Sewell’s actions prevented ANDARI from finishing 3rd and were also mindful of his poor record regarding breaches of this rule.
Race 1:   IGA Sunshine Coast QTIS 2yo Maiden Plate  – 1200m
CEDAR FALLS – After being held up in traffic en route to the track, was examined by the veterinary surgeon  and cleared to start. Hampered at the start.   Overraced approaching the 800m and was steadied from heels.
ARISTOCAT – Slow to begin. Hampered shortly after the start, then overraced and had to be checked from heels approaching the 900m.
MISHANI BULLITT – Slow to begin, hampered shortly after the start and, then raced wide until approaching the 700m.  
WIRRAWAY – Began awkwardly and shifted out, bumping CEDAR FALLS.  Overraced passing the 700m.
FORGOTTEN FEELING – Hampered at the start.  Overraced at heels leaving the 1000m.  A post race veterinary examination revealed a small laceration to the off foreleg.
LUNA MISSILE – Steadied from heels after passing the 700m.
I’M SASSY – Laid in under pressure in the early stages of the home straight.
CUBAN SAGA – Raced wide without cover.
HIMALAYAN SALT – When questioned regarding the performance, jockey M. Cahill could offer no explanation. Trainer N. McCall was also at a loss to explain the performance, adding that she would now send the filly for a spell.
Race 2:   IGA Sunshine Coast QTIS 2yo Maiden Plate – 1200m
RELIABLE LASS - Examined by the veterinary surgeon after being held up in traffic en route to the track and cleared to start.  Inconvenienced and forced wider after passing the 1000m.  Laid in under pressure in the early stages of the home straight.
CRUZE – Difficult to load into the barriers.  Trainer B. Lockwood was advised that a warning would be placed on the horse. Slow to begin.  Steadied from heels approaching the 1000m. Raced wide. Jockey B. Pengelly was reprimanded for using his whip more than 5 times prior to the 100m.
WAS AGONA – Raced very greenly throughout the event and near the 1000m shifted out, inconveniencing other runners. Overraced at heels near the 800m before hanging out  when entering the home straight.
LUCKY JACKSON - Inconvenienced and forced wider after passing the 1000m.
SILKY BROWN – Held up rounding the home turn and was disappointed for a run approaching the 300m before having to be steadied.
HOWICK – Laid in under pressure in the home straight. Obliged to race 4 wide without cover throughout.
PORCINI – Raced 3 wide without cover.
MIGHTY MITTERE – Lost near hind plate during the race.
Race 3:  Montrose Therapy And Respite Services Maiden Plate – 1200m
BELIEVE THE DREAM – Declared a late scratching at the barriers after kicking the barriers and suffering a laceration to the near hind leg.
Subsequent to the event all monies invested on the horse were ordered to be refunded with the following deductions applicable.
1 cent in the dollar on the face value of win bets
1 cents in the dollar on the face value of win bets for the place
2 cents in the dollar on the face value of 2nd place bets
2 cents in the dollar on the face value of 3rd place bets
RESET EXPRESS – Significantly slow to begin.
PETRIA’S HEART – Was fractious in the barriers and jumped away awkwardly, losing ground.
WICKED HEIGHTS – Tightened for room at the start and lost ground.
BUNGLE BOORI – Restrained from the barriers in order to take up a position at the tail of the field. Stewards questioned apprentice S. Lacy regarding the tactics she adopted.  Of concern was her lack of vigour to improve into the race from the  600m where it appeared there was opportunity to do so.  Miss Lacy indicated she agreed there was a position inside of RESET EXPRESS, however she indicated she was of the view that RESET EXPRESS may shift in, which it did approaching the 400m, however she accepted that in hindsight taking advantage of this run would have been beneficial.  She also indicated the horse has previously shown a tendency to hang out, and as the horse had commenced to hang out from the 500m, she was reluctant to place further pressure on the horse at this stage of the race.  Stewards will advise Miss Lacy that, in their opinion, she had erred in failing to pressure her horse near the 600m, however given her status as a apprentice jockey, did not take the matter any further.  Miss Lacy advised stewards her mount was doing its best work over the concluding stages.  
MAGIC MIRANDA – Inconvenienced near the 900m and forced wider on the track.
NIGHT WHISPER - Inconvenienced near the 900m and forced wider on the track.
SILENT FLYER – Near the 900m after overracing at heels was directed wider on the track, inconveniencing other runners.
STREETS BETTER – Raced wide and shifted wider near the 700m and raced without cover from that point onwards.
ARTSWAY – Steadied when obliged to race in restricted room near the 700m.
ON OR ABOUT – Held up rounding the home turn. Obliged to alter course after passing the 400m in order to secure clear running.
TANGO YANKEE – Laid in under pressure near the 300m.
ROCK WITH PASSION – Raced wide without cover.
ABOVE EXPECTATIONS – Lost its near hind plate in running. ,
Race 4:  IGA Sunshine Coast Maiden Plate – 1600m
MIAZUMI – Change of tactics. Connections advised that from the wide barrier the horse would be ridden in the second half of the field if circumstances permit. The horse was ridden accordingly whilst wide.
RED BALTER – Slow to begin.
STORMY LEO – Slow to begin.
DATUK ZADRAGON – Tightened for room shortly after the start.
LYRIDS – Tightened for room shortly after the start.
STRIKER THOMAS – Raced ungenerously with its head in the air during the early stages.
NATIONAL JEWEL – Raced wide in the early stages.
DIVISIONAL – Raced wide in the early stages.
WAKE UP VICTA – Inconvenienced by another runner near the 1000m.
JAZZ ADELE – Placed in restricted room rounding the home turn.
COLONEL KELLY – Raced wide without cover.
GLAMOUR BOY – Raced wide.
EXPERTEA – Apprentice M. Murphy was fined $200 for using his whip more than 5 times prior to the 100m.
Race 5:  IGA Sunshine Coast Class 2 H'cap – 1800m
FIRST STIMULUS – Stood flatfooted at the start and lost significant ground.
DUKE DE VEGA – Slow to begin.
CAPTAIN DODGE – Apprentice M. Hellyer was fined $200 for using his whip more than 5 times prior to the 100m.
PORTSEA – Raced 3 wide without cover and was ridden forward to a position outside the lead passing the 800m.
PINOLINO – When asked to comment on the performance of his mount, apprentice A. Sewell indicated that the horse led, as had been the pre-race tactics, and whilst he did not feel that the pace that was being set in the early and middle stages was overly fast. He felt BRIGHTNBREEZY, which had settled to his outside, placed pressure on  his mount, and there was further pressure when PORTSEA improved to the outside of that horse near the 900m.  He indicated that as the horse was having its first start over 1800m, these factors were detrimental to the horse running out the distance.
SICARIO – A post race veterinary examination revealed the horse to be suffering from cardiac arrhythmia. Trainer N. McCall was advised that the horse must trial satisfactorily prior to its next race start and she was further advised that she must provide the results of an ECG prior to trialling.
Race 6:  IGA Sunshine Coast Class 1 H'cap – 1400m
TIME TO SAIL – Stood flatfooted at the start. Had some difficulty obtaining clear running rounding the home turn.
SWIPPA DA MOUSE – Slow to begin.
SAVANNAH ROSE – Held up rounding the home turn and until approaching the 200m.
HIDRIFTER – Raced wide without cover and forced wider near the 700m.
SAKAN – Forced wider near the 700m and raced wide without cover from that point onwards before having to be checked when placed in restricted room near the 500m.  Stewards inquired into this incident and found that SAKAN was placed in restricted room between HIDRIFTER and GENERAL ASSAULT, which appeared to be hanging out. 
SONADOR ANGEL – Had some difficulty obtaining clear running in the early stages of the home straight.
GENERAL ASSAULT –  Apprentice M. McGillivray reported his mount hung out throughout. A post race veterinary examination of GENERAL ASSAULT found the horse to have a laceration to the off side of its mouth.  Stewards advised Mr P. Butterworth, trainer of GENERAL ASSAULT, that the horse would be inspected by the veterinary surgeon prior to its next race start.  
LITTLE BITA LOVE - When questioned regarding its performance, jockey J. Lloyd indicated that the horse had to work hard in the early stages to obtain the lead and, in his opinion, this affected the horse’s overall performance. He was of the view that the horse would be more suited to racing over 1600m where it would be able to lead more easily.

Race 7: IGA Sunshine Coast Class 1 H'cap – 1000m
NIGHTHAWK – Stood flatfooted at the start and lost ground.
JET SUKI – Raced wide without cover.
BROKEN FINGER – Stewards questioned jockey J. Orman in relation to the tactics he adopted, being to steady from the barriers, which were in contrast to the horse’s most recent racing pattern.  He advised he had been instructed to position the horse  in the second half of the field in an attempt to have the horse  finish the race off stronger than at its most recent start.  He added that this appeared to work as the horse improved from the 450m despite being held up for clear running near the 300m and again after passing the 200m and, in his view, was doing its best work over the concluding stages.  Trainer Mr T. Haydon confirmed these instructions.  Stewards issued a reprimand to Mr Haydon in relation to his failure to notify a change of tactics.  
Race 8: IGA Sunshine Coast Benchmark 75 H'cap – 1000m
DREAM OF SLIPS – Trainer B. Herne was fined $100 for failing to produce the Document of Description for the horse. Connections requested that this gelding be declared a non runner on the grounds that they did not believe that the horse had been afforded a fair start.  When considering this application stewards reviewed footage of the start and found that DREAM OF SLIPS reared as the  start was effected and as a result took no further part in the event. Stewards were satisfied that had it not been for the barrier manners of DREAM OF SLIPS the horse was afforded a fair start.  In this incident, jockey N. Seymour suffered an injury to his left leg and was transported to hospital for further treatment. Connections were advised that a warning would be placed on the horse regarding its barrier manners.
PRIMED FOR DESTINY – After being advised by trainer J. Walk that the horse had become fractious in the float en route to the track, underwent a veterinary examination and was cleared to race. Underwent a further veterinary examination at the barriers and was cleared to start.
LE CHEF – Overraced near the 600m.
ONE IN ONE OUT – Had some difficulty securing clear running rounding the home turn.
PRIMED FOR DESTINY – Raced wide without cover.
WIGGLESWORTH – Raced wide without cover.
SIMPLY MING – Broke down after passing the 900m and as a result fell, dislodging apprentice S. Lacy. After being inspected by the veterinary surgeon it was found that SIMPLY MING had suffered a catastrophic fracture to the near foreleg and was euthanased on humane grounds. Apprentice S. Lacy was subsequently transported to hospital after suffering an injury to her right forearm.
Race 9:  IGA Sunshine Coast Class 4 H'cap – 1200m
BARNSLEY – Slow to begin.
HIDDEN ROSE – Held up in the early stages of the home straight.
MURDER OF CROWS – Obliged to race in restricted room from the 700m until approaching the 500m.
NILETTE –Obliged to race in restricted room when overracing from the 700m until approaching the 500m.  Held up in the early stages of the home straight.
PERFORATION – Raced 3 wide without cover.
THREE BEERS PLEASE – Raced 4 wide without cover.
Summary of action concerning licensees
From SCTC.23.4.17
Race 8.           Adam Sewell – A/jockey – Fail to ride mount right out – 1 week – M/n 3.5.17 to m/n 10.5.17 – AR137(a)*
Race 4.           Michael Murphy – A/jockey – Use whip 9 times prior to 100m - $200 – AR137A*
Race 5.           Michael Hellyer – Jockey – Use whip 8 times prior to 100m - $200 – AR137A
Race 8.           Brad Herne – Trainer – Fail to produce Doc. Of Description - $100 – AR59A
Race 2.           Brad Pengelly – Jockey – Use whip 7 times prior to 100m – AR137A*
Race Day injury
S. Lacy – Injured – Transported to hospital. Clearance required
N. Seymour – Injured – Transported to hospital. Clearance required
Summary of action concerning thoroughbred horses
Horses swabbed post-race
All winners, Barnsley
Horses swabbed pre-race
Cruze, Divisional, Mottezuma, Mr Hennessy, Dream Of Slips, Martinelli, Hidden Rose, Red Balter.
Race 2.           Cruze - Difficult to load – Warning.
Race 5.           Sicario – Cardiac arrhythmia – Trial, results of ECG prior to trial
Race 8.           Dream Of Slips – Reared at start - Warning
Summary of rider changes/Late notifications
Late scratchings
Race 3.          Believe The Dream 

Published subject to correction upon revision